Getting to Know You

Marrying Cinderella

I sat awkwardly in the dining table while Heechul and s are talking in the living room (not more than 5 meters away from me). I don’t know exactly what they are talking about, but I have a hunch: me. Heechul’s straight face made me nervous, but Leeteuks jolly-smiley face made me calm down. They were talking in whispers that made me frustrated, sitting alone, waiting for Heechul’s members to go home.

Then, Heechul talked to me.

“Yerin-ah, could you bring us some drinks?” Heechul demanded.

I walked to the refrigerator without a word and took six canned sodas. While the others are busy talking to each other, Leeteuk stood up and helped me bring the sodas to the living room.

“I’m fine; I can do this,” I told him. But Leeteuk simple smiled and took the cans of soda off my hands. He then gave the sodas to s.

“What if the company knew about this secret engagement?” Sungmin asked.

“Then I’ll tell them the truth…” Heechul said after a sigh.

“I thought your hiding this because you don’t want to get kicked-off the company?” Shindong asked. “Hyung, can’t you just tell them now?”

Heechul thought for a minute before answering. “I need more time…”

“Time for what?” Leeteuk asked. Everyone looked interested now, even me.

Heechul looked at me. What could he possibly be thinking at this very moment?

I looked at Yerin and examined her face. Frustration and curiosity are mixed in her pretty face. Then I said, “I need more time to know that girl…” with a straight face.

I looked at Leeteuk. “If I want to tell about Yerin to the company or even to our fans, then what I need to do first is to get to know her. I don’t want people telling me that I am engaged to a girl that I don’t know.”

“But that’s the point of arranged marriage, isn’t it? You don’t know who you are going to be married with. You don’t know their personality…”

Everyone looked at Yerin, surprised that she was still around.

“Sorry…for interrupting,” she said. She slowly walked towards her room.

“Wait,” Leeteuk said, making Yerin turn around. Leeteuk stood up and walked towards Yerin.

Leeteuk walked towards me. What could he possible want from me?

“Yerin-sshi,” he spoke in whispers, “for the sake of that obnoxious guy, will you please introduce yourself to him. What I mean is…please get to know each other. That way he’ll be confident on telling our bosses that he’s engaged.”

I avoided Leeteuk’s gaze and looked at Heechul, straight in the eye. “…hundred days…” I said calmly. “Tell them…”

Heechul rolled his eyes. “Why do they have to know about it?”

YEAH! Why do they have to know about it? Besides, I hate living with you in JUST a hundred days.

“What hundred days?” Donghae asked, looking from me to Yerin then back to me again.

I didn’t want to speak. I want to keep my silence. If I told them that we are only going to be together for a hundred days, then what’s the point on telling them that Yerin is my fiancée?

Yerin is still looking at me, intently hanging on the gaze that made me melted to bits. Then she said, “If you don’t, I will,” she said.

“Fine,” I said calmly, hiding my frustration.

Leeteuk’s gaze is turning back to its vicious look. He must be thinking ‘What other secrets should we know?’ apart from skinning me alive.

“Yerin and I agreed to live only for a hundred days.”

Everyone fell silent. Leeteuk was dismayed, Kangin and Shindong avoided my eyes, Donghae and Sungmin’s heads are bowed down, too scared to say a word. Yerin…well, though she looked calm, but deep down her, I knew that she’s contented.


I woke up with a heavy heart and head. I didn’t feel like going to the company today, especially meeting my members. Leeteuk, that over protective leader! He’s to nosey on everything I do; from a perfectly-planned-nothing-but-crap scandal to my wardrobe and hairstyle. He’s too over-protective…scratch that; he’s too overacting!

 Since I was too bored to not get up, I finally decided to get up. I saw that Yerin was already cooking breakfast when I went out of my room.

“What’s for breakfast?” I asked. She pointed to the dining table which was already half filled with food.

“Where’s my coffee?” I asked. She walked to the coffee machine and took a mug that was already filled with coffee. She walked towards me and gave the mug.

“Aren’t you going to talk to me?” I asked. She kept her silence. “What’s the problem?” I asked again.

But she was still silent. She continued on stirring the fried rice that she was cooking.

Getting full of this silence thing, I yelled out, “YAH! WHAT’S THE PROBLEM?” Yerin finally looked at me obviously started. Honestly, I didn’t know why I yelled like that.

“Nothing’s the matter…” she said, still shocked. Her voice seems hoarse.

“What’s with your voice?” I asked, walking towards her.

I noticed that she was starting to move, little by little, away from me. She must really have been startled by my loud voice. “What’s the matter? Does your throat…”

Heechul grabbed my shoulder. “I won’t bite,” he said.

I finally told him the truth. “My voice gets croaky when I drink soda at past midnight.”

I don’t drink soda at past midnight, or for the past nine months. I have a soda-ban because I have read in a book that sodas just make you thirsty, so does coffee, so I started not drinking those things.

“Oh… you’re throats really rough,” he said, getting curious. “I have a solution to that. Drink hot tea later and don’t talk the rest of the day. It works with me when my throat hurts.” He smiled after his last words.

He sat on one of the chairs. “By the way,” he said, looking back at me. “Sorry for yelling at you.”

“Sorry for not talking…” I tried speaking.

“No…don’t talk. Ssshhhh…” he put his finger over his lips.

We ate breakfast quietly. I was silent for a reason, but it’s too quiet not hearing Heechul whine or argues with me. It’s awkward just hearing dining utensils clanking with each other. Unnoticed, I looked at Heechul as he ate the breakfast I made. I thought I hate my cooking.

“Do you have anything to do tonight?” he asked.

I shook my head. I mouthed “Saturday”.

“Ah…your right, it’s Saturday. Then…let’s have dinner tonight.”

My eyes widened. What’s with the sudden dinner?

“You cook tonight, okay?” he said.

I mouthed “why?” with a curious look on my face. This silent speaking thing weird’s me off.

“Leeteuk told me to get to know you or he’ll beat me to death. Tonight, we’ll have a talk show. I’ll be the host; you’ll be the guest…”

I laughed.

“I’m serious,” he said seriously.

I held an okay sign with my hand, still laughing.

“But if your voice is still hoarse by then… use pen and paper. Ah…ridiculous. I do crazy stuff for Teukki.” He finished his coffee at one gulp and left the table.

So tonight…it ends up…I’m cooking. Genius Heechul.


I came to the company at past 10 in the morning. Everything as normal in the lobby, but was way~ different in the practice room. As I open the door of the practice room, several eyes were looking at me. Leeteuk and my members were sitting in a circle in the middle of the room. Nobody was there except all my members.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“Hyung,” Siwon tapped the floor next to him. “Sit down,” he said with a smile.

I didn’t notice that every one of them were smiling, except for Leeteuk who was too busy hiding his serious face in a sarcastic smile.

“Hyung, why didn’t you tell us?” Siwon asked when my finally met the floor.

“Tell what?” my eyebrow raised.

“About your…” then he whispered, “fianc…”

My eyed widened. “Say it and I’ll kick your .” I looked around before saying, “Not here…”

So…every single one of my members knew that I’m engaged, huh? Fine, so long as they don’t spill my secret or I’ll really kick their butts to pieces. I knew that in time I will have to tell the company and our fans that…that I’m already…with a plus one, but I’m scared that they’ll judge me. How can Kim Heechul just agree to an arranged marriage; it’s completely ironic to my on screen personality!

“Then when will we get to know her?” Siwon asked again.

I thought for a second before answering. “I…don’t know. When she and us are not busy, perhaps.”

“What’s her job?” Siwon asked.

“Yah! Enough with the questions,” I raised an eyebrow. What’s with Siwon today?

Everyone was looking at us now. “Didn’t I told you ‘not here’, or your ears are malfunctioning again?”

“I’m just curious…”Siwon said, letting go of the topic. He turned his head away from me.

That’s right; enough questions! Well, at least not here.

“So…” Leeteuk finally spoke. “How’s the getting-to-know plan going?” he asked.

“We’ll…do that tonight,” I said.

Kangin, Shindong and Eunhyuk snickered. What’s with them?

“YAH! What’s so funny?” I asked, getting a little pissed.

Kangin and Shindong are snickering giddily. “They’ll do it tonight…” they both said, bits off laughter escaped from their mouths.

“YAH! You green minded idiots…” I scolded them. But they still continued on laughing. This time, half of the group is rolling on the floor.


“I’m home,” I said, opening the door of my and Yerin’s apartment.

The scent of steamed rice, grilled chicken and other delicious food waft away my hunger and stress from work. Oh my God, I’m not sticking to my diet tonight.

“Oh…you’re here,” Yerin peeked from the living room. “Dinner’s almost ready,” she told me.

As I enter the kitchen, the smell of food awakened my sense. I want to eat now!

“You’re voice is fine now, so I hear. Good job…”

Good job? That’s new. Good job for not saying a word the whole day and rotting the saliva in my mouth, thanks for your excellent advice. But anyway…

“Thanks for the advice,” I told him. Evidently now, I brushed my teeth.

“Don’t mention it.” He sat in one of the chairs in the dining table and stared at the grilled chicken and the vegetable salad.

“Did I do a nice job?”  I asked him.

Still staring at the food, he said, “It’s…okay.”

OKAY? Is that all you’re going to say? I slaved here in the kitchen for hours just to prepare you food and all you say is ‘OKAY’? Kim Heechul, are you kidding me? You’re obviously salivating.

I stared at him.

“What?” he asked. “Is there a problem?” he raised his voice higher.

I pouted, and shook my head. “Nothing…” I said, and continued on cooking the kimchi stew.


“Who goes first?” I asked. We both established that, as we eat, we’ll both ask questions about each other.

“You, of course,” Heechul said, matter-of-factly, after swallowing a piece of chicken. “Honestly, don’t you know about me? I’m a Super Junior, for goodness sake…”

“Actually…I don’t know you guys. I know you music, but I don’t know the members; except for your faces… and stage names, perhaps.”

Heechul’s eyes are as wide as a plate. “WHAT!”

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Chapter 37: KYAAAAAA!!!!!! This chapter is so SWEET! I hope Yerin would be introduced to the whole SM Family. XD
jam_9445 #2
Chapter 37: Wow it has been super long since I read super junior, most specificly Heechul, fanfics!! Ahh what a nice way to get reconnected with them! I know Im late to review(understatement^^) but better late then never huh! You too seem to be on a break huh..Hehe;)
Sweet chapter! Finally she confessed and they kissed!! But wasnt it weird with all the SJ members watching them?? I bet Heenim's gonna get teased quite a bit! But all in all a good chapter!! All the best best with the next update!!:))
adys88 #3
crinazelda #5
Ohohohohoho~ boohoo. I'm losing subscribers? ..the hell? That's too bad. I guess the long hiatus backfired. In the face! Well, I hope I'll gain some again.
alrevilla #6
Chapter 37: I've been waiting for this update for sooooo long!!! Waaaah!!! So happy! So love the flyff. I miss thiiiiis
Chapter 37: The date was really romantic especially because of the dance & also the kiss they shared! Super Junior & also Sunhwa did a good job on planning the date and also on preparing it! really like your update so will surely wait for your next update! update soon :)
crinazelda #8
Who's reading right now? No comments??? :(
They say curiousity kills the cat, but I'm not a cat, so....I wanna know, how soon is soon? Author-nim~~~~~~
ps. you're forgiven....when you update this story. ^^
crinazelda #10
SOON! I don't know when, precisely, I will update. All I can say is SOON! Sorry my dear readers.