The Big Reveal

Marrying Cinderella

“I’ll be back at 11,” Heechul said, making his way out of the apartment.

Heechul wore his usual “celebrity” outfit, which is no doubt great looking on him. Although there’s still a bandage on his forehead, he still quite looks the same. His cold expression is still stuck on his face, just beneath a big, dark-rimmed sunglass. His coat completed the praise-me-I’m-great looking attire, and he was set to go.

“Okay,” I said, walking just behind him to the front door.

Heechul stopped on his steps. He turned around and looked at me. With his cold expression, plus the mystery added by the sunglasses, I wasn’t quite sure what’s going on his head; what’s he going to say.

“Are you…” he started, but hesitated halfway.

I looked at him, curious at his next words. I tilted my head to the right. “What?” I asked. Something smells fishy.

“Are you going to have lunch with the Jun guy?” he asked.

I’m officially dumbstruck in my white pajamas. It’s still 7 in the morning and I’m hearing such random things.

“I’ll think about it,” I said, being honest.

Come to think of it, Heechul’s the only one freaking out with this lunch meeting. It doesn’t mean anything to me; it’s just lunch. But Heechul here, what a paranoid! He thinks that Jun will fall for me in just one lunch meeting. Psssh, like that’s going to happen.

Heechul took of his glasses. His eyes darted straight to mine. “If that guy calls and ask you out for a date, tell me okay?”

“You are crazy,” I said, pushing his shoulder.

“I’m serious,” he said.

“Heechul, Jun is just my friend. Can’t you just believe me and go,” I said, pointing to the door.


“Fine; I’ll call.”

Finally, he smiled. He turned to the door and turned the knob, making his way out in the corridor.

I closed the door behind me, walking back to the living room. I jumped in the gray leather couch and closed my eyes.

“What have I done?” I mumbled.

Yes, what have I done? What I have I done with Heechul to make him act like an idiot? He’s totally out of his mind. Is he really for real? Does he really like me? Love me? I really can’t tell. To me, it’s just like some sort of a hidden camera show entitled, “MAKE SHIN YERIN FALL IN LOVE WITH ME,” and Heechul is the bait. It scares me whenever he put on his romantic-possessive act. Cold and creepy Heechul is definitely more comfortable to be with.

I tiredly stretched out in the couch, loosening the stress away. Maybe I should sleep more; sleep the craziness away, and wake up to a bright start later.


Outside Shin Tower, a white van was parked a few meters from the entrance of the building. I instantly knew it was my ride. Manager-hyung opened the van’s door for me and I came inside quickly. To my surprise, Leeteuk was inside, yet again wearing a white shirt, a sunglass and a tired look on his face, busily playing with his phone. I sat next to him.

“To the hospital,” manager told the driver once he got back to the passenger seat again, and the driver stepped on it.

“It’s a miracle? Did you lose a bet?” I said, looking at Leeteuk.

“What do you mean?” he asked, looking confused.

“Usually, this early in the morning, you’d still be snoring and salivating on your pillow. What happened?” I said with a bemused smirk on my face.

Leeteuk looked at manager. “Can I kick his , just this one time?” he said, getting annoyed. He looked at me this time and said, “Quit it, will you?”

I continued to smirk and look straight ahead on the road.

“Are you coming with me to the hospital?” I asked Leeteuk.

“Would you rather have me home then?” he said sarcastically. “Should I head home?”

Manager-hyung let out a laugh. “You guys can’t seriously grow up. You’re still the hot headed kids that debuted as artists. Why in the world did President Lee let you guys debut?” he said with a giggle.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I answered him. “It’s too bad if the world didn’t see this gorgeous face of mine. It will be a shame hiding this to the world,” I said, touching my face.

“Yeah, that face that had just been crushed some days ago. Ha!” Leeteuk said in joy, looking at his phone.

I looked at him. I want to peel him alive!

“Stop it,” manager-hyung said. “Before blood is shed.”

I looked outside, resting my head on the headrest slowly and gently.

“Heechul, after the check-up, both you and Leeteuk should come with me to the company,” manager-hyung said all of a sudden.

“Why should he come?” Leeteuk asked.

“I’m an artist in the same entertainment company,” I said, “can’t I come?”

“Stop your bickering, you two,” manager turn to both of us. “Honestly.”

I don’t know why but I think it’s the right time to bicker with Leeteuk today. It’s even more fun when manager-hyung gets in between. Haha!

I looked at manager and asked, “Is there a problem? I thought I’m free from schedules ‘til next week.”

“Actually, there is,” manager said with a serious look on his face.

“What?” I asked, sharing the same serious look.

“Somehow, President knew that you’re not staying in the dorms for some time now. I promised to both you and Yerin that I’m not going to say anything to the company so I really can’t tell him the truth, can I?”

My world fell. If the President knew that I’m staying with Yerin, my career will fall down with me. What am I going to do?

“Why do I have to come?” Leeteuk asked.

“You’re the leader, aren’t you?” manager-hyung said, a bit annoyed. “The President wants to know why you’re letting this one slip away.”

I look at Leeteuk, and he looked at me. Both of us are burdened from this serious yet simple mistake. Yerin will be at stake here. No, Yerin and my career will be at stake. I don’t want to lose both of them. My life is my career, but Yerin is starting to be one of the most important things in my life. I don’t want to lose either one.

Leeteuk looked at manager. “How did the President knew anyway?”

A slight smirk formed on manager’s lips. “Ask you’re group members. Someone must have spilled the beans somewhere, somehow.”

Manager looked at me. “Will you be ready if President knew about Yerin? Will you tell him the truth?”

Will I tell the truth? That’s a really hard question.

I stared outside, seeing the buildings we pass by. I wasn’t in the mood again. Last night, Yerin and I got into a small fight. Me and my big mouth caused it. Why do I have to be jealous? Too jealous, if I may say.

I thought I’ll be giving a ring to Yerin…

The ring…the couple ring… will I be able to buy one?


After the check-up, we immediately go to SM. I was heavy-hearted all the while inside the fast-moving car. Can’t the driver drive slower? I think I’ll have heart attack; not with the fast driving, but with the fast arriving. Sheesh, I’m doomed.

The car was parked in front of the building. I stepped out of the car first before Leeteuk. I wish my feet are stuck to the ground, so that I may not see the President. President Lee can be intimidating if he wants to. That’s what I’m afraid of.

All this time, all that President Lee wants is our (SM Town) careers to be soaring high. If we have to set aside relationships, so be it. But this time, I’m the one pulling me down. Me and my loving heart. I guess when you’re in love, your brain doesn’t function much, just the heart. That’s what I said before, love makes you stupid.

Manager-hyung literally pulled me inside the company building’s lobby. I looked ridiculous with manager-hyung pulling me inside.

“Let go,” I whispered to him.

And he did.

The three of us walked to the elevator, heading for the fourth floor of the building, where President Lee’s office is. I wish there is some sort of diversion…

“Oppa!” a girl shouted before us.

We stopped just in front of the elevator. A girl in a red shirt and a sweat pants greeted us with a smile. She was walking towards us.

“Oh, Sunny,” Leeteuk said, smiling. “Hello.”

“Are you going to President’s office?” she asked.

I looked stunned. “How did you know?”

“He told us just now that if someone sees one of you,” she said, pointing at me and Leeteuk, “to tell you guys that President is at the conference room, waiting for you. Why, do you guys have a problem?” she asked, looking intrigued.

“No, nothing,” Leeteuk said with a smile.

Leeteuk looked at me. “We should go, don’t we?”

Again, I wished I melted on the spot. I don’t want to meet the boss; I’ll be toasted.

The conference room is on the second floor. Manager-hyung pushed me inside the elevator. Leeteuk came inside with a serious look on his face.

“I’m doomed,” I whispered.

“You are? What about me?” he said, looking frustrated. “I’ll be yelled at, probably.”

The elevator stopped at the second floor, opening its doors slowly. Everything to me moved in slow motion, as if time was playing with me. But then, in just a few steps, we were in front of the conference room.

My heart beat faster that it should be. Manager-hyung and Leeteuk have both stern faces. I guess both of them are nervous as well.

Leeteuk turned the knob of the conference room slowly. Gosh, I wish to run for my life. I want to go home and stay home. I want to see Yerin, even for the last time. This is going to be…


A blast of confetti disturbed my thoughts. Smiling faces of Shinee, F(x), Girls’ Generation, and Super Junior in either casual or practice clothes, greeted me. Leeteuk tapped my shoulder; turns out, he too was smiling as well.

“Congratulations, Heenim!” they all shouted.

Everyone was smiling at me.

“What’s going on?” I asked manager-hyung that was standing beside me.

“Yah, Kim Heechul!” President shouted from the far corner of the room, wearing his famous glasses, a collared shirt and a smile on his face. “What the hell were you thinking?”

“What do you mean?” I asked. Leeteuk pushed me, telling me to go and talk to the President.

I walked rather slowly; this surprise surely is not sinking in. What is this all about? I walked passed members of Girls’ Generation and Super Junior, all of them saying “Congratulations”.

“How long do you think you can hide this from me?” President Lee asked, smiling.

This smile can’t be right. He’s supposed to yell at me, threaten me with “DO YOU WANT TO LOSE YOUR JOB!” This is not logical.

“Yah, Kim Heechul, your engaged and you’re hiding this to me. I should be the one who should know first,” President Lee said, reaching for my hand and shaking it. This hand shake is not logical either.

Then, who told him? I turned around and send death glares to my members. “Come on, tell me. who’s the idiot that caused this?”

“No other than…” Eunhyuk said, holding his breath for a dramatic reveal. “…Big mouth Leeteuk, Park Junsu!” he said, clapping. And the rest of the people inside clapped along too.

I look at Leeteuk, his annoying smile stuck on his face. “Why, you idi…”

But he just smiled and clapped. “Congratulations, Heechul!”

“I’ll kill you later,” I whispered to myself.

“Heechul,” President Lee said, catching my attention. “How could you hide this from us?”

“I thought… if I tell you… you’d kick me off the company.”

President Lee laughed. “What?”

“You don’t agree to my engagement, do you?” I asked.

“Kim Heechul, would I be here if I disagree. Honestly, I’m glad about your engagement.” President Lee kept his smiling eyes on me. Gosh, this is unpredictable.


Everyone except me, Leeteuk and President Lee were left in the conference room now, chatting about my engagement. The rest went to the practice rooms.

“Heechul, you already have a mark in the entertainment industry. Why in the world would you think you getting married will pull your career down?” President Lee said.

The three of us sat on the chairs around the long conference table. Coffee was sent a while ago, but I don’t think I can drink it, thinking that my nervousness will go worse.

“But…” I started, pausing for a while and said, “that is my initial thought. And I thought the management will not agree to this engagement.”

“Tsk. Where did you ever get that idea?” President Lee asked.

“You said so yourself.”

“Well, that was when you guys debuted. I just wanted you guys to focus on your career first, since that should be your priority once you got in the entertainment business. Beside, you guys are aging along in the industry. You’re not thinking of finding your better half once you hit 50, are you?”

Leeteuk and I both shook our heads.

“Then, go with what your heart says. The company will always be behind your backs. You guys are old enough to know what’s good for you, right?”

I nodded.

“You guys can go. Leeteuk, you can head to your schedule. Heechul, you can head home to your…wife.”

Wife. My beautiful and kind wife.

Leeteuk stood up, but I stayed still on my chair.

“Is there a problem?” President Lee asked when he saw that I am not moving.

“I have to tell you something,” I said.

Leeteuk stopped on his pace too intrigued to hear what I’m going to say.

“Yerin, my ‘wife’, had this agreement.”

President Lee didn’t say a word; he looked at me and waited.

“We have to live together in a hundred days. After that Yerin will decide if she’s going to marry me or not, but she still can’t decide if she’s going to marry me.”

“What are you talking about?” President Lee asked. “You mean…it’s just an arrange marriage.”

President Lee looked at Leeteuk. “Leeteuk-ah, I think you missed a little information,” he said with a smirk on his face. He then looked at me and said, “Go on.”

“But honest to God, I want to marry her. I love her…”

My voice trailed away, like never really wanted to tell it out loud, but my heart is bursting out yelling “I LOVE YOU YERIN!”

“Then what are you waiting for, Kim Heechul?” President Lee said. “Go woo that girl, whatever it takes.”

Leeteuk smiled quietly on the end of the table. I stood up and bowed at President Lee, with a wide grin on my face. This, I guess, is the encouragement I needed. Now that the company is behind me cheering me on, what’s going to stop me?

I headed for the door, with Leeteuk beside me, holding my shoulder.

“Heechul,” President said, stopping me and Leeteuk from our steps.

“When are you going to tell your fans about it?”

The fans…

“Coming soon.” I said with a smile.





Don't forget to comment alright? ~Crina

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Chapter 37: KYAAAAAA!!!!!! This chapter is so SWEET! I hope Yerin would be introduced to the whole SM Family. XD
jam_9445 #2
Chapter 37: Wow it has been super long since I read super junior, most specificly Heechul, fanfics!! Ahh what a nice way to get reconnected with them! I know Im late to review(understatement^^) but better late then never huh! You too seem to be on a break huh..Hehe;)
Sweet chapter! Finally she confessed and they kissed!! But wasnt it weird with all the SJ members watching them?? I bet Heenim's gonna get teased quite a bit! But all in all a good chapter!! All the best best with the next update!!:))
adys88 #3
crinazelda #5
Ohohohohoho~ boohoo. I'm losing subscribers? ..the hell? That's too bad. I guess the long hiatus backfired. In the face! Well, I hope I'll gain some again.
alrevilla #6
Chapter 37: I've been waiting for this update for sooooo long!!! Waaaah!!! So happy! So love the flyff. I miss thiiiiis
Chapter 37: The date was really romantic especially because of the dance & also the kiss they shared! Super Junior & also Sunhwa did a good job on planning the date and also on preparing it! really like your update so will surely wait for your next update! update soon :)
crinazelda #8
Who's reading right now? No comments??? :(
They say curiousity kills the cat, but I'm not a cat, so....I wanna know, how soon is soon? Author-nim~~~~~~
ps. you're forgiven....when you update this story. ^^
crinazelda #10
SOON! I don't know when, precisely, I will update. All I can say is SOON! Sorry my dear readers.