To Pass or not To Pass?

Marrying Cinderella

A/N: Guys, can you tell if the text is in bold or regular text style? Should I put in [Heechul's POV/ Yerin's POV] before their POV's or not. I want to know~

On with the story...


I got up early, not minding the 4-hour sleep. I was excited, at the same time nervous, about the interview later today. I’m really hoping I’ll do well. This is it, the most awaited moment. I will pass this interview!

I don’t know what Heechul’s doing right now, but I think he’s doing fine. He even sent me a message saying he’ll be cheering for me. I replied with a smiley.

I can feel the excitement even when I was picking my clothes. Okay, beforehand, I picked something “professional” looking: black blazer (firmly pressed, super professional), blue blouse (just picked blue because I can feel the luck aura in it, not to mention it’s Super Junior’s color), black slacks (firmly pressed again), and a sort of a dark gray pumps (I don’t know why I picked that, just out of nowhere). I laid it on my bed and starred at it for a bit before going to the kitchen.

As I was cooking breakfast, my phone rang. I look at the caller ID, and it says “Cinderella”.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Good morning, Teacher Shin!” Heechul greeted in utter excitement.

I held the phone a bit back. “What did you eat!” I said, annoyed. “Get rid of chocolates, okay? You’re just having sugar rush.”

“No, Yerin rush!” he shouted again, this time with aegyo.

“Sheesh!” I exclaimed, although I must say, it was cute. I smiled.


“You’re annoying…and hyper!” I said, putting toasted bread on a plate. “You better rest.”

“Oh, she’s concerned…” Heechul said giddily.

“Of course I am!” I said in annoyance. “You just had a car accident, let me remind you.”

Heechul laughed. “Anyway, good luck.” He sounded serious.


Both of us were silent for a while, just hearing each other’s breathing. I was putting the sunny-side up on the same plate with my toast and put it on the counter. Heechul’s breathing was in rhythm with mine.

“What?” I asked.

“What do you mean what?” he asked.

“What are you waiting for?” I asked. “Can’t you just drop the call and take a rest?”

“I don’t want to…” he said with seriousness on his voice. “I want to hear your voice, so speak more.”

“Kim Heechul…” I said, wanting to nag at him but…

“Ah, that feels great. Hearing you say my name is so good…” he said, trying to sound playful.  “Say some more…”

“You are crazy,” I said.

He laughed. “Alright. Then, you better take your breakfast, and eat well.”

“I will…”

“And do well on your interview…”

“Of course, Kim Heechul is cheering me up. How on earth can I fail?” I laughed.

“How on earth can I fail?” she said, and then laughed.

 That’s it Shin Yerin, cheer up and do well. Follow your heart and your dream; I will always be one step behind you, supporting and cheering for you all the way.

“Alright,” I said, “do well. And come here after you interview, alright?”

“Okay, Cinderella.” She cut the call.

Huh? Cinderella? Nice…


I am on my way to Kyeonghee. I drove carefully (Heechul’s car accident was still fresh in my mind) my red car. It took fifteen minutes for me to drive from Shin Towers to Kyeonghee. But it felt twice the time of getting there. Yes, I was nervous, but excited at the same time. I probably am trembling.

I parked the car at the parking space near a big white building with gold lettering on the entrance arch, which reads “ENGLISH ACADEME”. The letter that was sent to me said that I should go to the office of Mrs. Kang, Head of the English Academe of Kyonghee. I don’t know who she is, but nevertheless, I’m will not be intimidated by her questions. I will stand my ground and be myself, as I should be.

I entered the building and welcomed me is a big hall with some students passing by. The hall was big and white-tiled with a high ceiling and a chandelier. A bulletin board with announcements pinned to it on my right, the same to my left.

“Excuse me,” a security guard said, “are you looking for someone?” he asked.

“Yes, I am looking for the office of…Mrs. Kang,” I said, speaking professionally, but waivered when I said the name.

“Oh, Academe Head’s office is that way,” he said, pointing to the hallway to my right, next to the bulletin board. “The last door on your right will be her office.”

“Thank you,” I replied.

I walked to the corridor quickly, but my heart is thumping wildly. A few more steps and I will be facing my biggest break. I will pass this interview.

At last, I was in front of Academe Head Kang’s office. Officially, I’m trembling. In nervousness? In excitement? In failure? I don’t really know.

I knocked on the door, and a soft voice of a woman said, “Come in.”

When I opened the door, a woman with short curly, black hair, shuffling busily the paper in front of her welcomed me. She didn’t raise her head to see who the guest is, but still continued to sort out the documents in front of her.

When she said, “Please sit down,” I came closer, greeted and bowed, and sat at the chair on the left of her table.

“OMO~” I said, when I finally saw her face.

She raised her head, looked and gave me a smile.

“Auntie Soonmi?” I asked. I randomly looked at the wall with loads of certificate mounted to it and read the name on one of them. One of the largest certificates bears the name “KANG SOON MI”.

“How are you, Yerin-ah?” she asked with a sweet smile on her lovely face.

“Oh my gosh… I didn’t know…” I was out of words. I continued to stare at her.

“You’re quite shocked, I see?” she said. “Yes, I am the head of the academe.”

Kang Soon Mi, a.k.a my mother’s childhood friend, is the head of the English Academe of Kyeonghee. Gosh, fate must be playing with me.

“I’m surprised, I don’t know what to say,” I said, still out of words.

“You look wonderful, my dear,” she said, walking around her table and sitting on the chair opposite me.

“Thank you…wow. I’m still freaking out that it’s you. I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

True, I haven’t my mother’s best friend for a long time, because she was too busy with her work as a teacher in a little known university called HARVARD! No wonder she’s the head now. She’s a great teacher and a great leader. She also became a well know spokesperson for the United Nations. But…

“How come I didn’t know you were coming back?” I asked, starring at her. “Does mom know?”

“Oh, I sent her an email but it was a total blur. I still haven’t seen her.” She laughed. “Well, I’m glad to see you.”

“So do I. I mean, I am here for the interview but, this is such a pleasant surprise.”

“Oh, the interview,” she said, getting a bit serious. She stood up and went back to her spot a while ago and took a folder from her drawer. “I saw your credentials,” she said, shaking the folder. “According to your records, you are quite the intellect.”

“Thank you,” I replied with a smile.

She sat on the chair on the back of her desk. “Yerin, I reviewed and re-reviewed your records, but I see that you are only teaching for a short time in a high school, am I right?” she asked.

“Yes,” I replied, “I am teaching at Song High School for three years as an English teacher.” I was in the interview mode now. I spoke professionally, like forgetting that the woman in front of me is a close family friend.

“Yerin, I know that you are a good teacher, just like your mother, but the records are turning on to you. You have to at least be teaching English for at least 5 years. I’m sorry but this is not your time to teach at Kyeonghee.”

My world fell. And I almost feel, literally, to the office floor. I starred at Auntie Soon Mi, not believing what I heard.

“Yerin, your qualifications are high, and I know that you are a great English speaker, but the time of your experience outside of this academe is not acceptable. I’m sorry,” she said, sympathy in her voice.

“Then…why did you contact me if I’m not qualified?” I asked with my voice a bit broken.

“I don’t know as well. There must have been some mistake. Actually I was happy to have read your name on the list of qualifiers but your record cannot pass the qualifications.” She paused before saying, “I’m sorry dear.”

She stood up and went beside me. She took my hand and held tight. “Stand up,” she ordered, and I obediently followed.

I looked at her motherly eyes. “Yerin, this time, you may not qualify. But come back in a couple of years and I assure you that, whoever gets to interview you at that time, if it’s going to be me or someone else, I’m sure that you’ll be hired. It will be such a waste to let go of someone as good and smart as you. This is not the end so cheer up.”

She’s right. My resume , but I’ll definitely come back. This is not a hindrance, this is just a detour; a detour I have to overcome, and I WILL overcome it. I’ll come back and I’ll take my place as a teacher here, no matter what.

I smiled a genuine smile. This is not the end.

“That’s right, keep smiling that gorgeous smile.” She smiled with me, and my broken heart was mended again, but melted away in the sweetness of the woman’s smile in front of me. “Are you okay?” she asked.

“I’m great,” I answered. “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. And you said so yourself, this is not the end.”

“Definitely,” she answered.

The phone on the right-hand corner of the desk rang. Auntie let go of my hand and ran to answer the phone. “Hello…” she answered.

The whole time that she was talking to the phone, I was busy looking at the frames after frames that were mounted on the wall. There was a certificate from England, France, Spain, Japan, and of course Korea for being a spokes person, or a speaker of an event or something. Then, one frame got my attention. On the far corner of the wall mounted a frame that has a picture of a handsome young man, smiling from ear to ear and wearing a black toga and holding a diploma in his hand. I immediately recognized the guy.

“…okay, take care. Goodbye…” Auntie Soonmi said. I looked at her.

She put the phone down and looked at me. “That was Jun,” she said.

Jun is Auntie Soonmi’s only child. Jun is the handsome young man in the picture. We were instant friends when we met, but were not in contact anymore after he moved to California to study. Until now, he didn’t come back.

“He’s coming to Seoul next week,” Auntie Soonmi told me.


I sat on the bed, completely tired at being bored. I hope Yerin is here to cheer me up. NO, KIM HEECHUL! Wait, okay? She’s in an important interview.

Then, the door of my hospital room opened.

“How are you doing?” greeted Leeteuk, with fast-food take out in his hand. “I brought food.”

“Give it here,” I commanded. “Hospital food is tasteless.”

Leeteuk walked towards me, wearing a white cardigan over a white shirt and dark jeans, and gave the take out to me. Honestly, what is with Leeteuk and the color white? I grab the first thing on the plastic bag and took out a hamburger.

“Thanks,” I said without looking at Leeteuk who was sitting next to me on the bed.

“Hey, where’s Yerin?” he asked.

“Why?” I asked back. I took a bite on the hamburger and my boredom completely melted away.

“I’m just asking,” Leeteuk said.

I swallowed what was on my mouth before answering, “She’s in an interview.”

“Interview? You mean the Kyeonghee interview?” He was surprised, as he was almost yelling to my ear.

“YAH! Shut your mouth.” I continued to eat.

“I’m calling her,” Leeteuk said, taking the phone out of his pocket. He started dialing, when I snatched the phone out of his hand.

“Are you crazy? Don’t disturb her, alright?” I said, getting annoyed.

“Oh, right. I might disturb her.” Yeah, thanks for stating the supposed to be obvious fact.

“So, what were you doing?” Leeteuk asked.

“Bring myself to death. Honestly, nothing’s good on TV.” The TV is a complete annoyance. I can’t find a decent channel to watch. “I even forced myself to watch Ppo Ppo Ppo a while ago.”

Leeteuk laughed his immortal laugh, you know that Ang~ Ang~ laugh. Terrible!

I focused on my food, while Leeteuk snatched the TV remote to check the channels again. Leeteuk stopped on an English sports channel broadcasting a soccer match.

“I thought there’s nothing good on?” he asked, looking at me.

“That was not on a while ago,” I said, getting engrossed on the match.


Leeteuk stayed at the hospital for almost an hour. His excuse was he doesn’t have a schedule and he wants to have “quality” time with me. SHEESH! I wish Yerin was her so that I can “kick him out” of this room.

Then, my phone rang, showing Yerin’s caller ID.

“Yerin-ah,” I answered.

Leeteuk, who was now sitting on a chair opposite the TV on the corner of the room, looked at me smiling, looking interested. He lowered the volume of the TV to hear my conversation with Yerin.

“What do you want to eat?” she asked immediately. “I’m at home. I’ll cook something up before going there.”

“Oh, Leeteuk brought some burgers, but I’ll eat whatever you cook.” I can’t wipe the smile on my face.

“Leeteuk’s there?” she asked.

“Yup, still,” I said, giving death glares at Leeteuk. “I’m glad the interview’s over. Now, you can come here. Come quickly.”

“Oh, about the interview…”

“It went great, right? Tell me the details, Kyeonghee Teacher Shin,” I said, trying some aegyo. Leeteuk was acting like he was vomiting. Ignore it, Kim Heechul, ignore it, or else you lose.

“I didn’t get the job.”

“WHAT!” I yelled.

“I didn’t pass…” she said, sort of confidently.

“Tell me everything,” I said in a serious tone. “What happened?”

“I tell them later. I’ll just cook something up and I’ll be there.”

Yerin cut the call.

“What did she said?” Leeteuk asked.

But I was too occupied on what Yerin said. She…didn’t… pass… HOW ON EARTH?





Okay, don't kill me. I couldn't update last time because of headache.frown But, here it is, UPDATED GUYS!yes

Since it's exactly 12:00 AM on my clock, I'm too tired to proof read. Well, i know you got used to it, right? Hahaha! laugh

I want to know what you think, guys: about Jun, the interview, about what Heechul's reaction's gonna be.


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Chapter 37: KYAAAAAA!!!!!! This chapter is so SWEET! I hope Yerin would be introduced to the whole SM Family. XD
jam_9445 #2
Chapter 37: Wow it has been super long since I read super junior, most specificly Heechul, fanfics!! Ahh what a nice way to get reconnected with them! I know Im late to review(understatement^^) but better late then never huh! You too seem to be on a break huh..Hehe;)
Sweet chapter! Finally she confessed and they kissed!! But wasnt it weird with all the SJ members watching them?? I bet Heenim's gonna get teased quite a bit! But all in all a good chapter!! All the best best with the next update!!:))
adys88 #3
crinazelda #5
Ohohohohoho~ boohoo. I'm losing subscribers? ..the hell? That's too bad. I guess the long hiatus backfired. In the face! Well, I hope I'll gain some again.
alrevilla #6
Chapter 37: I've been waiting for this update for sooooo long!!! Waaaah!!! So happy! So love the flyff. I miss thiiiiis
Chapter 37: The date was really romantic especially because of the dance & also the kiss they shared! Super Junior & also Sunhwa did a good job on planning the date and also on preparing it! really like your update so will surely wait for your next update! update soon :)
crinazelda #8
Who's reading right now? No comments??? :(
They say curiousity kills the cat, but I'm not a cat, so....I wanna know, how soon is soon? Author-nim~~~~~~
ps. you're forgiven....when you update this story. ^^
crinazelda #10
SOON! I don't know when, precisely, I will update. All I can say is SOON! Sorry my dear readers.