More Confessions

Marrying Cinderella

“Good morning,” Yerin greeted with a smile.

How come that this woman that just got rejected from her dream job can smile this widely, cooked food, and had the energy to come to the hospital. She must have gone insane.

Yerin came in the room in casual clothing: a yellow blouse and simple, fitted jeans. As promised, she did bring with her packed lunch.

“Yerin-sshi,” Leeteuk stood up from his seat, bowed and greeted, “Good morning.”

I was silent, just looking at her still, wondering why she is okay all this time.

“Heechul-sshi, are you alright?” Yerin asked, looking at me confused. “I brought lunch,” she said, waving the lunch that she prepared.

I stayed silent. Leeteuk too was confused why I am acting like this.

“He’s not like that a while ago,” he told Yerin. “Just now, he wished to kill me.”

Yerin walked to the table beside my bed and put the lunch on top of it. Yerin looked at me straight in the eyes and asked again, “Are you alright?”

“I should be asking that. Are YOU alright?” I asked, concerned.

Yerin smiled. “Of course I’m alright,” she said, not looking away.

“But, Kyeonghee…”

“What? You didn’t get the job?” Leeteuk butted in. “Why Yerin-sshi?”

That is perfectly my question. Why on earth didn’t she get the job?

“I wasn’t qualified to teach…”

“But…” I cut in.

“…just yet. I didn’t qualify because I lack experience.”

I was still confused. “Lack experience? But you’re a good teacher, right? You can ace this no matter what, right?”

“Yes, I qualify in that matter. The interviewer even acknowledged my credentials. It’s just that I have to have a 5 year experience in teaching, that’s all.”

“So you mean you still can have the job?” I asked.

Yerin smiled. “Of course. I am not quitting until I get that job in Kyeonghee. What’s a 2 more year teaching in high school? It’s just a piece of cake.” She started to giggle, forgetting her worries and rejection.

“So, you’re fine?” I asked one more time.

“Yes, I’m fine,” she assured. “All I’m looking forward to right now is the 2 more year of teaching in high school and… living with you.”

Me? Me. ME! Oh God, she’s looking forward to living with me.

“Although we only have, I don’t know, a few more weeks until…” she paused, and looked at me.

So, she still thinks about the hundred days. Honestly, my heart just broke. I didn’t know how to mend it. I just kept on staring at her. Yerin and I were both in silence after that, forgetting that Leeteuk was still in the room.

Leeteuk’s phone rang, disturbing the silence in the room. He answered it.

“Hello,” he said.

There was a lot of “Okay,” and “Right,” before cut the call.

“I have to go,” Leeteuk said. FINALLY, he’s going home. “Manager-hyung just called and I have to go to the company.”

“Oh, well…” Yerin started, “that’s too bad. We’ll I guess I’ll see next time.”

“Of course,” Leeteuk said, smiling. Leeteuk pointed at me and said, “Take care of him, alright?”

Yerin smiled and nodded. She waved goodbye to Leeteuk and annoying Leader was gone.

Yerin unpacked the lunch she brought and offered me some. She cooked loads and packed it in a large container. I didn’t know what to choose first, but I was still hesitant to take even just one piece of the kimbap.

“Don’t you want to eat?” she asked a bit unhappy.

“No, I want to, but first, I have to ask you something,” I said, looking at her. I tapped the mattress, telling her to sit on it. And she did as I ask her to, and sat on the bed next to me, looking at me, puzzled.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Are we still on with the hundred day agreement?”

“Are we still on with the hundred day agreement?” he asked.

Honestly, I am still looking forward on ending the agreement.

“But didn’t we agree to see how things will go after the hundred days and then, after that, we’ll both decide what to do,” I said.

Heechul was silent, looking at me; looking at me as if he’s trying to find the right answer to his question.

“Heechul, I’m still not ready to get married. This hundred day proposal is because of the engagement, but it doesn’t mean I am willingly saying yes to getting married. I have to say that I started to get fond of you somewhere before until now, but it doesn’t mean I want to marry you.”

Heechul looked away and said, “But…I want to stay with you.”

“I know you do,” I said, and he looked back at me. “You even confessed, remember?” I smiled.

“Yerin, I’m serious when I say I want to be with you…forever.”

FOREVER? Wow! That was big.

“For…ever…” I whispered.

“Yes. I don’t want a hundred days, I don’t want a thousand days, I want forever.”

Wow! This is way more than what he confessed before. I’m in shock.

Heechul took my hand and held it tight. “I know we met with a rough start but… I want you. I want you more than you can imagine. I want to love you…”

“Wait…” I cut his words. “That’s way too much. I can’t process this…”

“Yerin,” he said, “can you love me back after the hundred days end? Will you?”





This is just a short update, but nevertheless, i hope you like it. Thank you for reading. I'll probably update again later.


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Chapter 37: KYAAAAAA!!!!!! This chapter is so SWEET! I hope Yerin would be introduced to the whole SM Family. XD
jam_9445 #2
Chapter 37: Wow it has been super long since I read super junior, most specificly Heechul, fanfics!! Ahh what a nice way to get reconnected with them! I know Im late to review(understatement^^) but better late then never huh! You too seem to be on a break huh..Hehe;)
Sweet chapter! Finally she confessed and they kissed!! But wasnt it weird with all the SJ members watching them?? I bet Heenim's gonna get teased quite a bit! But all in all a good chapter!! All the best best with the next update!!:))
adys88 #3
crinazelda #5
Ohohohohoho~ boohoo. I'm losing subscribers? ..the hell? That's too bad. I guess the long hiatus backfired. In the face! Well, I hope I'll gain some again.
alrevilla #6
Chapter 37: I've been waiting for this update for sooooo long!!! Waaaah!!! So happy! So love the flyff. I miss thiiiiis
Chapter 37: The date was really romantic especially because of the dance & also the kiss they shared! Super Junior & also Sunhwa did a good job on planning the date and also on preparing it! really like your update so will surely wait for your next update! update soon :)
crinazelda #8
Who's reading right now? No comments??? :(
They say curiousity kills the cat, but I'm not a cat, so....I wanna know, how soon is soon? Author-nim~~~~~~
ps. you're forgiven....when you update this story. ^^
crinazelda #10
SOON! I don't know when, precisely, I will update. All I can say is SOON! Sorry my dear readers.