It's her fault!

Marrying Cinderella

A/N: Here’s another update, enjoy reading!


“Yerin, you have a letter,” Sunhwa said, walking towards me.

Sunhwa and I are alone at the faculty room. I don’t know why but it seems that all the teachers are out, busy with stuff that I don’t know why. Sunhwa happily hand me the letter that has blue letterings on the corner of it. It read ‘KyeongHee University’.

My eyes widened at the bold blue letterings. My heart was pounding, harder than how it pounds from Heechul’s shouts. Kyeonghee finally considered my resume.

“Congratulations,” Sunhwa said, bearing a huge smile on her face.

“Not too soon,” I told her. “Don’t jump to conclusions yet…please.”

“Well, then open it! What are you waiting for?” she said.

I was hesitant to open this really intriguing letter. What could this letter possible tell?

I slowly ripped the side of the envelope, opened it and took out the letter. The letter was thick, probably containing a good five pages. Slowly, I flipped the letter open. After the big symbol of Kyeonghee at the very middle of the first page, writes the word ‘Ms. SHIN YERIN’. Gosh, that’s me!

“What did it say?” Sunhwa asked.

I scanned the first page of the letter; my eyes getting wider and wider as I got to the bottom of the page.

“They want…me…to…”

“To? To? To what?” Sunhwa asked, as excited as I was. She pulled the letter from my hand and read the letter herself. “OH MY GOD! An interview! Yerin, this is good news!”

I was speechless, I was shocked. Finally, I’m one step closer to my dream. All I have to do is to pass the…interview…

“What if I fail?” I said, my negative impulse run through my mind.

“Oh, please, Yerin. You are a great teacher. You can pass whatever interview they take you on.”

“My mother will pass out; I guess, if I tell her. My dad will be so proud; finally, an interview. Heechul, well, I don’t know about him, but…”

“Heechul? Kim Heechul? What about him?” Sunhwa blinked in curiosity.


“Heechul? What Kim Heechul?” I lied.

“You just said a while ago, Heechul.”

“I didn’t say Heechul.”

“Yerin, you did!” Sunhwa was closer now. “What are you hiding from me, Shin Yerin. Spill,” she said, getting absorbed to hearing Heechul’s name from me.

I looked around the faculty room. Though we are the only one in there, I didn’t want to tell her at school. “Later, I promise to tell you later.”

“Later, when? Be specific,” she said.

“I’ll give you a ride home. Then and there, I’ll tell you.”


Tomorrow will be our next TV performance. Should I invite Yerin? Maybe…maybe I should; she’s clueless about us.

I took my phone and dialed her number. Few seconds later, her voice rang on the other side of the line.


“Yerin-sshi,” I said. “Are you busy tomorrow?”

“It’s Saturday tomorrow, so…not really. Why did you ask?”

“Do you want to see us perform live?” I asked. Please say YES!

“Ummm, sure, why not,” she answered.

YES! “Okay then, I’ll tell you the details later. Where are you right now?” I asked all of a sudden.

“At school. Ummm, Heechul-sshi, I have something to tell you.”

What? Gosh, my heart is pumping hard. What is she going to tell me?

“I…kind of…spilled our little secret to my friend.”

“WHAT! Yerin-sshi, what if she tells other people?” I said. I was afraid that this time, our secret will be revealed.

“No, I trust her. It’s just that…I broke my promise that I will not tell anybody about us. I’m really hesitating that I’m going to tell her.”

“So you haven’t,” I confirmed.

“No, not yet. But she’s too keen to know. I can’t push her off.”

I sighed. “Well, it’s too late now. Just be sure that she’s trustworthy…”

“Another thing…” she cut me off.


“Can you meet her? I mean, that’s the only way she’ll understand.”

“Yerin-sshi, isn’t it enough that you’ve spilled the beans? Why should I meet her?”

“Come on, just a simple hello and that’s it. No harm done.”

I hesitated. “Why should I clean up your mess?”

Yerin fell silent.

“Why should I clean up your mess?”

I didn’t mean to tell Sunhwa. It was out of excitement! Fine…

“Fine, I was wrong, I’ll handle it myself.” But it was really an accident; I didn’t mean to.

“Ummm…okay,” Heechul replied. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” I answered. “See you later. Bye.” I ended the call.

That was a GREAT conversation…not. And I was thinking I should tell him about my interview to Kyeonghee. What am I thinking? Kyeonghee is out of his business. All that he has to deal with me is our arrange marriage and nothing more. Why should he concern himself with things that only I am concerned? Yerin, you’re such a fool.


Was I harsh? No, definitely not. It was her fault, wasn’t it; her and her big mouth. But on the other hand, Leeteuk and the others knew about Yerin and me first. No, Super Junior is different, they can handle scandals and issues very well, so there’s no way they’ll tell about me and Yerin.

I sat quietly in the backseat of the van. Along with Leeteuk, Siwon, and Kangin, we are on our way to another schedule for the day. It’s for a variety show, but seriously, I’m not in the mood to entertain people. Thinking about my attitude towards Yerin just now made me think that it was my fault. I doubt and kept on pondering who’s at fault. It was her fault that she ‘accidentally’ told her friend, but was it my fault that Yerin feels down right now? Why did I even act foolish again and blamed her for something that wasn’t really intended.

“Hyung, do you have a problem?” Siwon asked. “You’re unusually silent.”

Siwon must have been observing me. “I’m fine,” I told him, continuing my gaze outside the window.

“He is silent,” Leeteuk seconded. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Guys, I’m fine. Just let me be, okay?” I told them.

Maybe because of my temper, they just let the topic go. They didn’t ask another question, not once, until we got to the broadcasting building that the four of us are going be guests on.

Upon arriving at the building, a few fans were screaming their heart out, screaming our names and waving their hands at us. Siwon, the usual gentleman, smiled at the fans. Leeteuk and Kangin did the same, but I stayed bowed down until we got inside the building.

I consciously was looking at my members from time to time while we were walking. They think that I’m not feeling good, health wise maybe. My body’s fine, my mind’s not; thinking of Yerin made me unstable.

At the waiting room, I sat at the far end of the room, still thinking of Yerin. What should I do? Should I call her?

“Heechul, what’s wrong?” Leetuek asked.

I looked at him and said, “I don’t know. I’m…” I sighed.

“Is it…”Leeteuk paused, looking around the room to see if there’s someone around but the four of us. The place was clear, so he continued. “…Yerin?” he whispered.

“It’s her fault anyway,” I argued immediately.

“What are you talking about?” Leeteuk was puzzled, so was Kangin and Siwon.

“She told her friend about us. Now she’s having problems on how she’s going to keep her friend quite about…us.” Every aggravation was clear in my voice.

Leeteuk blinked. “That’s it?”

“What? That’s a big issue,” I said, frustrated. “ What if her friend sells the story to the media? I’ll be doomed…we will be doomed.”

“She might…didn’t do it on purpose.”

“That’s what she said, but who cares.”

“Come on, can’t you trust her this time?” Leeteuk asked.

Trust? I don’t know if I can? I’m always used to trusting myself that I don’t know if I can handle trusting someone else.

“Just trust her this time,” Leeteuk continued. “And will to think positive even just this once!”

“How can I think positive if our group’s image is at stake?”

Leeteuk was speechless; he only blinked at the words that I said. I did tell the truth, didn’t I? Yerin and I are gambling Super Junior’s popularity and image with this arranged marriage. It will be my fault if, all of a sudden, Super Junior’s popularity will drop to the bottom.

“Come on, ELFs will support us no matter what, hyung,” Siwon said.

“Nice save, but I’m not buying that.”

“That’s true, though,” Kangin cut in. “How come you always say that they’ll hate us when one of us gets to marry.”

“My marriage is arranged, okay?”

Kangin hissed. “So what? Arranged or not, sooner or later, someone from us will get married first. All they have to do, if that happens, is to understand.”

I was getting so worked up with this issue, seriously. “Look, we’re idols, right? People expect us to be under the limelight EVERYTIME.”

Leeteuk let out a huge sigh. “Idols fade.”

There was a big pang of realization that flows in my mind. ‘Idols fade’. I don’t want to fade. I want to always be a star, shiny and bright.

Leeteuk looked at each one of us. Kangin, Siwon and I are stunned with the two words that he just uttered. “What?” he asked.

Kangin shook his head; Siwon bowed his head down; I looked away.

“What’s with the gloomy mood?” he asked.

“You made it gloomy!” I almost shouted. “Idols fade…”

With a huge smile on his face, he said, “Come on, Super Junior will not fade away. Maybe we will…after a million years.”

That’s our leader…optimistic, yet still a fool.


I stared down at opened Kyeonghee University envelope that was lying on the coffee table. I am now at home, waiting for Heechul and cooking dinner. I still can’t believe that Kyeonghee is considering an interview with me. My mother would always say that it’ll take a few years before they can admit an applicant. Well, that was true…but the result was thrilling.

The front door opened, and came in Heechul, wearing his casual work clothes and a huge sunglass on his face. Seriously, its night already, why need sunglasses?

“Good evening,” I greeted with a smile.

Heechul took his sunglasses of and looked at me emotionlessly. “Oh, good evening,” he replied.

“How’s work?” I asked.

“…tiring…” he said, looking at me. He must think I’m acting really odd right now. “What’s with you? You don’t usually ask things like this.”

“Nothing…” I sighed joyfully.

“You seem…cheerful,” he said, observing my expression.

I showed a big smile. “Ah…I’m…yes, I am.” I can’t hide my emotions now.

“Why? What’s the source of this ‘excitement?’” he asked, too keen to know.

I released a huge sigh before continuing. “Kyeonghee…I mean, they finally…they finally considered my application.”

Heechul’s face lighted. “Wow, that’s great news. When’s the interview?”

“By next week, but they said they’ll call me if there’s any problem in their schedule. Gosh, I’m just so happy that I’m one step closer to my dream job.” I was smiling the whole time; I’m so overjoyed I wanted to jump all over the place (but I didn’t).

“Well, congratulations in advance…”

“Come on, it’s just an interview,” I said, totally negating the mood.

“So what? That’s still an achievement. Do you want to eat out?” he asked.

Eat out? Well…

“I’m cooking dinner right now. Let’s just eat here…”

“Then we need wine. There’s no celebration when there’s no wine.” Heechul stood up from the couch and headed for his room. When he came back to the living room, he was holding a bottle of wine. “My fans gave it to me,” he said, showing me the bottle.

“Wow…you’re really all out for this congratulatory thing, huh?” I snickered.

“Well, you’re my wife right now. Might as well ‘act’ like a husband while were together.” Heechul went to the kitchen and took two wine glasses. With a glimpse, he looked at the lit oven. “Wow, roast chicken…”

“Yeah, I’m really in the mood, so…tada!” I said, holding out my hand at the direction of the oven. I stood up from where I was sitting while saying, “I guess it’s almost done.”

Heechul was smiling. Wow, will you look at that. He’s congratulating me, he’s happy that I’m happy and he’s smiling. Could this night get any better?

I checked the chicken in the oven; it was done. I took the mittens and took the chicken out of the oven. The steam and smell of the chicken wafted to my face, releasing so many aromas from the herbs and lemon that I put in the chicken. I hope Heechul will be blown away with this.

Heechul clapped. “Wow, as expected…”

“Thanks,” I said, blushing. “Well, it’s nothing really,” I bragged.

“You call this nothing?” he said, incredulously eyeing the chicken. I swear his salivating right now.

I took the chicken out of the roasting pan and placed it in a serving platter. “Why don’t you take a seat? I’ll just prepare this and we’ll eat soon.”

He did what he was told. “Oh by the way,” he said soon as he sat down, placing the glasses side by side on the table, “…you’re friend… did you tell her?”

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Chapter 37: KYAAAAAA!!!!!! This chapter is so SWEET! I hope Yerin would be introduced to the whole SM Family. XD
jam_9445 #2
Chapter 37: Wow it has been super long since I read super junior, most specificly Heechul, fanfics!! Ahh what a nice way to get reconnected with them! I know Im late to review(understatement^^) but better late then never huh! You too seem to be on a break huh..Hehe;)
Sweet chapter! Finally she confessed and they kissed!! But wasnt it weird with all the SJ members watching them?? I bet Heenim's gonna get teased quite a bit! But all in all a good chapter!! All the best best with the next update!!:))
adys88 #3
crinazelda #5
Ohohohohoho~ boohoo. I'm losing subscribers? ..the hell? That's too bad. I guess the long hiatus backfired. In the face! Well, I hope I'll gain some again.
alrevilla #6
Chapter 37: I've been waiting for this update for sooooo long!!! Waaaah!!! So happy! So love the flyff. I miss thiiiiis
Chapter 37: The date was really romantic especially because of the dance & also the kiss they shared! Super Junior & also Sunhwa did a good job on planning the date and also on preparing it! really like your update so will surely wait for your next update! update soon :)
crinazelda #8
Who's reading right now? No comments??? :(
They say curiousity kills the cat, but I'm not a cat, so....I wanna know, how soon is soon? Author-nim~~~~~~
ps. you're forgiven....when you update this story. ^^
crinazelda #10
SOON! I don't know when, precisely, I will update. All I can say is SOON! Sorry my dear readers.