Little White Velvet Box

Marrying Cinderella

I slowly opened the door of the apartment; I tiptoed to the living room, not making a little squeak. I hope Yerin is still here, I thought. That guy Jun better not take her to lunch, or else he has no choice but to feel the wrath of THE Kim Heechul!

The living room was deserted, but a wafting smell of meat being grilled in a hot pan welcomed me. She’s here. I headed to the kitchen, still in stealth. In front of the kitchen island, there, waiting for me, is my angel. Yerin was resting her beautiful face on her hand that was placed on the island. She was pouting and pursing her lips back and forth, apparently bored of something. Is she waiting for me?

I straightened my coat and walked confidently towards her.

“Jun didn’t call?” I asked, heading for the fridge; no more hiding this time.

“Oh, you’re here,” she said, a bit shocked. “I didn’t hear you come though.”

Yerin stood up from the stool she was sitting on. I took a small bottle of water and drank about half of its contents. Yerin, then, looked after the dish she was cooking. Carrots, potatoes and some other vegetables were placed in individual bowls, placed near the stove. Yerin was stirring lean meat on a hot pan. I don’t know what she’s cooking, but it’s definitely going to be delicious.

I sat on the stool that she left a while ago, and stared at her. Although her back is facing me, it was okay. Seeing her in front of me was enough.

“How’s the check-up?” Yerin asked.

“Fine,” I said. “I still need to rest.”

“How long?”

I thought for a while then said, “A few days, I guess.”

Yerin was seasoning the meat on the pan. Slowly, I reached on the inside of my coat, trying to look for something. A small box, concealed inside my pocket, made me nervous and happy at the same time. How come this small, white velvet box makes my heart pound out of my chest? I’ll probably go crazy.

“Are you okay?” Yerin said, startling me. She looked at me in curiosity.

I nodded. “I’m fine.”

But Yerin’s curious face made me uncomfortable for whatever reason it is. She kept her curious eyes onto mine, searching my expression if there are hidden secrets. But then she gave up and faced the stove again.

I sighed. I got everything ready… all I have to do is to reveal. But that seems to be the hardest part.

“I’ll just change my clothes, okay?” I said, standing up.

Yerin looked at me. “Okay. You may rest in your room while I’m cooking. I’ll call you when everything’s ready, alright.”

I smiled and nodded.


I was staring at the ceiling, waiting for Yerin to call me for lunch. I was wearing comfortable clothes, as in a simple white shirt and a sweat pants. I reached for a small, white velvet box on the side table that I put there a while ago. I stared at it and smiled.

I reached for the box and opened, astounded at the two rings inside it. I went straight to a jewelry shop after going to the company. I have manager hyung to come with me. Gosh, just imagine me looking like a weirdo going inside a jewelry shop. I was wearing a beanie, a large sunglasses and a mask. I look like a robber. But nevertheless, the people in the jewelry store treated me well. I didn’t dare say a word because they might know who I am with just the sound of my voice, so I let manager hyung do all the talking. All I did was point, stare, and pay.

“Heechul…” Yerin called. “Lunch…”

“Coming!” I shouted back.

I stood up from the bed and headed for the door. At the dining table, Yerin was arranging the dishes on the table.

With a smile, she said, “Let’s eat.”

She sat down on her chair first, reaching for her chopsticks on the table.

But then, I put the small velvet box beside her plate. Yerin stared at the box.

“This is not what I think it is, right?” she said.

Tsk. “Just open it.”

But Yerin stared at me. “Are you serious?”

“Yes, I’m serious. Open it.” I sat down on my chair and waited for her to reach for the box. But she didn’t seem to like the box in front of her. As a matter of fact, I think she was scared of it.

This is not real, right? This box…this box is…is not real, right? Small, velvet boxes only mean one thing. And that one thing…THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING!

“What are you waiting for?” Heechul asked.

“Oh…no…” I whispered.

“I told you I’m buying a couple ring, right? Did you forget?” he asked.

Couple ring? This is…couple ring? I thought it was…anyway….

Finally, I reached for the box. I opened it and stared at the two rings inside. Both the rings almost looked identical but different if you look closely. Both the rings are silver and with a single blue gemstone in the middle of it. The larger ring, I’m guessing its Heechul’s, was a bit thicker than the smaller one, but nevertheless, there is no doubt that these rings are for couples.

“Oh my God,” was the only thing that escaped from my mouth.

Heechul snickered. “Do you like it?”

I smiled and looked at him. “You’re really serious about the couple rings.”

“Well, it’s in front of your eyes, isn’t it?” Heechul said. “Believe it.”

I looked at the rings again. “I can’t deny…they’re beautiful.”

“I know.”

I looked at Heechul again. “Why are you doing this?”

“I told you; I don’t want that Jun guy lurking around you. I want to make it official…”

“To make what official?” I asked.

Heechul looked at me in the eye and said, “You’re mine.”

With those two words, I probably have melted. His eyes told the same thing: ‘You’re mine’. This guy really is head over heels for me. It’s hard to believe but…here in my hand is the proof. Two gorgeous rings is the proof, not to mention his longing stare at me.

“Heechul, I…”

“Yerin, I know there is not much time. I mean, there is not much days left with our agreement. So please, with this, just let me have this moment before I’m out of your life.”

Heechul stared at me, and I did the same.

“Yerin, please, for the remaining time that we have, wear the ring.” Heechul took the box from my hand, took the smaller ring from the box and said, “Please, wear it. It’s the only assurance I have that you are mine…even for the time being.

“You can throw it away after the hundred days, or burn it or give it away. But for now, please treasure it…like how I treasure you.

“I probably look like a fool right now, but I don’t care.”

Heechul stared at the ring, waiting for my reply. Shin Yerin, you’re probably be a fool too if you don’t accept the ring after what he just said.


Heechul looked up at me.

“Aren’t you going to put it on my finger?” I said.

Heechul’s face lighted in delight. With a foolish smile on his lips and a joyous feeling flowing out of his happy face, he took my left hand and put the ring slowly on my ring finger.

“You’re officially mine…” he said, looking at my hand, staring at the blue diamond studded ring. “…even for a short time.”

He lifted my hand close to his lips and kissed it.

I blushed on the spot.

“Let’s eat.” I turned to my plate and hid my smile.

Shin Yerin, you’ll be mine. I know you will be.


From lunch until sundown, the apartment has only one atmosphere: awkwardness. Heechul and I seemed to be avoiding each other. NO small talks, NO eye contact; NO NOTHING! We are in each other’s own business, either hiding in our own rooms or watching TV quietly on the living room, which in this case, I am in my room and he’s watching TV.


Okay, I have to say, HE STARTED IT!

 At lunch, he’s all charming and loving and well…I don’t know, adorable when he gave me my half of the couple ring. But now, he’s more silent that a rock! Has he gone stupid? All I thought, after lunch, he’s going to be crazy-annoying, telling me how he loves me and stuff…but, turns out, it will be this nonsense opposite.

I have to say I was expecting the annoyance and the extreme aegyo, not this extreme awkwardness.

Okay, I have to do something.

I got oout of bed, and stormed out of my room, ready to confront. Heechul was sitting on the couch, silently flipping the channels of out satellite cable, flat screen TV. I stood in front of him with an annoyed look. He was evidently startled.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. I swear I could feel my face burning.

He looked at me and said, “What’s what?”

“Like you don’t have a clue what’s going on?” I asked again, more furious that before.

“No, really,” he said with a surprised look on his face.

I sat next to him on the couch, looking at him in his h=eyes intently. I squinted my eyes, gesturing I;m about to explode.

“Why are you avoiding me?” I finally asked.

His eyes widened. “I’m not avoiding you.”

“Oh really!?”

“I swear I’m not,” he said, facing his whole body to me.

“Oh, so turns out that I was just stupidly imagining things, am i?” I said sarcastically. “Don’t make me look stupid, Kim Heechul.”

Heechul move over towards me. “Why would I avoid you?” he asked, his face all puppy cute.

“I’m asking you. At lunch, you gave me this,” I said, showing my face close to his face, showing the silver ring on my finger. “Now, it’s almost sundown and you never said anything to me at all. Honestly, what’s your problem?”

What’s wrong? Okay, here’s what’s wrong. I’m scared!

I don’t know why, but I’m freaking scared. I don’t know that to say, I don’t know that to do. It’s like, apparently, I instantly became stupid. I have to say I can’t shake the awkwardness off. It’s stuck to my system in the mean time. When at times I think I have to courage to have a simple conversation with you, I turn stupid again. When at last you come and look at me, I turn away, afraid I’ll up. I SERIOUSLY DON’T KNOW WHAT’S GOTTEN INTO ME.

I sighed.

“Fine, I’ll tell you. I’m afraid…”

Yerin waited for my next words.

“I’m afraid you’ll fall hard for me that I can’t breathe.”

Yerin’s big eyes squinted again. After that, I receive a smack on my right arm. “You’re insane,” she said and stood up from the couch.

But then, I pulled her back. Losing her balance, she fell next to me. Her head hit mine, and both of us are scratching our own heads in pain.

“KIM HEECHUL!” she screamed.

“WHAT!” I yelled as well.

“AH…” she said, annoyed.

I was eyes-closed continuously scratching my head. When I opened my eyes, there it was, inches from me, was Yerin’s annoyed face. Eyes closed, she too was scratching her head. In seconds, I felt my heart pumped. Then, my hand instantly knew what to do. I pulled Yerin towards me and hugged her from the back. I pulled her and both of us were lying on the couch.

Yerin’s hand was still in her head but she stopped scratching it. I don’t know what her expression was, but I’m guessing she’s startled. She didn’t budge away, nor reacted. But honest to God, I want to stay like this for a while.

My heart pumped faster as seconds turned to minutes. The longer we lay on this big, spacious couch, the more I want to be glued to it and to Yerin. I want to stay like this forever…if only she’d let me.

“Heechul…” she whispered.



And just like that, lying side by side on the couch, even though I can’t see her face, I was in bliss. I was having too much heaven; I finally was falling asleep…beside my angel.



DONT KILL ME for updating after a long while. I know, I know... all my fault.

Haha, did you miss Heenim and Yerin?


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Chapter 37: KYAAAAAA!!!!!! This chapter is so SWEET! I hope Yerin would be introduced to the whole SM Family. XD
jam_9445 #2
Chapter 37: Wow it has been super long since I read super junior, most specificly Heechul, fanfics!! Ahh what a nice way to get reconnected with them! I know Im late to review(understatement^^) but better late then never huh! You too seem to be on a break huh..Hehe;)
Sweet chapter! Finally she confessed and they kissed!! But wasnt it weird with all the SJ members watching them?? I bet Heenim's gonna get teased quite a bit! But all in all a good chapter!! All the best best with the next update!!:))
adys88 #3
crinazelda #5
Ohohohohoho~ boohoo. I'm losing subscribers? ..the hell? That's too bad. I guess the long hiatus backfired. In the face! Well, I hope I'll gain some again.
alrevilla #6
Chapter 37: I've been waiting for this update for sooooo long!!! Waaaah!!! So happy! So love the flyff. I miss thiiiiis
Chapter 37: The date was really romantic especially because of the dance & also the kiss they shared! Super Junior & also Sunhwa did a good job on planning the date and also on preparing it! really like your update so will surely wait for your next update! update soon :)
crinazelda #8
Who's reading right now? No comments??? :(
They say curiousity kills the cat, but I'm not a cat, so....I wanna know, how soon is soon? Author-nim~~~~~~
ps. you're forgiven....when you update this story. ^^
crinazelda #10
SOON! I don't know when, precisely, I will update. All I can say is SOON! Sorry my dear readers.