
I Love You, Just Like This
(YJ) - Young Jae speaking
(SY) - Sooyoung speaking
(DH) - Daehyun speaking
(L) - Myungsoo speaking
(J) - Jessica speaking
(YA) - Yoona speaking
During the next few days, Daehyun just seemed to totally keep his distance from Young Jae. Sure, he could be in the same room as him, but he made sure that he wasn’t within touching distance. Of course, he did end up touching him every now and then whenever Myungsoo did something to Young Jae. Daehyun still didn’t know why, but he just couldn’t stand seeing Myungsoo touching Young Jae in such ways.
Today, it’s Saturday.
“You’re up earlier than usual!” (J) Jessica sat at the dining table, a single leg crossed over the other as she held a cup of coffee in her hands. She looked up to see Daehyun, all pretty upped and making his way over to the door.
“Yea. I’m hanging out with everyone today.” (DH) Jessica gave a small smile as she placed her cup of coffee onto the table and got to her feet, making her way over to Daehyun. She quickly stopped him as she fidgeted with minor things here and there that she wanted to fix on Daehyun’s outfit.
“There. You’ll attract Young Jae’s attention for sure.” (J) Daehyun’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked angrily at Jessica. Jessica noticed this and laugh a bit before reaching up as high as possible, even tip toeing in the process, to pat the top of Daehyun’s head. “Don’t worry! He definitely likes you either way!” (J)
“I told you. I’m.. I’m not interested in him.” (DH) Daehyun looked away a bit, slightly lost in thought. Even after all this time, he still doesn’t really realize that he actually does have feelings for Young Jae. It was probably why he was completely confused as to why he wanted to.. do what he was about to do to Young Jae in the closet.
“If that’s what you say. Anyway, make sure to behave while you’re out, arasseo?” (J) She patted the top of Daehyun’s head once more before heading back over to the dining table and and reading the magazine that she had out on the table. Daehyun sighed as he nodded, though Jessica couldn’t really see him nodding, as he turned and soon left the apartment to head to where the group was supposed to meet up today.
“There he is.” (L) Everyone except Daehyun, Yongguk, and Yuri had arrived at the mall a good ten minutes earlier than planned. Thanks to Sungyeol’s connections, everyone currently had an earpiece that allowed them to communicate with one another. With additional help from Sooyoung and Yuri, everyone except Young Jae also had disguises.
Myungsoo turned to face a rather nervous Young Jae. Today, Young Jae looked quite dashing in the outfit that Myungsoo picked out for him and with the make up that was applied by Sooyoung, he was definitely a head turner. “Okay Young Jae. You know what to do, right?” (L)
“Y-Yea... but..” (YJ)
“Okay, go!” (L) Without letting Young Jae give a second thought to this plan, Myungsoo took a hold of Young Jae and pushed him in Daehyun’s direction once the male was close enough. Thanks to his reflexes, Daehyun had been able to catch Young Jae before either of them could fall over.
“Woah! Be careful there Young Jae..” (DH)
“S-Sorry..” (YJ) Once Young Jae was firmly on his feet, Daehyun couldn’t help but stare for a bit at Young Jae. Normally, they saw each other in their school uniforms, so it was definitely a huge change seeing him in casual clothes. Plus, his face definitely looked different. Daehyun wasn’t sure whether he liked it or not, but before he could really decide on it, he quickly turned his head away when Young Jae had looked at him.
“So.. uh... you got here first?” (DH) Young Jae mentally began panicking. What was he supposed to say? He couldn’t remember what Myungsoo told him to say, which wasn’t a good thing. Young Jae was soon puled out of his panicked state though as he soon heard Sooyoung’s voice through the ear piece.
“Yes! I-I got here first just to see you!” (YJ) Young Jae froze the second he finished that sentence. He could hear Myungsoo scolding Sooyoung through the ear piece, but his heartbeat was beating too loudly for him to make out what was being said. Daehyun had frozen as well when he heard Young Jae, but he quickly shrugged it off before looking at Young Jae once more. Daehyun chuckled a bit as he swiftly ruffled up Young Jae’s hair.
“You’re acting cute today. I.. kind of like it.” (DH) Young Jae’s eyes widened as his face decided that the shade of red on his face just wasn’t red enough. While Young Jae was trying to calm down, Daehyun looked around a bit. “I wonder where the others are..” (DH)
“T-They told me that they couldn’t make it!” (YJ) At least that was one thing that he could actually remember without needing the others to remind him. Daehyun’s eyes narrowed though, as he focused back onto Young Jae and leaned in a little bit closer.
“Was this all planned?” (DH) Young Jae’s eyes widened once more as he quickly shook his head. Daehyun, being a bit gullable like he usually was, slowly nodded before smiling. “Okay then. So I guess it’s just us two then.” (DH) Young Jae nodded happily, glad that Daehyun had agreed to going with just the two of them.
“Well, what do you want to do first?” (DH) Young Jae looked around with curiosity clear on his face. Unlike Himchan or even Myungsoo, Young Jae rarely ever went out on his own. In fact, the only time he went out was when he went to the grocery store or whenever Sungyeol, Himchan, or Myungsoo decided to pull him away from his computer.
“Um.. how about..” (Y) Young Jae listened to the three voices that were arguing with one another through his headset. It took some time, but Sooyoung finally got everyone else to quiet up before giving her suggestion once more. “Um.. how about the.. food court! I-I’m kind of hungry..” (YJ)
“Okay, let’s go! Are you going to pay for it?” (DH) Daehyun probably had no shame when it came to food. Young Jae was okay with it, but Sooyoung seemed to be ranting about it. He slowly nodded, causing Daehyun’s face to brighten up in an instant. Taking a hold of Young Jae’s wrist and, like a little kid, eagerly pulled Young Jae along towards the food court.
“Hurry, Young Jae! All the good food is calling us!” (DH) Young Jae turned a bit red, but he smiled as he tried his best to keep up with the suddenly hyper Daehyun. It was nice that Daehyun wasn’t trying to keep his distance anymore. Maybe bumping into him earlier really helped with that.
“They’re so cute together! Why can’t Daehyun just admit that he likes Young Jae already?!” (SY) Sooyoung watched as Daehyun and Young Jae ran through the various crowds, attempting and failing at not hitting anyone. Both her and Yoona began moving as the pair got further away from their sights.
“That’s why we’re here; to make sure that they end up together.” (L) Myungsoo followed closely ahead of the pair, making sure that he didn’t lose sight of them while Sooyoung and Yoona were both watching from the second floor. With how much work they were putting into this, he really hoped that the duo would finally end up together and preferably, stay together. He wasn’t going to keep doing this with every person Young Jae ends up interested in.
“Sooyoung! Isn’t that Jessica-unnie?!” (YA)
“She’s actually a little ahead of Daehyun and Young Jae!” (YA)
“We have to stop her! The siblings always mess up a date in the drama’s! (SY) Would Jessica’s presence really ruin their chance? Sooyoung definitely did not want to find out though, but what could she do? She was on the second floor! By the time she got down there, Jessica would have already bumped into the pair and the date would be ruined! Of course, Daehyun didn’t really know that he was on a date.
“Which one is she?” (L)
“The one with the long, light brown, wavy hair!” (YA) Without a second thought, Myungsoo quickly looked around before spotting a whirl whom seemed to match that description. She had just spotted someone in his general direction and seemed to be looking in an attempt to see if she had really spotted correctly. Quickly, Myungsoo made his way over to the brunette and pulled her into his arms, dipping her in the process. Jessica stared with wide eyes at her captor, holding onto him for dear life. Myungsoo smirked a bit as he slowly brushed a few strands of hair from her face.
“I’m sorry miss. I just couldn’t help myself with how pretty you are.” (L) Jessica turned red as she attempted to think of what to say. She had not once thought that she would have been literally swept off her feet in such a manner, and by someone that she definitely had not seen before. She would have remembered someone this handsome if she had seen him before. Still, that didn’t mean that she wasn’t going to yell at him for doing something this random, especially with a stranger!
“Y-Y-Y-YAH! W-What do you think you’re doing?!” (J)
“They passed by you already, Myungsoo.” (YA) Myungsoo slowly lifted Jessica back onto her feet and gave a small smile before slightly bowing his head.
“Forgive me for my rude behavior. You really are just too pretty to resist.” (L) Before he let Jessica say anything in response, Myungsoo quickly turend and left a completely dazed Jessica. After a few seconds passed, she finally snapped out of it before she looked in the direction that Myungsoo had took off in.
“I wonder who he is...” (J) Jessica was tempted to run off after him to at least get a name, but.. she decided against it. For all she knew, he was just some stranger that did it to all the girls that he thought were pretty. Of course.. Jessica began patting at her cheeks as she began walking. “No.. best not to think about him anymore.” (J)
Young Jae had spotted Myungsoo holding someone, but he couldn’t exactly stop and ask what he was doing. Either way, it didn’t take them long before they finally arrived at the food court. Daehyun instantly came to a stop as he looked around in glee. “Which one should we order from? Oh! How about we get pizza? It’s a lot more filling if we get a box for each of us.” (DH)
“A-A box for each of us?! I-I can barely even finish three slices!” (YJ)
“W-What?! Really?!” (DH) Daehyun turend to look at Young Jae with a complete look of surprise. Even Sooyoung at as much as Daehyun could! Yongguk was always busy with music, so Daehyun rarely ever saw him eat and even his older sister could finish off four slices easily! Though, he shrugged and smiled happily. More for him, right? “That’s okay! I’ll finish whatever you can’t finish.” (DH)
Young Jae nodded as he followed Daehyun into the space that pizza hut had claimed. One way or another, they were able to get two boxes of pizza before sitting down at one of the various tables. Young Jae couldn’t help but feel like he spent too much money on just the two of them. Though, if it meant that he was one step closer to winning over Daehyun, then he was willing to sacrifice some money for it. With the boxes wide open, Daehyun greedily began eating as he looked up at Young Jae. “Say. What do you think of Yoona?” (DH)
Young Jae had just picked up a slice before Daehyun had asked his question. “H-Huh?” (YJ) He looked up from the slice before he began thinking. Why was Daehyun asking about her? Maybe it was for the dance group since she joined the same day that Myungsoo did. “O-Oh.. um.. I think she’s really nice.. why?” (YJ)
“I plan to ask her out.” (DH) The pizza never even got to reach Young Jae’s mouth before the pizza slipped out of his hand and back into the box he had gotten it from. Daehyun looked up the second the pizza made contact with the box, looking up at Young Jae with a curious look. “What’s wrong? Too hot?” (DH)
Young Jae bit his bottom lip as he tried to fight back his own urge to just run out of that area. He really didn’t know how to react to hearing that from Daehyun, but.. he stayed in his spot. No.. he had to stay. He promised Myungsoo that he would try his hardest to try and win Daehyun over. Through his ear piece, he could hear Myungsoo’s voice trying to tell him to remain calm and act as if nothing bad happened. “O-Oh.. u-um.. y-yes.. i-it was hot..” (YJ)
Young Jae’s voice shook, it was obvious with his stuttering. His whole body shook and it didn’t want to react to what Young Jae was trying to tell it to do. However, he somehow had managed to pick up the fallen slice of pizza and force himself to eat. “So, do you think I should ask her out?” (DH)
“NO!” (SY)
Daehyun looked around the second that was said, trying to find the source of the voice. He was pretty sure that he had recognized that voice anywhere. Why? Well, he had to deal with it throughout the majority of his life after all. Besides Jessica’s voice, Sooyoung’s voice was quite distinct as well. “Did you hear..” (DH)
“N-No.. I didn’t.” (YJ) Through his ear piece, he could hear both Yoona and Myungsoo scolding Sooyoung for her sudden outburst. His ear was practically dead at this point, along with Yoona and Myungsoo’s ears, but he had to pretend like nothing happened. He.. he had to win Daehyun over somehow. “D-Daehyun..” (YJ)
“Yea?” (DH) Daehyun looked up once more, already on his second slice. It was amazing how fast he ate and it made Young Jae wonder if he even thoroughly chewed his food or if he just swallowed it whole after biting it. Then again, his mouth was almost always full whenever he ate.
“Um.. I.. I have to know..” (YJ) Young Jae placed the once bitten slice of pizza back onto the cardboard pizza box as he wiped his hands using one of the many napkins that had been picked up. Sensing the importance of Young Jae’s mood, Daehyun quickly chewed the rest of the pizza that was in his mouth before looking at Young Jae.
“O-Okay.. what is it?” (DH)
“I.. I want to know if you..” (YJ) Young Jae turned red, but he had a strong determination on his face. Even though he heard both Sooyoung and Myungsoo trying to talk him out of asking his question, he just had to know. He wanted to know. “I-I want to know if you like me.. more.. t-than just.. a.. f-friend..” (YJ)
“M-More than.. just a friend? Sure! You’re a really great friend!” (DH)
“T-That’s not what I meant..” (YJ)
“Then what do you mean?” (DH) Young Jae didn’t know how he was going to be able to ask him any more than he already has. It was hard enough just to ask his first question! He just.. really needed help with this, but he had to force himself to ask him.
“I.. I want to know if you will be my boyfriend!” (YJ) Young Jae quickly shut his mouth as he saw the surprise in Daehyun’s wide eyes and barely open mouth. Young Jae instantly turned red  before he quickly got up from his seat and ran away. All the while, Daehyun was completely caught off guard and, well.. entirely confused as to why Young Jae ran away.
“W-Wait!” (DH) Daehyun got up from his seat and quickly closed the pizza boxes before picking them both up and running after Young Jae. He stopped as he looked around before his eyes spotted a certain blonde making their way farther and farther away from him. Making sure the pizza boxes were way above his head, he began running.
“Oh..! That Daehyun!” (SY) Sooyoung pouted as she watched Young Jae running from the scene. She began fast walking in an attempt to keep her eye on him. This wasn’t going the way she had hoped it would! She definitely wasn’t expecting Daehyun to have a crush on Yoona, that was for sure. Still, it wasn’t Yoona’s fault. It was all Daehyun’s fault!
“What do we do, Myungsoo?” (YA)
“Just keep an eye on Young Jae. Young Jae took his ear piece out, so he won’t be able to hear us.” (L) Myungsoo followed closely after Daehyun once he left the store. He shook his head in disapproval when he saw that Daehyun was carrying the pizza with him, but he was glad that Daehyun was actually chasing after Young Jae. If he hadn’t, well he would have probably knocked Daehyun out by now.
“He stopped by the fountain.” (SY)
Young Jae stood as he sat on the edge of the fountain, staring down at his own reflection. He felt like he shouldn’t have blurted out what he had just said. He.. he was just forcing himself onto a fantasy that he wished would come true after all. He should have just left it as a fantasy. He would have at least been happy with just being friends with him.
“Young Jae..” (DH) Young Jae froze. Should he turn and look at him? Should he really look at the man that was going to reject him and tell him that he wasn’t wanted? Well.. he deserved to be flat out rejected. Young Jae slowly turned to look at Daehyun, a bit surprised that he had carried the pizza boxes with him, but he probably shouldn’t have been. Still, he could see the slightly worried expression on his face as their eyes met.
“I.. I’ll do it.” (DH) What? He was asleep right? This was all just a really vivid dream that he was having? Young Jae wasn’t sure if he had heard right. His confusion must have shown on his face though as Daehyun gave a smile small. “I’ll be your boyfriend.. if you’ll be mine.” (DH)
“A-Are.. a-are you.. are you lying?” (YJ) Young Jae really didn’t want Daehyun to just say this just because he felt sorry for him. That was the last thing he wanted in his very first relationship. Still, it made him happy that Daehyun was at least thinking of him.
“No.. I’m not. I mean, I’m not... entirely sure how I feel b-but.. for some reason.. I.. I feel like this is the right choice.” (DH) Daehyun sat down next to Young Jae, placing the pizza boxes off to the side as he took a hold of Young Jae’s hand. “I.. I wasn’t sure.. I’m still not sure, if I like you the way that you may like me but.. I.. I want to try.. if you’ll let me.” (DH)
Young Jae turned red as he bit his bottom lip, looking over off to the side slightly. He was waiting for a response from someone, but he soon remembered that he had taken his earpiece out when he was running. He looked back to Daehyun and smiled before nodding and wrapping his arms around him. “I-I’m so glad..” (YJ)
Daehyun chuckled a bit as he wrapped his arms around Young Jae’s waist, holding him tightly. For some reason, his heart felt both relief and joy from this. He moved his hand upwards, slowly ruffling Young Jae’s hair before..
“Daehyun?” (J) Daehyun froze. Damn it all. Why did she have to come to the mall? When did she even leave the apartment anyway? Though.. she does have her own car, so it made sense that she would have gotten here this fast. Daehyun slowly let go of Young Jae as he turned to face his older sister, whom was grinning a little too happily.
“Omo! You’re hugging in public?” (J)
“Y-Yea... Noona.. you remember Young Jae... my.. boyfriend.” (DH) Jessica’s grin only seemed to get bigger as she squealed and instantly sat next to Young Jae, mostly because the pizza boxes were taking up the spot next to Daehyun. She placed her hands on Young Jae’s shoulders as she turned him around to face her.
“Wow.. you’re much cuter this close up! You take care of that boy, okay? Daehyun is a kid and he causes a lot of trouble.” (J)
“Yah.. Noona. Aren’t you supposed to be telling me to take care of him?” (DH) Jessica looked over at Daehyun as her eyes narrowed.
“No. If I tell you to take care of this boy, you’re only going to cause trouble for him!” (J) Jessica stuck her tongue out as she pulled Young Jae closer to her. Daehyun’s face scrunched up as he took a hold of Young Jae’s arm and pulled him away from her.
“Leave him alone! He’s my boyfriend!” (DH)
“I don’t care! He’s my baby!” (J) Jessica pulled Young Jae away from Daehyun once again. Despite only having met him twice, she was already being over protective of him. Why? Well, she’s grown up with her younger brother! She knows exactly what he is capable of!
“You haven’t even know him for that long!” (DH)
“ONLY AFTER YOU!” (DH) A small tug of war soon broke out as the trio were now on their feet. Poor Young Jae was being pulled back and forth like a rag doll and by now, they were causing a rather large scene. From all over the place, people were staring at them and whispering amongst themselves but did Jessica or Daehyun care? Nope.
Quickly, both Sooyoung and Yoona made their way down to the first floor and after joining up with Myungsoo, made their way to the trio before they could rip poor Young Jae in half. “Unniiiee~!! You’re going to break him!” (SY)
“Yah.. Jung Daehyun. He’s going to rip.” (L) Both parties finally let go, letting Young Jae rub his poor shoulders from where he could feel that they were going to be ripped apart at any minute. Though, his thoughts were soon diverted when he felt hands on his shoulder and a pair of eyes trying to look into his.
“I’m sorry... Are you alright?” (DH) Young Jae nodded sheepishly as he face turned red from how close Daehyun’s face was. He still couldn’t believe it though. Was Daehyun really his boyfriend now? Did this mean that they could go on dates now? Daehyun smiled happily as he sighed in relief and pulled away a bit. “That’s good.” (DH)
Daehyun soon turned to look at everyone, basically glaring at this point. “Yah.. I thought you all told Young Jae that you were busy.” (DH)
Sooyoung, Yoona, and Myungsoo all looked around, pretending to act innocent and not know what they were talking about. Of course, Jessica soon gasped as she pointed directly at Myungsoo before walking up to him. “YAH! Y-YOU’RE THAT MAN FROM EARLIER!” (J)
Myungsoo stared at the finger that was basically two inches in front of his face before it trailed down Jessica’s arm and up into her eyes. He smiled a bit before taking a hold of her hand with both of his and lowering it a bit. “I’m sorry for earlier.” (L)
“What? You know him?” (DH)
“Yes.. and no. He was the guy that suddenly took a hold of me though!” (J)
“I can explain..” (L)
“Can we first get back to why you guys are here?” (DH)
It took some time, but Sooyoung, Yoona, Myungsoo, AND Young Jae explained everything to Daehyun. Daehyun slowly nodded, his eyebrows furrowing here and there at the fact that they had planned such a thing. Jessica, however, seemed entirely touched that they had thought of such an ingenious plan.
“So.. you two basically set me up to get with Young Jae.” (DH)
“Only because you keep denying your feelings!” (SY)
“YAH! I DIDN’T SAY SUCH A THING!” (DH) Daehyun pinched Sooyoung’s arm, causing her to jump away and rub at the spot that he had pinched. Since he couldn’t hit girls, the only thing that he could bring himself to do was pinching them. It worked just as well and hey, it wasn’t technically hitting them.
“It was so sweet of them to do it though!” (J) Jessica gave a pat on Sooyoung and Yoona’s back as she stood in the middle of the duo. Daehyun sighed as he turned to face Young Jae, whom instantly perked up the second Daehyun turned.
“Young Jae..” (DH) Young Jae’s eyes widened as he looked back down, fiddling with the hem of his shirt once more. He didn’t want to hear that Daehyun was disappointed in him and that he wanted to end it right then and there before they really actually had a chance to even start. “I’m sorry..” (DH)
Young Jae looked up at Daehyun, a bit confused as to why he was apologizing. “I should have noticed earlier. You went through so much just to get my attention. I-I’ll make it up to you!” (DH)
Young Jae smiled a bit as he thought for a moment. “Y-You still have to make up that first day.. that we met.” (YJ)
“Omo.. you remember that still?” (DH)
“Y-Yes.. I do..” (YJ) Daehyun smiled a bit as he ruffled Young Jae’s hair. He really was being cute today though... when has he never been cute?
“Okay. I’ll make sure to take you out on the two best dates ever.” (DH) Young Jae’s eyes widened. Dates?! He really hasn’t thought this far ahead! He was so focused on just trying to get Daehyun to like him that he never actually thought that he would go on a real date!
“A-Are you s-sure? I-I mean.. d-dates are expensive.. r-right..?” (YJ) Daehyun thought for a moment. They really were and he didn’t have that much money on him. Of course, his thoughts soon turned to his older sister before a grin crossed his face.
“Don’t worry about it Young Jae! They’ll still be really great dates. Trust me, okay?” (DH) Young Jae hesitated before he began nodding slowly. His eyes wandered down to Daehyun’s hands before he looked back up at his eyes with a sheepish smile.
“O-Okay.. I’ll look forward to it then.” (YJ)
[[ My Own Thoughts:
Yay >3<..
They're finally together after.. a bunch of hard work
A round of applause for Myungsoo, Sooyoung, and Yoona >3<..
And for Daehyun for finally accepting his feelings.. xD ]]
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My computer died ;;... Updates are going to be slower now >.


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Chapter 66: Awwe! ITS OVER?! I cant believe it! At first i thought that 66 chapters is so long but now i want more! This is an amazing story!! Im crying.. anyway i cant believe its done! Thank you for writing this authornim! <3
Chapter 47: Jongup is so innocent... poor child bless your poor soul
Chapter 43: Why is Jongup like this? 'Pika-pi.' Really? My heart hurts. I can imagine him saying it in a cute voice.. TT
He's so adorable.
Thanks a lot Woohyun. :/
Chapter 24: Daehyun is me. Me is Daehyun.
Never turn down free food.
Chapter 23: Ahhh! I hope their plans wont succeed
Chapter 22: How dare you violate Youngjae, Woohyun?! Im shook
Chapter 13: I love Sungyeol XD he's so adorable
Chapter 27: I'm pretty sure I saw this comming...I just cant handdle, my tears are rolling over and I'm really sad for everything!! :(
Chapter 24: I still don't want to be happy because if I do, when the really bad things happens I'm going to be crying all along the entire chapters ahead :(