
I Love You, Just Like This
(YJ) - Young Jae speaking
(DH) - Daehyun speaking
(L) - Myungsoo speaking
(S) - Sungyeol speaking
(J) - Jessica speaking
“Aish.. that boy! Where could he be?! He should have been home by now!” (S) Sungyeol constantly looked at the clock, only mere seconds having passed with each time that he checked the time. Young Jae NEVER usually stays out this late without him or Myungsoo lugging him around. Even then, if he was with Myungsoo, he would at least call! But no, he was sure that Myungsoo wasn’t with him. Why? Well.. Myungsoo was waiting here for Young Jae to come back!
“He’ll be fine. He was with Daehyun the last time I saw him.” (L) Sungyeol never once thought that Young Jae getting a boyfriend meant that he would be staying out this late. What’s worse is that it hasn’t even been that long before they started dating! Sungyeol didn’t like this whatsoever. He would have preferred it if Young Jae ended up with Myungsoo at this rate!
“That Daehyun..! He’s just trying to get into his pants, I just know it!” (S) Sungyeol was completely and entirely convinced that Daehyun just wanted Young Jae for the naughty naughty! It wasn’t good at all! He couldn’t let his baby brother experience such a thing without truly falling in love!
“Heh... he did get today.” (L)
“WHAT?! WHO?! WHEN?! WHERE?!” (S) Sungyeol prayed oh so very hard that it wasn’t Young Jae that had gotten . He can’t believe it! He just simply refused to believe that his baby brother, his INNOCENT baby brother he gotten by the very likes of that badman!
“Daehyun. He was holding Young Jae from behind and he.. accidentally poked Young Jae.” (L) Myungsoo chuckled as he saw the worry, fear, and anger all cross Sungyeol’s face at once. It was fun making Sungyeol worry like this. Although he hasn’t known Daehyun all that long, he doubted the male would try anything.
“AISH! I HAVE TO FIND HIM! Myungsoo.. where are they?” (S) Myungsoo shrugged, pretending not to even have the slightest clue. Sungyeol walked over to a nearby wall and began hitting his head against it. How was he ever going to save his cute, innocent, little baby brother?! Soon, an idea popped up into his head.
“Oh! I know! I’ll just call him! He always answers his phone!” (S) Sungyeol quickly pulled his phone out of the pocket and after fumbling a bit with the poor device, he finally got to Young Jae’s name and began dialing the number. Once it was entered, he put the phone up to his ear and waited patiently for his baby brother to answer the phone.
Although... it really felt like Young Jae was taking a bit too long to answer his cell phone already.
“A-Are you sure this is alright..?” (YJ) Young Jae has been constantly red ever since agreeing to staying over. He hasn’t ever showered anywhere but home before, so he felt a bit uncomfortable showering in Daehyun’s bathroom. It also didn’t help that he had to use Daehyun’s towel as well as even wear Daehyun’s clothes. It felt really awkward, especially since.. he was wearing Daehyun’s underwear. The only thing left that he hasn’t used was Daehyun’s toothbrush, to which he was asking about now.
“Yea, I’m positive! I mean, we’ve already kissed, so it’s alright.” (DH) That wasn’t what Young Jae was worried about. Toothbrushes were there to brush away the germs that were in one’s mouth and him using the same toothbrush as Daehyun wasn’t necessarily.. sanitary. Though, he knew that Daehyun wouldn’t stop trying to talk him into it if he tried to get away, so... he ended up using Daehyun’s toothbrush.
Was this how all couples acted? Young Jae wished that he knew for certain so that he didn’t feel so weird about it. Still, he was glad that Daehyun was trying to look after him. It felt nice and he really liked it so he decided to just try and look over all of this for now. As Daehyun brushed his teeth, Young Jae sat patiently at the edge of Daehyun’s bed. As he looked around the bedroom, he noticed how messy Daehyun really was.
Daehyun wasn’t as messy as he had thought. There were just dirty clothes laying around rather than sitting in his laundry basket. Though, the more he looked around, the more he realized that Daehyun didn’t have a laundry basket. With a small smile, Young Jae got up from his seat and quietly began cleaning the room.
Checking himself in the mirror, Daehyun grinned once he was satisfied with how he looked. Sure, he wasn’t heading out or anything, but he still wanted to look good for Young Jae. As he stepped out of the bathroom, he noticed Young Jae walking here and there, rearranging his room. It was a bit confusing, but it’s not like he was hurting anyone. “What are you doing?” (DH)
Young Jae turned to look at Daehyun before smiling and continuing what he was doing. “I’m cleaning your room. I wanted to do something nice for you.. since you’re looking out for me.” (YJ)
Daehyun smiled, making his way over to Young Jae and wrapping his arms around his waist. Young Jae turned a slight shade of red, though he quickly calmed down as he smiled and turned his gaze at Daehyun. “Hey. You’re starting to get more comfortable around me.” (DH)
“Y-Yea... I.. I mean, we are... dating so.. I have to make sure that it’s not awkward around us anymore.. r-right..?” (YJ) Daehyun nodded happily before kissing Young Jae’s cheek and releasing the male from his hold. However, once Daehyun had turned around, it was Young Jae’s turn to hold Daehyun from behind.
“W-Woah there. You’re definitely trying hard, aren’t you?” (DH)
“Y-Yes.. I.. I want to show that I really like you too.” (YJ) Daehyun chuckled a bit, just barely remembering that he had said something about that earlier today. He turned around and wrapped his arms around Young Jae once more as he looked into the males eyes.
“I’m glad that you’re all mine.” (DH) Young Jae turned a bit red before Daehyun slowly pressed his lips against Young Jae’s. Young Jae’s eyes widened before he forced himself to calm down once more before he hesitantly began returning Daehyun’s kisses. After a few seconds of kissing, the pair finally broke away from each other once Young Jae’s phone went off.
“S-Sorry..” (YJ)
“It’s fine.” (DH) Young Jae went over to where his things currently were, going through his bag and taking out his cell phone. He quickly checked the caller ID before he quickly answered the phone.
“Y-Yeoboseyo..?” (YJ)
“S-Sorry hyung.. I-I’m going to s-stay the night at D-Daehyun’s.. apartment..” (YJ)
“...” (S)
“H-Hyung..?” (YJ)
“N-No hyung.. I-It’s alright. Daehyun is taking care of me well a-and..” (YJ)
“What do you MEAN he’s taking care of you?! What did you two do?!” (S)
“N-Nothing! W-We just went on a date... b-but since it’s dark, D-Daehyun said that he was worried for me a-and said that he didn’t want me going out at night, so..” (YJ)
“YAH! This boy.. Aish, arasseo! If you like it there so much, then go live with him already! I don’t care! Be happy without me! Do I sound like I care? NO! Have all the naughty naughty or hanky panky or whatever it is you call it all you want because I don’t have to look after you anymore! Aish.. this boy. I spend my entire life looking after him and this is how he repays me. ARASSEO! YOU HEAR ME?!” (S)
Before Young Jae could respond, Sungyeol had hung up his phone. Young Jae sighed before putting his phone back into his bag and turning around and looking at Daehyun, whom had been standing as close as possible in order to listen. “I think hyung is mad..” (YJ)
“Oh, don’t worry about him! Come on, let’s go eat.” (DH)
“H-Huh..? But we just brushed our teeth..” (YJ)
“So? We can just rinse our mouths out after we finish eating.” (DH) Young Jae couldn’t help but wonder if that’s what Daehyun constantly did. Well, he had been thinking that until he was literally pulled away by Daehyun.
“AISH! THAT BOY!” (S) Sungyeol threw his phone onto the couch before crossing his arms and turning to look at Myungsoo, whom was only staring back at him. “Yah. Why do you let Young Jae do what he wants?” (S)
“Me? You’re the one who practically threw him into Daehyun’s arms.” (L) Sungyeol let out a frustrated groan before hitting his head against the wall once more. Myungsoo only chuckled a bit before getting up onto his feet and stretching. “Well, since Young Jae isn’t coming home, I’m going to head home now.” (L)
“Yah..!” (S) Dungyeol turned to look at Myungsoo, quickly putting his arm out in an attempt to keep Myungsoo from leaving. “You know where they are, right? Tell me where they are! I have to know, or better yet.. you have to show me now! You’re responsible too!” (S)
“Let me think.. No.” (L) Myungsoo moved past Sungyeol and was so very close to the door, when he felt arms latch onto him from behind. “YAH! What are you doing Sungyeol?! What are you, drunk?!” (L)
“BRING ME TO THEM! I HAVE TO SAVE YOUNG JAE!” (S) Though, Sungyeol didn’t get his answer as Myungsoo soon flipped the poor male onto his back. Myungsoo scoffed a bit before walking over to the front door, putting his shoes on, and leaving Sungyeol to lay on his back in a bit of pain. Myungsoo paused for a moment before he turned to look back at Sungyeol.
“Just let Young Jae grow up already. He can’t stay cute and innocent forever.” (L) With that, Myungsoo stepped out of the doorway and close the door behind him.
 “Aigoo.. that boy is just as bad as Daehyun..” (S)
Sungyeol groaned as he slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position. He sighed before getting to his feet and pouting slightly. What was he going to do? His poor baby brother was going to be taken advantage of if he didn’t do anything, but he had no idea where this Daehyun lived. Heck, he didn’t even know Daehyun’s surname!
“W-What do you want to eat..?” (YJ)
“Do we have cheesecake?” (DH)
“I-I don’t know... i-it’s your fridge..” (YJ)
“Oh, right.. we do have cheeseake. Let’s eat that! But first.. we have to have late night dinner!” (DH)
“W-What do you want to eat then?” (YJ) The pair stood in front of the fridge, both crouched down to look inside of the fridge. Without really waiting for an answer, Young Jae began pulling out various ingredients with an idea as to what he felt like cooking.
“Hey... let’s just have the cheesecake. I want to snuggle up with you on the couch.” (DH) Young Jae looked at Daehyun before he smiled and nodded, placing the ingredients back into the fridge. Daehyun pulled the cheesecake out of the fridge and opened it up, going over to the various cabinets and pulling out forks before stacking them on top of the cheesecake box. Picking the box up and the forks, he made his way to the living room with Young Jae following close behind.
“How come you didn’t get any plates?” (YJ) Daehyun set the box down, looking up at Young Jae with a bit of a ‘what did you say?’ type of look. “I asked how come you didn’t get any plates.” (YJ)
“Oh! Uh.. there’s no need.” (DH) Daehyun opened the box up, showing that it was definitely a newly bought cheesecake. Young Jae couldn’t help but worry a bit, but he sat down next as Daehyun turned the television on and changed it to a random channel that seemed to have a good movie or drama playing at the moment.
Picking the cheesecake box, he set it on his lap as he picked up the forks and handed one over to Young Jae. Without really much of a warning, he just dug into the cheesecake. Young Jae looked at Daehyun curiously. Did he really eat cheesecake like this? “I-Is this alright? What if Noona wants some..” (YJ)
“Eh? There’s another box with a slice left in it.” (DH) Young Jae slowly nodded. Did they normally have two different cheesecakes for each other? Well, it probably didn’t matter anymore. Once those thoughts were out of his head, he began eating the cheesecake the same way that Daehyun currently was.
Soon the front door clicked unlocked before it opened and Jessica stepped inside. She yawned and stretched a bit before her eyes finally landed on both Daehyun and Young Jae. The pair stared at her and vice versa, before Jessica grinned and closed the front door. “Young Jae-ah, you’re here and in Daehyun’s clothes. Are you staying over?” (J)
Young Jae turned red at the mention of him being in Daehyun’s clothes. Was it bad that he was wearing his clothes? He had gotten used to wearing them by now, but.. he still didn’t know. “Y-Yes... I-I’m staying over.. I-Is that alright..?” (YJ)
“Of course! It just means that I don’t have to deal with Daehyun.” (J)
“Yah! Noona! What do you mean by that?!” (DH)
“It means exactly what it means! You just better not cause any trouble for Young Jae!” (J)
“Aish.. Arasseo! I’d rather have him than you anyway!” (DH) Jessica stuck her tongue out at Daehyun before she made her way into the kitchen to get something to eat. Daehyun sighed before he felt Young Jae slightly nudge at him.
“D-Daehyun.. you should be nicer to your Noona..” (YJ)
“I am nice. I was just playing with her.” (DH) Young Jae thought for a moment before taking another forkful of cheesecake. Just as he was about to put it into his own mouth, Daehyun had cut him off and took the cheesecake into his own mouth.
“D-Daehyun!” (YJ) Daehyun looked at a now pouting Young Jae as he stared at his fork before looking up at him. Daehyun couldn’t help but feel bad before taking a forkful of cheesecake with his own fork and holding it up to Young Jae.
“Here. Say Ahhhhhh~” (DH) Young Jae turned red, but reluctantly, he ended up opening his mouth as Daehyun fed him the cheesecake. Daehyun chuckled a bit as he kissed Young Jae’s cheek before turning to eat more.
“You didn’t have to feed me..” (YJ) Sure, Daehyun didn’t have to feed him, but Young Jae secretly liked it. In fact, he kind of wanted Daehyun to feed him more often, but he wasn’t going to say that out loud.
“Yea, but you’re mine so I get to feed you.” (DH) Young Jae smiled sheepishly before he began eating once again.
“D-Does that mean.. t-that I can feed you if you can feed me?” (YJ) Daehyun looked at Young Jae, whom was still focusing on the cheesecake. He seemed to be a bit shy about it, but Daehyun only smiled as he ruffled Young Jae’s hair a bit.
“Of course! You already cook for me and that’s good enough. You’re a very good boyfriend.” (DH) Young Jae smiled as he looked up at Daehyun, whom only held his smile. Young Jae moved a bit closer to Daehyun as he softly kissed Daehyun’s lips before turning back to the cheesecake. “Aish.. apparently you like food more than me.” (DH)
“Only for now..” (YJ) Young Jae quietly chuckled to himself as he continued eating. Daehyun only smiled though, watching his cute boyfriend eat before he, too, continued eating. After all, how could he resist such a nice temptation? Well.. he was already resisting one temptation..
“Aish.. those two are so cute together..” (J) Jessica watched from behind one of the walls of the kitchen. She was currently eating a the last slice of cheesecake from the box she currently had as she stared at the two. She let out a small sigh before she turned and sat at one of the stools in the kitchen.
How is it that her little brother was able to find someone that just seemed so perfect for him and yet, she hasn’t? Sure, she’s been on dates here and there, but they weren’t exactly mister perfect. That Myungsoo though.. if only he was at LEAST twenty years old, then he would have been perfect.
She smacked her head, shaking the thought out of it. No! She was not going to keep thinking about him! He is a minor and they were at least seven years apart! It was indecent to think of such things. Nope. She wasn’t going to do this. She was just going to have to move on with her life and find someone else that could sweep her off of her feet.
Daehyun looked down as he noticed that there wasn’t anymore cheesecake. His bottom lip pouted out as he placed the fork down into the box and looked at Young Jae, whom just now noticed his pouting lip. “W-W-W-What are you doing?” (YJ)
“There’s no more.” (DH) Daehyun whined a little bit, causing Young Jae to turn a bit red. He had never seen Daehyun whining like this before. It was definitely a new experience for Young Jae, but.. he still didn’t know what to do about it. “Let’s go buy more?” (DH)
“I-In the morning, o-okay?” (YJ) Daehyun smiled happily as he nodded before putting the box onto the coffee table before sitting back and pulling Young Jae closer to him. Young Jae turned a bit red as he rested his head on Daehyun’s shoulder. “I-Is this how I’m supposed to do it..?” (YJ)
“I’m not sure, but it seems right. As long as you’re comfortable.” (DH)
“I-I’m comfortable..” (YJ)
“Good. Then that means we’re doing it right.” (DH) Young Jae nodded happily before turning his attention back to the television screen. He was glad that he was able to do something like this with someone that he really liked.
Time passed before Young Jae started getting tired. Closing his eyes, he decided that he would rest for just a few minutes. Even though he heard Daehyun softly calling his name, he didn’t answer the male for whatever reason. In a matter of seconds, the television was turned off and Young Jae felt himself being lifted up into Daehyun’s arms.
Daehyun slowly made his way into his bedroom and although he struggled with the light, he somehow managed to flip it on. Making his way over to the bed, Daehyun gently placed Young Jae on top of it before moving the blanket to where it was now over him. Smiling a bit, he bent down and softly planted a kiss on Young Jae’s forehead.
Though, for whatever reason, he soon ended up planting yet another kiss on Young Jae’s lips. Young Jae, deciding to take Daehyun by surprise, quickly wrapped his arms around Daehyun’s neck and kissed him back. Daehyun’s eyes widened as he felt Young Jae’s soft lips returning his kisses. Once Young Jae loosened his grip and the two parted just a little bit, he opened his eyes and smiled a bit.
“Did I scare you?” (YJ) Young Jae didn’t expect Daehyun to be kissing him in his sleep. Was that something that was normal too? He knew that in the movie they watched earlier, the guy had kissed his girlfriend’s forehead while she slept, but he didn’t kiss her lips. Maybe it was just something that Daehyun did. Either way, he kind of wanted to scare Daehyun anyway and it gave him that opportunity.
“This kid...” (DH) Daehyun chuckled a bit before he went around the bed and laid down next to Young Jae, whom was now red. Young Jae had nearly forgotten that they were supposed to sleep in the same bed. “You scared me, but only a little bit.” (DH)
Young Jae to his side as he looked at Daehyun through sleepy eyes. “I-I’m glad I scared you then..” (YJ) He smiled slightly as he felt Daehyun’s fingers slowly trailing along his cheeks. Just as he drifted off to sleep, he had managed to say one last thing before sleep took over. “I love you Daehyun...” (YJ)
Daehyun’s eyes widened as he froze, staring at a now sleeping Young Jae. What? Did he hear him correctly or did his ears deceive him? Daehyun slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position, staring down at the boy whom had just confessed his love for him. What was he supposed to do? What was he supposed to say? Was this normal? They’ve only been dating for a week and already Young Jae loved him?!
Daehyun bit his lip as he looked away, trying to figure out what to do. Slowly, he got out of bed and made his way out of the bedroom, making sure to turn the lights off before making his way out onto the balcony. He sighed as he sat down by the railing, looking out at the brooding sky.
“What should I do..” (DH) Maybe Young Jae had just said that he had loved him because he was sleepy. Yea, maybe he mistook him for someone else or something but.. then, who would he be thinking of? Daehyun bit his bottom lip, trying to think for a moment. It just didn’t add up at all. They have only been dating for a week and already, Young Jae was saying that he loved him. It just didn’t make sense.
Daehyun nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard knocking on the window. He turned and looked at Jessica, whom was smiling and waving before making her way out onto the balcony as well. “You’re still up? What’s wrong?” (J)
“I...” (DH) Daehyun thought for a moment. Should he tell Jessica about what just happened? Maybe she would have a better understanding about the situation than him. “Uh... I was out here thinking because.. well..” (DH) He paused for a moment as he ran the thought a second time through his head. “Well.. Young Jae.. he.. he said that he loved me..” (DH)
Jessica’s eyes lit up for a moment before a worried look showed up on her face. “I.. I thought you would be happy, but.. it’s too early, huh.” (J) Jessica looked up at the sky and tried to think for a moment before looking back down at her little brother. “How do you feel about it?” (J)
Daehyun thought for a moment. How did he really feel about it? “Um.. I.. I actually don’t know how I feel about it..” (DH) Daehyun sighed a bit as he looked back out at the sky. “I.. I don’t think that I love him like he loves me, but.. I know that I still really like him.” (DH)
“Well.. if you still like him, then make sure not to break his heart. It’s okay if you don’t return his feelings yet, buut.. it’s not okay if you act any different around him or distance yourself away from him.” (J) Daehyun nodded a bit. It did make sense, after Jessica explained a bit more about what she meant. He had to figure out his feelings for Young Jae before he could give his answer to Young Jae.
“What are you doing up, Noona?” (DH) Daehyun looked over at Jessica, now a bit curious as to why she was still up. Sure, she was allowed to be up whenever and however she wanted, but she was normally asleep by now since she had work early in the morning.
“Oh.. I couldn’t sleep. I thought that maybe coming out here would do me some good, but this pabo here is messing it up.” (J) Jessica chuckled a bit as Daehyun lightly pushed her.
"Thanks.. Noona." (DH)
Time had passed and Jessica finally went back to her room to get some sleep. Daehyun watched as the rain slowly began to pour, reminding him of their first date. He smiled a bit before getting onto his feet and heading back into the apartment.
Entering his bedroom, he stripped his shirt off before slipping into his bed and slowly getting comfortable. Though, while moving around, his hand had somehow ended up landing on something warm and.. plump. His eyes widened pulling the blanket a bit before his eyes landed on the back of Young Jae’s head. Looking down at where he had grabbed, he also realized that he had just d Young Jae’s bottom.
He turned a bit red, but he decided not to think too much about it. Pulling the blanket back up, he snuggled up to Young Jae, wrapping his arm around Young Jae’s waist as he also wrapped his fingers around Young Jae’s hand. Quietly, he whispered into Young Jae’s sleeping ear. “Young Jae... I can’t return your feelings yet but... I want you to know that.. I really like you.. Please.. wait for me to find my feelings..” (DH)
Daehyun kissed the back of Young Jae’s neck before nuzzling himself up to him as much as possible. He really did hope that Young Jae understood him and would wait until he finally found his true feelings for him.
“AISH! YOUNG JAEEEE! WHERE ARE YOU?!” (S) Sungyeol was going crazy now. Hours had passed and it was already late at night. He couldn’t handle it, he just couldn’t! He had called numerous amounts of times, left nearly twenty text messages before he began yelling out loud in the house. Luckily, their parents were gone for the weekend, so he didn’t have to worry about waking them.
“Young Jae-ahhh.... I missss youu... Please come baaack..” (S) Sungyeol laid sprawled out on the couch, wallowing in his despair. He couldn’t help but worry so much about his baby brother. After all, this was his first time sleeping over at someone else’s house. What was worse is the fact that it was Young Jae’s boyfriend’s house.
“No.. I have to BELIEVE in him!” (S) Sungyeol quickly sat up before falling back down onto the couch in despair. “My poor baby brother! He’s going to lose his ity to a badman like Daehyun!” (S)
And thus.. Sungyeol began wallowing in his despair once more.
[[ My Own Thoughts:
YAY >3<..
Chapter 13 is up and it's all nice and fluffy >3<
Sure, it's a bit slow..
Not really that funny..
But it's fluffy. x3
And yes.. a dying Sungyeol is needed..
Because hey, why not?
Who knows what would have happened to the innocent Young Jae. xD
Also.. as you can see..
I am on a writing spree.. xD
I don't know why, but I just happen to be in the mood for it.. xD
So yea.. three chapters in one day.
How exciting. x3 ]]
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My computer died ;;... Updates are going to be slower now >.


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Chapter 66: Awwe! ITS OVER?! I cant believe it! At first i thought that 66 chapters is so long but now i want more! This is an amazing story!! Im crying.. anyway i cant believe its done! Thank you for writing this authornim! <3
Chapter 47: Jongup is so innocent... poor child bless your poor soul
Chapter 43: Why is Jongup like this? 'Pika-pi.' Really? My heart hurts. I can imagine him saying it in a cute voice.. TT
He's so adorable.
Thanks a lot Woohyun. :/
Chapter 24: Daehyun is me. Me is Daehyun.
Never turn down free food.
Chapter 23: Ahhh! I hope their plans wont succeed
Chapter 22: How dare you violate Youngjae, Woohyun?! Im shook
Chapter 13: I love Sungyeol XD he's so adorable
Chapter 27: I'm pretty sure I saw this comming...I just cant handdle, my tears are rolling over and I'm really sad for everything!! :(
Chapter 24: I still don't want to be happy because if I do, when the really bad things happens I'm going to be crying all along the entire chapters ahead :(