
I Love You, Just Like This
(YJ) - Young Jae speaking
(SY) - Sooyoung speaking
(HC) - Himchan speaking
(DH) - Daehyun speaking
(L) - Myungsoo speaking
(TF) - Tiffany speaking
(JU) - Jongup speaking
(J) - Jessica speaking
(Y) - Yuri speaking
“T-There’s not a lot of couples left..” (YJ) Young Jae was rather surprised to see that out of the twenty something contestants, there were now only ten couples left. The song had changed only once as well, but Young Jae couldn’t help but feel that the contestants were exhausted by now. Though, he was glad that there would at least be a fifteen minute break once one more couple was disqualified.
“How many rounds are there anyway?” (HC)
“There’s four. Freestyle, Foxtrot, Tango, and then Waltz. There would be more, but then this contest would last all night. The rest of the contest will be completely point based, so the judges need to see each couple out there one at a time. The couple with the highest amount of collect points win.” (J) Young Jae slowly nodded, keeping his eyes on Daehyun and Sooyoung. He couldn’t help but think about how pretty the two looked while dancing. One day, Young Jae would be able to dance just as prettily with Daehyun or at least.. he hoped so.
“Wow! They all look amazing!” (Y) A few people turned to look at Yuri, whom had shown up just a tad bite late. She looked around at everyone, her usual smile gracing her face before looking back out at the dancers. “Oh! Yoona and Sooyoung are still in! Hooraaaay~!” (Y)
Standing up, Yuri cupped her hands around and leaned forward as she attempted to be heard over the music. “YAAAH~! YOONA! SOOYOUNG! WIN THIS THING!” (Y)
With a small giggle, Yuri took her seat once more before looking at everyone. Her eyes widened in surprise as she noticed Jessica sitting right next to her. “Omo..! Unnie! Why are you sitting here instead of dancing out there?” (Y)
“I was disqualified because of Sungyeol.” (J) Sungyeol sat up and glared at Jessica, but the second Jessica glared back, Sungyeol instantly turned away and pretended as if he hadn’t done anything. Jessica rolled her eyes before looking back at Yuri, a sudden question popping up in her head. “But why are you late? The contest started about eight minutes ago.” (J)
“Me? Oh! After I left Yoona in the changing room, I bumped into Jongup and we went shopping! Jongup should be coming soon. He’s still looking out at the ocean.” (Y) Jessica narrowed her eyes as she smiled, leaning in close to Yuri.
“Omo.. With Jongup? Is there something between you two?” (J) Yuri looked at Jessica with a bit of confusion on her face.
“What do you mean between us? There’s a lot of things between us!” (Y) Jessica sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose. Jessica hadn’t necessarily expected that kind of answer, but she would get her answer sooner or later. It would probably be better to ask Jongup.. or just to ask Yuri directly instead of beating around the bush.
“Ah.. Never mind. It’s not important.” (J) Jessica leaned back in her seat as she crossed her arms, looking back out at the dancers. Just as she had done so though, the last couple had been disqualified. Soon, the announcer came back on, announcing each couple before announcing the fifteen minute break.
The cheers and applause commenced as the dancers all bowed to the audience. A few seconds had passed before the dancers all came off of the dance floor and the music started up for everyone’s enjoyment. Daehyun, Sooyoung, Myungsoo, Yoona, Woohyun, and Tiffany all took up seats at the table that Young Jae and everyone else was sitting at. Daehyun pouted a bit since he had not been able to take the seat next to Young Jae, so all he could do was stare at Young Jae with his pout. “Young Jaaaee... Come sit with meee.” (DH)
Young Jae looked up at Daehyun and blinked a few times before looking around at the seats that were around Daehyun at the moment. Getting up from his seat, Young Jae made his way over to Daehyun. He was about to crouch down, when suddenly, Daehyun’s arms wrapped around Young Jae and pulled him into his seat. “A-Ah! W-What are you doing..?!” (YJ)
“You’re sitting with me!” (DH) Daehyun nuzzled his cheek against Young Jae’s arm, deepening the shade of red that Young Jae already had on his face. Young Jae felt rather uncomfortable sitting in Daehyun’s lap, especially since there were quite a few stares that they were receiving, but Young Jae just remained on Daehyun’s lap. “Mm.. you’re so soft.” (DH)
“Hey you two! Get a room!” (HC) Daehyun lifted his head a bit as he looked at Himchan, whom was currently grinning. Daehyun scoffed a bit before nuzzling his face against Young Jae’s arm once more.
“You’re just jealous because Yongguk doesn’t do this with you!” (DH)
“YAH! You little..” (HC) Yongguk raised an arm in front of Himchan as he grinned and wagged a finger at Himchan. Himchan looked at Yongguk before letting out a sigh and looking over at everyone else. “Myungsoo! Beat Daehyun!” (HC)
Myungsoo looked over at Himchan and chuckled a little bit before sitting back in his seat. “Oh? You really want me to beat Daehyun? What will I get if I beat him?” (L)
“Aish..! You little..” (HC) Yongguk repeated his action from before, making Himchan go quiet yet again. Small bits of laughter was heard here and there, but it didn’t last all that long.
While everyone else talked amongst one another, Daehyun kept his attention entirely on Young Jae. He tuned basically everyone out, focusing on just how soft Young Jae’s skin was. Why was he just now noticing this? “Ahh.. Young Jae. I want to feel more of your skin when we get back.” (DH)
“D-Daehyun.. shh..!” (YJ) Young Jae looked around, but luckily, no one heard Daehyun’s comment. Daehyun chuckled though as he moved his head away a bit, looking up at his lover.
“Oh? Are you embarrassed? Okay. I’ll make sure to keep it quiet.” (DH) Young Jae let out a small relieved sigh as he folded his hands and rested it on his lap. Daehyun looked out at everyone, his eyes landing on a certain person that was staring right at Young Jae, or at least.. he assumed the male was staring at Young Jae. He didn’t know who it was, but Daehyun definitely didn’t like the look that he was giving.
“Contestants! We shall call each couple up one at a time to show off their dancing skills for each category! All other contestants must wait patiently for their turn. Alright.. Let’s see who’s first!”
Time ticked by as each couple went up and danced. The top three couples with the most points so far was Daehyun and Sooyoung at number one, Myungsoo and Yoona at number two, and a random couple at number three. Woohyun and Tiffany were at number four, but Tiffany was clearly not happy with that. However, Woohyun was glad to have at least made it this far simply because it meant that he beat Sungyeol.
Daehyun and Sooyoung had racked up the most points when the Tango category came up. Sooyoung’s favorite category just happened to be tango, so it was rather easy for her to be able to rack up the points with Daehyun. In a way, Young Jae ended up becoming jealous with just how close the two were while dancing. The chemistry was quite evident there, even if it was necessary for the dance itself. Still, Young Jae managed to keep himself calm since he knew that it was necessary for the two to be that close.
As for Myungsoo and Yoona, they were able to rack up their points thanks to the Fox Trot category. Because of this, Myungsoo and Yoona were able to come just two points behind Daehyun and Sooyoung, creating a rather close race. So it all depended on this last category; the Waltz.
“Daehyun.. do well!” (YJ) Daehyun looked at Young Jae and nodded happily. Bending a bit, Daehyun pressed his lips against Young Jae’s before pulling away and waving. Walking to the middle of the dance floor with Sooyoung. Position himself with Sooyoung, they both waited before finally.. the song started.
They moved gracefully, keeping up with the tempo and one another as they tried their best to win. Sooyoung felt like the luckiest girl in the wordl, simply because she is getting the chance to dance such nice dances with the guy that she has had a crush on for the longest time. Sure, she wouldn’t end up with Daehyun like she hoped for, but this was close enough. That’s what she had decided on when she first started this dance and that’s what she’s going to keep telling herself.
Once they reached the half-way point of the song, Daehyun had stolen a glance over at Young Jae before his eyes remained glued on him. He could see, right then and there, a random male talking to Young Jae. What was that about? Who was that male? What was that man doing with HIS fiance? Daehyun turned his attention back to Sooyoung, noticing that he had yet to mess up. Daehyun’s body already knew the routine by heart, so it wasn’t too much of a problem. Still.. Daehyun knew that if he didn’t stay focused, he would end up messing up and causing them to lose.
Once the song was over, Daehyun and Sooyoung quickly bowed before Daehyun rushed over to the table. His eyes looked around at the group, but the person he was looking for wasn’t around anymore. “Hey. Where’s Young Jae?” (DH)
“Young Jae? I think I saw him walk off with someone over there. I think the guy asked Young Jae to help him with something.” (J) What exactly was this something?! Without even a second thought, Daehyun quickly ran off in the direction that Jessica had pointed towards. He was definitely not going to lose Young Jae.
“P-Please leave me alone now..” (YJ) Young Jae had only followed this guy because he had given a convincing story about how he needed aide in going to the hospital. Young Jae had been skeptical about this guy’s need, but he couldn’t help but help the male. After helping to at least bring the male to the nearby clinic, on his way back, it seems like the girl from the aquarium had caught up to him.
“Oppa! Come on~! You were so manly and so certain about yourself! Why are you such a wimp now?” The girl pushed Young Jae’s shoulder a bit before giggling. “You’re so cute and you can be super manly at the same time! I love it! You should leave the other guy and come with me! Oppa's just my style!”
“N-No.. I-I only like Daehyun.” (YJ) The girl pouted as she leaned in close, putting her hands up to her chest in an attempt at aegyo. However, Young Jae wasn’t necessarily the type to fall for a girl’s aegyo when that girl was the one he had gotten a bit mad at just hours ago. “P-Please go away.” (YJ)
“Oppa! You’re so mean! You HAVE to be mine!”
“Yah. If he said to go away, then go away.” (DH) The girl turned around and her eyes widened a bit when they landed on Daehyun’s face. He didn’t necessarily look angry or annoyed, but his eyes said that he wasn’t in the mood. However, she wasn’t the type to back down just yet. This girl was the type to feel as if there had to be some sort of hope at getting what she needed.
“Oppa! Just because you’re jealous of me and him, doesn’t mean you have to be mea- OPPA!” The girl stared dumbfounded as Young Jae quickly ran and hid behind Daehyun. Once she was able to fully understand what exactly happened, she scoffed as she placed a hand on her hip. “You two are just sick! That’s what it is! You only have a mental illness! That can be fixed, right?”
“Just take a hint and get going. I won’t be nice if I see you again.” (DH)
“OPP-” Completely tired of hearing her voice, Daehyun used the palm of his hand to smack the girl’s forehead. Taking a hold of Young Jae’s hand, Daehyun turned and led Young Jae away from the girl as she became a bit too preoccupied with rubbing at her slightly pained forehead.
Once they were at the doors leading back into the area where the competition was currently taking place, Daehyun came to a complete stop. Young Jae looked at Daehyun and blinked a few times, confused as to why they weren’t going inside. Taking a step forward, Young Jae was about to question Daehyun when suddenly, the older male had turned and wrapped his arms around Young Jae. “D-Daehyun..!” (YJ)
“Good.. You weren’t taken away by that guy..” (DH) Young Jae frowned a bit before it turned into a smile. Slowly, he slid his hands around Daehyun’s waist before hugging Daehyun tightly. Young Jae didn’t necessarily understand what Daehyun meant by being taken away by that guy, but he was still glad that Daehyun had shown up.
“I-I don’t understand what you mean.. b-but thank you for helping me.” (YJ) Daehyun pulled away a bit and slightly furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Young Jae. Young Jae stared at him with clear confusion on his face as he tilted his head a bit. “W-What is it..?” (YJ)
“That guy earlier! Who was he? Was he trying to take you away from me?” (DH) Young Jae blinked a few times, trying to think for a moment. What exactly did Daehyun mean by that? Though, the guy that Daehyun had mentioned did finally pop up in his head.
“H-He needed someone to bring him to the h-hospital so I brought him to the clinic. I-Is that bad..?” (YJ) Daehyun let out a small sigh before smiling and shaking his head. Though, there were many other people in that room and from what he recalled, that guy was sitting with other people. Why did he feel the need to go up to Young Jae specifically to ask him for help? Well.. it was rather obvious. The girl had asked him to bring Young Jae out so that she could talk to him or at least, that’s what he assumed.
“Let’s go back inside now. I think Myungsoo and Yoona should be up now.” (DH) Young Jae nodded happily. Just as Daehyun turned, Young Jae took a hold of Daehyun’s wrist and tugged on it a bit, causing Daehyun to stop and look back at him. Slowly, Young Jae interlocked his fingers with Daehyun’s as he raised the older male’s hand. He rubbed the back of Daehyun’s hand against his cheek before looking back at him.
“I-I really like how your hands feel..” (YJ) Daehyun chuckled a bit as he pulled Young Jae into his arms, causing the younger male to turn a bit red before smiling. “I also like being held like this by you.. I-It always makes me feel safe..” (YJ)
“Then I’ll hold you for as long as you want me to.” (DH) Daehyun leaned in closed as he tilted his head up a bit as Young Jae tilted his head downwards, softly pressing his lips against Young Jae’s forehead. “Ready to go back in? Or do you want me to hold you a little longer?” (DH)
“Um..” (YJ) Young Jae smiled sheepishly as he raised his gaze up towards Daehyun. Daehyun looked down at him, a single brow raising as he began to question Young Jae’s motives. “I want you to hold me forever!” (YJ)
“Oh? Then you can sit on my lap when we go in.” (DH) Instantly, Young Jae turned red as he lowered his gaze once more. Daehyun chuckled as he turned them around, walking forward as he kept his grip on Young Jae. Young Jae found it rather difficult to keep up with Daehyun, but thanks to Daehyun’s hold on him, Young Jae was able to keep himself from falling over.
“D-Daehyun! I-It’s hard to walk!” (YJ)
“But you wanted me to hold you forever!” (DH)
“L-Let me turn around then!” (YJ) Daehyun chuckled a bit before he stopped walking. Letting out a relieved sigh, Young Jae turned around before placing his hands on Daehyun’s arms. Turning a bit to Daehyun, he nodded a bit before the two began walking once more. This time, however, Young Jae was actually capable of keeping himself from falling. “Thank you Daehyun.” (YJ)
“Anything for you.” (DH)
Entering the room, the two quietly walked around the edge of the room to avoid blocking the view for the people watching. Only a few seconds had passed before the duo were finally back at their table, Daehyun pulling Young Jae onto his lap once again as he wrapped his arms around the younger lad’s waist. “Hey. Were you able to help that guy?” (J)
Young Jae and Daehyun both turned to Jessica. Young Jae nodded and smiled happily, feeling quite accomplished with the good deed that he had done today. Daehyun only smiled as he looked at Young Jae, pressing his lips against Young Jae’s neck before looking back over at the dancers. “Ah.. that’s good. What did he need help with?” (J)
“Um... He said that he wasn’t feeling well, so he needed someone to bring him to the hospital. I-I brought him to the nearest clinic.” (YJ) Jessica slowly nodded before smiling and giving Young Jae a thumbs up. Young Jae was about to say something, but when the song ended, the applause and the small amounts of cheering from the audience cut him off.
“Alright! That was our final couple of the night! Another round of applause for our competitors!”  The applause started up once more and lasted for about ten to fifteen seconds before it died down once again. “It will take just a few minutes before the points are all tallied up. Until then, please continue to enjoy the food and music for the rest of the time!”
The announcer stepped off of the dance floor and soon enough, music was playing once more. The group all turned their attention to once another, a small amount of awkward silence taking place.. but only for a small moment. “Myungsoo! How much longer is the cruise going to be?” (HC)
“Why do you ask?” (L) Well, Myungsoo already knew why Himchan was asking. He just wanted to make sure that his assumptions were correct.
“Because I don’t wanna be on that evil ship anymore! If it wasn’t for this island, my complexion would still be horrible!” (HC) Without really waiting for some sort of response, Himchan pulled out his pocket mirror and opened it up, instantly looking at his reflection. Myungsoo smiled a bit as he shook his head. It would be another month before they were back home, but Myungsoo didn’t necessarily want to dash Himchan’s hopes just yet.
“Unnie! I wanna see your designs when you’re done!” (SY) Jessica slowly turned her head towards Sooyoung as she slid the spoon out of . She covered as she laughed a bit, laughing mainly at her own actions as she placed the spoon down and took the time to chew before swallowing and then finally answering.
“Arraseo, but don’t show anyone else!” (J)
“Omo! I almost forgot!” (Y) Yuri quickly got onto her feet, drawing the attention of nearly everyone at the table. Yuri giggled a bit before moving herself behind her seat and pushing it in. With a smile she took a step away from the table as she waved a bit. “I forgot to get something! I’ll be back really quickly.” (Y)
Without really explaining any further, Yuri was off. Almost as if they were trading places though, Jongup finally showed up, taking Yuri’s seat, considering that there weren’t anymore open seats. “Omo.. Jongup pabo! Where have you been this entire time?” (TF)
“I.. was looking out at the ocean.” (JU) Out at the ocean?! He was wasting time looking out at an ocean that they could practically see twenty-four hours a day while on a cruise ship?! Well, whatever. Tiffany didn’t care. At least he was here now to see her beat Sooyoung.. even though she knew that she was only in this contest because Woohyun felt the need to prove that he was a better dancer than Sungyeol.
“Well.. whatever. At least you’re here now.” (TF) Everyone was all talking in small groups to one another, so it was a bit difficult for Young Jae to pick a group to listen to so that he could participate. Well, even if he did want to participate, Young Jae mostly just wanted to listen to what was going on.
However, all conversations were cut short when the announcer came back onto the stage. “Alright! May we have the nine couples back onto the dance floor!”
Young Jae pouted a bit. He had actually grown accustomed to having to sit on Daehyun’s lap. Young Jae attempted to get up, but he quickly felt Daehyun’s arms pulling him back in. He turned a bit and looked down at Daehyun, whom grinned up at him. “D-Daehyun.. you have to go up there now.” (YJ)
“I know. I can go up there last.” (DH) Young Jae smiled a bit before looking up at the dance floor. Sooyoung had already made her way over to Daehyun and was currently standing nearby as she waited for Daehyun to get up. Young Jae could see that the majority of the couples were already up at the floor. The only couple left was Daehyun and Sooyoung.
“Yah! Daehyun! Get up already!” (SY)
“Ahh... arraseo.” (DH) Daehyun released his grip on Young Jae, whom got up almost immediately. Daehyun rose a single brow as he stood up, looking at Young Jae. “Omo.. Did you really want to get off so quickly?” (DH)
“N-No..! I-I-” (YJ) Daehyun chuckled a bit before ruffling Young Jae’s hair, indicating that he had been kidding. With a sheepish smile, Young Jae nodded a bit before Daehyun and Sooyoung went up to go join the rest of the couples. Taking over Daehyun’s seat for the mean time, Young Jae hoped that Daehyun and Sooyoung would win as he waited to see how the results would end up turning out.
“In third place we have... Couple number seven!" Young Jae smiled and clapped happily when Woohyun and Tiffany got third place. Woohyun seemed to be rather happy with third place, but judging by Tiffany’s lack of enthusiasm, she wasn’t necessarily happy. Young Jae, and practically everyone else, watched as one of the judges placed a sash on both Woohyun and Tiffany, displaying that they had received third place. One the clapping died down, the announcer brought the microphone up to his mouth as he smiled. “Now in second place we have... Couple number twelve!”
Daehyun and Sooyoung both looked surprised as the judge made their way over to them with the second place sashes. As the judges placed the sashes over them, Daehyun turned to look at Young Jae, whom smiled and clapped happily. Young Jae wanted to support Daehyun, especially since he remembered that Daehyun had promised to win the competition for him. Young Jae just wanted to make sure that Daehyun stayed happy. “And now... for first place! The winner is..... Couple seven!”
Myungsoo and Yoona both stared blankly at first. Then, Yoona began to smile as realization kicked in and she looked at Myungsoo. Myungsoo returned her gaze, realization kicking in within him the second he saw Yoona jumping up and down with glee. Myungsoo only smiled as the judge placed the sash around him and Yoona. He wasn’t necessarily the jumping up and down type. “One more round of applause for our contestants!”
Everyone got to their feet as they began clapping once again. There were whistles and cheers here and there, though the loudest cheer must have been from Himchan. Why? Well.. Himchan was rather glad that he had been right about Myungsoo being the one to win. When the clapping began to die down, that’s when the announcer had decided to speak. “And this concludes our competition! If you would like, you may stick around and eat and dance to your hearts content!”
The dancers all went back to their tables as the music started up once again. Young Jae held a small smile as he saw the defeated look that Daehyun currently held. His shoulders were slumped forward, his head was lowered, and he had a slight frown on his face. Getting up from his seat, Young Jae met Daehyun the rest of the way as he quickly wrapped his arms around Daehyun’s neck. “You did well Daehyun!” (YJ)
“I didn’t win the contest for you though..” (DH) Young Jae pulled away a bit, just enough so that they could look at each other. Young Jae shook his head a bit as he smiled.
“It’s alright! I was very happy just watching you dance.” (YJ) Young Jae leaned in close as he hugged Daehyun tightly. Though, a single thought came into mind as he pulled away once more. “Um.. But if you still feel sad, then.. can we finish our date?” (YJ)
“Date?” (DH) Daehyun stared for a brief moment before he finally realized that they technically had not finished their date yet. He smiled a bit before nodding. “Sure. I’ll make sure to make it up to you as much as possible.” (DH)
Daehyun smiled as he lowered his head, giving Young Jae’s hand a light squeeze. Young Jae glanced over at Daehyun as he smiled as well before looking out at the moonlit ocean. “It’s really pretty here Daehyun.. I-I’m really glad that we could see this place.” (YJ)
Daehyun looked over at Young Jae, his smile slowly leaving his face as it hung there for a moment. Just the way that the moon’s light was shining on Young Jae’s face seemed to just.. show just how lucky he really was to have Young Jae. He watched as Young Jae turned his gaze forward, his eyes widening a bit as he smiled. “Look! A pier! Can we go there?” (YJ)
Young Jae turned to look at Daehyun, whom quickly looked away and cleared his throat. Young Jae was a bit confused, but he waited happily for Daehyun’s response. Daehyun took a moment to recompose himself before looking over at the pier that Young Jae was looking at. From what he could see, it was some sort of viewing pier. There were benches on it and even a few street lamps on it, but it did look rather nice. He turned his gaze to Young Jae and smiled before nodding. “Sure. Let’s head there then.” (DH)
Young Jae couldn’t help but feel excited as he turned his gaze forward once again. They could have ran to their intended destination, but.. they wanted to take their time. The two just wanted to spend their time together as much as possible without feeling the need to rush.
It would have seemed like a long walk to other people, but for these two, it didn’t feel like the walk was long enough. Finally reaching the pier, the two walked along it before reaching the railing that was all the way at the other end. The two leaned against it, their hands still intertwined with one another as they looked out at the bright ocean. Young Jae smiled before looking down at Daehyun’s hand, a small frown coming onto his face as he lifted his left hand and looked at the ring that currently occupied his ring finger. “Daehyun... am I supposed to.. get you an engagement ring too?” (YJ)
“Hm?” (DH) Daehyun turned to look at what Young Jae was currently looking at. He thought for a moment, but he didn’t really know. It’s not like he’s been engaged multiple times before. “I don’t really know. We can ask Jessica-noona when we get back.” (DH)
“Mm... Okay.” (YJ) Young Jae lowered his hand back onto the wooden railing before looking back out at the ocean. He leaned close to Daehyun, resting his head on Daehyun’s shoulder as he gave Daehyun’s hand a light squeeze. “Thank you for today..” (YJ)
“You deserve it. In fact.. you deserve more happy days like today.” (DH) Young Jae remained quiet, not really knowing how to respond to Daehyun. Young Jae wanted to give happy days like this to Daehyun, but... if they shared it, then it was the same thing.. right?
“If.. you’re with me.. then I’ll be happy.” (YJ) Daehyun chuckled a bit as he took his phone out. He held it out in front of them, catching Young Jae’s attention as he looked at the screen that displayed them on it at that very moment. “Are you taking a picture?” (YJ)
“Yea. Smile!” (DH) Daehyun grinned happily as he leaned his head against Young Jae’s. Young Jae sheepishly smiled as he raised a peace sign right next to his cheek. The two held the pose for two or three more seconds before Daehyun finally took the picture. He quickly pulled up the picture and brought his phone back in close before showing Young Jae the picture. “It’s perfect.” (DH)
“I really like it.. C-Can.. you send it to me?” (YJ)
“Alright.” (DH) Young Jae really did enjoy today. Sure, there were a few things that had gone wrong, but... he didn’t care. All the good, happy things that went on out weighed any negativity that appeared. As long as he was with Daehyun, then he could endure anything.
[[ My Own Thoughts:
Yay >3<..
I don't know why it took me forever to finish this chapter ;;..
Buuut it's finished. x3
Mm.. Nevermind.
We'll just see how it goes. xD
Comments are loved >3<..
I like to see what everyone's thinking, whether I'm doing things right, annnd..
I just like talking in general. xD ]]
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My computer died ;;... Updates are going to be slower now >.


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Chapter 66: Awwe! ITS OVER?! I cant believe it! At first i thought that 66 chapters is so long but now i want more! This is an amazing story!! Im crying.. anyway i cant believe its done! Thank you for writing this authornim! <3
Chapter 47: Jongup is so innocent... poor child bless your poor soul
Chapter 43: Why is Jongup like this? 'Pika-pi.' Really? My heart hurts. I can imagine him saying it in a cute voice.. TT
He's so adorable.
Thanks a lot Woohyun. :/
Chapter 24: Daehyun is me. Me is Daehyun.
Never turn down free food.
Chapter 23: Ahhh! I hope their plans wont succeed
Chapter 22: How dare you violate Youngjae, Woohyun?! Im shook
Chapter 13: I love Sungyeol XD he's so adorable
Chapter 27: I'm pretty sure I saw this comming...I just cant handdle, my tears are rolling over and I'm really sad for everything!! :(
Chapter 24: I still don't want to be happy because if I do, when the really bad things happens I'm going to be crying all along the entire chapters ahead :(