
I Love You, Just Like This


(WH) - Woohyun speaking
(YJ) - Young Jae speaking
(DH) - Daehyun speaking
(L) - Myungsoo speaking
(J) - Jessica speaking


“Hey... You wanna just.. leave? Just the two of us?” (DH) Young Jae blinked a few times as he looked up from the game he was currently playing. They had been here for about four hours already and to be honest, Young Jae was actually having too much fun to want to leave. However, if Daehyun was talking about the date that had been promised, then sure. Why not?

“O-Okay.. Let me go tell Myungsoo and Himchan first.” (YJ) Daehyun smiled as he nodded. Once Young Jae lost, on purpose, the two held one another’s hands before they began walking. Young Jae led the way, looking around curiously in an attempt to find his two best friends. He was about to give up, when he spotted Woohyun and Myungsoo currently sitting in one of the booths. He saw that Myungsoo was currently sleeping, but Woohyun wasn’t.

The second he made eye contact, Woohyun grinned as he waved his arm in the air happily. The two made their way over to them before coming to a stop at the table. “Myungsoo’s sleeping..?” (YJ)

“Yea. He’s been asleep for a while now.” (WH)

“O-Oh... Um.. can you tell him that I went out with Daehyun when he wakes up?” (YJ) Woohyun smirked as a single brow rose. Instantly, Young Jae turned red as he waved his hands frantically and shook his head. “N-Not like that! O-On a date!” (YJ)

“Hey, you were thinking it. I ju-” (WH)

“Yah.. you’re so loud..” (L) Myungsoo slowly pushed himself off of Woohyun’s shoulder as he rubbed his right eye. He stopped for a brief moment though as he felt a hand currently holding his. Slowly, through sleep-filled eyes, he looked over at Woohyun, whom was currently grinning. Had he been..?

Myungsoo instantly grabbed Woohyun’s collar as he got up suddenly, pulling the older male up. By now, he had pulled his hand out of Woohyun’s grasp as he pulled his fist back. YAH! What do you think you’re doing?!” (L)

“C-Calm down, Myungsoo! I was just making sure you slept well!” (WH)

“By holding my hand and making me sleep on your shoulder?!” (L)

“You were comfortable though!” (WH) Myungsoo scoffed before throwing Woohyun over the side of the booth. Luckily, they had one of the booths at the end, so it was just basically like throwing a person over the sofa. Sadly, Woohyun didn’t have the luck to land on a carpeted area.

Myungsoo dusted himself off before sitting back down, fixing the table that he had moved before looking up at Young Jae and Daehyun. Young Jae didn't seem phased at all by how violent Myungsoo could get, but Daehyun seemed a bit unnerved. “Hey. So.. uh.. what’d I miss?” (L)

“Me and Daehyun are gonna go on a date! I-Is that okay..?” (YJ) Myungsoo smiled a bit as he leaned back in his seat. He looked around for a brief moment before looking back up at Young Jae.

“I haven’t even gotten the chance to play with you yet and already you’re leaving.” (L) Young Jae opened his mouth to say something, but Myungsoo instantly raised a hand up to stop him. “No, no. It’s alright. Go ahead and have your date. Have fun, arraseo?” (L)

“O-Okay.. thank you, Myungsoo.” (YJ) Myungsoo smiled as the two turned and left. Young Jae gave one last glance and waved, to which Myungsoo responded with a wave of his own, before the two were out of his sight.

Instantly, Myungsoo’s smile left his face as his eyelids narrowed. He turned around, putting his knee on the seat as he rested his elbows on the top of the seat. He let on arm rest on the seat while he let his chin rest on the palm of his other hand, his eyes landing on Woohyun, whom was currently still in pain from the rough landing. “So.. When exactly did you plan on waking me up?” (L)

Woohyun slowly looked up at Myungsoo. He could see the murderous intent in Myungsoo’s eyes, which did always ended up sending both good and bad shivers down his spine. However, he let out a slightly nervous chuckle as he continued rubbing the side of his head.

How was he going to get out of this one?


“S-So... um... where are we going?” (YJ) Young Jae hadn’t really thought about where their next destination would be. It’s not that he wasn’t interested or anything like that. It was more along the lines of him being distracted by everything else a little too much to have given it a thought. In a way, he felt bad about doing that since he hasn’t really been able to contribute much of an idea to their next destination.

“Oh... uh, you’ll see. Don’t worry too much about it, alright?” (DH) Young Jae nodded, but that didn’t mean that he wouldn’t be curious about it. His mind continued to wander to where Daehyun had planned for them to go to, but nothing seemed to pop up in his head. Well, if Daehyun had chosen, then there shouldn’t be anything to worry about it.


Daehyun couldn’t help but grin happily. He couldn’t wait to see Young Jae’s expression once the younger male saw where they were heading off to. In a way, he kind of wanted to show the small things that they had enjoyed rather than trying to show off the big, fancy stuff that Young Jae seemed rather uncomfortable with. It wouldn’t really be that great of a date if Young Jae felt uncomfortable the entire time after all.

As the car slowed down, Young Jae looked around curiously. He could instantly recognize the area, but.. he didn’t necessarily understand why they were here. If he recalled, they were near where Himchan lived. He was certain that they weren’t visiting Himchan though, considering they had left the area where Himchan currently was.

So.. why exactly were they here? The curiosity continued to build up within him, but he knew that he couldn’t exactly ask Daehyun about it. Daehyun almost always seemed to keep secrets and as much as Young Jae disliked secrets at this point in time, he could at least trust Daehyun with this one.

“Alright, we’re here!” (J) Daehyun grinned as he leaned against Young Jae, wrapping his arm around Young Jae’s arm as he tugged playfully on Young Jae’s sleeve.

“Did you hear that? We’re here!” (DH) Young Jae stared in slight confusion as he looked Daehyun’s sudden enthusiasm. Daehyun reached toward Young Jae’s door as he opened it up, causing the two of them from nearly falling over. Daehyun laughed a bit as he pulled Young Jae back up before making his way over the younger male and getting out. Smoothing out his clothes, he turned back around and held his hand out, acting as if nothing happened.

Young Jae looked down at Daehyun’s hand before looking over at Jessica. He could tell that Jessica was currently embarrassed and disapproving of Daehyun’s actions, but she smiled nonetheless. “T-Thank you for driving us, Noona.” (YJ)

“Aww.. you’re so sweet. Unlike a certain someone.. Anyway, have fun. Don’t be out too late, alright?” (J)

“O-Okay. I’ll make sure we’re home by.. um.. nine.” (YJ) Before anything else could be said, Young Jae felt arms wrap around him before pulling him out of the car. Young Jae let out a small yelp from how sudden it was. He wasn’t even ready to get to his feet yet, so he was practically being dragged before they finally came to a stop.

He watched as Daehyun’s leg reached up and closed the door, cutting off what Jessica was trying to say. The window opened up as Young Jae finally firmly got to his feet, the two bending forward a bit to look at Jessica. YAH! You be good to Young Jae! If he gets one scratch on him, I’ll hunt you down Daehyun!” (J)

“Aish, Noona! I wouldn’t hurt my precious fiance! Now go away!” (DH) Jessica rolled her eyes before the window closed once more. Soon, the car was off, leaving the two to their own devices on the side of the road.

Daehyun pulled away before turning Young Jae around. He took a firm hold of Young Jae’s upper arms, grinning happily as he stared into Young Jae’s slightly worried eyes. “You ready for our date? I want to make sure that you have a great time!” (DH)

“W-Why are you so hyper..? I-It’s different..” (YJ)

“Oh... Does it bother you..?” (DH) Young Jae shook his head, but he still couldn’t help but wonder if Daehyun’s plans were really going to go well. Still, at least Daehyun was at least trying as opposed to some people he had seen whom wouldn’t even try at all. So in a way, he was grateful regardless of the outcome.

“Hey. You okay?” (DH) Young Jae blinked as he saw a hand pass by his vision. He blinked a few more times before his eyes finally landed on Daehyun, whom currently wore a look of curiosity on his face. “Did you space out?” (DH)

“N-No..! I... I was just thinking a little. So, um.. where are we going?” (YJ) Daehyun grinned as he took a hold of one of Young Jae’s hands.

“We’re almost there. Just come on. I really liked this restaurant we went to before.” (DH) As Daehyun began pulling him along, Young Jae stumbled briefly before regaining his footing. He didn’t understand why Daehyun was so excited, though he could only assume that it was because of food. It did make sense, considering Daehyun had a huge love for food.

As they got closer and closer to their destination, Young Jae could tell where they were going to. Since he had been here often, he basically knew that there was only one restaurant on this street. Of course, he did have to wonder just a bit as to why Daehyun really liked this restaurant specifically.

Stepping into the restaurant, they made their way up to the host, whom smiled brightly. “Hello! Table for two?”

“I have a reservation under Jung.” (DH) The host looked down at their book, scanning the list of times and names before coming to a stop. She read the information that had been written down two or three times before looking back up at the two that still continued to stand in front of them.

“Jung Daehyun, table for two?” Daehyun nodded, to which the host quickly gathered two menu’s before stepping out from behind the podium. “Please follow me!”

The host walked through the restaurant, the pair following after them. They passed through quite a number of tables before coming to a stop at a certain table all the way in the back. Was it all the way in the back? It was a rather nice location. It wasn’t too out of the way and it wasn’t dead in the middle of every single other table in the restaurant.

Sitting at their table, the two ordered their drinks before the host left. Daehyun let out a small sigh as he looked over at Young Jae. The younger male was looking around curiously despite the fact that he has been here multiple times already. “Hey. We’re going to a special place after this, alright?” (DH)

Young Jae turned his head over to Daehyun, a slightly confused look on his face. He blinked a few times before leaning forward a bit, placing his hands on the edge of the table. “Where is it? Do I.. know where it is?” (YJ)

“Hey now... It’s a surprise. Don’t worry! I’m sure you’ll love it.” (DH) Young Jae seemed disappointed as he leaned back in his seat. Again with the surprises? Well.. he liked the restaurant choices so far, so maybe he should just trust Daehyun’s decisions.

“O-Okay... I’ll wait patiently then.” (YJ) Young Jae smiled a bit as he finally opened up the menu in front of him. He scanned the choices and was about to decide on something, when the waiter walked up to them and placed their drinks down.

The waiter asked them for their orders, waiting just for a brief moment for the two to decide on what they wanted quickly. Once they got their orders in, the waiter went off to input the orders. Daehyun smiled as he folded his hands, placing them neatly on top of the table as he looked over at Young Jae once again. “Hey... where do you want to live?” (DH)

Young Jae looked over at Daehyun and stared for yet another moment before looking elsewhere. He thought for a moment as he tried to think, though it seemed his mind already thought back to the dream he had a long while ago. Instantly, a sheepish smile came onto his face as he played with his fingers. “Um.. I-I would like to live in a white two story house.. n-near a field that leads to a cliff..” (YJ)

Daehyun’s eyes widened slightly as an interested grin came onto his face. “Woah..! You already decided on what kind of house you want?” (DH)

Young Jae bit his bottom lip as he lowered his gaze in slight embarrassment. “I-I.. I saw it in a dream once. I really liked how it looked so.. I want to get it. I-Is that alright..?” (YJ)

He put on a thinking face, acting as if he really was trying to figure out whether it was a good idea. Of course, Daehyun had already agreed with what Young Jae wanted. After all, if Young Jae wanted it, then who was he to deny such a thing? Of course, there were definitely some things that he would have to deny Young Jae.

Either way, Daehyun looked back over to Young Jae and smiled warmly as he nodded. “Sure. I’ll try to find us a nice house that fits that description. You’ll judge if it looks good enough, alright?” (DH)

Young Jae smiled happily as he nodded. He was glad to hear that Daehyun would look for something like that, but for now.. it seemed a bit early to be looking for a house. They still had to go through University and they didn’t even have the money to buy a house yet. Still, he was looking forward to their home in the future.


“Ah.. That was good. Did you like the food?” (DH) Young Jae nodded a bit as he held a satisfied smile while rubbing his belly. Daehyun chuckled a bit as he got up from his seat. Looking around, he made sure he hadn’t dropped anything before making his way over to Young Jae. “Are you ready to go to our next destination then?” (DH)

“O-Okay. I’m ready.” (YJ) Young Jae pushed his chair back before getting up onto his feet. Dusting himself off, he made sure he had everything before following Daehyun out of the restaurant.

Slowly, Young Jae slipped his hand into Daehyun’s as they walked. They briefly glanced at one another, exchanging smiles, before looking forward once more. Young Jae couldn’t help but feel happy. A nice meal was nice and despite the cold that was currently around them, Young Jae liked being able to take a nice walk with Daehyun.

Despite it taking a while to get there by walking, neither one complained. Young Jae loved just being able to spend this time with Daehyun. Finally, though, they were coming up to their intended destination. Well, it was more of Daehyun’s destination, but nonetheless, it was where they were both heading.

Young Jae smiled briefly as they slowly began walking across the sand. Something about this beach seemed familiar, but he just couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Soon, they came to a stop as Young Jae turned to face the ocean. “Why are we here, Daehyun?” (YJ)

“Sit.” (DH) Young Jae looked over at Daehyun before nodding. Sitting down, he brought his legs up a bit before resting his hands on his knees. He looked over at Daehyun, curious as to what Daehyun was now currently looking for.

“Is.. something wrong?” (YJ)

“No, no. Don’t worry. Just sit there and watch the sky until I find what I’m looking for. Alright?” (DH) Young Jae nodded, though he already knew that Daehyun wouldn’t have seen him nodding. With a small smile, Young Jae turned his attention back towards the ocean and the sky. It really was pretty, but he still couldn’t quite put a finger on why this beach seemed familiar.

He was quickly pulled from his thoughts as a figure passed by his view. He turned a bit, his eyes landing on Daehyun before looking down at the ground. He watched as Daehyun drew a large heart around him before finishing it off with an arrow going through it. Once Daehyun was done, he stood in front of Young Jae before dropping the stick down. “Never leave my heart, Young Jae.” (DH)

Young Jae let out a small chuckle. It was kind of funny to him, but it wasn’t funny at the same time. He laid down, finding it oddly easy to have space without ruining the heart. Daehyun stepped into the heart, laying down next to Young Jae as he held Young Jae’s hand. “Do you remember this?” (DH)

“I.. I think so.” (YJ) Daehyun turned his head to look at Young Jae. He smiled, examining Young Jae’s features as he gave Young Jae’s cheek a quick peck. Young Jae looked over at Daehyun, a bit of surprise on his face before turning slightly red and looking back up at the sky. “Will we... really stay together?” (YJ)

“Yah.. Don’t think about it, Young Jae. Just stay in my heart and I’ll stay in yours. We’ll always be together if we always think about only each other.” (DH) Young Jae looked back over at Daehyun before smiling a bit. It was a nice thought, but... the future was never really set in stone. Still, he believed in Daehyun. As long as they kept each other in each other’s hearts, then.. they should stay together.

“Should I.. change myself, somehow? I-I want to make sure that we’re always together.” (YJ) Daehyun pushed himself up a bit, propping himself up with his arm as he looked down at Young Jae. He reached forward, caressing Young Jae’s cheek with the back of his hand as he simply shook his head and smile.

“No.. You don’t have to change. I love you.. just like this.” (DH)


[[ My Own Thoughts:

I brought the title of the fanfic in finally..
Although not the last chapter..
It still fits. x3

Comments are loved!
I love talking with everyone. x3
I also like to see if I am typing these chapters alright! ]]

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My computer died ;;... Updates are going to be slower now >.


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Chapter 66: Awwe! ITS OVER?! I cant believe it! At first i thought that 66 chapters is so long but now i want more! This is an amazing story!! Im crying.. anyway i cant believe its done! Thank you for writing this authornim! <3
Chapter 47: Jongup is so innocent... poor child bless your poor soul
Chapter 43: Why is Jongup like this? 'Pika-pi.' Really? My heart hurts. I can imagine him saying it in a cute voice.. TT
He's so adorable.
Thanks a lot Woohyun. :/
Chapter 24: Daehyun is me. Me is Daehyun.
Never turn down free food.
Chapter 23: Ahhh! I hope their plans wont succeed
Chapter 22: How dare you violate Youngjae, Woohyun?! Im shook
Chapter 13: I love Sungyeol XD he's so adorable
Chapter 27: I'm pretty sure I saw this comming...I just cant handdle, my tears are rolling over and I'm really sad for everything!! :(
Chapter 24: I still don't want to be happy because if I do, when the really bad things happens I'm going to be crying all along the entire chapters ahead :(