
I Love You, Just Like This
(WH) - Woohyun speaking
(YJ) - Young Jae speaking
(DH) - Daehyun speaking
(SY) - Sooyoung speaking
(JU) - Jongup speaking
(Y) - Yuri speaking
His ears were met with music that really helped create a romantic mood. Daehyun couldn’t help but grin as he took the time to look around. The room was very dime, but that was because most of the lighting was currently being focused on the dance floor and the band that was currently filling the room with its sweet, soft music. Because of this though, Daehyun found it a bit difficult to locate his lover.
Looking around as he slowly walked around a bit, he could see either empty tables or various couples being lovey dovey with one another. Of course, there were also tables with small groups of friends as well. His eyes scanned here and there before finally landing on a small group surrounding a person whom was currently sitting. From what Daehyun could tell, he could see a blond person sitting in the chair, but he just couldn’t seem to figure out who that person was. No one had informed Daehyun whatsoever about Young Jae’s make over, so he had no idea that Young Jae was currently the blond in the middle of that group of men.
With a sigh, Daehyun just couldn’t seem to bring himself to locating Young Jae. It was proving to be difficult, though a slightly stuttering voice soon caught his attention. “D-Do you really think he’ll like it..? I-I don’t know about this Myungsoo..” (YJ)
“Don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll like it. Yuri, Yoona, and Jessica worked so hard to make you look nice so you have to believe that it’ll work, alright?” (L) Young Jae nodded as he sat up in his seat.
With a grin, Daehyun quietly snuck up on the group. He placed a finger to his lips as Sooyoung turned the second she saw movement from the corner of her eye. She nodded and smiled as she tapped on Myungsoo and Yuri’s shoulders before pointing at Daehyun. They grinned as well before turning back to Young Jae. “Alright Young Jae! We’re going back to our table. We’re getting pretty hungry, so wait patiently, alright? Hwaiting!” (SY)
Before they could let Young Jae respond, the trio were already on their way towards the buffet table to get their food. Young Jae puffed out his cheeks a bit before the world around him soon completely out. He stared through the hands covering his vision, blinking a few times before putting his hands up to the person’s hands. Chills shot down his spine as the person whispered quietly against his ear. “Young Jae... guess who.” (DH)
“D-Daehyun..? I-Is that you..?” (YJ) Daehyun chuckled as he lowered his hands, wrapping his arms loosely around the younger male as he softly planted a kiss or two against Young Jae’s soft neck. As Daehyun got up, Young Jae turned around and both male’s instantly turned red. Well, Daehyun turned a soft red, but he was still pretty red.
“Wow... look at you..” (DH) Daehyun was just simply speechless. Daehyun loved everything about Young Jae, no matter how drastically he changed. However, Young Jae just looked completely different tonight. Clearly, it was because of the make-over that the younger male had been given, but at maybe it was also because of the blond hair that made him stick out a lot more than before. Was this why he liked him so much the first time he met him? “You look so.. incredible.” (DH)
“T-Thank you..” (YJ) Young Jae sheepishly smiled as he turned a deep shade of red while turning his gaze towards the ground. He was glad that the room wasn’t brightly lit, or he probably would have felt even more embarrassed for being embarrassed. After a few seconds of awkward silence passed, Young Jae looked back up to see that Daehyun was still staring at him. This time though, Daehyun had a warm smile on his face. “W-What is it..?” (YJ)
“Dance with me.” (DH)
“H-Huh..?” (YJ) Young Jae looked down again as he began debating on what to do. He didn’t really know how to dance and he didn’t want to embarrass himself nor Daehyun. Daehyun, however, didn’t care if Young Jae knew how to dance or not. He just wanted to hold Young Jae close to him, to just.. spend more time with him. It just felt like he never had enough time with Young Jae. They rarely ever went on a really romantic date either and now was a perfect time to do so. Plus, if he recalled, he hasn’t had the chance to slow dance with Young Jae just yet.
“Well? Will you dance with me? I summoned all of my courage to ask the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes on so... I hope that you won’t reject me.” (DH) Young Jae just couldn’t figure out how Daehyun could just seem to say the right words all the time. With a sheepish smile, Young Jae gave a small nod. Daehyun grinned happily as he held out his hand. The younger male looked down at it before taking a hold of it and getting to his feet.
“Um.. c-can we eat first? I-I’m really hungry..” (YJ) Young Jae had not eaten practically all day. He had spent the majority of the day getting all dressed up that he had not been able to find the time to get food. Lucky for Young Jae, Daehyun had not eaten all day as well.
“Alright. Let’s go get some food, then we’ll dance.” (DH) With a small smile, Daehyun turned and led the way towards the buffet table while still holding Young Jae’s hand. Young Jae stared at the back of Daehyun’s shirt as he followed. At first, he thought that it was just the pattern of the shirt, but his eyes widened as he slowly realized that the back of Daehyun’s shirt was a fishnet.
“D-Daehyun.. Y-Your shirt.. i-it’s s-showing your back..” (YJ)
“Hm?” (DH) Daehyun turned in an attempt to look at his back, but it was a bit difficult. He hadn’t really been paying attention to what Jessica had been putting on him, but at least it explained the draft he felt. He had just wanted to look good enough to where he would be able to impress Young Jae. With a smirk, he showed his back a bit better to Young Jae as he turned a bit in an attempt to see Young Jae’s expression. “Is it? Do you like it? I think it shows my back off quite well.” (DH)
Had Daehyun chosen this shirt himself? Young Jae wasn’t necessarily sure on whether he liked it or not. On one hand, Young Jae liked the visual aspect of the shirt. On the other hand, he didn’t like that anyone else could see Daehyun’s exposed back. Young Jae bit his bottom lip as he contemplated on what to say, but Daehyun chuckled as he gave Young Jae’s hand a light squeeze. “Come on. You’re hungry, right? We shouldn’t be wasting time standing around! We should go get our food.” (DH)
“O-Oh.. o-okay..” (YJ) Daehyun smiled a bit as he turned and led the way once more. Young Jae bit his bottom lip as he stole glances at Daehyun’s back every now and then. Could one blame him for doing so? He was following behind Daehyun and Daehyun was basically exposed. It was a bit difficult not to want to stare at his boyfriend’s exposed back.
Luckily for Young Jae, it didn’t take them long to reach the buffet table. Daehyun grinned as he quickly began grabbing up whatever he could fit on his plate. While Young Jae was trying to decide on what to get, he felt a firm hand on his shoulder. Young Jae turned and smiled the second he recognized whom it was. “H-Hello..!” (YJ)
“Hey, look at you! You look quite feisty tonight. Feisty? Eh, I guess it works. Blond is definitely a good color on you though, just like before! Anyway, why are you dolled up? You trying to capture my heart again?” (WH) Woohyun laughed a bit the second he saw Young Jae’s embarrassed expression. Woohyun lightly slapped Young Jae’s bottom in an attempt to get Young Jae to calm down, but it only caused the younger male to stiffen up. “Come on, lighten up! Tell me why you’re dolled up already.” (WH)
“He’s on a date with me.” (DH) The second he saw Woohyun, Daehyun instinctively made his way over to the pair and had wrapped his free arm around Young Jae’s shoulders. The second Daehyun had done so, Young Jae had hunched his shoulders and lowered his head as he turned towards Daehyun, grabbing onto Daehyun’s shirt tightly. For some reason, Young Jae had started feeling uncomfortable again around Woohyun the second Woohyun touched his bottom, but being with Daehyun made him feel safe once more. “So, what are you doing here Woohyun?” (DH)
“Wanna know?” (WH) Woohyun held his grin as he crossed his arms. Looking around, his eyes widened slightly as they landed on a certain someone that he had been searching for. Woohyun pointed at the person he had been looking for as he turned his gaze back to the pair. “I was looking for him.” (WH)
The pair turned to look to see where Woohyun was currently pointing it, instantly figuring out that Woohyun was pointing at Myungsoo. The pair turned to look back at Woohyun, whom had started staring at Myungsoo once again. “D-Do you... really like him that much?” (YJ)
“Yea... yea! I think I do! He’s.. different from everyone else and I like how violent he can get.” (WH) Woohyun was joking about the violent aspect of Myungsoo, but Daehyun and Young Jae had not really caught onto the joke. Woohyun didn’t really notice though as he turned his eyes back towards where Myungsoo currently was. “I don’t know what it is about him really. He just.. catches my attention.” (WH)
Both Daehyun and Young Jae knew exactly what Woohyun was feeling. Woohyun would have continued speaking, but his eyebrows furrowed the second he saw Sungyeol trying to muscle in on his man. “I gotta go. Talk to you two later!” (WH)
Without really waiting for a response, Woohyun quickly got a plate and filled it with food before making his way towards Myungsoo and the group that he was currently sitting with. Young Jae somewhat puffed out his cheeks before looking at Daehyun. “Who do you think that.. Myungsoo will end up with?” (YJ)
“Hm? Why are you asking me? If I had to pick, I wouldn’t choose either one of them.” (DH) Young Jae nodded, but he was still curious since Daehyun hadn’t exactly answered his question. Young Jae wanted his best friend to find love as well, which was the main reason why he had wanted Myungsoo to date Woohyun. However, he had no idea that Sungyeol liked Myungsoo also, so Young Jae was currently conflicted as to which person seemed best for Myungsoo. “Hey, come on. Let’s go sit down and eat.” (DH)
Young Jae looked back at Daehuyn and nodded. He quickly took the time to obtain as much of the food he wanted and how much of each food he got before following Daehyun back to their table. Once they were finally settled, Young Jae began to slowly sway from left to right with the beat of the music as he started eating. Daehyun looked up from his food and chuckled a bit, causing Young Jae to stop and look back at Daehyun. “W-What is it..?” (YJ)
“You’re cute, you know that?” (DH) Young Jae turned red as he lowered his gaze back to his food. Had he done something that made Daehyun want to say something like that out of nowhere? Though, at least it wasn’t an insult, right? With a sheepish smile, he looked back up at Daehyun.
“T-Thank you..” (YJ)
“For what? I should be the one thanking you for being so cute... and all mine.” (DH) Young Jae looked away as he turned red once more. After a minute or so of silence, the pair finally went back to eating. While Young Jae was mentally scolding himself for being so awkward, Daehyun was trying to figure out what else should be done during their date.
“Pika-pi..” (JU) Young Jae slowly turned to the source of the sound, nearly jumping out of his seat the second he realized just how close Jongup was to him. Daehyun grinned as he waved at Jongup, though he felt just a wee bit tempted to push Jongup away from Young Jae. “Hello. Mind if I join you two?” (JU)
“Y-” (DH)
“N-No! W-We don’t mind at all...” (YJ) Daehyun hadn’t really wanted a third person to join them, but it seemed unavoidable as Jongup set his plate down before occupying one of the seats at the table. As Jongup began eating, he casually eyed the pair.
“Did you two get Pok’e mon X or Y..? It’s a really good game and it would be fun to battle you two.” (JU) Unlike Daehyun, Young Jae had actually gotten quite excited at the mention of the game. Young Jae was a huge gamer, despite his usual need of wanting to study the majority of the time.
“I-I didn’t get a chance to get it before the cruise.. b-but I do want to play it! It looks really interesting..” (YJ) Daehyun scratched the side of his head as he listened to the two conversing with one another. He felt a bit left out since he wasn’t all that interested in the Pok’e mon game, but he was mostly focused on the fact that the date seemed to have taken on a third wheel.
“Hey.. Daehyun.” (JU) Daehyun looked up from his food to realize that the two males were staring in his general direction. Did they say something earlier and he just hadn’t heard? Daehyun knew a few minutes had passed, but he didn’t realize that he had been spacing out. Almost as if Jongup could read his mind, Jongup repeated his earlier question. “Your birthday is June twenty-eight, right?” (JU)
“Yea.. why?” (DH) Why did it matter to Jongup on when his birthday was? Well, it’s not like it was a problem whether Jongup knew or not. For all he knew, Jongup could have been innocently asking and Daehyun was just being mean about it.
“Oh.. no reason. Just curious.. I guess.” (JU) While Jongup and Daehyun went back to eating, Young Jae played with the hem of his shirt.. if one could call it a shirt. Young Jae had been finished with his food for a few minutes now, but that was because he hadn’t had the time to get as much as he had originally wanted. At least now, he was content for the time being.
Young Jae’s eyes wandered from Jongup’s plate to Daehyun’s as he bit his bottom lip. He didn’t want to rush Daehyun, but he also wanted to go dance now. He had been nervous earlier, but now he was anticipating it. “U-Um... Daehyun? W-Will you be finished eating soon..?” (YJ)
“Why do you ask?” (DH) Daehyun looked up from his plate as he lowered his hand. Looking at Young Jae, he could tell that Young Jae was embarrassed about something. The way he kept his head down, the way he fumbled with the hem of his shirt, and the way he bit his bottom lip gave away Young Jae’s either nervousness or embarrassment. Possibly both. It could mean anything really, but for some reason, Daehyun came to one conclusion as his eyes widened. “Did you want to do.. it?” (DH)
Young Jae looked up at Daehyun as he tilted his head slightly in confusion. What could Daehyun have meant by doing ‘it’? Was Daehyun referring to dancing? With a sheepish smile, Young Jae attempted to make himself as small as possible as he slowly nodded his head. As if one cue, Daehyun began eating his food as fast as possible, avoiding the possibility of choking to the best of his ability. Young Jae stared for a few seconds before smiling a bit. The fact that Daehyun was trying to finish up for Young Jae was really touching to him.
Jongup glanced from one male to the other. What exactly were they talking about? Had he missed something or did the two of them know something and just simply didn’t want to tell him about it? Either way, if it was something fun, then Jongup wanted to join in whatever they had planned.
It took Daehyun a few minutes and a few ‘sips’ of water before he finally wiped his mouth with the nearby tissue. Daehyun wasn’t necessarily full, but from eating too fast, his stomach didn’t really feel like it wanted more food at the moment. He wouldn’t mind a snack, but he had rushed for a reason. Once he placed the tissue down, he grinned and looked over at Young Jae. “Are you ready, Young Jae?” (DH)
“Y-Yea..! I-I am.” (YJ) Both males got to their feet as they walked around the table to each other. Jongup watched the pair as he continued eating, remaining quiet as his eyes attempted to drill holes into the pair. Young Jae must have felt this stare as he shivered a bit, turning and looking at Jongup. “S-Sorry.. W-We’re going to go dance..” (YJ)
“Dance..?” (DH) Young Jae turned to look at Daehyun, whom seemed a bit confused. Young Jae looked at him with a bit of a confused look in response, which caused Daehyun to instantly grin and wave his hands in an attempt to cancel his question. “Of course we’re going to dance! It’ll be great, come on!” (DH)
Taking a hold of Young Jae’s hand, Daehyun quickly began pulling the younger male towards the dance floor. Young Jae looked over at Jongup and quickly waved since he felt bad about leaving Jongup all by himself. Jongup waved back, though he narrowed his eyes a bit. One way or another, he’ll find a way to be able to spend more time with the two.
Once on the dance floor, Daehyun wrapped his arms around Young Jae’s waist. Young Jae bit his bottom lip as he wrapped his arms around Daehyun’s neck before the pair finally began dancing. Young Jae smiled as the pair touched their foreheads together. Young Jae closed his eyes as he listened to the sound of the slow song. He tried his best to follow Daehyun’s movements, trying to feel Daehyun’s movements rather than watching where he was going. Daehyun chuckled a bit as he held Young Jae a bit tighter. “You know.. to be honest.. I thought you wanted to go back to the room and do.. it.” (DH)
“It?” (YJ)
“It..” (DH) Young Jae took a moment to think as they continued to dance. Seconds ticked by, but Young Jae wasn’t necessarily certain about what Daehyun meant. Daehyun had waited patiently, but when he saw that Young Jae, Daehyun had decided to try and turn the topic away. “Just forget about it Young Jae. I don’t want this moment to be ruined.” (DH)
“Okay..” (YJ) Young Jae opened his eyes and rose his gaze a bit, smiling slightly. He tightened his grip around Daehyun as he softly pressed his lips against Daehyun’s. It was a gentle, innocent kiss and it caused Daehyun to smile as he returned the kiss. It may have lasted only about four or five seconds, but it felt like it had lasted for quite a long time. “I-I’m glad.. that we’re spending so much time together...” (YJ)
“Are you? I’m glad to hear that.” (DH)
The pair continued dancing for the next two songs, their arms never leaving the other as their eyes remained locked on one another. The music, the dim lighting, and a bit of help from their make-overs helped set up a romantic mood for the two. When the next song ended, the pair finally pulled away from the dance floor and made their way outside and onto the deck.
Leaning against the railing, Daehyun interlocked the fingers on his right with the finger on Young Jae’s left hand as they stared out over the ocean. Daehyun looked at Young Jae, which he felt blessed to have done so. The light of the moon really made Young Jae glow in a good way, giving off a sort of mysterious aura around him. Young Jae looked at peace as he continued looking out at the ocean, unaware by the pair of eyes that continued to look him over.
“You’re just.. perfect the way you are.” (DH) Young Jae turned to look at Daehyun, but the second he had done so, he soon felt his lips coming into contact with another pair of soft lips. Young Jae’s eyes quickly examined the person he was kissing before smiling. Young Jae raised both of Daehyun’s hands to shoulder length, their palms touching until their fingers slowly interlocked with one another.
Daehyun softly planted kiss after kiss, holding each kiss for a few seconds to make sure that they had been planted correctly. He smiled as he pulled away from the last one, looking deep into Young Jae’s eyes. Daehyun didn’t necessarily know what to say to Young Jae, but at the same time.. it felt like they were communicating through their eyes. He didn’t want to ruin it by saying something, but at the same time.. it almost felt like he had to say something.
“Pika-Pi..” (JU) Daehyun and Young Jae both turned to look at Jongup, whom had just arrived. Young Jae blinked a few times before smiling shyly, pulling one hand away from Daehyun so that he could fully turn to face Jongup. Daehyun wasn’t necessarily happy that their moment had gotten ruined, but he couldn’t stay too mad. “What are you two doing?” (JU)
“N-Nothing..! W-We were just standing here and.. um.. enjoying the ocean.” (YJ) It wasn’t necessarily a lie. Young Jae really had been enjoying the view of the ocean before they had started kissing. He just didn’t really know how to explain what they were doing before Jongup had shown up.
“I see... Is that fun?” (JU) Fun? Daehyun didn’t necessarily know if watching the ocean for long periods of time was fun. If it was for a small amount of time, then yes. It was most definitely fun. Young Jae, on the other hand, had a different say about that as he smiled a bit wider and nodded. Jongup examined the two a bit before slowly nodding. “I see... Then I will join you two.” (JU)
Daehyun and Young Jae pulled away from each other as Jongup stood in between the two and leaned against the rails. Daehyun and Young Jae stared at each other for a moment, neither one having the question that they were silently asking each other, before they turned and leaned against the railing as well.
Daehyun couldn’t help but feel like he had just been cut off from Young Jae. Why was Jongup here anyway? It was a bit frustrating, to be honest, to have Jongup interrupting their date like this. Though, maybe Jongup was just lonely or at least.. that’s what Daehyun had assumed. He didn’t really know Jongup all that much, so it was a bit difficult to try and determine which possibility was the correct one.
“This isn’t all that fun..” (JU) Jongup had finally been the one to break the awkward silence that had been filling the area around the three. He looked from Young Jae, then to Daehyun, in an attempt for a solution to his boredom. When he received none, he sighed then looked back out at the ocean. “Let’s go do something else.” (JU)
“You can if you want. Young Jae and I will stay here.” (DH) Jongup looked back at Daehyun. Although Daehyun wasn’t necessarily showing it, he was hoping that Jongup would go and do whatever it was that he wanted to do on his own. However, it seemed like Jongup didn’t really get the message as he looked back out at the ocean.
“Well.. I guess I’ll just stick with you guys until you’re ready to go do something else.” (JU) Daehyun let out a small sigh before looking back out towards the ocean. Young Jae looked over at Daehyun before looking at Jongup.
“U-Um.. m-maybe we can go to the arcade. I.. I think that it’s open until midnight..” (YJ) Young Jae wanted everyone to have fun and if Jongup wasn’t having fun looking out at the ocean, then maybe the best thing to do was get everyone to do something that they could all enjoy! The arcade seemed like a fun idea and since Jongup seemed like the type to like video games, it should be a good place for him.
“Alright. Do you hae a problem with that, Daehyun?” (JU) Both Jongup and Young Jae turned to look at Daehyun. Daehyun looked at either one of them before letting out a sigh. Well, this was an interesting date.
“No.. I don’t have a problem with that. Let’s go then.” (DH) The three of them turned and Jongup led the way, giving Daehyun and Young Jae the opportunity to at least hold hands while heading to their destination.
“We should pull Jongup away somehow..” (SY) Sooyoung had pulled Myungsoo and Yuri away the second she saw Daehyun and Young Jae heading out of the dining hall. Myungsoo wasn’t all that annoyed that he had been pulled away since it pulled him away from both Sungyeol and Woohyun. Luckily, the two were too busy bickering with one another to realize that he wasn’t anywhere near them at this point.
“How do you plan to do that?” (L) Sooyoung quickly motioned for them to follow as she stepped out from behind the wall she was hiding behind. She quietly followed after the three, peeking out around the corners every now and then to make sure that they were still following them. “Hey.. you haven’t answered my question.” (L)
“I don’t know! I’m still trying to figure it out. Until then, let’s just follow them so that we know where they’re going.” (SY) Yuri giggled as she hit Myungsoo’s back for some odd reason. Myungsoo didn’t really pay any attention to it though since it had been a light slap. The trio followed the three males before finally, the three males entered the arcade. Sooyoung crossed her arms she let out a slightly annoyed sigh. “What are they doing at the arcade?! That’s not a romantic date! We have to get that Jongup away from them!” (SY)
“Does that mean you came up with an idea?” (L)
“Nope. Not a single idea comes to mind.” (SY) Sooyoung turned to the other three as she scratched the side of her head. She really had no idea how to get Jongup away from the three, but something had to be done. “Oh! I know! Let’s just pull him away! It shouldn’t be too hard since you’re here Myungsoo.” (L)
“What..? You literally want to pull him away from them? Don’t you think that’s a little out of the ordinary since neither one of us are close friends with Jongup?” (L) Sooyoung furrowed her eyebrows as she puffed out her cheeks. Sure, Myungsoo had a point, but it was the only thing that she could think of!
“Then do you have any other ideas that will work?! I don’t see you coming up with ideas!” (SY)
“Well.. we could always just go into the arcade, pretend to bump into them, and try to get friendly with Jongup before pulling him away.” (L) Sooyoung’s expression changed to a thinking one as she thought for a moment. Sooyoung then smiled as she nodded.
“Alright! Oh! We should also pull Daehyun and Young Jae away from each other first! That way, when they finally sneak off together, they’ll have been deprived of each other for SOOO long that they won’t ever want to let each other go.” (SY) Myungsoo wasn’t entirely sure if that was a good idea, but he only ended up nodding anyway. If they had to pull the two away from each other, then it should be simple enough.
“That seems like a good idea. Let’s get going!” (SY) The three turned and made their way into the arcade. Looking around, Yuri quickly spotted Daehyun, Young Jae, and Jongup, all standing around the same machine. She skipped over to the three with Sooyoung and Myungsoo following behind, before she jumped and came to a stop near them.
“Hello! It’s such a coincidence to see you three here! Do you mind if we join you guys? It’ll be fun!” (Y) Daehyun let out a small sigh. Great, three more people joining them. Well.. maybe it was alright. At least they weren’t stuck with just Jongup anymore and with more people, maybe Daehyun could sneakily pull Young Jae away so that they could finally get their alone time yet again.
“I-It’s fine if you join us. I-I think that.. it’ll be fun.” (YJ)
“Great. That means you don’t mind me playing with you for a bit.” (L) Myungsoo walked up to Young Jae and wrapped an arm around Young Jae’s shoulders as he slowly began pulling him away. Both Young Jae and Myungsoo looked at Daehyun a bit; Young Jae with an apologetic look while Myungsoo had a smirk on his face. Daehyun stared for a moment before furrowing his eyebrows and just as he began following after the two, Sooyoung had grabbed onto Daehyun’s arm.
“Come on Daehyun! Let’s go play some games! I wanna beat you at that racing game finally.” (SY) Daehyun gave one last look at Young Jae before letting out a sigh and nodding. Sooyoung cheered happily as she pulled Daehyun away in the opposite direction, which means that only two were left.
Yuri and Jongup.
Yuri looked at Jongup with a smile on her face as she took a hold of Jongup’s wrist. Jongup, however, pulled his wrist out of Yuri’s grasp as he crossed his arms. Yuri furrowed her eyebrows slightly as she pouted, putting her hands on Jongup’s arms. “Come on Jongup! Play with me! We can get to know each other a lot better!” (Y)
“I don’t recall knowing who you are.” (JU)
“Well, my name is Yuri! There, now you know! Now come on!” (Y) Yuri pulled on Jongup’s arm as she nudged her head a bit. Reluctantly, Jongup ended up following Yuri to wherever it was that she wanted to go to. Jongup had wanted to get to know Daehyun and Young Jae more, not this random girl but.. he decided to be nice this one. At least she wasn’t Tiffany, or else he would have definitely been quite annoyed.
[[ My Own Thoughts:
I originally wanted to post this up yesterday buut...
I didn't get it done in time ;; !!!
Plus my internet was acting up...
Buuuut at least I got it up, so I hope this makes up for it ;;..
I hope everyone is enjoying the fanfic/chapters >3<..
Comments are loved >3<..
Mostly because I love talking to everyone. xD
And because I like to see if I'm doing well enough >3<.. ]]
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Thank you!
My computer died ;;... Updates are going to be slower now >.


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Chapter 66: Awwe! ITS OVER?! I cant believe it! At first i thought that 66 chapters is so long but now i want more! This is an amazing story!! Im crying.. anyway i cant believe its done! Thank you for writing this authornim! <3
Chapter 47: Jongup is so innocent... poor child bless your poor soul
Chapter 43: Why is Jongup like this? 'Pika-pi.' Really? My heart hurts. I can imagine him saying it in a cute voice.. TT
He's so adorable.
Thanks a lot Woohyun. :/
Chapter 24: Daehyun is me. Me is Daehyun.
Never turn down free food.
Chapter 23: Ahhh! I hope their plans wont succeed
Chapter 22: How dare you violate Youngjae, Woohyun?! Im shook
Chapter 13: I love Sungyeol XD he's so adorable
Chapter 27: I'm pretty sure I saw this comming...I just cant handdle, my tears are rolling over and I'm really sad for everything!! :(
Chapter 24: I still don't want to be happy because if I do, when the really bad things happens I'm going to be crying all along the entire chapters ahead :(