
I Love You, Just Like This
(YJ) - Young Jae speaking
(HC) - Himchan speaking
(DH) - Daehyun speaking
(SY) - Sooyoung speaking
(BY) - Yongguk speaking
(L) - Myungsoo speaking
(YA) - Yoona speaking
(Y) - Yuri speaking
Daehyun sat there with a bored expression as he stared at the clock. Four to five months have passed since Young Jae’s birthday and the brace had come off some time between that time span. They had started their senior year in high school maybe to to three months ago and now, Daehyun was looking forward to summer vacation. Why? Well, school was boring and it was the last day before school let out. Sadly, the school day had just started, so he was stuck there for the next eight to ten hours.
If only time went faster during the school days.
“Psst... Daehyun.” (SY) What did Sooyoung want? Was it going to entertain him? Daehyun doubted it, so he chose to ignore it. He continued to stare at the clock until he heard Sooyoung’s voice again. What was it? Out of pure curiosity, Daehyun finally turned his attention to Sooyoung. He was about to ask Sooyoung what she wanted, but she soon pointed at the front of the classroom. Turning his head once more, he stared blankly at the teacher, whom looked quite annoyed.
“Mister Jung. If you have time to daydream, then I assume you can answer this problem?” Crap. Daehyun looked at the board, completely confused as he stared at the problem. He may have been getting tutoring from Young Jae, but he had no idea what the problem was even asking. Heck, he didn’t even know where the problem started.
“I.. don’t know how to solve it.” (DH)
“Then you can stand outside in the hallway.” With a sigh, Daehyun got up from his seat and began making his way out. He stopped when a certain someone caught his attention as he bent down and quickly pecked a kiss on the person’s cheek while the teacher’s back was turned to the class. Daehyun quickly made his way out of the classroom as a few of the other students began quietly laughing. With a grin, Daehyun stood outside, leaning against the wall. He was quite happy to be in the same class as Young Jae this year.
Daehyun turned around as he peered through the window. He creepily watched Young Jae, turning every now and then so that his teacher didn’t come out and punish him even further. For some reason, watching Young Jae just seemed a lot more interesting than paying attention in class. He just seemed to learn more about the younger male. For example, Young Jae would bite at his nails whenever he was thinking or sometimes, Young Jae would raise his hand about halfway before quickly putting it back down. There was also how Young Jae could listen intently to the lecture, bringing awe to Daehyun.
Daehyun jumped when a piece of chalk collided with the glass right in front of him. He looked over at the teacher, whom was basically telling him to turn around using hand motions. Quickly, Daehyun turned around and sighed a bit. How long was he supposed to stand out here anyway? Why couldn’t his teacher have a heart and let him back in? After all, he had been crippled not that long ago!
With a sigh, Daehyun pocketed his hands as he kicked at the air. There was nothing left to do now but wait until he was allowed back into the classroom. He stared down at the ground, quite tempted to close his eyes until he saw a pair of feet come out of nowhere and stand next to him. Daehyun looked up, his eyes widening as he saw Young Jae standing next to him with a playful smile on his face. “What are you..” (DH)
“I-I.. I asked the teacher to let me stand outside with you so that you’d behave.” (YJ) Young Jae turned his head slightly as he looked at Daehyun, holding his smile. Daehyun smiled before he began to quietly laugh. He hadn’t expected Young Jae to do such a thing. Maybe he was rubbing off on him, though Daehyun wasn’t exactly sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
“You’re always full of surprises.” (DH) Daehyun took a firm hold of Young Jae’s hand before moving closer to Young Jae, their shoulders touching and their hands hidden behind them. “You know.. summer vacation starts tomorrow. What do you want to do?” (DH)
“I wanna go to the beach.” (YJ)
“The beach? Why?” (DH) The duo turned to look at one another as Young Jae gave a small smile. He didn’t really answer Daehyun as he turned his attention back to the wall in front of them, but he did have a reason. He just didn’t want to say why just yet. “Aren’t you going to tell me?” (DH)
“Mm.... Not yet. I’ll wait until later. Oh! And.. um... Myungsoo said to have your passport ready and to pack your things. He.. uh.. he wants to take everyone out for summer vacation.” (YJ) That Myungsoo. He just always seems to want to impress everyone. Though, Daehyun did find going out of the country a fun sounding idea.
“Okay, where and when are we going?” (DH)
“Um.. he said that we’re going on a cruise to.. ah... I-I can’t remember. But we’re leaving next week, so.. I.. I want to go to the beach before we leave. Can we..?” (YJ) Young Jae looked at Daehyun with pleading eyes. Daehyun chuckled a bit before lightly pressing his lips against Young Jae’s.
“Sure. We can go tomorrow, but.. I don’t exactly have a swimsuit.” (DH)
“D-Don’t worry! I... I bought a swimsuit for oyu already! It’s um... an early birthday present.” (YJ) Daehyun rose a single eyebrow as he looked at Young Jae with suspicion. He bought him a swim suit for his birthday? It’s not like he wans’t grateful or anything, but knowing Young Jae’s usual thoughts whenever he went to buy something, Daehyun couldn’t help but wonder what kind of a swimsuit he bought him.
“Well.. okay then. Did you want to invite anyone else along?” (DH)
“Everyone!” (YJ) Daehyun chuckled before ruffling Young Jae’s hair with his free hand. His boyfriend really was so cute. How did he ever end up with such a cute boyfriend? He always found himself asking that same question everyday, but he always came to the same conclusion that destiny or fate or whatever brought them together. It made perfect sense after all.
“Okay, we’ll invite everyone.” (DH)
“Okay. Since everyone’s here... How do you all feel about going to the beach tomorrow?” (DH) It was lunch break and luckily, everyone decided to get food at the cafeteria today. Daehyun looked around at everyone, whom all seemed either quite excited or neutral about the idea.
“The beach?! Oh! I just bought the most CUTEST bikini! I’ll definitely go!” (SY) Yoona and Yuri both nodded in agreement before the three of them began talking amongst themselves. From what Daehyun could hear, they were already planning on what they were going to bring and what not. Turning to the males though, he could tell that they weren’t necessarily as energetic as the girls were.
“The beach? What made you suddenly want to go there?” (BY)
“It was Young Jae’s idea.” (DH) Young Jae turned a bit red from being mentioned. He had thought it was a good idea, so he hoped that everyone would want to go. Sure, they were all going to be spending a lot more time together during the summer, but he just wanted to spend time with everyone sooner.
“If it was Young Jae’s idea, then we HAVE to go!” (HC) Yongguk turned to look at Himchan with a single brow rose before they began arguing amongst each other. While Daehyun let those two talk it out, he turned his attention to the last person there; Myungsoo.
“What about you?” (DH)
“Sure, why not. I don’t see a problem with it.” (L) Now that almost everyone was in agreement, the three males watched as Yongguk and Himchan continued arguing amongst each other. While Young Jae worried that things may be getting out of hand, Daehyun was wondering how long they were planning to argue for.
The school day soon ended and the rest of the day went by with not much happening. Could he help it though? Daehyun couldn’t really think of what to do and yet, Young Jae just seemed to be studying for whatever reason. Daehyun didn’t see a point to studying during summer break, but it was Young Jae’s choice. Finally, the day ended and the next day soon began.
Daehyun stared at the swimsuit that was now in his hands before looking up at Young Jae. He could see that the younger male was completely flustered and looking away at him. Had Young Jae really been planning this out the entire time? This swimsuit barely even covered anything! Though, Daehyun didn’t mind as long as he continued seeing Young Jae this flustered. “Do you.. really want me to wear this? You do realize it’s an ultra low-waist speedo.. right..?” (DH)
“Mm...” (YJ) It was the only thing that Young Jae could manage to get out. Daehyun didn’t really know if he was influencing Young Jae or not and he definitely didn’t know if it was a good or a bad thing, but.. Young Jae was still Young Jae after all. With a grin, Daehyun placed his hands on Young Jer’s shoulders.
“Okay, I’ll wear it for you. It better look good on me.” (DH) Moving away from the younger male, Daehyun entered the bathroom to get changed. Young Jae scratched the side of his head, a bit confused as to why Daehyun was changing in the bathroom. With a slight shrug, Young Jae began changing into his own swimsuit.
A few minutes had passed before Young Jae sat waiting for Daehyun. He had already finished changing into his swim trunks and was now looking through his duffel bag to make sure that he had packed everything for the day. He looked up as he heard the bathroom door open, instantly turning red as he soon found himself involuntarily staring at Daehyun’s exposed body. The small piece of cloth was practically the only thing covering Daehyun’s private part, but it was almost as if it couldn’t really contain the entirety of Daehyun’s package. “What do you think? I think the swimsuit is a bit.. small..” (DH)
Young Jae looked away, unable to come up with any words to say. Daehyun chuckled a bit as he walked up to Young Jae, stopping just a few inches in front of Young Jae. Young Jae involuntarily looked at Daehyun, but now found it difficult to pull his gaze away from Daehyun’s private area. “Well? What do you think?” (DH)
“U-Uh.. um... I.. uh.. I-I think that it l-looks fine..” (YJ) Young Jae desperately hoped that Daehyun would move away soon. With how close and nearly exposed Daehyun was, Young Jae was starting to get . No, scratch that, he was already the second that Daehyun had stepped out of the bathroom. “C-C-Can you move away, p-please..?” (YJ)
“Why? Do I make you.. uncomfortable?” (DH) In a way, this was Daehyun’s revenge. Why? Well, there were plenty of times when Young Jae had turned Daehyun on, so he was going to get back at Young Jae by turning him on. It’s not like he was causing any pain to Young Jae or anything by doing this. Plus, Young Jae had been the one that wanted him to wear this anyway.
“Y-Yes.. y-you are making me u-uncomfortable..” (YJ) Young Jae was quite at the moment and he wouldn’t have minded as much if it wasn’t for the fact that the swim trunks that he was currently wearing had some sort of netting on the inside of it. He didn’t exactly know what it was for, but his private area was rubbing against the net and it wasn’t exactly a comfortable feeling.
“Well, okay. Let’s get going then.” (DH) Daehyun turned, causing Young Jae to look down at Daehyun’s bottom. His eyes widened when he saw just how revealing the swimsuit really was. When Daehyun was out of the room, Young Jae frantically looked around. He had made sure to pack a change of clothes for the both of them and not once had thought that Daehyun would need clothes to wear while they were heading to the beach. He definitely didn’t want Daehyun walking around in public like that! Quickly, he picked out a white v-neck and black shorts before chasing after Daehyun.
“D-Daehyun! W-Wait! Wear something decent f-first!” (YJ) Finally catching up with Daehyun, he let out a small sigh before holding the articles of clothing out to the older male. Daehyun chuckled before taking a hold of them, slowly putting the clothes on before turning back to face Young Jae.
“Aish.. my cute boyfriend is always looking out for me. Come on. Let’s get going. Sooyoung is probably at the beach already.” (DH) With a small nod, the two finally began their way out of the apartment and towards the beach. The entire time, Young Jae was regretting getting such a revealing swimsuit for Daehyun. He may not seem like it now, but Young Jae didn’t exactly want anyone else admiring Daehyun’s body.
“You’re finally here! What took you guys so long?!” (SY)
“Hey now.. at least we got here before Myungsoo, Himchan and Yongguk.” (DH) Sooyoung let out a small sigh before nodding. Sooyoung had gotten here about an hour or two earlier to get good spots. Yoona and Yuri showed up about half an hour earlier and Daehyun and Young Jae just got there. Only Myungsoo, Himchan, and Yongguk had yet to show up oddly enough. “Where do you think they are anyway?” (DH)
“Well.. I don’t know about Myungsoo, but knowing Yongguk.. he’s probably stalling. That lazy bum..” (SY) Sooyoung pouted as she crossed her arms. Though, as she examined the two males, a thought occurred. “Are you already in your swimsuits or are you just going to be sitting here the entire time?” (SY)
“Oh, right. Almost forgot.” (DH) Young Jae’s eyes widened as he quickly put his arms around Daehyun, preventing the older male from stripping his clothes. Daehyun look at Young Jae with a single brow rose before he a smirk appeared on his face. “What are you doing? Did you want a hug from me that badly that you had to randomly wrap your arms around me?” (DH)
“U-Um.. y-yea.. t-that’s why.” (YJ) Sooyoung smiled as she rolled her eyes. It was cute that they were all lovey dovey around each other, but she just wanted to see them in their swimsuits already. She has not once seen Daehyun in a swimsuit, though she has technically seen him shirtless. Either way, it would be interesting what kind of swimsuit Daehyun had.
Slowly, Young Jae reluctantly pulled away, fumbling with the hem of his shirt as he watched Daehyun slowly stripping his clothes. He bit his bottom lip as first, Daehyun pulled his shirt off to reveal his chiseled abs, the very abs that Young Jae wanted to slowly glide his fingers across. His eyes widened and his face reddened as Daehyun soon undid his shorts and was now standing in the very tiny swimsuit. Young Jae’s eyes darted to Sooyoung’s face, seeing the completely flustered and shocked expression on her face.
“What do you think? My cute boyfriend bought it for me since I didn’t have one.” (DH) Daehyun wrapped an arm around Young Jae’s shoulders, pulling him in before grinning happily at Sooyoung. Sooyoung, however, was completely at a loss for words. She couldn’t help but take in as much of Daehyun as possible. Could she help it? She did have a crush on him after all, so she just had to take it in. This was probably the closest to a Daehyun that she’ll ever get to seeing after all.
“Where are Yoona and Yuri anyway?” (DH) Sooyoung was attempting to regain her thoughts, but she was still staring at Daehyun’s body. Just as she finally snapped out of her trance, Yoona and Yuri had shown up.. staring at Daehyun as well. “What?” (DH)
“D-Daehyun! That thing is so.. revealing! You’re just.. practically bulging out of that thing!” (YA)
“I think it looks nice! I mean, it’s inappropriate if small children were around, but at least he looks good in it!” (Y) Young Jae pouted a bit before standing in front of Daehyun, facing the older male. He furrowed his eyebrows before looking up at the older male, whom looked at Young Jae with a small smile.
“What’s wrong?” (DH)
“I-I don’t want you wearing it anymore..” (YJ)
“Well, if you say so.” (DH) Daehyun pulled at the elastic on his swimsuit and teasingly lowered the two sides, causing Young Jae to instantly turn red and put his hands where Daehyun’s hands were. Young Jae glared at Daehyun, causing Daehyun to raise his hands away from his swimsuit. “Well, you said you didn’t want me wearing it anymore. What else do you expect me to wear?” (DH)
“O-Okay.. j-just don’t take it off!” (YJ) Young Jae let out a small sigh before pulling away from Daehyun. The three girls, sensing Young Jae’s jealousy, made sure to turn away so that they didn’t end up staring at Daehyun once more. Young Jae finally stripped his shirt off, now just standing there in his swim trunks. It has been a while since he’s gone swimming, but he wasn’t entirely sure if he would be having fun now that he basically let Daehyun show off everything that he has.
“Hey, you’re all here.” (L) Young Jae turned around as he smiled a bit, seeing Myungsoo, Yongguk, and Himchan showing up. Himchan, being the confident person that he is, was currently wearing a black speedo along with a short-sleeved button-up shirt that was currently wide open. He also had flip flops on, showing off his legs quite well. Yongguk was wearing red swim trunks and the same kind of shirt as Himchan, just a different design. Unlike Himchan, he had sunglasses on. As for Myungsoo, he was currently wearing a white t-shirt along with his blue and black swim trunks along with his black flip flops.
“What.. are you wearing, Daehyun?” (BY)
“What? You jealous that I have a cute boyfriend that got me such a thing? Himchan’s wearing the same thing anyway!” (DH)
“Yours is more.. revealing..” (BY)
“So? What, am I turning you on?” (DH) Daehyun teased and instantly, Yongguk hit him with the bag that he was currently holding. With a slight chuckle, he took a hold of Young Jae’s hand and looked at the younger male. “Come on! Let’s go swim now.” (DH)
“W-We have to put sunscreen on first..” (YJ)
“Oh, well.. okay then.” (DH) The girls had already placed sunscreen on, so they went ahead to go swim. Himchan, luckily, had also thought ahead and made Yongguk and him put sunscreen on before even coming to the beach, so they soon followed after the girls after dropping their stuff off. All that was left was Daehyun, Young Jae, and Myungsoo. As the couple began putting the sunscreen on themselves, Daehyun noticed Myungsoo just sitting there. “Yah, Myungsoo. What are you doing?” (DH)
“Sitting. What does it matter to you?” (L)
“Aren’t you going to swim too?” (DH)
“Tch... I don’t swim.” (L)
“What do you mean you don’t swim? Come on! It’s time to get you in the water with us! Take your shirt off!” (DH)
“No, I’m not going. I’ll just sit and watch.” (L)
“Come on! It’s more fun if you join everyone!” (DH) Daehyun moved over to the seated Myungsoo as he soon began tugging at Myungsoo’s shirt. Myungsoo swatted Daehyun’s arms away, but Daehyun just constantly kept pulling at it. Out of frustration, Daehyun soon shoved Myungsoo onto his back, quickly straddling the male as he continued pulling Myungsoo’s shirt. “JUST TAKE IT OFF ALREADY!” (DH)
“I SAID NO, YOU IDIOT! NOW GET OFF!” (L) Despite their struggling, neither one seemed to want to give in. Young Jae stared, his face reddening. He didn’t know whether he was jealous or embarrassed by this, but he still didn’t like what he was seeing.
“COME ON! Just take it off already!” (DH)
“I SAID NO! Why can’t you take that as an answer?!” (L)
“BECAUSE that’ll just make you a lonely gopher! Now take your shirt off, put the dang lotion on, AND COME ON!” (DH) Between the two tugging at Myungsoo’s shirt, the poor shirt soon gave way and ripped in half. Myungsoo glared at Daehyun, whom was staring back at him with wide eyes. Myungsoo quickly shoved Daehyun off of him before putting himself on top of Daehyun, a few inches away from Daehyun’s face.
“You.. owe me a new shirt.” (L) Myungsoo pulled away and stood up, pulling off the remains of his poor shirt and letting out a sigh. Young Jae held out the sunscreen and with another sigh, Myungsoo took a hold of the bottle and soon began covering himself in the lotion. Daehyun soon stood up, grinning happily as he took the bottle once Myungsoo was finished with it.
“Don’t worry! It was just a shirt! You’ll see, you’ll have more fun playing with us!” (DH) Myungsoo only scoffed before he walked past the duo and making his way towards the water. Daehyun grinned before turning to look at Young Jae, whom was quiet. “What’s wrong? You okay?” (DH)
“Mm..” (YJ)
“If anything’s wrong, just tell me.. alright?” (DH)
“O-Okay..” (YJ)
“Well.. if you’re alright then you think you can help me put sunscreen on me? I guess I can do it on you first since you don’t have much to cover.” (DH) Young Jae turned red before nodding, laying on his stomach as Daehyun squirted the sunscreen all over Young Jae’s back and began massaging it in. Young Jae closed his eyes as he bit his bottom lip, enjoying the feel of Daehyun’s hands on him.
A minute or two passed as Daehyun finally finished rubbing the sunscreen on Young Jae’s back. With a smirk, Daehyun lifted Young Jae’s swim trunks from the pant sleeves and began massaging the sunscreen onto the back of Young Jae’s thighs. Young Jae’s eyes opened as he looked up at Daehyun. “W-What are you doing? I-I thought you were only going to do my back..” (YJ)
“Well, I have to make sure my cute boyfriend doesn’t get a sunburn anywhere, right?” (DH)
“W-Well.. I-I guess..” (YJ) Young Jae closed his eyes again, breathing lightly as Daehyun took his time rubbing Young Jae’s thighs. Young Jae tried to keep his mind off of things, but Daehyun rubbing at the inside of his thighs was not helping one bit. But, somehow, he managed to keep himself under check. Soon enough, Daehyun was done and the pair switched positions.
Young Jae bit his bottom lip as he looked at Daehyun’s backside. He rarely ever got to see Daehyun’s backside but now that he was staring at it, he couldn’t stop staring at it. Opening the bottle, he squirted out the sunscreen before he began rubbing it onto Daehyun’s back. Young Jae’s eyes kept darting at Daehyun’s bottom, though he restrained himself as much as possible. “D-Daehyun.. I-I’m done.” (YJ)
“Thanks!” (DH) Daehyun grinned as he pushed himself up before pressing his lips against Young Jae’s. Though, as Daehyun attempted to pull away, he soon felt Young Jae’s hands keeping him from moving away as Young Jae deepened the kiss. Kiss after kiss, Young Jae soon moved his tongue and lightly caressed it against the top of Daehyun’s lip. Daehyun stuck out his own tongue, mirroring Young Jae’s previous action without really realizing it himself. Daehyun soon broke the kiss, the two taking the time to take in some air. “W-Woah.. Young Jae. What’s gotten into you?” (DH)
“I.. I don’t know. I.. I’m ...” (YJ) Daehyun burst out laughing at how blunt Young Jae was. He looked down and he could see quite well that Young Jae was quite.. well, . Though, it’s not like they could just get it on right then and there.
“You’re going to have to wait until we get back home.” (DH) Young Jae bit his bottom lip as he let out a small whine. He didn’t want to wait that long, but.. he knew that they couldn’t do it out in public. He let out a small nod before the pair both stood up. Young Jae looked down, seeing that Daehyun wasn’t necessarily .
“Y-You’re not ..?” (YJ)
“Young Jae.. if I get , I will definitely be sticking out of this thing.” (DH) Young Jae nodded, now realizing that Daehyun was trying pretty hard to keep himself from getting . Daehyun soon took a hold of Young Jae’s hand and led him towards the water. Hopefully, the water would cool things off.
[[ My Own Thoughts:
I totally lied.
But I have decided to make this fanfic a bit longer.
There will be more fluff >3<..
For.. I feel as if I haven't added enough fluff in this fanfic.
That annnd...
This chapter gave me more ideas to include in the fanfic. xD
Hopefully this doesn't disappoint too many people. xD
But please look forward to more chapters >3< !!! ]]
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My computer died ;;... Updates are going to be slower now >.


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Chapter 66: Awwe! ITS OVER?! I cant believe it! At first i thought that 66 chapters is so long but now i want more! This is an amazing story!! Im crying.. anyway i cant believe its done! Thank you for writing this authornim! <3
Chapter 47: Jongup is so innocent... poor child bless your poor soul
Chapter 43: Why is Jongup like this? 'Pika-pi.' Really? My heart hurts. I can imagine him saying it in a cute voice.. TT
He's so adorable.
Thanks a lot Woohyun. :/
Chapter 24: Daehyun is me. Me is Daehyun.
Never turn down free food.
Chapter 23: Ahhh! I hope their plans wont succeed
Chapter 22: How dare you violate Youngjae, Woohyun?! Im shook
Chapter 13: I love Sungyeol XD he's so adorable
Chapter 27: I'm pretty sure I saw this comming...I just cant handdle, my tears are rolling over and I'm really sad for everything!! :(
Chapter 24: I still don't want to be happy because if I do, when the really bad things happens I'm going to be crying all along the entire chapters ahead :(