
I Love You, Just Like This
(YJ) - Young Jae speaking
(DH) - Daehyun speaking
(SG) - Sunggyu speaking
(BY) - Yongguk speaking
(TF) - Tiffany speaking
(J) - Jessica speaking
“Oh! I-I almost forgot.. we have to study.” (YJ) Daehyun groaned as he placed a hand up to his face, his hand slowly sliding down his face. He had really REALLY hoped that Young Jae had forgotten about it, but.. apparently, he didn’t. Young Jae pushed himself up as he looked at Daehyun. “Yah... Daehyun.. you have to pass your class!” (YJ)
“I know but.. we were sitting here so comfortably! Can’t we sit here just a little longer?” (DH) Daehyun pleaded through his eyes, pouting a bit as he looked at Young Jae. He really hoped that Young Jae would fall for his pouty, puppy dog look, but.. apparently Young Jae just had to dash his hopes and dreams.
“N-No! W-We have to make sure that you pass, or you can’t dance at the competition! P-Please sit on the floor a-and get your books out..” (YJ) Daehyun sighed before he nodded and slid off the couch, sitting near the coffee table. He pulled his bag close to him before opening it and pulling out the various notebooks and textbooks, placing them onto the coffee table.
Young Jae next to Daehyun, opening the textbooks that Daehyun had pulled out before looking back at him. Though, judging by the textbooks that were out on the coffee table, it was quite evident what subject he was failing. “You’re failing math?” (YJ)
“Y-Yea..” (DH)
“Okay. That’s easy enough! Um.. L-Let’s test your knowledge first and see where you need work on! Um... six times eight?” (YJ) Daehyun stared at him with a small smile on his face. He tried to think of what the answer was, but it just didn’t come to him all that fast. “Daehyun.. what’s six times eight?” (YJ)
“Seventy-nine!” (DH) Young Jae stared at him for a few seconds before face palming. Since Young Jae didn’t say that it was wrong, Daehyun had assumed that he was correct and he happily smiled at his guess.
“W-We have a lot.. of work to do..” (YJ) Daehyun’s smile disappeared as he looked at the ‘are you serious?’ look that Young Jae currently had on his face. Daehyun couldn’t help but worry about how long the tutoring session would be.
“Daehyun! Use your fingers or something! You keep getting these wrong! How did you even pass elementary school?! Aish.. You’re making me get so frustrated!” (YJ) Young Jae slapped Daehyun’s arm, causing the male to flinch away. He had never seen Young Jae this angry before and he didn’t like seeing him this way.
“Young Jae! You’re being too mean..” (DH) Daehyun crossed his arms and turned his back to Yonug Jae, whom only sighed and tried to calm himself down. He wrapped his arms around Daehyun’s waist as he rested his head on his back.
“I-I’m sorry Daehyun but.. I.. I really want you to get it. It’s frustrating when you don’t get it..” (YJ) How long had they been at this anyway? Three, maybe four hours already? Daehyun was improving, but he was improving at such a slow rate. Young Jae definitely didn’t like how slow it was going. At this rate, Daehyun wasn’t going to be able to raise his grades in his class.
“I’m sorry.. I’m just.. not good at math...” (DH) Young Jae thought for a moment as they stayed in this position for a bit. It’s been proven that children tend to learn faster when there’s a prize on the line. Daehyun was.. kind of like a bigger version of a child, so maybe it would work if he tried it on him.
“U-Um.. Daehyun?” (YJ)
“What is it?” (DH) Young Jae let go of Daehyun and pulled away a bit before Daehyun turned to face him. Getting up from his seat, he made his way to the kitchen and began rummaging through the fridge. Daehyun waited as he stared at the kitchen with his curiosity starting to peak. “What are you doing in there, Young Jae?” (DH)
Instead of answering Daehyun’s question, Young Jae came back with the cheesecake that Daehyun had happened to just buy yesterday afternoon. Daehyun had been planning on saving it for today. Though seeing Young Jae carrying it made Daehyun’s mouth water as he lightly his lips in anticipation. Hopefully, they were going to be taking a break though as Young Jae set the cheesecake down onto the coffee table and away from Daehyun, it seemed like the younger male had something else in mind.
“Daehyun.. um... You can have some cheesecake only if you can get these questions right. For every ten questions you get correct, you can have a bite of cheesecake.” (YJ) A bite?! Just a single bite for every ten questions?! Daehyun pouted as he looked from Young Jae, to the cheesecake, then to the questions laid out in front of him. He was doubting himself, but the cheesecake called out to him.
“You’re secretly a sadist.. aren’t you..” (DH) Young Jae only smiled a bit before pointing at the questions. Daehyun let out a small sigh before he picked up his pencil and began working on the problems. One way or another, he was going to get that cheesecake.
“NO! YOU ALREADY HAD A BITE!” (YJ) At the moment, Daehyun was currently sitting on top of Young Jae’s torso with Young Jae holding onto his wrists as much as possible. Daehyun had pinned the male down in an attempt to get the cheesecake without him interfering but somehow.. he only ended up being held onto and still being denied his cheesecake goodness.
“Young Jaeeeee... Let me have some!” (DH) Daehyun pulled at his wrists, but Young Jae was definitely a lot stronger than he looked. Daehyun, at this point, was trying to move closer just so that he could eat it using his mouth but even then.. the cheesecake was much too far.
“NO! I told you! One bite every ten questions! It took you half an hour to answer ten questions correctly!” (YJ) Young Jae definitely did not expect Daehyun to be this bad at math. Sure, he was understanding basic math a lot better, but the fact that he wasn’t up to their grade level math yet just wasn’t good enough! “Don’t make me punish you Daehyun!” (YJ)
“Young Jae! I want the cheesecake! Let go!” (DH) While Daehyun was a bit too preoccupied with getting the cheesecake, somehow Young Jae had turned the tables and was now the one sitting on top of Daehyun’s torso, pinning Daehyun’s wrists together and keeping him from being able to move. Daehyun stared up at Young Jae with wide eyes, completely taken by surprise. “Y-Young Jae..” (DH)
“I told you I would punish you!” (YJ) Though, Young Jae had not a single clue as to how to punish Daehyun. With both his hands preoccupied, there was nothing else that he could use to punish him. Daehyun continued to stare, though now he was a bit confused as to why they were staying in this position while Young Jae bit his bottom lip, thinking.
Though, an idea came to mind finally. During the past month, he had been studying as much as possible. Why? He didn’t really know, but it seemed like all that studying was about to pay off. Young Jae gave a soft smile, causing Daehyun to start to suspect something. Slowly, Young Jae bent down and began softly kissing Daehyun’s lips.
Was this some sort of trick? Was this some sort of torture device? Was this a dream? Without much of a second thought, Daehyun began kissing back, trying to deepen the kiss. Each attempt at deepening it though, Young Jae would pull away. Finally, Young Jae moved away from Daehyun’s lips and began kissing his neck, causing Daehyun to bite his bottom lip. “Y-Young Jae.. since when do you do something like this?” (DH)
No answer. Young Jae kept one hand wrapped around Daehyun’s wrists, but he wasn’t resisting anymore. In fact, he seemed too caught up with each soft and gentle kiss that Young Jae was planting on his neck. Now, it was Young Jae’s turn to have Daehyun in the palm of his hands. The second Young Jae began on part of Daehyun’s skin, Daehyun let out a soft moan as he now began to slowly moved.
Daehyun was feeling hot and he was definitely starting to feel bothered by the fact that he was restrained. No matter how much he moved, he just couldn’t seem to get out of Young Jae’s grasp. His moans just seemed to come more constantly though as he felt Young Jae’s hand slowly roaming around his chest. “Y-Young Jae..” (DH) Daehyun moaned out, as he closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip once more.
Young Jae turned red, if he wasn’t already. This was his first time touching someone like this and he didn’t know whether he liked it or not. Sadly, just as Daehyun was getting , so was he. It would take all of his willpower to keep Daehyun at bay while they studied.
Daehyun’s eyes shot open as he felt Young Jae’s hand slowly rubbing at the inside of his thigh, such a sensitive area sending chills through his body. A certain body part of his was already hard and throbbing, wanting to be free of its confines.
The second Young Jae’s hand took a hold of it, Daehyun suddenly felt Young Jae completely off and away from him. Daehyun pushed himself up into a sitting position, looking at Young Jae whom was now sitting at the table, looking at him. “Come on. You have to study.” (YJ)
“What?! What was that all about?!” (DH) Daehyun felt a bit frustrated, maybe annoyed, as he continued to stare at Young Jae. He had been and he had a raging hard-on right now. How was he supposed to study when his private part was begging to be released from his clothes!
“I-I.. I told you. I was going to give you a punishment you and now, you’re.. you’re being punished.” (YJ) Well, Young Jae was also , but hopefully not as much as Daehyun was. Anyway, he didn’t care how much Daehyun begged. If he doesn’t finish all one-hundred questions, then Daehyun wasn’t allowed to relieve himself nor have any of his cheesecake!
Daehyun got to his feet. He stared angrily at Young Jae as his hands were now curled into fists. Of course, he wasn’t the type to become violent. That was definitely not his spiel. “YAH! That’s a bad trick to play!” (DH)
“You’re the one who can’t answer the questions! Now, you have to answer all one-hundred questions correctly or not only are you NOT going to get any cheesecake, but I won’t let you relieve yourself! Now, sit down and answer them!” (YJ) This was probably the first time Young Jae was acting like this, but Daehyun had to learn to answer these questions. Young Jae really wanted to help him and Daehyun was acting like a child. Sure, he was a ually frustrated child, but a child nonetheless!
Daehyun pouted as he sat down across from Young Jae, turning the notebooks and textbooks around while Young Jae moved the cheesecake away from Daehyun. Daehyun was now a lot more determined to answer these questions. Sure, it was a bit hard to think, but he was forcing himself at this point to get it right.
“There! I’m done! Pleeease.. can I have the cheesecake now?” (DH) By now, Daehyun’s raging hormones had died down and he was now calm once more. In fact, he had completely forgotten that he had been not that long ago. Right now, he was really looking forward to the cheesecake.
“L-Let me check them first.... They have to be all correct for you to get the cheesecake..” (YJ) Daehyun turned his notebook around and slid it towards Young Jae. He sat there waiting, a smile on his face as he bit his bottom lip in anticipation. Every now and then, Young Jae made a few sounds to himself, which Daehyun didn’t really understand. Were the correct? Were they wrong? He really wished that Young Jae would say something!
Finally though, Young Jae let out a soft sigh as he looked back up at Daehyun. Daehyun was filled with worry as he soon felt the butterflies in his stomach going crazy. Why was Young Jae just staring at him?! Though, after a few more seconds had gone by, Young Jae smiled. “You.. You got them right! I-I’m happy.” (YJ)
Daehyun grinned happily as he shot a fist into the air. Jumping to his feet, he made his way around to the cheesecake and instantly began eating away at it. Young Jae gave a small smile, slowly shaking his head as he turned back to the notebook. It had taken Daehyun a couple more hours, but somehow.. he ended up getting them all right. Either he really was smart and just needed encouragement, or he.. just really wanted that cheesecake.
Wait. A couple of hours?! What time was it?! Young Jae quickly pulled his bag towards him, rummaging through it before finally finding his cellular device. He instantly began hitting the top of his head lightly with his fist the second he realized how late it was. It was already nine at night! Sungyeol was definitely going to get mad at him for this! “I-I have to go..” (YJ)
Young Jae quickly began packing his things up, but he soon found himself laying on his back and staring wide eyed at Daehyun, whom was only a few mere inches away from his face. Though, he could still see some cheesecake remains on the corners of his mouth. “Stay. Stay the night again.” (DH)
“I-I can’t... i-it’s a school night..” (YJ) Had it been a Friday or a Saturday, Young Jae may have considered it, but he couldn’t stay the night on a school night. Plus, he knew that Sungyeol would get mad at him again for doing something like this.
“Okay.. if you can’t then.. I’ll walk you home.” (DH) Daehyun got to his feet as he held his hand out, smiling happily as he pulled Young Jae to his feet. Young Jae quickly gathered his things while Daehyun got his coat, scarf, and the hat that Young Jae had gotten him, onto himself. He looked over at Young Jae, whom was now all nice and ready to go.
“Y-You don’t have to walk me home..” (YJ)
“Nonsense! I can’t let my cute boyfriend walk home all alone! I have to make sure that you get home safe and sound.” (DH) Young Jae nodded a bit as he smiled before the pair finally began making their way out of the apartment complex and towards their intended destination.
They walked, hand in hand, down the cold winter streets. The street lamps and the buildings around them all were lit up and there weren’t much people out on the streets. They were mostly either couples or just people heading home. It was nice and peaceful and it made Young Jae more comfortable about walking home at night.
“It’s nice out. Y-You really don’t have to walk with me the rest of the way..” (YJ) Daehyun turned to look at Young Jae, whom continued to look down towards the ground. His cheeks were a rosy color as well as his nose, but it just made him look a lot more cuter than before, if that was even possible.
“I want to walk with you everywhere, so it’s alright.” (DH) Daehyun stopped and turned Young Jae to face him, softly pressing his lips against Young Jae’s forehead before pulling away and smiling. “Anywhere you go, I want to follow.” (DH)
“O-Okay.. but I don’t want you to follow me..” (YJ) Young Jae bit his bottom lip as his gaze trailed downwards. Daehyun frowned a bit and was about to say something when Young Jae looked back up at him. “I want you to walk beside me.. always.” (YJ)
Daehyun smiled and nodded before pressing his lips against Young Jae’s. Two, maybe three soft kisses, before they turned and were on their way again. Young Jae smiled sheepishly as he kept his gaze down at the ground and his hand tightening on Daehyun’s. “I’m glad.. that you’re walking me home. I-It makes me feel.. really safe.” (YJ)
“Good. I’ll always protect you, alright?” (DH)
“R-Right..” (YJ) Young Jae looked up towards the sky, but he couldn’t see the stars. It was alright though because it was snowing and he really loved the snow. Young Jae did wish that Daehyun would love winter also. Right now, Daehyun must be suffering from the cold, but.. he didn’t say anything about it.
It didn’t take them long before they finally reached Young Jae’s house. They stood at his doorstep, Young Jae fiddling with the hem of his coat as his gaze was down towards the ground. “T-Thank you.. for walking me home.” (YJ)
“Anything for my cutie!” (DH) Young Jae looked up and Daehyun quickly took this change to press his lips against Young Jae’s once more before he began his way back towards the street. He turned to look at Young Jae and grinned a bit. “Make sure you sleep warmly, alright?” (DH)
“O-Okay.. P-Please head home safely, alright?” (YJ)
“Okay! I’ll make sure, only because my cute boyfriend said so!” (DH) Daehyun flashed his grin once more before he turned and began walking back home. Young Jae smiled a bit as he watched before Daehyun finally vanished at the next corner. Hesitantly, Young Jae turned and entered his home.
“Aish.. that kid. Worrying about me.. but.. it’s cute.” (DH) Daehyun let out a small laugh as he looked up towards the sky and rubbed the back of his head. “I should get him two presents. One for the present he got me and one for Christmas.” (DH)
Daehyun nodded as he placed his hands into his coat’s pocket and looked around. A small smile just seemed to stay on his face as he looked around. There were a lot of things out there, but what would Young Jae like? Was a couple ring appropriate? Oh, but he didn’t bring his wallet with him so he couldn’t but anything right now. Well, maybe he could go shopping tomorrow after school. It would be a nice surprise, right?
“Hey. You’re Jung Daehyun, right?” (SG) Daehyun turned around to find himself face to face with four other people. Three of them were males and the last person was a female. It took him a second, but he finally registered who these people were though he also realized that.. they weren’t exactly friendly, especially when one of the males was holding a baseball bat.
“You’re from the last two dance competitions.. right?” (DH) His team and their team had been considered rivals for the last eight years. They were always head to head with one another during the dance competitions and their teams just never seemed to give way for the other one. One way or another, it was usually Daehyun’s team that prevailed.
“We need.. to have a word with you.” (SG) Daehyun scoffed as he looked off to the side. A word? Yea right. He doubted it, but at the same time, there was a possibility that they really did just want to have a word with him. Daehyun looked back to the group, whom still did not look all that amused.
“Aish.. What do you want then?” (DH)
“We need to talk to you in.. private.” (TF) The girl now moved up a bit, her arms crossed as she glared at him. “And we are going to have a nice little.. private chat one way.. or another. So, what’s it going to be?” (TF)
“I.. don’t think so. Anyway, I’ve gotta go now! You guys have fun, buh bye now!” (DH) Daehyun turned and instantly began running, the four of them running after him. If he didn’t reach the apartment complex before they caught him, he knew that he was going to be screwed.
He was close, so very close! Just one two or three more corners and he would be at his intended destination! Sadly.. a hand soon grabbed onto his shoulder and turned him around. Daehyun had managed to keep from falling, but when a fist soon came into contact with his face, he soon ended up losing his footing. He landed roughly, but he probably saved himself from a concussion by using his arms to keep from fully falling. Still, that didn’t save him from the fact that now, a male was sitting atop him and keeping him pinned down.
“I told you. We were going to have that nice little chat, one way.. or another.” (TF) The female bent down and smiled before she stared angrily at him. She took a hold of Daehyun’s cheeks with her index finger and her thumb, pinching it tightly. “It’s such a shame. You’re such a cutie too. Ooh well.” (TF)
Once she let go, the male on top of him began beating him. Punch after punch, it just seemed like it would go on forever. Even when he was trying to defend himself with his own arms, it just seemed to go on forever. Suddenly, he let out an agonizing scream as he felt the baseball bat come into contact with his left leg. Once, maybe twice before the feel of something breaking finally made him scream out more. He tried to fight back tears, but those tears seemed to start rolling down his face as he continued enduring the onslaught.
Only a few minutes had passed before finally, the male got off of him, allowing Daehyun to pull his injured leg closer to himself as he tried to make the pain stop by holding the injury. The three males chuckled as they walked off a bit. Tiffany crouched down, sliding a single nail along Daehyun’s bruised cheek as she smiled. “There. Wasn’t that a nice chat? Taa taa ~” (TF)
And like that, the female and her three friends were gone.
Daehyun was writhing in pain as he held his leg. It hurt so much and he just couldn’t bring himself to get to his feet. Even with the pain on his arms and head, it just couldn’t compare to the pain in his leg. The only worry that shot through his head though was.. if it was broken or not.
Jessica wiped at the small tears that slid down her face as she sat next to Daehyun’s bed. She had found her little brother still in that same spot a few minutes after the attack, while she was on her way back home and she was definitely worried. When they got to the hospital, Daehyun had been rushed to the Operating Room and soon enough, ended up having surgery on his leg. He had been out for a couple of hours before he had finally woken up. Now though, the doctors have said that the injuries to Daehyun’s arms and head would heal in a few weeks, but.. his leg was broken and wouldn’t heal for around two to three months. Even then.. he wouldn’t be able to dance as much as he does now.
“Daehyun.. I’m so sorry..” (J)
“I-It isn’t your fault Noona. You didn’t do anything..” (DH) Daehyun solemnly looked at his leg, which was currently in a cast. He felt like he had just lost a piece of himself, but.. there wasn’t much else he could do about it now. His attention soon turned to the door as Yongguk entered the room. Daehyun didn’t want to wake anyone else but him, since he was his closest friend and the second in charge of the dance group.
“Daehyun.. I didn’t think you were telling the truth when you called..” (BY) Yongguk made his way over to the bed, his eyes almost not wanting to leave the cast. Yongguk hoped that the longer he stared at it, the more of an illusion it would make itself known but.. it just seemed to stay there. He looked up towards Daehyun, whom forced a small smile onto his face.
“I-It isn’t so bad.. I’ll heal up in two to three months..” (DH)
“That’s months Daehyun, MONTHS! The dance competition is in two months! What are we supposed to do now?!” (BY) Daehyun looked down at his hands as they slightly trembled a bit. He was still pretty shaken by what had just happened, but he still was angry at himself. How could he have let himself get caught like that? If only he had ran faster.. if only he hadn’t lost his balance. He looked back up at Yongguk, seeing that both sadness and anger was surging through his friend.
“Yongguk.. uh.. I.. actually have an idea. What about Young Jae?” (DH)
“What about him?” (BY)
“He.. He can take my place. I.. I taught him the dance earlier today. He may not be the best dancer but.. he can do it. I know he can.” (DH)
“Daehyun..” (BY) Yongguk didn’t know if that was the best choice. Young Jae had just been taught the dance today but even then, he hasn’t been practicing with them or anything. Plus, he would have to learn the positions that they were still trying to figure out. “I don’t know if-” (BY)
“Yongguk.. you know as well as I do that it took us a while just to get Yoona and Myungsoo. We only have two months left and we’re not going to find anyone else. You know that.. Young Jae is the only other choice we have.” (DH)
Yongguk knew that Daehyun was correct. Ever since the last two members had left the dance group, it had taken them months to finally find people who would join. Heck, it took Sooyoung months to convince Yoona to finally join and Myungsoo had been just pure coincidence. Yongguk knew that they wouldn’t have any other luck in this field.
“Fine.. we’ll let Young Jae take your place, but.. what are you going to do now?” (BY) Yongguk knew that dancing was all Daehyun ever let occupy his mind. If the injury was bad enough, Daehyun might not be able to dance again.
“I-I’ll.. I’ll keep working. Once I’m fully healed, I.. I’ll just have to train my leg again. I.. I can’t give up on dancing..” (DH)
“Good! I didn’t raise a quitter!” (J) After sitting quietly for a while, Jessica finally got to her feet and smiled. Yongguk turned a bit red as he finally noticed Jessica’s presence, but he quickly dismissed the feeling. After all, he was dating Himchan now. He can’t keep wanting to chase after Jessica. “Things will be alright.. I know they will! If you believe in Young Jae, then everyone else will too!” (J)
Daehyun smiled and nodded. He was glad to have such a great older sister. Sure, they teased each other every now and then, and they weren’t the best siblings ever, but they still got along enough. “Thank you noona.” (DH) Daehyun turned his attention to Yongguk, a bit of a serious look on his face. “Don’t tell anyone about my leg yet. I.. I want to be the one to tell everyone, okay?” (DH)
Yongguk sighed and nodded. He knew that his friend just loved to be the most dramatic person ever whenever it came to something like this. He blamed the fact that Daehyun spent too much time in front of the television screen, but hey.. at least he was taking responsibility.
“Noona.. can you ask them how long I’ll have to stay in the hospital?” (J)
“Mm.. okay. Just don’t do anything rash, okay?” (J) Daehyun nodded before Jessica finally left the room. Daehyun sighed as Yongguk leaned against the wall, trying to think. Pulling out his necklace, Daehyun smiled a bit as he rubbed the charm. How was he going to tell Young Jae? He knew that Young Jae would never forgive him for getting hurt but... as another thought came to mind, worry started to sink in.
Young Jae might end up blaming himself for him getting hurt. Young Jae had said time and time again that it was alright if he walked home alone, but.. he also said that he felt safe when Daehyun was with him. Would he blame himself for not keeping Daehyun from coming along with him? No.. Daehyun would.. probably have to lie to him. He didn’t want Young Jae blaming himself.
“Yongguk...” (DH)
“Hm?” (BY)
“I need you.. to help me come up with a lie.” (DH)
“A lie? For what?” (BY)
“I.. I don’t want Young Jae to think this is his fault.” (DH) Yongguk stared at Daehyun with narrowed eyes. Yongguk shook his head as he crossed his arms and made his way over to the bed. From there, Yongguk proceeded to try and persuade Daehyun not to lie about something like this.
[[ My Own Thoughts:
That happened.
Don't kill me ;;
I'm innocent ;;
... Okay, not really.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter/fanfic >3<..
And if you're curious as to who those people are that beat up Daehyun..
I updated the front page!
So you can check out the character profiles there as well. x3 ]]
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My computer died ;;... Updates are going to be slower now >.


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Chapter 66: Awwe! ITS OVER?! I cant believe it! At first i thought that 66 chapters is so long but now i want more! This is an amazing story!! Im crying.. anyway i cant believe its done! Thank you for writing this authornim! <3
Chapter 47: Jongup is so innocent... poor child bless your poor soul
Chapter 43: Why is Jongup like this? 'Pika-pi.' Really? My heart hurts. I can imagine him saying it in a cute voice.. TT
He's so adorable.
Thanks a lot Woohyun. :/
Chapter 24: Daehyun is me. Me is Daehyun.
Never turn down free food.
Chapter 23: Ahhh! I hope their plans wont succeed
Chapter 22: How dare you violate Youngjae, Woohyun?! Im shook
Chapter 13: I love Sungyeol XD he's so adorable
Chapter 27: I'm pretty sure I saw this comming...I just cant handdle, my tears are rolling over and I'm really sad for everything!! :(
Chapter 24: I still don't want to be happy because if I do, when the really bad things happens I'm going to be crying all along the entire chapters ahead :(