
I Love You, Just Like This


(YJ) - Young Jae speaking
(SY) - Sooyoung speaking
(DH) - Daehyun speaking
(HC) - Himchan speaking
(BY) - Yongguk speaking
(L) - Myungsoo speaking


Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Why was time going by so slowly?! Daehyun wanted class to end already so that he could check up on Young Jae. After giving Young Jae that glare, the younger male was no longer interacting with him. Even when Daehyun had put his head down to test if Young Jae would hit him, he didn’t even get any sort of reaction from Young Jae. It was really worrying Daehyun, so he had to make sure that Young Jae was alright.

His plan only seemed to be pushed back as time went by agonizingly slow. Finally, Daehyun decided to look around in an attempt to make time to go faster. He couldn’t see what Yongguk was doing exactly since Yongguk sat in front of him, but it was clear enough to see that Yongguk was at least paying attention to the teacher. Looking over to his left, Daehyun could see that Sooyoung was drawing, yet again, in her notebook. Other than that, there wasn’t really anything interesting enough to hold his attention.

Just as Daehyun was about to just give up and fall back asleep, the teacher finally released everyone for lunch. Daehyun grinned happily as he turned around, hoping to see an equally smiling Young Jae. However, his grin quickly left his face the second he saw that Young Jae wasn’t even in his seat. All that had been left behind was Daehyun’s food and a note that had been folded once and placed on top.

With a small frown, Daehyun picked up the note. He raised his other hand up to open the note, but he hesitated. What would it say? Was it something food or something bad? This was the first time that Young Jae had left him a note of any kind and this only proved to increase his worry. Taking in a deep breath, Daehyun finally opened up the note and read its contents.

‘Daehyun. I went to go have lunch with Myungsoo and Himchan.’

That was it? Was there nothing else on the note? No explanation as to why Young Jae just couldn’t tell Daehyun himself? Daehyun turned the piece of paper here and there, expecting there to be more on the note. Maybe there was a secret message encoded in it or something! Not knowing what was on Young Jae’s mind was killing him. “YAH! Daehyun! Are you listening to us or not?!” (SY)

Daehyun instantly sat up as he turned and looked at Sooyoung with slightly widened his eyes. Once he realized that it was just Sooyoung, Daehyun let out a small sigh as he turned and looked back at the food that had been placed there for him. It had been made with complete and total love and yet, Daehyun had been so mean to Young Jae. “You think he’s mad at me?” (DH)

“Why would he be mad?” (SY) Daehyun held the note out without turning his gaze. Sooyoung took the note out of Daehyun’s hand and opened it up, reading what was on it. She narrowed her eyes before a look of realization came onto her face, her pointer finger instantly pointing at Daehyun as she began wagging it. YAH! What did you do to that poor boy?!” (SY)

“I glared at him..” (DH) Sooyoung’s hand stopped wagging as she slowly began lowering her hand. THAT was it?! No strong argument that would cause their love to grow even stronger?! No sudden cheating that would turn this into some sort of drama?! Sooyoung sighed as she placed a finger to her forehead, trying to think.

“Just go and apologize to him. It’s that simple, right?” (BY) Daehyun and Sooyoung turned and looked at Yongguk, whom was standing next to Sooyoung with his arms crossed. Yongguk shrugged a bit as he leaned against the desk behind him, turning his gaze out towards the window. “I mean, Young Jae doesn’t seem like the type to be angry over something like that. So, if he really is angry, I think he’ll forgive you easily.” (BY)

“You think so?” (DH) Yongguk looked down at Daehyun, a slight brow raised.

“He’s YOUR boyfriend. You should know him better than anyone.” (BY) Daehyun lowered his gaze as he tried to think. That was true. Daehyun should have known Young Jae better than anyone and yet, at this very moment, he was acting as if he knew practically nothing about Young Jae. He had to be more confident about his knowledge about his lover, otherwise.. how can he rightfully call him his husband once they got married?

“You’re right. I’ll go right now.” (DH) Daehyun got to his feet and took in a deep breath as he picked up his box of yummy food. Looking to his two friends, he gave them each a nod before making his way out of the classroom. He was definitely going to make sure that he apologized to Young Jae.


“You’re not going to eat with Daehyun today?” (L) Young Jae shook his head as he kept his gaze towards the ground. Myungsoo eyed Young Jae curiously as he leaned back against the windowsill, keeping his arms folded. “Why not?” (L)

“I-I.. I just.. wanted to eat with you and Himchan today!” (YJ) Young Jae looked up at Myungsoo, attempting to smile. However, Myungsoo had known Young Jae far too long to fall for a rather obvious lie. Myungsoo sighed as he looked forward, rubbing the back of his head.

“What’s wrong? Just tell me Young Jae.” (L) Young Jae pouted a bit as he turned his gaze back downwards. His gaze slowly looked out of the windows, his eyes focusing on the trees before them. How was he going to explain? How was he going to be able to tell Myungsoo that.. he was actually scared of Daehyun? Young Jae was scared to see Daehyun angry again. That time before really.. really left an impression in Young Jae.

“I-It’s nothing.. Really! I just wanted to eat with you and Himchan..” (YJ) Young Jae just felt as if he shouldn’t trouble any of his friends with his fears. Young Jae knew that Daehyun didn’t mean to be angry at him. Young Jae understood it completely. However.. he couldn’t help how he felt.

“Well.. if you say so. Come on. I think Himchan’s waiting for us in the cafeteria.” (L) As Myungsoo began walking, Young Jae perked up as he quickly followed after Myungsoo. Once he caught up, he tightened the grip on the cloth that was holding his container of food to make sure that it wouldn’t slip out of his hands.

“Young Jae!” (DH) Young Jae froze. What should he do? He wasn’t ready to face Daehyun yet. He had to do something though. The running footsteps were indicating that Daehyun was getting close rather quickly. Biting his bottom lip, Young Jae took a hold of Myungsoo’s wrist and began running. “Young Jae! Wait!” (DH)

No matter how much Daehyun called to him, Young Jae ran. Why? Why did he run? It didn’t make any sense to Young Jae. Myungsoo didn’t seem to be questioning either. In fact, he ran faster and this time, it was Myungsoo pulling Young Jae away instead of the other way.

Slowly, Daehyun came to a stop as he watched Young Jae disappear from his view. Had his glare really made Young Jae hate him that much? Daehyun groaned as he slapped his forehead three or four times before turning around and walking back. He would just have to catch Young Jae after school then. It seemed like the only time to do so, especially since they live in the same apartment anyway.

It didn’t take long before Daehyun was finally at the door leading out onto the rooftop. Opening it up, he looked around a bit as he stepped out. Good. There wasn’t anyone out here yet. He needed some sort of moment of peace for the time being to recollect his thoughts.

Walking over to a corner on the rooftop, he sat down and sighed as he placed his lunch on top of his lap. He untied the cloth and picked up his chopsticks as he opened the container. Despite it not being all that warm anymore, the scent was still heavenly. As he began eating, a smiled from the taste. It would have tasted a lot better when it was warm, but it was still really delicious. As he ate, a single thought crossed his mind.

It was perfect! The best way to apologize to Young Jae was to cook for him! But.. how was he going to do that? Daehyun had trouble just following Young Jae’s motions. How was he going to be able to cook on his own?

Running his mind through all possibilities, a plan slowly began to form in his mind. It seemed fool-proof, but the cooking portion of it all was going to be horrible, that much he already knew. With a sigh, he looked up at the sky as he put more food in his mouth. The main question that was now running through his head was... what was he going to cook?

“There you are!” (SY) Daehyun turned his gaze over to see his friends both grinning and making their way towards him. A sudden thought came up in his mind as he specifically focused on Sooyoung. As the two made their way up to them, Daehyun continued to eat, acting as if there wasn’t really anything going on. “So, how did it go?” (SY)

“Oh.. uh.. I decided to just do it later.” (DH) Sooyoung puffed out her cheeks and furrowed her eyebrows as the two sat down by Daehyun. As they began eating their own foods, Daehyun eyed Sooyoung a bit. “Hey uh.. Sooyoung. You can cook, right?” (DH)

Sooyoung perked up a bit as she looked over at Daehyun. She thought for a moment before nodding and turning her attention back to her food. “Yea, I can cook. Why?” (SY)

“Are there really any tasty dishes that are easy to make?” (DH) Sooyoung thought for a moment. Why was Daehyun asking anyway? He never really answered her question, but she just simply shrugged it off. Knowing Daehyun’s love for food, he probably just wanted to be able to cook for himself whenever Young Jae wasn’t around to baby him.

“Hm.. Not sure. I’d have to look through a cookbook or something.” (SY)

“Ah.. okay. If I get a cookbook, do you.. think you could come over today and look through it? I really need to make something good today.” (DH) Yongguk, this time, was able to catch up on Daehyun’s plan. He chuckled quietly to himself, attracting attention from the both of them. “What’s so funny?” (DH)

“You plan to apologize to Young Jae with food, aren’t you.” (BY) Realization kicked in as Sooyoung’s eyes widened. She looked over at Daehyun and smiled happily, her fan girling starting to finally kick in.

“Wooow! That’s soooo romantic! Okay! I’ll help you pick a dish! He HAS to forgive you then!” (SY) Daehyun sighed as he shot Yongguk a quick glare before turning back to his food. He had hoped that his plan wouldn’t have been caught on so easily, but.. it seems like he had been a tad bit too obvious.


Somehow, he had ended up all alone. Young Jae came to a stop, letting out a small sigh as he looked out the window. He should be more confident in Daehyun. He knew Daehyun too well to suddenly feel as if he was a stranger. That just wasn’t fair to Daehyun. He lifted his left hand a bit, his eyes staring at the engagement ring on his ring finger. A warm smile graced his lips as a specific memory came into mind.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Daehyun? Um.. H-How much was... this engagement ring?” (YJ) Young Jae had his left hand out in front of them both as he turned just enough to look at Daehyun. The older male, standing on Young Jae’s left, smiled as he raised his right hand and interlocked his fingers with Young Jae’s.

“Does it matter? A ring’s a ring.” (YJ) Daehyun wanted to avoid telling Young Jae how much the engagement ring was. If Young Jae ever found out, he would never hear the end of it. What did that mean? It meant that Young Jae would continuously worry about the price. Yes, the ring was pretty expensive, but when it came to Young Jae... it was well worth it.

“But.. I really wanna knooow...!” (YJ) Daehyun looked at Young Jae and instantly regretted it. Not only did Young Jae have a saddened look to his face, but his cheeks were puffed out as well. Now, who could ever resist such a cute face like that? Somehow, though, Daehyun had to resist it. No matter how much it pained him, he had to keep from telling Young Jae the truth. “Why won’t you tell mee..?” (YJ)

Dang it! Why did Young Jae have to continuously throw in a whiney, yet cute voice?! If this wasn’t Young Jae’s aegyo, then Daehyun was scared to see Young Jae’s aegyo in action. He chuckled nervously as he turned Young Jae to completely face him, holding both of Young Jae’s hands. “Young Jae... please don’t do this. You’re too cute for your own good!” (DH)

In all honesty, Young Jae had no idea what Daehyun was talking about. Young Jae just really wanted to know how much the ring was and he found it rather unfair that Daehyun refused to tell him. “Why won’t you tell mee...?” (YJ)

“Because it was two-thousand dollars!” (DH) Both Daehyun’s and Young Jae’s eyes widened as they stared at one another. Daehyun couldn’t believe that he just said how much it was! He slowly pulled his hands away as he looked down at his bare wrist, rubbing the back of his head with his free hand. “Oh.. uh.. look at the time! I gotta go.. do.. uh.. stuff! Yea!” (DH)

Daehyun began running, which finally snapped Young Jae out of his trance. Young Jae focused in on Daehyun, before he began running after the older male. “Y-YAH! W-WHY DID YOU SPEND SO MUCH?! D-DAEHYUN! COME BACK!” (YJ)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Young Jae quietly laughed to himself before leaning back against the windowsill. Slowly, he slid down until he was sitting on the ground, happily opening up the cloth. Once the cloth was opened, he took a hold of his chopsticks, opened up the container, and began eating.

He still couldn’t believe that Daehyun had spent that much on a ring. It was super expensive! It wasn’t even worth the money. Young Jae could think of so many things that he could have bought with that money and considering that university is coming up soon, that money could have helped tremendously.

Still.. he was touched. This ring meant so much to him, so.. it really wasn’t a waste after all. That meant that he had to make up for it somehow, but.. how? What was the best possible solution for such a thing? Looking back down at his engagement ring, Young Jae placed a mouthful of rice into his mouth as an idea popped up in his head.

He knew exactly what he should do! Young Jae had to buy Daehyun an engagement ring also! Sure, it wasn’t necessary, but.. it would be nice. It would almost be like they were married if they both had rings. It seemed like a very nice idea.

The only problem was.. Young Jae didn’t have the money for it.

Sure, he still received allowance from his parents, but he didn’t have a job. Plus, he only received enough money to buy the essentials. Since he didn’t have any bills to pay nor any groceries to buy, he didn’t necessarily have much allowance.

Then what else could he do until then? There just didn’t seem to be much answers to this question, but.. he had to think of something. But, there could be another idea at least. Something that Daehyun almost always loved.

Food! Young Jae could cook for Daehyun. No, wait. He cooked for Daehyun almost all the time. Maybe it was time to do something else? He did, technically, have to apologize to Daehyun for avoiding him. Now that he’s had time to get over his fear, it was probably best to go explain everything to Daehyun.

“YAH! Young Jae! There you are!” (HC) Young Jae looked up from his food as he looked up at both Himchan and Myungsoo. He was clearly surprised to see his two best friends here. However, Himchan only shook his head in disapproval upon noticing Young Jae’s expression. “Yah.. you think you can get away with not eating with us?! What are you doing here all by your lonesome! You look pitiful!” (HC)

“Aish.. Himchan. Give Young Jae a break. At least we found him, so let’s eat here.” (L) Without waiting for an answer, Myungsoo sat down right next to Young Jae. Placing his food on his lap, Myungsoo started eating, though he soon looked up at Himchan. “Well? Aren’t you going to eat?” (L)

“Aigoo... look at these kids! Alright, fine. Let’s eat here.” (HC) Sitting down on the other side of Young Jae, he began to eat as well. Young Jae eyed what everyone else was eating as he on his chopsticks a bit. Leaning in close to Myungsoo, he kept his eyes on a certain piece of chicken that caught his attention.

“What is it?” (L) Since Young Jae was almost covering his view, Myungsoo couldn’t necessarily see what Young jae was currently eyeing. Just as he was about to ask Young Jae what he was doing again, Young Jae had quickly stolen the piece of chicken and put it in his mouth before sitting back the way he was before. “YAH!” (L)

Young Jae chewed happily and tried to eat as fast as possible so that Myungsoo couldn’t get it back. Myungsoo let out a small sigh as he smiled a bit. He nudged Young Jae a bit, causing a shy laugh to escape Young Jae’s lips. “This little rascal. You have to give me some of your food then!” (L)

Myungsoo quickly stole some of Young Jae’s food and placed it into his own mouth. Young Jae pouted as he looked up at Myungsoo, but he only ended up smiling a bit as he looked back down at his food to continue eating. “Aish.. you two are kids.” (HC)

“Hey, Young Jae.” (L) Young Jae looked over at Myungsoo, whom had a mischievous grin on his face. Young Jae blinked a few times, not really understanding why Myungsoo had that kind of look on his face. However, Myungsoo quickly got up before moving in front of Himchan and crouching. “I think Himchan’s a bit more hungry.” (L)

“Don’t you dare..” (HC) Young Jae, instantly understanding, switched to a crouching position as well as he picked up some food with his chopsticks. Myungsoo and Young Jae both held out their chopsticks, to which Himchan could only stare at while shaking his head. “S-Stop this right now!” (HC)

“Let’s give him a bit more food, right Young Jae?” (L)

“Y-Yea!” (YJ) Despite Himchan’s protests, both Myungsoo and Young Jae proceeded with stuffing the poor guy’s mouth with different kinds of food. Whether it tasted good together or not was a whole different question.


[[ My Own Thoughts:

I’ve decided to make these chapters shorter ;;
Only because it makes it easier/faster to get these out.
Plus, there’s only so much that I could think of for one chapter without making it feel too fast >.<
So I apologize ahead of time for any inconvenience ._.

On a side note, I thiiiink that I’ll end this fanfic at chapter 60.
I know, they should be going to go meet each other’s parents but..
I don’t know ;;..
I’m still thinking >.<..

Comments are loved. x3
I like talking with everyone.
I also like to see whether I’m doing everything in a good way !! ]]

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My computer died ;;... Updates are going to be slower now >.


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Chapter 66: Awwe! ITS OVER?! I cant believe it! At first i thought that 66 chapters is so long but now i want more! This is an amazing story!! Im crying.. anyway i cant believe its done! Thank you for writing this authornim! <3
Chapter 47: Jongup is so innocent... poor child bless your poor soul
Chapter 43: Why is Jongup like this? 'Pika-pi.' Really? My heart hurts. I can imagine him saying it in a cute voice.. TT
He's so adorable.
Thanks a lot Woohyun. :/
Chapter 24: Daehyun is me. Me is Daehyun.
Never turn down free food.
Chapter 23: Ahhh! I hope their plans wont succeed
Chapter 22: How dare you violate Youngjae, Woohyun?! Im shook
Chapter 13: I love Sungyeol XD he's so adorable
Chapter 27: I'm pretty sure I saw this comming...I just cant handdle, my tears are rolling over and I'm really sad for everything!! :(
Chapter 24: I still don't want to be happy because if I do, when the really bad things happens I'm going to be crying all along the entire chapters ahead :(