
I Love You, Just Like This
(WH) - Woohyun speaking
(YJ) - Young Jae speaking
(HC) - Himchan speaking
(HC) - Himchan speaking
(DH) - Daehyun speaking
(BY) - Yongguk speaking
(L) - Myungsoo speaking
(S) - Sungyeol speaking
(YA) - Yoona speaking
(Y) - Yuri speaking
“Are you alright now?” (BY) Himchan quietly hummed as he laid on the floor in the bathroom of their room. Himchan had been feeling ill for the past six hours and he had thrown up at least twice within those six hours.
“Yongguk... did you.. get the medicine?” (HC) Himchan wearily turned to look at Yongguk, seeing the older male show off his gummy smile. Himchan slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position as Yongguk made his way over to him, going down onto one knee as he pulled a small white bag from behind his back.
“Yea, I made sure to get the right medicine.” (BY) Himchan smiled as he leaned forward in an attempt to kiss Yongguk’s lips. However, Yongguk instantly pulled away and chuckled a bit, causing Himchan to furrow his eyebrows. “I don’t want to kiss you! You were throwing up not that long ago!” (BY)
“Yongguuuuk! You’re so cruel to someone who’s sick...” (HC) Himchan grabbed the bag from Yongguk’s hand as he turned away, opening the bag as he pulled out the medicine bottle. “Can you at least get me some water..” (HC)
“Okay.” (BY) Yongguk got to his feet as he made his way out of the bathroom. Himchan glared in the direction that Yongguk had disappeared off to. He had hoped that Yongguk would feel bad and want to actually kiss him, but Yongguk had left without a second thought. Slowly getting to his feet, he had just placed his hands on the sink when he soon felt hands slowly sliding along his waist before he was soon wrapped by strong arms. Yongguk pressed his lips against Himchan’s cheeks before holding out the water bottle. “Here you go.” (BY)
Himchan mumbled something as he took the water bottle from Yongguk’s hand. Right after taking the medicine and washing it down with the water, his eyes instantly landed on his reflection in the mirror. His eyes widened as he stared at himself, seeing Yongguk staring at him with confusion on his face. “What’s wrong?” (BY)
“Look at me! I look terrible! I just don’t even know how to fix this..” (HC) Yongguk chuckled as he tightened his hold on Himchan. Even so, he had earned himself a glare from Himchan as he crossed his arms. “What’s so funny?!” (HC)
“Nothing. I just think that you’re perfect the way you are.” (BY) Himchan only furrowed his eyebrows, but he was secretly happy with Yongguk’s sentence. Still, he couldn’t help but continue staring at himself in the mirror. How was he going to fix his appearance?! He couldn’t show himself in public looking like this! It just wasn’t something that could be done! “Do you wanna get something to eat?” (BY)
“No, I don’t! I can’t show my face out there, in public! I’m a mess! I need to put on make up and fix my hair and change my clothes an-” (HC) Yongguk put a finger to Himchan’s mouth, causing the younger male to quiet himself. Himchan didn’t necessarily like it whenever Yongguk did that, but he ended up going along with it anyway. He didn’t really know why.
“Come on. You need to eat.” (BY)
“If I go out there without getting ready, then I demand a kiss on the lips! Otherwise, I’m not doing it.” (HC) Yongguk smirked, sending shivers down Himchan’s spine. Himchan just loved whenever Yongguk smirked. It just looked quite y on him. “Well? What’s you answer?” (HC)
“I can do a lot more than just a kiss after we eat.” (BY) Yongguk tilted his head as he slowly planted kisses on Himchan’s soft skin. Himchan smiled a bit as he rolled his eyes, hitting Yongguk’s hip before turning around and wrapping his arms around Yongguk’s neck.
“I don’t feel up to it. Let’s just go eat then.” (HC)
“Okay then.” (BY) Yongguk had anticipated Himchan wouldn’t be up to it. With how seasick Himchan felt, it made sense that Himchan wouldn’t really want to do anything. Although, Yongguk was a bit surprised with the things that Himchan had listed earlier. “Let’s get going.” (BY)
The pair removed their arms from the other as they soon left their bathroom. Just as they opened the door that would lead out to the hallway, Himchan jumped backwards a bit as they soon found themselves face to face with a couple of familiar faces. “What are yo-..” (HC)
“H-Himchan.. how are you feeling..? Are you doing alright..?” (YJ) Himchan should have guessed that Young Jae and Myungsoo would have come to check up on him. Young Jae was usually the type to always be concerned over someone while Myungsoo usually followed Young Jae along. Himchan assumed that Daehyun had tagged along only because of Young Jae while with Sooyoung, Yoona, and Yuri, they probably just tagged along just because they felt like it.
“I’m fine. I still feel a bit ill, but I had medicine a few minutes ago.” (HC) A single reminder soon popped up in his mind. Himchan quickly hid behind Yongguk though as he pulled out his compact mirror and examined himself in the mirror. He attempted to fix himself somehow, but it just couldn’t work without the necessary items.
While Himchan was busy prettying himself up, the others were currently having a nice chat among one another. Yoona and Yuri were asking Yongguk how he was doing while Daehyun, Myungsoo, Sooyoung and Young Jae were off a bit to the side. “Young Jae~ I wanna feeeeel your body~” (DH)
“W-What?!” (YJ) Young Jae only stared with surprise as he tried to figure out why Daehyun suddenly sang such a.. erted sentence in front of everyone else. Daehyun, however, only had a seductive smirk on his face as he slowly took a step forward to Young Jae, rocking his hips from left to right. Of course, Daehyun was just trying to be humorous, which was working since Sooyoung was currently laughing. Myungsoo was smirking a bit as he looked away, shaking his head. Young Jae, however, was completely confused and turning a deep shade of red as he stepped back a bit. “W-What are you doing D-Daehyun?!” (YJ)
“Come ooon~ I know you want me to touch you places!” (DH) Just as Daehyun was about to wrap his arms around the younger male as he continued singing, Young Jae jumped willingly into Daehyun’s arms as they heard a sudden thump coming from behind Young Jae. Everyone else looked in their direction as the thump sounded again, this time louder and followed by a voice only Young Jae, Myungsoo, and Himchan had heard all too often.
“YAH! STAY AWAY FROM MY INNOCENT BABY BROTHER!” (SY) Although muffled, it was quite clear what had been said. Myungsoo furrowed his eyebrows as he walked over to the wardrobe that was currently closed. He turned to look at Yongguk and Himchan, a single brow rose.
“Have you two not checked your wardrobe?” (L) The pair shook their head as Himchan quickly made his way over to the wardrobe. Pushing Myungsoo off to the side, which annoyed Myungsoo a bit, Himchan flung open the wardrobe doors before finding himself laying on the ground thanks to a certain brunette pouncing on top of him.
“STAY A- Wait. You’re Himchan. HIMCHAN!” (S) Sungyeol wrapped his arms around the now annoyed male as he rubbed his cheek against Himchan’s. He soon came to a stop as his eyes finally landed on Young Jae, whom currently had his hands holding onto Daehyun’s shoulders while Daehyun’s arms were wrapped around Young Jae’s waist. Furrowing his eyebrows, Sungyeol got up onto his feet before walking over to the pair and practically ripping Young Jae away from Daehyun before hiding his little brother behind him. YOU!” (S)
“H-Hyung... W-What are you doing here? I.. I thought you had school.” (YJ) Sungyeol turned to look at Young Jae as he grinned for a bit. Young Jae didn’t quite understand the meaning behind Sungyeol’s grin and he really did hope that Sungyeol would explain himself, which he luckily did.
“I skipped school! I already took all of my finals, so I made it on time! Though.. I didn’t have enough money, so I snuck on and hid in Himchan’s wardrobe thing!” (S) A few people let out a small sigh before Sungyeol turned back to Daehyun with his eyebrows furrowed once more. YOU! Stop treating my innocent, baby Young Jae like a toy!” (S)
“H-Hyuuung!” (YJ) Young Jae had not expected once that Sungyeol would be acting like this. Well, he hadn’t expected Sungyeol to have gotten onto the ship randomly either. Sungyeol usually spoke about how important classes were and that it was good that Young Jae was working diligently during classes.
“I’m not! I was just teasing him! What, you’ve never teased your boyfriend before?!” (DH)
“I-I..” (S) Sungyeol turned red as he looked away. Daehyun crossed his arms as he waited for a response, but it seemed like Sungyeol was unable to answer. Finally though, Sungyeol looked back up at Daehyun. “No, I haven’t!” (S)
“Y-You have a boyfriend, hyung?” (YJ)
“SHHHHH!” (S) Sungyeol had turned around, holding a finger up to his lips before turning back to Daehyun. He didn’t want anyone knowing that he has not once had a boyfriend yet, well.. besides Young Jae, Himchan, and Myungsoo. They were the only ones who were allowed to know. “Come on Young Jae! I’m going to get you some nice, yummy ice cream!” (S)
“B-But...!” (YJ) Young Jae had attempted to explain that he had ice cream not too long ago, but Sungyeol had already taken a hold of his wrist and was now pulling him along. Daehyun and Myungsoo followed after them, both with two different reasons. Daehyun wanted more ice cream while Myungsoo was tagging along only to make sure that Sungyeol didn’t cause any trouble.
“Come on! You should get some yummy ice cream too!” (Y) Yuri took a hold of both Yongguk and Himchan’s wrists as she happily pulled them along. The sound of food was quite tempting to Himchan, but he wasn’t exactly sure about whether he wanted to eat ice cream first. Yongguk, however, had assumed that the ice cream was in the dining hall, so that meant that he could feed his poor Himchan.
With a sigh, Sooyoung followed after them with Yoona walking beside her. She leaned forward a bit as she examined Sooyoung’s face, a bit of confusion crossing her face. “What’s wrong, Sooyoung? You look down.” (YA)
“Oh, it’s nothing. I’m just thinking that maybe.. we could prank Tiffany again.” (SY) Sooyoung smirked a bit as she thought for a moment. Since they were on a ship, there were a variety of ways to prank Tiffany.
“How do you plan to do that?” (YA)
“Oh.. you’ll see, but tomorrow. It’s getting late and my plan won’t work with this small amount of time.” (SY) Yoona nodded, mostly because she felt like she had an idea as to what Sooyoung’s plan was. How did she have an idea already? Well.. Yoona’s a prankster! All sorts of pranks came to mind whenever she was given the chance. “Oh and.. did you bring your guitar? We’ll need that as a distraction.” (SY)
“Yep. I always bring it with me.” (YA)
“Good, good. I’ll tell you about my plan later tonight then. You can help me with it.” (SY) Yoona nodded before the duo caught up with at least Yuri and the two males that she was still dragging along. Sooyoung was quite looking forward to tomorrow.
“Say ahhh~ My innocent, baby brother!” (S) Sungyeol held the spoon filled with ice cream out to Young Jae, whom reluctantly took yet another bite of ice cream. Young Jae was starting to feel a bit ill with all of this ice cream that he was eating and despite the look on his face, he couldn’t bring himself to telling his older brother. He didn’t want to upset his older brother any further than he seemed to have already been.
“Yah.. Sungyeol. Stop forcing Young Jae to eat ice cream. Can’t you see, he looks ill already!” (DH) Sungyeol only shot a glare at Daehyun before taking another spoonful of ice cream and holding it out to Young Jae. Just as the young lad opened his mouth, Daehyun had moved in and took the ice cream into his own mouth.
“YAH! THIS IS ONLY FOR YOUNG JAE!” (S) Daehyun snatched the ice cream and spoon out of Sungyeol’s hands before moving behind Young Jae. Sungyeol attempted to grab a hold of Daehyun, but it proved a bit difficult as Daehyun kept using Young Jae was a barrier between the two. “GIVE IT BACK!” (S)
“No! You’re making Young Jae sick! I have to save my boyfriend from creatures like you!” (DH)
“Who are you calling a creature?!” (S)
“YOU, YOU PABO!” (DH) Daehyun quickly finished up the rest of the ice cream, ignoring the major brain freeze that he was currently experiencing from eating the ice cream a bit too fast. Still, it was all to save his cute boyfriend. How else was he going to be able to save Young Jae? Luckily, there wasn’t much left before he finally threw the cup and spoon at Sungyeol and took a hold of Young Jae’s wrist, pulling him away to the opposite side of the table. “Stay away, Sungyeol!” (DH)
“You..!” (S)
“Sit.” (L) Myungsoo stepped in, forcing Sungyeol back into his seat. Sungyeol glared up at Myungsoo, but knew that he couldn’t really do anything against the younger male. Sungyeol crossed his arms as he mumbled something to himself. Myungsoo sighed before sitting down as well, his eyes drifting off to Yongguk and Himchan. “How are you feeling, Himchan?” (L)
“Better. The food is good and it helps get rid of the bad taste I had in my mouth...” (HC) It definitely was quite nice to actually have a good taste in his mouth after having to spend hours with the taste of throw up. “Yah.. Yongguk. Why didn’t you tell me the food was really good? I would have eaten a lot sooner!” (HC)
“I hadn’t eaten until just now, Channie.” (BY) Himchan turned a bit red as he shoved Yongguk a bit. He didn’t like it whenever ANYONE called him that. Yongguk, however, almost always with that nickname. Yongguk chuckled a bit as he ruffled Himchan’s hair a bit, before letting his arm rest on Himchan’s shoulders. “Don’t be so grumpy.” (BY)
“I’m not grumpy..” (HC) Okay, so maybe he was just a little grumpy. Himchan wasn’t necessarily fully cured of his seasickness after all. He still felt a bit nauseous and his head was still pounding just a bit. He also knew that he was going to have to take more medicine sooner or later. This wasn’t exactly the kind of cruise that he had imagined, so could a person really blame him for acting like this? Though.. a single thought did cross his mind as he looked over at Myungsoo. “How long.. is this cruise, exactly..?” (HC)
“A month. Why?” (L) Himchan let out a groan before putting his head down. He had barely survived today! How was he going to get through a whole month on a ship?! While Yongguk rubbed Himchan’s back, Myungsoo had just barely turned to look at Sungyeol.. when he felt hands cover his eyesight.
“Guess who!” (WH) Myungsoo furrowed his eyebrows as he took a hold of both hands. At first, Woohyun had thought that Myungsoo was finally going to hold his hands in a loving way. However, that split second of bliss soon turned into agonizing pain as Myungsoo began crushing Woohyun’s hands. “O-Ow, OW! Okay, OKAY! I’LL STOP! LET GO!” (WH)
After a few more seconds had passed, Myungsoo finally released his death grip on Woohyun. Woohyun took a few steps away from Myungsoo as he crouched down, gently rubbing at his poor fingers. Sungyeol looked at Woohyun for a few seconds before turning to Myungsoo with his eyebrows furrowed. “Yah. Who is he?” (S)
“No one important.” (L)
I’M his boyfriend!” (WH) Woohyun had popped up from behind Myungsoo, wrapping his arms around him. Woohyun was grinning happily, though Myungsoo was far from amused. Myungsoo would have done something to make Woohyun let go of him, but he was quite exhausted from having to put up with Woohyun the majority of the day. Woohyun happily stretched his hand to Sungyeol as he examined the eye twitching male. “The name is Woohyun. I’m quite y, right?” (WH)
Woohyun had assumed that Sungyeol had been love struck the second he had landed eyes on Woohyun. It made sense to Woohyun, but sadly... that wasn’t the reason why Sungyeol was staring. Once he had pulled himself together, Sungyeol furrowed his eyebrows as he swatted Woohyun’s hand away before pushing Woohyung altogether. Getting to his feet, he wrapped his own arms around Myungsoo before glaring at Woohyun. “You stay away from Myungsoo!” (S)
Reaching up, Myungsoo took a firm hold of Sungyeol’s ear and pulled him down closer to him. Myungsoo would have turned to face Sungyeol, but he just did not feel like dealing with this at the moment. “I will let go on the count of three. When that happens, I expect you to be back in your seat with your hands to yourself. Arasseo?” (L)
“I get it, I get it! Let go already!” (S) Myungsoo mentally counted to three before finally releasing Sungyeol’s ear. Sungyeol whimpered a bit as he took his seat once more. The older male looked over at the chair next to him, his eyes widening as he finally noticed Woohyun sitting comfortably in it. He would have said something, but sitting next to Myungsoo was rather dangerous business.
“Daehyun. There’s a dance competition coming up. Do you feel like entering?” (L) Myungsoo was attempting to divert the attention away from the two sitting on either side of him. It was annoying just having one person clinging onto him, but two?! He was quite certain that he was going to end up losing his patience more than once on this cruise.
“Uh.. I might. Is there a certain way we have to dance?” (DH)
“Things like the flamingo, waltz, etc...” (L) Daehyun had to think for a moment. His leg may be healed, but it wasn’t at its fullest strength just yet. Daehyun just wasn’t entirely certain if he was ready to go back into the realm of competitive dancing just yet. Of course, there was also the fact that he was quite rusty with such dances.
“Dunno.. I would probably need a partner, right?” (DH)
“I’ll do it! I know all of those dances!” (SY) It had been Sooyoung’s dream to dance with Daehyun through such romantic dances! Okay sure, Daehyun was currently taken, but just to be able to dance such dances with Daehyun was just enough for her. This was her opportunity to do so, especially since she already knew those dances quite well. Years of training were finally going to pay off!
“Ah... I guess I’ll enter then. Are you okay with that, Young Jae?” (DH) Daehyun had originally wanted to partner up with Young Jae, but he knew that the younger male had little to no experience with dancing. Yes, he could learn fast, but there were far too many dances to memorize in a short amount of time. Lucky for Daehyun, Young Jae was actually a bit excited to finally see Daehyun dancing once more.
“Y-Yea! I-I’m okay with it. I... I really wanna see you dance!” (YJ) Daehyun smiled as he nodded, ruffling Young Jae’s hair a bit. Young Jae smiled before turning to look at Myungsoo, a single question finally popping up into his head. Myungsoo rose a single, questioning brow, as the two stared at one another for a few more seconds. “Are you.. going to enter too..?” (YJ)
“I mi-” (L)
“YES!” (S & WH) Both males had basically yelled their answer at the same time, both with determination on their faces. However, once they realized that their voices had not been the only ones to respond, they turned and soon glared at one another.
“I told you to stay away from him!” (S)
“I have every right to be with him! He’s MY boyfriend!” (WH) While the two bickered, Myungsoo took the opportunity to get up and move away from them. Taking a new seat between Yuri and Young Jae, he turned to Young Jae once again.
“As I was saying... I might do it, just as long as my partner isn’t either one of those two.” (L) Myungsoo pointed at Sungyeol and Woohyun, but everyone there already knew whom he was talking about. Yoona thought for a moment though...
“I’ll be your partner.” (YA) Almost instantly, both Sungyeol and Woohyun turned and shot a glare at Yoona. However, Yoona simply ignored them. She wasn’t going to be intimidated by them. Plus, it seemed like Myungsoo wasn’t going to enter if he didn’t have any other partner to enter with. At least it would be a fun experience for her.
“Are you sure?” (L)
“Yes, I’m sure. It shouldn’t be too hard, right?” (YA) Yoona may not have had too much knowledge with such dances, but she felt like she could at least help Myungsoo out. It was actually the only reason why she had volunteered in the first place. “What about you, Yongguk and Himchan? Are you two going to participate?” (YA)
Yongguk and Himchan turned to look at each other before they burst out laughing. They weren’t specifically laughing at Yoona. They were technically laughing at each other from trying to imagine one another attempting something like the waltz. Once Yongguk had calmed down, because Himchan wasn’t going to be calm any time soon, he turned to look at Yoona with his usual gummy smile. “Neither one of us can dance like that so, we’re not going to enter.” (BY)
“Is that true? Aww... it would have been romantic to see a couple out there!” (Y) Yuri looked around at everyone and so far, not a single couple had been partnered up. Daehyun was with Sooyoung and Myungsoo was with Yoona. Not an ounce of romance was going to be produced from this. Her eyes soon landed on Sungyeol and Woohyun however, whom were both highly displeased with the turn of events. “Then.. what are you two going to do? Are you going to partner up with each other?” (Y)
WHAT?! I’d rather get eaten by a shark than partner up with this baffoon!” (S)
THAT can be arranged!” (WH) The two glared at one another once more before they looked away with their eyebrows furrowed and their arms crossed. Sooyoung thought for a moment before a single thought came up in her mind.
“Hey! Why don’t you two enter the competition? Whichever of you two lasts in the competition the longest gets to date Myungsoo!” (SY) Myungsoo’s eyes widened the second Sooyoung mentioned his name. What the heck was she thinking?! Does she realize the kind of trouble that she had just unleashed?! Looking at the two, he saw that the life in them had raised nearly ten fold at this point.
“Fine! I’ll beat you Woohyun for Myungsoo’s heart!” (S)
“FINE! I’ll show you that Myungsoo is mine!” (WH) Myungsoo sighed as he slouched a bit in his seat. Well, as long as those two didn’t bother him all too often, then there shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Hopeefully, they both get knocked out at the same time so that he didn’t have to deal with either one of them.
Soon enough, the pair got to their feet and walked off. Sungyeol came back a few seconds later, walking up to Yuri before crouching down low. Yuri smiled happily as she blinked a few times, waiting for Sungyeol to speak. “Uh.. whatever your name is.. you think you can enter the competition with me?” (S)
“Oh, me?! I want to, buuut.. I don’t know how to do dances like that! But, I hear from Yoona and Sooyoung that Jessica-unnie is a good dancer! You should go ask her! Come on, I’ll bring you to her!” (Y)
“Ahh, no that’s n- H-HEY! WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS, STOP IT!” (S) Yuri had gotten to her feet and was now pulling Sungyeol along. She was smiling happily as she somehow managed to pull Sungyeol along. It was going to be a good partnership that she was going to create between the two!
Young Jae smiled a bit before looking at Myungsoo. He could see that Myungsoo had his head back with his eyes closed. Young Jae tilted his head a bit as he leaned forward and poked at Myungsoo’s stomach. Instantly, Myungsoo brought his hand forward and swatted at Young Jae’s hand. “A-Are you alright Myungsoo?” (YJ)
“I.. am just tired. I think I’ll go to sleep now.” (L) Sitting up a bit, he opened his eyes as he finally got to his feet. Stretching, he looked at everyone and gave a small smile as he waved. “I’ll see you all in the morning.” (L)
Soon enough, Myungsoo was gone. Himchan got up from his seat as well. He was rather tired as well and it would be nice to get some rest. Yongguk got to his feet as he wrapped his arm around Himchan’s waist, mostly to make sure that Himchan didn’t lose his balance. “We’re going to go sleep too. I’m.. exhausted after having an.. eventful day.” (HC)
“O-Oh.. Okay.. Good night Himchan!” (YJ) Himchan smirked and gave a thumbs up before him and Yongguk went off. The four that had been left behind all stood and, having decided to go to sleep as well. They went their separate ways, heading to their rooms.
“Hey Yoona.. Are you ready for my plan?” (SY) Yoona looked over at Sooyoung, curiosity clear on her face. Yoona had been quite ready for Sooyoung’s plan for some time. It would be interesting what Sooyoung had in mind.
“Sure. Lay it on me.” (YA)
“Well...” (SY)
Daehyun closed the door and stretched a bit as he turned around. His smiled as his eyes landed on Young Jae, whom was already sleeping on the bed. Walking over to him, Daehyun laid down next to the younger male, caressing Young Jae’s cheek as he stared at the younger male. He didn’t know why, but he liked watching Young Jae sleep. Heck, he liked watching Young Jae do anything. Daehyun spoke softly, in case that Young Jae was sleeping. “Yah.. Young Jae. Are you still awake?” (DH)
“Mmm...” (YJ) Young Jae mumbled a bit, but Daehyun didn’t quite understand what had been said. Though, the only thing he heard was the word ‘strip’. Sitting up, Daehyun reached forward and began pulling at Young Jae’s clothes, making sure not to disturb Young Jae too much. Since he’s had much, much.. MUCH practice, Young Jae was now completely and still sleeping quite peacefully. Of course, Daehyun had accidentally made Young Jae . It was.. sort of a habit.
“There.. you’ll sleep comfortably..” (DH) Stripping his own clothes, Daehyun threw the blanket over them before wrapping an arm around Young Jae and snuggling up to Young Jae as much as possible. Young Jae unintentionally turned around, his back turned to Daehyun, as he curled up. The warmth of Daehyun’s skin made it much more comfortable for Young Jae. “Sleep well.. alright..?” (DH)
With a single kiss to Young Jae’s head, he closed his eyes and let sleep take over.
[[ My Own Thoughts:
Okay, wow.
I at updating more often >.<..
I can at least update once a week..
So that's something ;;..
I hope the chapter is alright.
I felt it was very.. slow.
I don't know why..
Most likely it is, but I hope it's alright. xD ]]
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My computer died ;;... Updates are going to be slower now >.


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Chapter 66: Awwe! ITS OVER?! I cant believe it! At first i thought that 66 chapters is so long but now i want more! This is an amazing story!! Im crying.. anyway i cant believe its done! Thank you for writing this authornim! <3
Chapter 47: Jongup is so innocent... poor child bless your poor soul
Chapter 43: Why is Jongup like this? 'Pika-pi.' Really? My heart hurts. I can imagine him saying it in a cute voice.. TT
He's so adorable.
Thanks a lot Woohyun. :/
Chapter 24: Daehyun is me. Me is Daehyun.
Never turn down free food.
Chapter 23: Ahhh! I hope their plans wont succeed
Chapter 22: How dare you violate Youngjae, Woohyun?! Im shook
Chapter 13: I love Sungyeol XD he's so adorable
Chapter 27: I'm pretty sure I saw this comming...I just cant handdle, my tears are rolling over and I'm really sad for everything!! :(
Chapter 24: I still don't want to be happy because if I do, when the really bad things happens I'm going to be crying all along the entire chapters ahead :(