
I Love You, Just Like This
(WH) - Woohyun speaking
(YJ) - Young Jae speaking
(DH) - Daehyun speaking
(SY) - Sooyoung speaking
(L) - Myungsoo speaking
(JU) - Jongup speaking
(Y) - Yuri speaking
“Daaang.. Did you hear those moans?! Young Jae was even begging Daehyun to stick it in him!” (WH) Woohyun was definitely at the moment after basically watching live in front of him. He didn’t expect Daehyun and Young Jae to just do it out in the open like that. He looked over at Myungsoo, whom had followed along to keep Woohyun from doing any trouble. After all, Myungsoo still didn’t necessarily trust the guy.
“Tch.. I don’t care. Whatever they do is their business. You shouldn’t be watching them.” (L) Myungsoo, in full honesty, had not been expecting to hear Young Jae say such things, but Young Jae was growing up. It’s not like he could control what Young Jae did or did not do, like Sungyeol had done at one point.
“Aish... you’re no fun. You think you could at least help me with my problem?” (WH)
“Help yourself.” (L) Myungsoo turned and began walking back towards where everyone else was. Since everything was over with, he didn’t see any point in staying there anymore. Woohyun soon followed close by, placing a single hand on Myungsoo’s bottom. Though, that was sadly a mistake because he soon found himself laying face down in the dirt with the bottom of Myungsoo’s foot on top of his head. “Don’t even try it.” (L)
Myungsoo then pulled away as he began walking again. Woohyun pushed himself up a bit before spitting out sand that had gotten into his mouth. He quickly wiped his eyes of sand before looking up at Myungsoo. Woohyun quickly pushed himself up onto his feet, running forward before wrapping his arms around Myungsoo and tackling him to the ground. Myungsoo grunted as he pushed himself up a bit, turning and glaring angrily at Woohyun. “YAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” (L)
“I want you!” (WH)
“W-What the heck are you talking about?!” (L) Myungsoo found it a bit difficult to free himself from Woohyun’s grip without hurting the man. As much as he wanted to hurt the man, he couldn’t do it. Well, not without a proper excuse anyway but.. it was getting there. “Can you let go of me?!” (L)
“No! If Daehyun and Young Jae can have a loving relationship, so can we!” (WH)
“What are you talking about?! I have no interest in you!” (L) With a quick elbow to Woohyun’s eye, which brought much satisfaction by the way, Myungsoo quickly slipped out of Woohyun’s hold as Woohyun tried to ease the pain in his eye. Myungsoo only shook his head as he looked at Woohyun writhing in pain. What the heck was Woohyun even thinking anyway? With a small sigh, Myungsoo turned and began walking again.
“WAIT! Myungsoo! Come baaack!” (WH) Woohyun pushed himself up to his feet before walking after Myungsoo. Woohyun was officially determined to win Myungsoo’s heart. After all, Myungsoo was most likely playing hard to get, right? It made perfect sense to Woohyun!
Daehyun and Young Jae came back out of the water after cleaning themselves up. Making their way back over to their things, they quickly packed their things up before they began making their way back over to where everyone else was. “You think you can calm your hormones now?” (DH)
Young Jae turned completely red before nodding. He wrapped a single hand around Daehyun’s arm, clinging close to Daehyun as he rested his head on Daehyun’s shoulder. It felt a lot more relaxing with just walking with Daehyun like this, listening to the sounds of the ocean waves just slowly crashing against the shore before pulling away to repeat its action. “Daehyun.. C-Can we play..? I... I think there’s lots of stuff to do in the nearby stores.” (YJ)
“Hm? You wanna play? Well.. alright then. I don’t think I brought a lot of money though.” (DH)
“I-It’s alright! I.. I’ll pay for everything!” (YJ)
“You sure?” (DH)
“Yea!” (YJ) Young Jae lifted his head as he happily smiled at Daehyun, whom chuckled a bit before ruffling Young Jae’s hair. They finally got to where everyone else’s things were before they set down the towel once more, finally sitting down. Daehyun was quite glad that Sooyoung had brought a large umbrella or else he’d end up worrying about Young Jae getting sun burnt. He liked the pale, smooth skin that Young Jae had and with how pale he was, he was more prone to getting sun burnt. “Um.. D-Daehyun..?” (YJ)
“Yea?” (DH) Daehyun turned to look at Young Jae, whom was blushing while looking down. Well, Daehyun hoped that Young Jae was blushing. It was the only part of him that was currently red, so it couldn’t really be sun burn... hopefully.
“C-Can it just be.. um.. us two?” (YJ) Daehyun rose a single brow as he continued to look at Young Jae. Young Jae really seemed to want to have a lot of alone time today despite wanting everyone to come with them to the beach.
“Like a date?” (DH)
“Y-Yea! Can we?” (YJ) Daehyun chuckled a bit before nodding. Getting to his feet, he stretched a bit before looking down at Young Jae and holding a hand out to him. Smiling sheepishly, Young Jae took a hold of Young Jae’s hand and was soon pulled up onto his feet.
“Ready to go?” (DH)
“N-Now..? B-But.. you’re not wearing that much!” (YJ)
“And whose fault is that?” (DH) Daehyun chuckled yet again before putting on his flip flops and walking towards the boardwalk. Young Jae bit his bottom lip as his eyes trailed down Daehyun’s eye body. His eyes only seemed to end up widening though, one he saw how Daehyun’s bathing suit practically clung to Daehyun’s body. If it hadn’t already done so before, Daehyun’s bathing suit really showed off his bottom a little too much now. Sure, Young Jae liked it, but he didn’t want everyone else to see it!
Young Jae quickly fumbled through his bag before he finally produced his own flip flops and the clothes that Daehyun had worn to the beach. Quickly slipping on his flip flops, Young Jae quickly ran after Daehyun. Once he was close enough, Young Jae cut Daehyun off before golding out the clothes with a reddened face. “W-Wear this!” (YJ)
“Why?” (DH)
“I... I don’t want anymore people looking at you!” (YJ) Daehyun stared as Young Jae kept his head down with his eyes closed tightly. Was this Young Jae’s way of being jealous? In a way, Daehyun was actually surprised to think that Young Jae would be the type to be jealous. Then again, there was that minor incident a few months ago, but.. it was probably best not to think about that anymore. With a small smile, Daehyun took the clothes out of Young Jae’s hand before lifting Young Jae’s head and softly kissing Young Jae’s lips.
“Okay. If you say so, then I will follow your command.” (DH) Daehyun slowly slipped the clothes on, causing Young Jae to let out a small sigh of relief. Young Jae smiled happily one Daehyun was done, taking a hold of his hand and walking with him. “You know.. I don’t like how lotion feels with clothes on.” (DH)
“I.. I don’t care. I don’t want anyone else looking at you..” (YJ) Daehyun chuckled when he spotted Young Jae’s pout. So, he really was jealous. Daehyun kind of liked seeing Young Jae jealous like this, but at the same time, he only ended up feeling a bit bad for the younger male. After all, Young Jae was so devoted to him, so he probably should do the same.
“Okay, okay. Don’t get so mad. Come on, let’s go get something to eat first.” (DH) Young Jae nodded, but he was still pouting at the moment. It didn’t take them long before they finally reached the nearest restaurant. It was a pretty good looking restaurant. It was about two stories tall, but the restaurant was only the first floor. The doors seemed to be the type to slide open, but it was one of those old type of doors that had the paper screening on it. There were blue flags or banners that were hanging at the top of the door frames and it had a sort of ocean-type feel to them. “What do you think of this place?” (DH)
“I-I think it looks nice. Let’s eat here.” (YJ) With a nod, Daehyun and Young Jae stepped in before sitting down at one of the various circular tables. The tables were a dark brown and looked as if they were brand new, save for a few scratch marks here and there. The waiter quickly made their way over to them and handed them their menu’s. After a few minutes of conversing with the two, the waiter left with their drink orders.
“It’s a pretty nice place so far. Surprised that there aren’t many people here.” (DH) Young Jae nodded in agreement, but his attention was mostly on the menu at the moment. He furrowed his eyebrows as he bit his bottom lip before closing the menu and placing it onto the table. Daehyun rose a single eyebrow as he looked up at Young Jae, whom was still biting his lip. “You picked already?” (DH)
“Y-Yea... I picked for you too.” (YJ)
“Oh? What did you pick? Is it good?” (DH) Young Jae nodded before he leaned forward and took the menu out of Daehyun’s hands. Daehyun pouted as he furrowed his eyebrows, looking over at Young Jae. “Yah.. I was still looking at that.” (DH)
“I don’t want you picking something else though..” (YJ) Young Jae playfully stuck his tongue out before giggling a bit and turning away. Daehyun rose a single eyebrow as he stared at Young Jae. While Young Jae was looking away from him, Daehyun reached forward and quickly tickled Young Jae’s neck, causing the younger male to laugh and slap Daehyun’s hand away. “Daehyun!” (YJ)
“What? I like hearing you laugh.” (DH) Daehyun smirked a bit as he leaned back in his seat. Young Jae puffed out his cheeks and furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at Daehyun. When Daehyun turned to look back at Young Jae, he laughed a bit. “Are you angry at me?” (DH)
Young Jae’s face only seemed to scrunch up a bit more before he turned away and crossed his arms. Daehyun only smiled as he shook his head slightly. Sitting up, he reached forward and placed a hand on one of Young Jae’s hands. “I’m sorry. Don’t stay angry at me, please?” (DH)
“I’m not angry..” (YJ) Young Jae had mumbled to himself, but Daehyun had heard it clearly. Young Jae finally relaxed though before finally turning to look at Daehyun. “Fine.. I forgive you.” (YJ)
“Do you really not like being tickled?” (DH) Young Jae thought about it for a moment. Young Jae actually didn’t mind being tickled, especially if it was Daehyun. So he didn’t really know why he had gotten mad at him.
“I don’t mind.. I’m sorry.. I shouldn’t have gotten mad.” (YJ)
“Good. That means I can tickle you more later.” (DH) Daehyun chuckled as he looked up at the waiter, whom had decided to finally show up. Young Jae motioned for the waiter to lower his head a bit before cupping his hand around the waiter’s ear and whispering into the waiter’s ear. The waiter nodded as he wrote down the orders before walking away. Daehyun looked at Young Jae with curiosity as he looked at the male. “What did you tell him?” (DH)
“N-Nothing..! I-I just told him the order.” (YJ) Young Jae smiled sheepishly as he turned a bit red. He was determined to make sure that it went well. What was it? Well, it was a surprise of course! Young Jae just had to make sure that Daehyun didn’t catch on whatsoever.
“Well.. okay then. But why all the secrecy?” (DH)
“N-No reason! C-Can we talk about something else?” (YJ) Daehyun rose a single brow. Why was Young Jae trying so hard to keep things from him? Well, Daehyun didn’t mind too much. As long as Young Jae was happy and with him, then he was completely fine with whatever the younger male did. Well, almost completely fine with whatever he did.
“Okay, then what do you want to talk about?” (DH) Young Jae thought for a moment. He wasn’t necessarily sure. He had just wanted to change the subject. Young Jae bit his bottom lip before finally, a topic decided to pop up in his head.
“H-How do you think the cruise will go?” (YJ) Daehyun thought for a moment, letting Young Jae let out a quiet sigh of relief. Daehyun hadn’t really been thinking about the cruise since it had been brought up about.. maybe an hour ago? He looked back over at Young Jae, whom had been waiting patiently for a response.
“Ah.. I’m hoping we get ship wrecked and we’re the only two that were washed up on a deserted island.” (DH)
“W-What?! W-Why!” (YJ) Young Jae didn’t necessarily like that idea at all. If it actually happened, then he definitely didn’t know what he would do in that type of situation. If anything, he really hoped that the cruise would go smoothly. He hadn’t been on a ship before, so he wasn’t necessarily sure if he was the type to get sea sick.
“So that we could do something naughty whenever we want.” (DH) Daehyun smirked and wiggled his eyebrows in a suggestive manner, causing Young Jae to instantly turn red before finally looking away. Was that really what Daehyun was thinking of?
“T-That’s dirty..” (YJ)
“I was kidding! Besides, you’re the one who couldn’t wait until we got home before we did something dirty!” (DH) Young Jae lowered his gaze, his face reddening ever more. Daehyun chuckled a bit before reaching forward and taking a hold of Young Jae’s hand. In a way, he felt like he really had influenced Young Jae into that kind of world. “Hey, don’t look so down. I wasn’t trying to be mean or anything.” (DH)
“I-I know.. I.. I just don’t know why I really had the urge to do it..” (YJ) Daehyun chuckled a bit before pulling his hand away a bit. Young Jae looked up, having hoped that Daehyun would say something else. Though, it seemed like Daehyun didn’t really have anything else to say. “Um.. Daehyun? Can I.. try... being a top?” (YJ)
“Now?” (DH) Daehyun smirked, causing Young Jae to instantly turn red. Daehyun was kidding of course, but he liked seeing Young Jae flustered like this. Still, Daehyun wasn’t exactly sure if he wanted to be a bottom. “I’ll have to think about it. Okay?” (DH)
“O-Okay..” (YJ) Daehyun could hear the slight disappointment in Young Jae’s voice. He felt bad about it, but he had to make sure that he was ready for it first. Daehyun did wonder why Young Jae wanted to try being a top, but in a way, it kind of made sense since they hadn’t been sure about it when they first did it.
They had waited for maybe twenty to thirty minutes for their food to come out. By now, Daehyun had lost all will to wait anymore as he now had his head resting on top of the table. He held his stomach as he listened to the sounds of chatter coming from a small group of other teenagers that had most likely come visiting the beach also. “What’s taking so looong..” (DH)
“I-It should be here soon. Just be patient!” (YJ) Young Jae knew how long it took to cook most things, so he had been waiting patiently the entire time. He didn’t really know why Daehyun was impatient at the moment, though it might have something to do with them skipping breakfast today. Or had they? He couldn’t really remember for some odd reason, but it probably wasn’t all that important anyway.
Luckily, before Daehyun could complain any further, their waiter came out carrying a large tray filled with all kinds of food. Daehyun instantly perked up, his eyes widening as he his lips with anticipation. The waiter apologized for the wait as he set the individual plates onto the table. How many dishes had Young Jae ordered? There were at least four or five dishes total! Once the waiter was gone, Daehyun looked up at Young Jae. “Omo... What is all of this? Why’d you order so much?” (DH)
“I-I wanted to make you super happy today! Y-You always make me happy, so.. I.. I wanted a turn to make you happy.” (YJ) This kid! Why did Young Jae want to spoil him so much? It should be the other way around! Though.. Daehyun did wonder if Young Jae even had enough for all of this. Daehyun knew for sure that he couldn’t pay for all of this without using the card he usually used for groceries, so it made him wonder where Young Jae got his money from.
“Where do you get your money from anyway? This looks like it could reach over one-hundred and nine thousand won!” (DH) Young Jae bit his bottom lip as he looked down at all the food that was on the table. When he had been looking at the menu, he had made sure to calculate how much everything was. He was pretty sure that he could pay for all of it. He looked up at Daehyun, whom had started eating already, but was still staring at him.
“I.. I get an allowance from my parents.” (YJ) An allowance? How much allowance did Young Jae get anyway if he could afford all of this? He seemed to be able to pay for a lot of things actually, despite his usual habit of wanting to save money. Though, Daehyun decided against asking Young Jae anymore about it. As long as Young Jae was alright with covering all of the food that had been ordered, then Daehyun was alright with it. “Um.. D-Daehyun..?” (YJ)
“Hmm? What is it?” (DH)
“Um.. can... can you tell me more about your parents?” (YJ) Daehyun’s hand froze before lowering the spoonful of food that he was about to happily consume. Young Jae instantly regretted asking his question, but he wanted to know. He had to know. If he was really going to be with Daehyun, he needed their permission to be with him if.. they ever got married, right? “I-I’m sorry.. b-but.. I want to know..” (YJ)
“Young Jae... I.. I really don’t want to talk about them.” (DH) Daehyun sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. Young Jae furrowed his eyebrows as he placed his chopsticks down. Why couldn’t Daehyun just tell him about his parents? Daehyun’s relationships with his parents couldn’t be that bad, could it?
“Please tell me! I.. I have to know!” (YJ) Daehyun let out another sigh as he looked out the window that they sat by. Should he really tell him? He knew that he was going to have to tell Young Jae about them sooner or later, but he had hoped to talk about them farther down the road. With another sigh, Daehyun decided to tell him.
“Alright, I’ll tell you.... My mom was the person who ran the fashion company that Jessica-noona currently runs. Both my parents had been basically controlling noona’s life, telling her to do this and do that. They even made her become a fashion designer. Sure, she likes fashion, but she originally wanted to be a singer. She has a good voice, you know? But.. they wouldn’t allow it. After my mom died, noona was basically the only one who could take the company over. She knew everything there was about it so.. she was forced into it.” (DH)
Daehyun let out a deep sigh as he rubbed the back of his head. “The entire time, me and noona had always gotten along. Sure, we seem like we fight and argue, but we’re just playing around. When I was younger.. my father had forbidden me to becoming a dancer. He wanted me to make myself a lawyer or something. When I refused, I was beaten. That’s.. That’s when I moved out and lived with noona. She told me to follow my dream, even if our parents didn’t like it. Since she missed her chance as a singer, she.. she’s been supporting me to become a dancer. I.. I just can’t forgive my parents Young Jae. That’s why I.. I don’t like talking about them. I know... it’s redundant, or cliche or whatever but.. that’s why I don’t talk about them.” (DH)
“Daehyun..” (YJ) Young Jae didn’t know what else to say. What was he supposed to say? He couldn’t relate to it whatsoever, he couldn’t tell Daehyun that it was alright or anything like that. “I-I’m sorry... I.. I just really wanted to know, but.. I-I shouldn’t have pried.” (YJ)
“No.. it’s alright. You have a right to know. You’re my cute boyfriend after all, right?” (DH) Daehyun gave a smile in an attempt to lift Young Jae’s spirits, but Young Jae could tell that Daehyun still looked a bit sad. Young Jae though, nodded before he began eating again. “Don’t let it get to you, alright? It’s all in the past.” (DH)
Young Jae nodded, but he still felt bad for prying.
“Where do you want to go to next?” (DH) The pair had finished their meal happily and it seemed like Young Jae really could cover the meal without much problem. They now stood outside the restaurant, looking around at the various stores that were nearby. “Maybe we could get some sort of trinket or something.” (DH)
“L-Like what?” (YJ)
“A keychain! There should be aquatic animal keychains, right?” (DH) Young Jae had to think for a moment. Sure, stores and restaurants by the beach were normally oceanic themed, but that didn’t mean that they would have some sort of aquatic animal keychains for sale. But, if that’s what Daehyun wanted, then it wouldn’t be too bad.
“W-We can look if you want..” (YJ)
“Then let’s do it!” (DH) Daehyun grinned as he took a hold of Young Jae’s hand and soon lead the way. The pair looked through each shop, but nothing of interest really seemed to pop out at them. In fact, most trinkets and knick knacks were rather useless or not that interesting. They soon came to a stop after leaving the sixth store. Daehyun let out a sigh as he placed his hands on his hips, looking around. “Why aren’t they selling any aquatic keychains?!” (DH)
“I-It’s okay.. m-maybe we should go do something else..” (YJ) Daehyun let out a small sigh before nodding. Just as he began walking, he soon found himself bumping into one of the girls that had been at the restaurant.
“A-Ah.. sorry about that. You okay?” (DH)
“Y-Yes! I am! Oh..! I-I think I’m having heat .” The girl dramatically placed an arm up to her forehead as she pretended to faint. Daehyun quickly caught her though, instantly believing the girls’ obvious charade. Young Jae found himself heating up, not in the good way.
“H-Hey! Are you alright?” (DH) The girl quickly peeked through her eyelids before letting out a soft moan. Daehyun helped the girl up to her feet, but she quickly placed her hands on Daehyun’s arm and shoulder.
“I-I just need a minute. Do you think you can hold me closer?” Daehyun thought for a moment. Would holding her even closer really help her? Maybe it acted as a support or something like that. Though, he soon felt the girl ripped out of her arms and pushed away.
“G-Get away! He’s mine!” (YJ) Young Jae took a hold of Daehyun’s wrist before running in a random direction, leaving a completely appalled girl standing there. Young Jae entered a random store before he finally came to a stop, panting a bit as he tried to catch his breath a bit.
“Young Jae... What was that about?” (DH) Young Jae froze. He didn’t mean to act like that, but seeing Daehyun holding someone else had gotten the best of him. Young Jae even knew that the girl had been faking it. He had seen too many romance movies, thanks to Sungyeol, to know that move all too well. He turned to look at Daehyun, clearing seeing the confused look on his boyfriend’s face.
“I.. I.. um.. I don’t like it when you hold someone else..” (YJ) Daehyun stared for a second or two before chuckling. So, Young Jae really was the jealous type. He wrapped his arms around Young Jae before grinning and softly pressing his lips against Young Jae’s. Young Jae smiled a bit as he took a hold of Daehyun’s shirt, holding it tightly.
“You should know that I’ll never leave you. You don’t have to worry, alright?” (DH) Young Jae nodded a bit before the pair finally pulled away. Young Jae looked around the building that he had randomly entered before smiling slightly and turning to look at Daehyun once more.
“L-Look! Aquatic animal keychains!” (YJ) Daehyun looked over to where Young Jae was now pointing at. His eyes widened as he made his way happily over to the keychains. He looked through them, trying to find the best one to get before he found himself grinning happily and picking up two keychains. Young Jae curiously looked at them before looking at Daehyun. “Why those two?” (YJ)
“The dolphin is for noona, since she couldn’t come to the beach. As for the blowfish.. it’s for you.” (DH) Daehyun chuckled as he saw Young Jae furrow his eyebrows and puff out his cheeks. Either Young Jae was doing it on purpose or he had unintentionally done it. Either way, he was amused. “Come on, let’s get going.” (DH)
After paying for the two keychains, the duo held hands and soon made their way back over to the others.
Time had passed and by the time everyone had finished playing around at the beach, the sun was now setting and almost everyone was sitting around, enjoying the sunset. Tiffany, Dongwoo, Sunggyu, Yongguk and Himchan had all gone back home or gone to do whatever it was that they needed to do. “It’s a really pretty sunset! We should watch it more often!” (Y)
“Of course it’s pretty! The sunset is just simply breathtaking!” (SY) While the three girls began conversing with one another, the five males sat around in a circle. They weren’t necessarily all that friendly with one another, but it’s not like they were mortal enemies.. well, not anymore.
“So, that cruise. It’s next week, right?” (WH)
“Y-Yea.. It is. A-Are you two going to be able to come?” (YJ)
“Yea, I am. I don’t know about Jongup here.” (WH) Woohyun wrapped an arm around Jongup’s shoulders, pulling the male closer to him before ruffling Jongup’s hair. Jongup furrowed his eyebrows as he pushed the older male away before pulling away and fixing his hair.
“I can go. Do you want me to go?” (JU)
“Y-Yea! Why not?” (YJ)
“I did break your boyfriend’s leg and told Woohyun to break you two up by going after all three of you.” (JU) Young Jae, Daehyun, and Myungsoo stared at Jongup. Young Jae bit his bottom lip before he let out a small breath of air.
“I-It’s alright. You should still come!” (YJ) Jongup, completely surprised, nodded slowly before finally smiling happily. Woohyun was taken by surprise as he took a hold of Jongup’s cheeks and pinched them tightly.
“Wow! I’ve never seen you smile before! Usually you’re all serious and want to beat people up!” (WH) Jongup pushed the older male once more before finally punching Woohyun’s thigh. He crossed his arms, his smile no longer gracing his face.
“So.. one week them?” (JU)
“One week!” (YJ) In a way, Young Jae was looking forward to seeing everyone there.
[[ My Own Thoughts:
YAY >3<..
Daehyun finally speaks about his parents. x3
I know.. it's redundant/cliche/whatever..
Buuut... it was the only thing I could think of. xD
Ooh and sorry for taking so long to update >.<..
I literally have no time thanks to school..
And I had writer's block.
Not a good combination. ;;
I apologize again >.<.. ]]
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My computer died ;;... Updates are going to be slower now >.


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Chapter 66: Awwe! ITS OVER?! I cant believe it! At first i thought that 66 chapters is so long but now i want more! This is an amazing story!! Im crying.. anyway i cant believe its done! Thank you for writing this authornim! <3
Chapter 47: Jongup is so innocent... poor child bless your poor soul
Chapter 43: Why is Jongup like this? 'Pika-pi.' Really? My heart hurts. I can imagine him saying it in a cute voice.. TT
He's so adorable.
Thanks a lot Woohyun. :/
Chapter 24: Daehyun is me. Me is Daehyun.
Never turn down free food.
Chapter 23: Ahhh! I hope their plans wont succeed
Chapter 22: How dare you violate Youngjae, Woohyun?! Im shook
Chapter 13: I love Sungyeol XD he's so adorable
Chapter 27: I'm pretty sure I saw this comming...I just cant handdle, my tears are rolling over and I'm really sad for everything!! :(
Chapter 24: I still don't want to be happy because if I do, when the really bad things happens I'm going to be crying all along the entire chapters ahead :(