
I Love You, Just Like This
(YJ) - Young Jae speaking
(DH) - Daehyun speaking
(J) - Jessica speaking
“It’s good to finally be home.” (DH) Daehyun placed the luggage down as he stretched. Being on a boat for so long took its toll on a person after all. He turned around when he heard the sound of more luggage being placed onto the ground, a smile showing up on his face as he saw Young Jae and Jessica both let out a sigh.
“Yah! You could have helped us with our luggage!” (J) Daehyun placed a hand on his hip as he rubbed the back of his head. He hadn’t thought about helping his older sister nor Young Jae with their luggage. Neither one of them had necessarily asked him for his help, so it didn’t really click in his head.
“Ahh.. Noona! You’re a strong woman! You can handle yourself, but Young Jae.. I should be taking care of him!” (DH) Daehyun walked up to Young Jae, wrapping his arms around Young Jae in a protective manner as he began ruffling Young Jae’s hair. Jessica leaned on one leg as she placed her hands on her hips, looking at Daehyun with disbelief on her face.
“Yah! Pabo! Young Jae is strong enough to take care of himself!” (J) Jessica walked up to the pair and swung her leg forward, kicking Daehyun in the shin. Sadly, it didn’t hurt as much as she had hoped. Then again, her kicks never really did the damage that she hoped for.
“Aish.. Noona! Young Jae is all mine!” (DH) Daehyun pulled Young Jae along, nearly dragging him as the younger lad staggered and let out a small whimper. Jessica closed the front door and locked it up, shaking her head as she picked her luggage up once more before pulling it along towards her room. Once Jessica was no longer in the room, Daehyun smirked a bit as he pulled Young Jae once more, falling over the arm rest of the couch as Young Jae let out a yelp and landed on top of Daehyun.
“D-Daehyun..! That was dangerous! W-We could have gotten hurt..” (YJ) Both males adjusted themselves on the couch before they laid there relaxed in each other’s arms. Young Jae pouted though as he lifted his head, looking down at Daehyun whom was smiling back at him.
“Don’t worry, Young Jae. I’ll protect you from danger.” (DH) Young Jae held his pouting face as he pushed himself up. He attempted to get off of the couch, but Daehyun had pulled Young Jae back into his arms. “Okay, okay! I’m sorry! I’ll be more careful. Don’t leave yet..” (DH)
Young Jae thought for a moment before letting out a sigh and nodding. He wrapped an arm around Daehyun’s torso and rested his head on Daehyun’s chest before closing his eyes and letting out a small breath of air. “Did you.. remember to do your homework?” (YJ)
“... What homework.” (DH) Young Jae pushed himself up once again as he looked down at Daehyun. Both stared at one another before Daehyun’s eyes widened. Young Jae let out a small sigh as he got off of the couch, turning around to face Daehyun.
“Daehyun! You said you would have your homework done before school started!” (YJ) Daehyun sat up, taking a hold of Young Jae’s hand in an attempt to calm the younger male down. However, Young Jae pulled his hand away from Daehyun’s as he crossed his arms. “No! Bad Daehyun! Go do your homework!” (YJ)
“Young Jaaaee..” (DH) Daehyun got to his feet as he placed his hands on Young Jae’s shoulders. However, the younger male furrowed his eyebrows and shook Daehyun’s hands off before walking over to his luggage. Daehyun frowned a bit and followed after Young Jae, wrapping his arms around Young Jae’s waist the second the younger male had bent forward to pick up his luggage. “Young Jae.. be nice..” (DH)
“No... You didn’t do your homework. I won’t be nice until you do it!” (YJ) Young Jae reached up and pulled Daehyun’s arms off of him before picking up his luggage and walking to their bedroom. A mere second later, the door was closed behind him, leaving Daehyun all alone in the living room.
Daehyun chuckled a bit though as he picked up his luggage and dragged it over to the couch. Setting the luggage down next to it, Daehyun sat down as he picked up the remote and the television screen. He had done his homework the day after school went out for break. Daehyun had just wanted to see Young Jae’s reaction if he thought that Daehyun hadn’t done his homework. Of course.. it was a bit mean to do so, considering Young Jae was now a bit mad.
Young Jae paced back and forth in the room as he bit his bottom lip. He felt really bad for being mean to Daehyun, but if he wasn’t strict, then Daehyun would never get his homework done. Young Jae knew just how much Daehyun liked holding him, so maybe this could be a way to punish Daehyun for having slacked off this entire time.
Still.. he felt bad. Had he been too harsh? Young Jae had wanted Daehyun to be happy all the time and yet... he was now making Daehyun sad. He probably even made Daehyun feel really bad about not doing his homework. Coming to a stop, he turned and looked at the door as he crossed his arms. Should he go back out and apologize? He could help Daehyun with his homework after all. It would be both faster and easier.
No! That wasn’t a good answer at all! If Daehyun didn’t do it himself, then he would get too used to it and not be able to do his homework on his own. Young Jae didn’t want Daehyun to end up becoming dependent on him after all, but.. still.. he felt bad. Maybe he was just being too paranoid about Daehyun becoming like that. It was a possibility after all.
He just needed to take his mind off of it. Yea, that was it! Young Jae just needed to study for about an hour and then he could check up on Daehyun to see if he had at least started on his homework. Nodding a bit in approval of his plan, Young Jae made his way over to where he had placed his textbooks earlier. Taking one off the bookshelf, he made his way over to the desk and placed it down as he sat down. Opening it up, Young Jae attempted to start reading.
It was necessary to refresh his memory after all.. right?
Sadly, that wasn’t going to be happening. Young Jae had spent no more than two minutes before he was back on his feet, pacing back and forth once more. Stopping once again, he looked at the door and bit his bottom lip before furrowing his eyebrows. No. He had to do it. He had to apologize to Daehyun and then help him with his homework. Yea.. that seemed like the best thing to do.
Walking up to the door, he took a hold of the doorknob and pulled, opening the door to its fullest as he stepped out. The second he stepped out of the bedroom though, he froze as he stared at the back of Daehyun’s head. From what he could see, the older male was most definitely not doing his homework. The last time he checked, cartoons had almost nothing to do with completing ones homework.
Furrowing his eyebrows and balling up his hands into fists, Young Jae went back into the room and grabbed the nearest pillow before making his way back out and towards Daehyun. Coming up from behind, Young Jae stood there for one or two seconds before he lifted the pillow above his head and brought it down as hard and as fast as he could towards Daehyun. “DAEHYUN! PABO! YOU’RE NOT DOING HOEMWORK!” (YJ)
“Y-Young Jae! Stop! Wait!” (DH) Daehyun brought his arms up in an attempt to defend himself. He hadn’t expected, at all, for Young Jae to suddenly start attacking him without any sort of warning. In fact, he had just expected Young Jae to scold him. At least that way, he could have calmly told Young Jae that his homework was done, show him proof, then see the pouting cuteness that was Young Jae. This was definitely far from what he had anticipated.
“No! You’re a pabo!” (YJ) Daehyun finally got up from his seat, making sure to run behind the coffee table before turning to face Young Jae. To his luck, Young Jae had remained behind the couch with his eyebrows furrowed and his cheeks puffed out.
“Young Jae.. I know this looks bad, but it’s not what you think!” (DH)
PABO!” (YJ) Raising the pillow, Young Jae threw the pillow as hard as he could. Sadly, Daehyun had caught the pillow, though the older teen did have to take a step back to keep himself from falling over. Tossing the pillow off to the side, Daehyun made his way around to Young Jae. Although Young Jae had attempted to move away, Daehyun had been successful in wrapping his arms around Young Jae’s waist from behind. “Let go! Y-You pabo!” (YJ)
“Young Jae, don’t be mad!” (DH) Young Jae struggled a bit in an attempt to break free from Daehyun’s grasp. After a few seconds had passed and he had yet to successfully break free, Young Jae finally gave up as he began whining. “Young Jae! Why are you acting like this?” (DH)
“Because you won’t do your homework!” (YJ) Young Jae stopped whining once he heard that all too familiar laughter escape from Daehyun’s lips. Why was he laughing? Young Jae was serious about homework, so it didn’t make any sense for Daehyun to suddenly start laughing like this. “W-Why are you laughing..?” (YJ)
“Because I already did my homework.” (DH) What...? Did Young Jae hear him correctly or had he misheard? Did.. Daehyun really do his homework? There was no way that Daehyun had done his homework within the small amount of time that Young Jae had left for him. “So.. Do you believe me?” (DH)
Young Jae thought on it a bit more. He couldn’t believe it, to be honest. In fact, Young Jae almost felt like Daehyun had cheated and copied someone else’s homework to get the answers. Though.. Young Jae did know that Daehyun wasn’t the type to cheat. Still, he did need to at least see it in order to believe Daehyun’s words. “L-Let me see it..” (YJ)
“Will I get a kiss as a reward if I’m telling the truth?” (DH) Young Jae furrowed his eyebrows, puffed out his cheeks, and crossed his arms as he remained silent. Daehyun could only see Young Jae crossing his arms, but he knew that Young Jae wouldn’t speak anymore unless he was able to prove his innocence. Well, that’s what he assumed anyway. Daehyun hadn’t really seen Young Jae like this before. “Alright, alright! I’ll get my homework.” (DH)
Young Jae slowly turned around as he watched Daehyun disappear into the bedroom. His homework was in there? Young Jae knew that Daehyun hadn’t been in his room yet, so.. maybe he really had done his homework earlier.
As quickly as Daehyun had went into the room, Daehyun had come back out, now holding the homework that Young Jae had asked for. Looking up at that homework, he could see that grin on Daehyun’s face that almost always melted him. Once Daehyun was close enough, he came to a stop and held out the sheets of paper. “Here it is.” (DH)
“.. T-Thank you..” (YJ) Young Jae took a hold of said homework, his eyes landing on the problems and answers as he began scanning through it. It only took him a minute or so, but once he finished checking everything, he lowered Daehyun’s homework as he looked back up at the older male. Putting the homework onto the nearby couch, Young Jae furrowed his eyebrows and pouted a bit as he began lightly slapping Daehyun’s arm. “W-Why didn’t you tell me that you already did it?! You’re a meany!” (YJ)
“H-Hold on! Stop that!” (DH) Daehyun caught Young Jae by both his wrists before pulling the younger male into his arms. Young Jae let out an irritated sigh as he stood still, raising his hand and hitting Daehyun every second or so. He didn’t like that Daehyun had tricked him into thinking that he hadn’t done his homework. He had felt so bad earlier and now, he was just not happy with him. “I’m sorry. Please forgive me, alright?” (DH)
“Okay.. but I’m still mad at you..” (YJ) Daehyun chuckled a bit as he caressed the back of Young Jae’s head. Who knew that Young Jae would become violent when angry? Though, that should have been evident when he was jealous a month or two ago. Still, for now, he continued trying to calm Young Jae by holding him in his arms and caressing the back of his head. That’s all he could think of for the time being.
“W-Wait! I-I wanna come too..!” (YJ) Young Jae quickly took a hold of his wallet as he ran up to Daehyun and Jessica, whom were currently waiting at the doorway. Daehyun chuckled a bit as he wrapped an arm around Young Jae’s shoulders, turning as he faced Jessica.
“How about it? Is he allowed to come?” (DH)
“Aigoo.. I have to put up with your lovey-doveyness! Arasseo!” (J) Even though she sounded annoyed, Jessica only ended up smiling and ruffling Young Jae’s hair. Once they made sure they had their things, they were off to their intended destination.
“Young Jae. Do you know where we’re going?” (DH)
“Um.. Grocery shopping...?” (YJ) Young Jae looked at Daehyun, whom only smiled at him and shook his head. Young Jae furrowed his eyebrows a bit as he looked forward, trying to figure out where they were going. Young Jae had assumed that Daehyun and Jessica were going to go grocery shopping since there wasn’t anything available to cook with in the apartment. But if that wasn’t the case, then where was the next best place? “Then.. where are we going?” (YJ)
“We’re going to a restaurant to get food. We were going to bring all of the food back home, but since you’re coming along, we can just eat there then.” (DH) Young Jae slowly nodded, but he preferred to cook rather than go out and eat. They have been eating out the entire time they were away, so it would have been nice to have a home cooked meal.
“Do we... have to eat out? I wanna cook today..” (YJ) Coming to a stop, Jessica pressed the button for the elevator before both her and Daehyun looked at Young Jae. Young Jae felt a bit nervous with both of them staring at him, but he summoned up his courage to say what was on his mind. “We ate out a lot on the cruise. I-I think that.. it would be better if we have a nice, home cooked meal. And.. it saves money too.” (YJ)
Daehyun hadn’t wanted Young Jae to have to start working the second they got home, but if that’s what Young Jae wanted, then how could he deny him? Daehyun turned to look at Jessica, whom gave them a smile and a node, before Daehyun turned back to Young Jae. “Alright. If that’s what you really want, then we’ll go with your idea. Just don’t let Jessica-Noona cook.” (DH)
Daehyun laughed a bit as he felt Jessica slap his left arm. He quickly hid behind Young Jae, peeking out from behind as his laughter calmed down a bit. Jessica crossed her arms and glared at Daehyun before turning and walking onto the elevator once it had arrived. Young Jae had barely enough time to turn and look at Daehyun before the older male had popped up from behind and pulled Young Jae along onto the elevator. Daehyun pressed the button for the ground floor before stepping back a bit, making sure to keep Young Jae between him and his older sister. “Pabo. Using your boyfriend as a shield isn’t romantic at all!” (J)
“I’m only using him as a shield because I know you won’t hit him!” (DH) From there, the two began taking turns sticking their tongue out at each other. Young Jae let out a small sigh, feeling awkward for having been brought into the middle of this. Well, at least no one was getting hurt, so it wasn’t that bad of a situation. He still wished that they would stop though.
Luckily, they weren’t in the elevator for all that long. Sadly, even when the trio were already walking towards the entrance of the apartment building, Daehyun and Jessica were still sticking their tongues out at one another. Young Jae, feeling a bit embarrassed now, tried to think of how to stop them from doing this. There was one idea that popped up in his head and just thinking about it was making him heat up quite a bit, but he had no other choice.
Young Jae turned to Daehyun, whom briefly glanced at Young Jae. Had he continued looking at Young Jae, he would have noticed the embarrassed look that Young Jae currently had as the younger male took a hold of Daehyun’s head and leaned in close, using his own tongue to come into contact with Daehyun’s. Daehyun’s eyes widened, completely taken by surprise as Young Jae practically made out with him. Jessica had pulled her tongue back into as she looked away, now feeling both awkward and embarrassed around the two.
Seconds ticked by before Young Jae finally pulled away. Young Jae took in a deep breath as he wiped his mouth, looking at Daehyun whom was still completely stunned. Once Daehyun had come back to his senses, he turned to look at Young Jae with his mouth slightly agape. “Y-Young Jae..” (DH)
“I-I.. I wanted you and Noona to stop and.. t-that was the only thing I could think of.” (YJ) The three of them stood in awkward silence, completely unsure as to what to say at that point. Jessica, unable to stand the silence, placed her arm around Young Jae as she leaned in close.
“Ah! Let’s get going! Don’t want the store closing on us!” (J) Jessica quickly pulled Young Jae along, whom followed along without any resistance. Daehyun, however, stood there staring for a few more seconds before following after them, a smirk on his face. He wasn’t entirely sure whether that was the first time Young Jae had done that without Daehyun having to initiate something, but he definitely liked it.
As Jessica’s arm slipped away from Young Jae’s shoulders, Daehyun took the time to wrap his arm around Young Jae’s waist. Daehyun pulled him in close, rubbing Young Jae’s waist a bit as he kept his gaze forward. Young Jae looked over at Daehyun, smiling a bit as he leaned his head against Daehyun’s shoulder. Looking around a bit, Daehyun spoke in a quiet tone so that only Young Jae could hear him. “You know.. you’re taking responsibility later.” (DH)
“Responsibility..?” (YJ) Young Jae lifted his head as he looked at Daehyun. What did Daehyun mean by taking responsibility? Young Jae was rather certain that he hadn’t done anything wrong, but maybe he had. “W-What do you mean..?” (YJ)
“Oh, nothing. You’ll see later.” (DH) Daehyun looked at Young Jae and smiled as he leaned in and gave a quick peck to Young Jae’s lips before stopping in front of Jessica’s car. The pair both climbed into the back and once everyone was buckled up and comfortable, Jessica started the car and began driving.
Daehyun let out a small sigh as he leaned against Young Jae, forcing the younger male to lean closer to the car door. Young Jae pouted as he slightly turned towards Daehyun, attempting to push Daehyun off of him. “D-Daehyun.. y-you’re too heavy..!” (YJ)
“Oh? Am I? But you’re so comfy..” (DH) Young Jae let out another whine as he continued attempting to push Daehyun off of him. Daehyun chuckled a bit as he turned a bit more towards Young Jae, wrapping an arm around Young Jae as he slowly rubbed his cheek against Young Jae’s head. “Why are you so comfy?” (DH)
“Daehyun...! T-This isn’t comfortable at all! P-Please get off..” (YJ) Daehyun let out a small breath of air as he finally pulled himself off of Young Jae. Young Jae sighed in relief as he looked over at Daehyun, pouting a bit. “W-Why did you do that?” (YJ)
Daehyun turned to look at Young Jae as he smiled. He leaned in close, resting his head onto Young Jae’s shoulder as he closed his eyes. “Sorry.. I just really like how comfy you feel.” (DH)
Young Jae scratched the right side of his head as he looked at Daehyun. Young Jae didn’t necessarily know whether he liked how clingy Daehyun was all of a sudden, but it was something he didn’t mind all too much. Turning his gaze forward, Young Jae rested his head on Daehyun’s as he closed his eyes. Well, maybe a little bit of rest was alright.
“Hey.. wake up.” (DH) Young Jae stirred a bit before slowly opening his eyes. He raised his arm above his eyes to block out the light that was currently blinding him. Pushing himself up, he looked around with clear confusion on his face. Was he still sleeping? This had to be some sort of dream.
He wasn’t in the car anymore. Young Jae found himself in a completely white bedroom with the bed by the window. The curtains will flowing, indicating that the window was currently open. Turning to his left, his eyes landed on Daehyun, whom was currently smiling. “Hey.. you’re finally awake.” (DH)
“W-Where are we..?” (YJ) Young Jae instantly noticed the confusion on Daehyun’s face. Had he said something wrong? Was this somewhere that he was supposed to know of?
“We’re at home. Where else do you think we are?” (DH) Home? But.. that can’t be. Young Jae didn’t recognize this room at all. In fact, this room didn’t even look like someplace that would be in the city. It looked more like in a the suburban area rather than where he had been living with Daehyun.
Young Jae scooted over to the edge of the bed as he swung his legs over the side of the bed before getting to his feet. The second he had done so though, he nearly fell over as a sudden wave of dizziness hit him. If it hadn’t been for Daehyun, he probably would have fallen over. Taking a few seconds to re-cooperate, Young Jae stood up completely as he smiled at Daehyun. Now that he was standing though, he suddenly realized that he was the same height as Daehyun now. When had that happened? “D-Daehyun.. w-what’s going on..?” (YJ)
“What are you talking about? Are you sick or something..?” (DH) Daehyun pressed the back of his hand against Young Jae’s forehead and waited for a moment. However, when no signs of a fever of any sort had shown up, Daehyun pulled his hand away before looking back at Young Jae. “Are you alright?” (DH)
“I-I’m fine.. but... I don’t understand. Where is this place? W-Why am I as tall as you..?” (YJ) Daehyun scratched the back of his head as he chuckled a bit. Young Jae didn’t understand whatsoever, but it seemed like Daehyun knew exactly what was going on.
“I told you. We’re at home. As for your height.. well, you should already know that. Come on. I think you’re just hungry.” (DH) Daehyun wrapped an arm around Young Jae’s waist as he took a hold of Young Jae’s hand. As Daehyun led the way, Young Jae looked down at their left hands as a slight gasp escaped his lips.
They weren’t wearing their engagement rings anymore. In fact, they were now wearing wedding rings, each a silver band with some sort of diamond embedded into both of them. There was also a light, bluish-gray design on his while Daehyun had a white design on his. “W-When did we get married..?” (YJ)
“When? Did you forget that too? We got married ten years ago.” (DH) Ten?! That.. That was impossible! Young Jae was only six ten years ago and he hadn’t even met Daehyun at the time. Had he.. fallen into some sort of coma? But then.. Daehyun was acting as if he had been awake the entire time, so that couldn’t have been the answer.
“T-Then.. how old are we?” (YJ) Once they were at the bottom of the steps, Daehyun had them both pause for a moment. They each looked at each other, Daehyun having a clear confused and worried look on his face as he gave Young Jae’s hand a light squeeze.
“You’re thirty-three and I’m thirty-four. I think something’s wrong with you.. We should go see a doctor after you eat, alright?” (DH) Young Jae still didn’t quite understand, but he slowly nodded as Daehyun began leading them towards the kitchen once more.
Once Young Jae was seated, Daehyun went towards the fridge to gather the things that he was planning to cook. Young Jae looked around the kitchen, noticing just how white the kitchen was also. Was this really their home? Young Jae did like how it looked, but.. it still felt foreign to him. There just couldn’t be any way that this was really his home.
Getting to his feet, Young Jae quietly left the kitchen while Daehyun was too preoccupied cooking. He walked back into the living room, looking around as he walked over to the window. Pushing open one of the curtains, Young Jae’s eyes widened as he saw a long, grassy field leading up to a lighthouse a small distance away, overlooking the ocean below the nearby cliff. Was this real? Was he really living in a place like this?
Young Jae quickly made his way over to the front door and opened it up. Stepping outside, his mouth hung slightly agape as he slowly stepped forward, looking around at the breath taking scene before him. Not once had he thought that he would be able to go to a cliff overlooking the ocean nor had he thought that he would be able to live in such a pretty place.
Slowly, he reached up and grabbed onto the sweater that had been draped around his shoulders earlier as he continued walking forward. Was this really all real? Was this place really where he now lived? If this was real then.. why couldn’t he remember anything? With a small sigh, Young Jae came to a stop a small distance away from the cliff as he crouched down. He hesitantly looked over the edge, quickly pulling away once vertigo began to kick in. Taking in a deep breath, Young Jae sat down, looking out at the ocean. “Hey.” (DH)
Young Jae turned and looked up at Daehyun, whom took a seat next to him. Young Jae smiled a bit before resting his head on Daehyun’s shoulder. Daehyun smiled a bit as he reached up and ran his fingers through Young Jae’s hair, turning his gaze towards the ocean. “This place is really pretty... d-do we... really live here?” (YJ)
“Of course. I wanted to find the best place for us to live and.. I found this.” (DH) Young Jae closed his eyes, feeling the gentle caress of the wind on his skin while listening to the sounds being orchestrated by the ocean. This really was a nice place to live, but.. this place was too pretty to live here. “Hey.. Young Jae..” (DH)
“Hm..?” (YJ)
“Wake up, Young Jae.” (DH) Young Jae hummed a bit as he sat up, turning to look at Daehyun. He could see that Daehyun was smiling, causing Young Jae to smile as he turned his attention back towards the ocean. “Wake up.” (DH)
“H-Huh..?” (YJ) Young Jae turned to look at Daehyun. Daehyun smiled as he leaned forward, pressing his lips against Young Jae’s. Young Jae’s eyes widened a bit before he smiled, deepening the kiss a bit before..
“Young Jae. Come on now, wake up.” (DH) Young Jae’s eyes slowly opened as he quickly made eye contact with a smiling Daehyun. “Ahh... my princess had to wake up by a kiss! I think I’ll do that more often.” (DH)
“H-huh.?” (YJ) Pushing himself up away from the car door, he yawned a bit as he finally realized that he was in the car. So.. that place had been a dream? Young Jae had kind of hoped that he really did live there but... he would rather have his memories of his entire life rather than living in a pretty place the rest of his life. “S-Sorry... I-I’m awake now.” (YJ)
“Come on. We’re at the grocery store now.” (DH) Young Jae slowly nodded as he opened the car door and stepped out of the car. Closing the car door, he looked around before his eyes landed on Jessica, whom was currently picking out a cart by the store. Young Jae heard the car beep once before an arm wrapped around his waist and began to pull him towards the store. “What are you planning on making?” (DH)
“Um..” (YJ) Young Jae was still caught up in that dream. It had felt so real, looked so vivid, and yet... it really was just a dream. Maybe one day, he would be able to live in a place like that. For now though, he had to keep his mind on the task at hand as he began running various dishes through his head. “Um.. It’s a surprise!” (YJ)
Daehyun chuckled as he looked at Young Jae, whom turned and smiled at him. “A surprise, huh? Well alright. As long as it’s a good surprise, then I’ll be happy.” (DH)
With a nod, the pair joined up with Jessica before the three of them made their way into the store.
[[ My Own Thoughts:
Mwaha >3<..
A glimpse into the future maybe?
Or was it really just a dream *-*...
Who knows >3< ~
And yea..
I did skip the rest of the cruise.
There wouldn't have been much to type out.
It would have been the same thing every day basically ;;..
Anyway, YAY
Almost Christmas in the USA >3<..
Christmas in other parts of the world..
But yea..
What did everyone get x3?
I already know what I got ._.
Did anyone get a present for a special someone >3
I know I did >3<..
... Though it's not done yet. -/cry-..
i hope I finish it soon >3<..
Comments are loved!
I like talking to everyone >3<..
Cause I'm a lonely person ;;
But I do also like seeing what everyone thinks. x3 ]]
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Thank you!
My computer died ;;... Updates are going to be slower now >.


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Chapter 66: Awwe! ITS OVER?! I cant believe it! At first i thought that 66 chapters is so long but now i want more! This is an amazing story!! Im crying.. anyway i cant believe its done! Thank you for writing this authornim! <3
Chapter 47: Jongup is so innocent... poor child bless your poor soul
Chapter 43: Why is Jongup like this? 'Pika-pi.' Really? My heart hurts. I can imagine him saying it in a cute voice.. TT
He's so adorable.
Thanks a lot Woohyun. :/
Chapter 24: Daehyun is me. Me is Daehyun.
Never turn down free food.
Chapter 23: Ahhh! I hope their plans wont succeed
Chapter 22: How dare you violate Youngjae, Woohyun?! Im shook
Chapter 13: I love Sungyeol XD he's so adorable
Chapter 27: I'm pretty sure I saw this comming...I just cant handdle, my tears are rolling over and I'm really sad for everything!! :(
Chapter 24: I still don't want to be happy because if I do, when the really bad things happens I'm going to be crying all along the entire chapters ahead :(