
I Love You, Just Like This
(DH) - Daehyun speaking
(SY) - Sooyoung speaking
(YJ) - Young Jae speaking
(YA) - Yoona speaking
(L) - Myungsoo speaking
(Y) - Yuri speaking
“How are you going to ask him?” (DH)
“I’ll seduce him, of course!” (SY) Sooyoung pulled her compact power from her purse, opening it up as she used the mirror to apply whatever make up she needed to put on. After all, she wanted to look as seductive as possible!
“You know, make up isn’t allowed at school.” (DH) Sooyoung continued applying her make up, saying something that wasn’t understandable whatsoever as she powdered the skin between her nose and mouth.
“It would be better if I just asked him.” (DH) Sooyoung closed her compact powder in a bit of anger as she glared at Daehyun before putting any make up she had out back into her bag.
“I can do this, Daehyun! Not all boys are gay for you, no matter how cute you are! Look at Yongguk.” (SY) She got up from her seat as she quickly began walking. Daehyun quickly got to his feet as he followed close behind her.
“What does being gay have to do with anything?!” (DH)
“Because it seems like you actually like all the guys at school!” (SY)
“Aish.. this girl. Where did you come up with that theory?!” (DH)
“I don’t know! Just let me do this.” (SY)
Sooyoung stopped once both feet were planted within the cafeteria. She looked around, her hawk-like eyes scanning the area as if she was looking for her next prey. Nearby onlookers were looking over in our direction, all talking amongst themselves. Daehyun couldn’t help but feel as if they a disaster was going to take place. Then again, Sooyoung didn’t usually make an event too bad.
Sooyoung’s eyes quickly widened as a flirtatious smile instantly came across her face. She quickly bee-lined past various tables and students before abruptly coming to a stop and planting her bottom in the seat next to Myungsoo. Daehyun had followed close by, quietly sitting behind Sooyoung before slightly waving at Young Jae. Young Jae turned red as he looked down a bit before sheepishly waving back.
“OPAPAPAPAAAA~!” (SY) Sooyoung had used a pretty high pitched voice when saying that in an attempt to sound cute. Instead, she ended up sounding like a drunkard. Myungsoo had already been staring at Sooyoung the second she basically crash landed in the seat. His eyes widened a bit, filling with a bit of worry as he hesitantly pointed at himself. Myungsoo was hoping that she didn’t mean him.
“Yes, you! Silly oppa~!” (SY) Sooyoung giggled as she lightly pushed Myungsoo. He looked around, trying to find answers that didn’t involve looking at Sooyoung. Once his eyes didn’t find those answers, they focused back onto Sooyoung. He silently prayed that this would be over quickly. “Oppa ! I neeeed you!” (SY)
Myungsoo’s eyes widened even more as he slowly slid closer to Young Jae, if that was even possible. His back was basically up against Young Jae’s arm by now while Myungsoo’s hand was searching around before finally grabbing onto Young Jae’s thigh. This was basically his silent way of asking for help, but.. Young Jae had no idea how to help at this point. Sooyoung quietly began sliding closer to Myungsoo, but Myungsoo shook his head in an attempt to keep her at bay.
“But OPPAAAA~! I REALLY need you!” (SY) Sooyoung pouted as she lowered her head a bit. She brought fists up to her cheeks as she looked up through continously batting eyelids. This didn’t really have the desired effect that she had hoped for, however.
Behind Sooyoung, Daehyun was quietly laughing as the scene continued. Could he help it? Yongguk and Sooyoung were just no good at aegyo. Heck, he could do a better job at it than Sooyoung. Of course.. he couldn't help but feel a small pinch of jealousy when he continued to see how close Myungsoo was to Young Jae. His attention soon turned as he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Yoona’s face, looking at Sooyoung with both curiosity and disgust.
“What is Sooyoung... doing?” (YA) Daehyun smirked as he turned his attention back to Sooyoung, whom was now turning left and right in a whiney type of motion.
“She’s trying to get Myungsoo to join our dance team.” (DH)
“Oh, is that it? She’ll never get him to join that way..” (YA) Yoona got up from her seat as she walked around and placed a hand on Sooyoung’s shoulders. Sooyoung stopped her attempt at aegyo as she looked up at Yoona. “Sooyoung, let me try.” (YA)
Sooyoung’s eyebrows furrowed as she pouted and crossed her arms. It seemed as if she wasn’t going to let Yoona try, but she soon got to her feet angrily, stomping over to the seat that Yoona have been occupying not that long ago. Yoona smiled a bit before sitting down and looking at the mortified Myungsoo.
“Myungsoo-sshi. Please don’t mind Sooyoung. She... means well.” (YA) She gave a quick look to Sooyoung before focusing on Myungsoo once more. At least by now, Myungsoo had been able to calm down a bit since he was facing someone.. well, normal. “We just wanted to know if you would join our dance group.” (YA)
“.. I... went through that torture for a reason like that..?” (L)
“YAH! I AM CUTE!” (SY) Yoona quickly turned to Sooyoung and hushed her, producing a string of mumbles from Sooyoung.
“I’ll join.. if she never does what she just did.. ever again.” (L) Myungsoo knew that it probably sounded mean, but he didn’t care. What Sooyoung just did was just plain mortifying and he didn’t want to see it happen ever again.
“Deal!” (YA) Yoona quickly took a firm hold of Myungsoo’s hand and shook it before he could give it a second thought. After all, if Myungsoo thought on it a little longer, he might end up rejecting them instead.
“YAH! What do you mean ‘deal’?! I neve-” (SY) Sooyoung’s ranting was soon muffled by Daehyun, whom had quickly covered with one of his hands while the other hand held onto the back of her head to keep her from getting free. Daehyun turned to the others and quickly gave a nervous chuckle.
“Don’t mind her. She hasn’t taken her medication yet.” (DH) Sure, he used the same excuse with Jessica earlier this morning, but he didn’t care. Even though Sooyoung’s mouth was currently muffled, Sooyoung continued talking angrily. Sadly, no one semed to be paying any attention to her.
“So, what’s this dance group for?” (L)
“A dance competition. It’s in three months.” (DH) Daehyun finally let go of Sooyouing, whom crossed her arms in frustration. Yoona only sighed as she sat there, listening to the conversation. As long as Sooyoung didn’t attempt something again, she could just sit there nicely.
“How many people are needed in the group?” (L)
“We have a full group, five total. Me, you, Yoona, Sooyoung, and Yongguk.” (DH)
“I see..” (L) Myungsoo went quiet before he turned back to his food and continued eating. Quickly sensing the awkwardness, Young Jae quickly tried to think of something to say.
“D-Daehyun!” (YJ) Eyes instantly turned to Young Jae. He tried his best to ignore it, but he could instantly feel himself start to sweat. The worse part of it all was that, the only thing he could think of to say... was already said.
“I.. uh...” (YJ) Young Jae was mentally freaking out. He could come up with answers to equations, find out what the components in a mixture is, and heck, he could even speak four different languages fluently! Yet, when it came to actually starting and holding a conversation, Young Jae was just no good at it. Myungsoo looked at his friend, fully understanding the predicament that he was in as he looked over at Daehyun.
“He wants to know if you want to hang out with us today.” (L) They were supposed to go to see Himchan since he wasn’t feeling well and had ended up going home early today. Sure, Himchan didn’t seem to like Daehyun, but maybe if Daehyun came over to see him, it would help get him onto Himchan’s good side. Who knows?
“Sure! Oh, but Myungsoo. We need to see your dance moves along with you, Yoona. Would that be fine before we leave school?” (DH) Yoona perked up a bit at the mention of her name and nodded happily. Myungsoo thought about it for a moment though. It probably wouldn’t hurt, especially since they were going to show up at Himchan’s house unannounced anyway.
“Sure, okay. Where do we meet after school?” (L)
“The dance studio. That’s where we’ll meet every Monday and Wednesday if you two pass.” (DH) They would meet more often, but the ballet club has Tuesdays and Thursdays. Friday is an option also, but who would want to spend a Friday afternoon at school? At least, that was Daehyun’s opinion on it.
“C-Can.. I come?” (YJ) Daehyun looked over at Young Jae, seeing the uncertainty in his face. He smiled a bit before nodding.
“Sure! You can come. Do you dance?” (DH) Young Jae thought for a moment before slowly shaking his head. “Well, maybe I can teach you some time.” (DH)
Daehyun winked a bit, causing Young Jae to turn a bit red as he slowly nodded. Both Myungsoo and Sooyoung were smiling, though Sooyoung was smiling a bit too widely for comfort. She must have noticed the blush on Young Jae’s face, considering the fact that she was sitting behind Daehyun. Sooyoung slapped Daehyun’s shoulder before giggling a little bit.
“Oh, Daehyun! You’re such a flirt!” (SY) Daehyun turned to face Sooyoung, a bit of a confused look mixed with a bit of embarrassment.
“What are you talking about? I was just offering to teach Young Jae how to dance!” (DH)
“Yea.. but you winked at Young Jae.” (L) Myungsoo chuckled a bit, causing Daehyun to turn to look at Myungsoo in an attempt to glare. Luckily, Myungsoo was looking down at his food, so he didn’t see Daehyun’s glare whatsoever.
“Daehyun! We know that you like Young Jae, so admit it already!” (SY)
“Oh.. uh.. look at the time! Gotta get to class before it starts again!” (DH) Daehyun quickly got up from his seat and fled from the scene. Myungsoo chuckled a bit as he looked at his watch. It was still a bit early to be leaving the cafeteria to get to class, so it was quite obvious to Myungsoo why Daehyun had left. Everyone else though.. seemed a bit clueless.
“Is it really that late?” (SY) Sooyoung pouted as she turned to the other three. Young Jae scratched his head a bit before he looked up at the clock on the wall.
“Maybe he just wanted to get to class on time.” (YJ)
“Not exactly..” (L) Everyone turned to Myungsoo, hoping to get an answer out of him. Sadly, he only sat there with a smirk as he finished his food and got up from his seat to throw his garbage away.
School finished without a hitch, though Yongguk didn’t come back to class for the rest of the day. Daehyun and Sooyoung were both worried, but they decided to drop the subject for now. After all, Yongguk can handle himself. He did know how to fight if necessary. At least.. that was the only thing that kept them content with not knowing Yongguk’s presence. Once Yoona joined up with them, they began making their way to the dance studio before a figure made herself stick out quite a bit.
Yuri, the girl well known for her constant smiles and happiness, twirled around the hallways as she stopped every now and then to greet various people. After one last turn, her eyes landed on Sooyoung and Yoona. She smiled happily as she tip toed her way over to the trio before giving one last spin and gracefully standing on the ground firmly.
“Hello fellow friends! I am so very happy to see you all!” (Y) This was actually a normal occurrence for Yuri. She is one of the many ballerinas in the ballet club, though because of her cheery attitude, she tends to shine the brightest when dancing. Luckily for Daehyun, Sooyoung, and Yoona, they’ve known Yuri for a while and thus.. are actually used to the way that Yuri acts.
“Yuri! Do you wanna come with us? We’re heading to the dance studio.” (YA) Yuri thought for a moment as she placed a pondering finger on her chin. She looked up at the ceiling with a look that showed her immense thinking before looking at the trio and smiling.
“Sure! What are you guys going to do there?” (Y)
“We’re going to see if Yoona and Myungsoo can dance.” (DH) Yuri pouted a bit, crossing her arms as she slowly shook her head in a disapproving way towards Daehyun.
“Of course they can dance! Yoona is a great ballet dancer and Myungsoo must be a really great dancer if you’re going to audition him!” (Y) Daehyun rubbed the back of his head as he thought about it for a moment. Ballet? He knew that Yoona was a guitarist, but he didn’t know that Yoona did ballet. He just knew that Sooyoung said that Yoona was a good dancer. As much as ballet was a nice way of dance, he didn’t necessarily know whether or not it would be good enough for the competition.
“Well.. okay. We still have to see how it goes.” (DH) Yuri nodded a bit before she her heels and the entire group began walking down the halls once more.
“Hey Young Jae..” (L) Young Jae turned to face Myungsoo as they packed their things up once class was over.
“What is it?” (YJ) Myungsoo turned to look at Young Jae. His eyes traced the male up and down as he ran over what he was going to say in his head.
“I have a plan.” (L) Myungsoo smirked a bit as he came closer to Young Jae. Young Jae attempted to move back, but the table had got in his way and he only ended up sitting on top of it. Myungsoo didn’t seem to care though as their legs now touched and he was now moving the upper half of his body ever so closely. Young Jae leaned back, using his arms to keep himself from falling backwards, but he only froze the second Myungsoo took a hold of his chin. That smirk stayed on his face as he leaned in closely, just mere inches away from lips touching. Young Jae could only stare with wide eyes as his face instantly became red.
“W-W-W-W-What are you doing?!” (YJ) Myungsoo’s smirk turned into a smile as his fingers slowly slid off of his chin and he pulled himself away. He turned and grabbed his bag before looking at Young Jae once more. The flustered male could only stare, still waiting for an answer from his best friend.
“That’s my plan. When we see Daehyun, we’re going to make him jealous.” (L) Young Jae’s eyes widened a bit. Myungsoo chuckled as he soon began walking, causing Young Jae to quickly hop off of his desk, grab his bag, and give chase. Young Jae slowed down a bit once he caught up to his friend.
“W-What do you mean make him jealous?” (YJ) Myungsoo only chuckled again as he placed a hand on top of Young Jae’s head and pulled him down a bit before he began walking faster. Young Jae quickly quickened his pace as he attempted to fix his hair. “Aren’t you going to answer my question?” (YJ)
“You’ll just have to wait and see.” (L) Young Jae didn’t understand whatsoever what he meant by that, but he knew he could trust his friend. Myungsoo has always had Young Jae’s best interests at heart, so it had to mean that he had a good plan in mind.
“Hey! You’re here!” (DH) Myungsoo and Young Jae both gave a small smile as they bowed before fully entering the room. “You can set your things over there.” (DH)
Daehyun pointed over to a corner that was currently occupied by various other bags and jackets that littered the area. Myungsoo and Young Jae both took their bags off and placed it off to the side alongside everything else. Of course, Myungsoo took his coat off before walking over to the middle where Daehyun and Yoona were standing while Young Jae sat off to the side with Sooyoung and Yuri.
“Okay. Do you want to do a cover dance or freestyle?” (DH) Daehyun felt like it was probably best to give them that option. After all, if the cover dance is on point, then that meant that they could learn the dance. If they did freestyle, well that just showed that they were a good dancer with or without a set choreography. Either way, it would show their ability to dance.
They both stood there, thinking for a moment before Yoona finally decided on which one to go with. “I’ll do a cover.” (YA)
“Okay. If you both know the song, then you can both do the cover if you want.” (DH)
“Is that alright with you, Yoona-sshi?” (L) Yoona looked over at Myungsoo and nodded happily. She didn’t mind at all if she danced alongside someone else. If they were going to dance as a group, then what better way to get along better than to audition together with the same dance and song?
“Okay. So I’ll let you two decide on a song or two.” (DH) As Myungsoo and Yoona began talking about which song to do, Daehyun made his way over to the three that were currently sitting off to the side. “Hey.” (DH)
“OPPA! Young Jae says that he can dance too!” (SY)
“I-I didn’t!” (YJ) Young Jae turned a bit red as he looked down, rubbing the back of his head a bit. He said that he had done a few covers before, but he couldn’t dance as well as Myungsoo or any of the other dancers in this room for that matter.
“Oh, but if you could.. that would just make you that much more attractive.” (DH) Daehyun squatted down in front of Young Jae, lifting Young Jae’s chin with a single finger. Young Jae turned red as he stared into Daehyun’s eyes before Sooyoung gave a small cough.
“Stop flirting and just go out already!” (SY) Daehyun, realizing what he was doing, quickly pulled his hand away and stood back up again. He still couldn't believe that he had just said what he said.
“I-I’m going to go see if they’re ready.” (DH) Daehyun turned and made his way back to the duo in the middle. Sooyoung smiled as she clasped her hands together. She could tell quite easily now that Daehyun clearly likes Young Jae. He just didn’t know how to show it. Or at least, that’s what she saw anyway.
“So, are you two ready?” (DH)
“Yea! We’ve decided to do Gee by Soh Nyuh Shi Dae.” (YA) Daehyun rubbed the back of his head, looking between the two. Yoona was smiling happily and Myungsoo seemed indifferent by it. However.. there was a problem with the song choice.
“Gee is a little... too simple. Isn’t there anything else you could do?” (DH) Simple choreography was alright, but it wasn’t going to win them the dance competition. Okay, so they weren’t going to have simple choreography, but it didn’t portray their dance abilities all that well. If they were singing, then yea.. it would be a perfect time to have simple choreography. Sadly, they weren’t entering a singing competition. Although.. there is one coming up a couple months after the dance competition..
“What about Before the Dawn by Infinite?” (L) Yoona turned to Myungsoo and slapped his arm as she pouted.
“Myungsoo-sshi! I already told you that I don’t know that dance!” (YA) Myungsoo turned to look at Yoona once more. His deep brown eyes seemed to unnerve Yoona a bit before he gave a small smile.
“Okay. Then how about we just do different songs?” (L) Yoona thought for a moment before slowly nodding. Since they couldn’t really decide on a specific song that they both knew, then it was probably best to separate for the time being.
The two had performed two different songs with Yoona going first. Yoona had performed Into the New World, which not only showed off her graceful charms, but also her powerful movements and ability to keep up with the songs. It also showed her flexibility when her kick proved to be able to knock out any one of them there. Myungsoo had showed his strong charisma and precision through Before the Dawn. No one wanted to look away and he just seemed to keep them wanting more, even when the song had ended up.
Getting up from his seat, Daehyun smiled happily at the two. “Okay! You’re both definitely in.” (DH)
Yoona, Yuri, and Sooyoung all jumped and cheered with one another while Young Jae went to go congratulate Myungsoo. However, Myungsoo had a different plan in mind. Pushing himself off from the wall, he took a hold of Young Jae’s chin the second he was within range and slowly lifted his gaze up to his. With a smirk, he slowly moved in closer to Young Jae’s face. Daehyun, whom just happened to be looking at this time, went wide eyed as he tried to contemplate what this meant.
“YAH! What are you doing?!” (DH) Myungsoo and Young Jae both turned to look at Daehyun. Young Jae’s face showed both his surprise and embarrassment while Myungsoo only smirked and moved his hands away from Young Jae’s chin.
“Nothing. Just getting his attention.” (L) Myungsoo chuckled as he held his smirk, slowly making his way to Daehyun. He stood next to Daehyun, speaking in a voice only Daehyun can hear. “Jealous? You better take your chance before it’s too late.” (L)
Myungsoo chuckled once more before he began making his way to his things. Daehyun’s eyebrows furrowed as his gaze followed after Myungsoo. He turned to look back at Young Jae, who slowly turned to look at him before Young Jae’s eyes widened a bit before looking away. Daehyun just.. didn’t understand why he was feeling like this. Was he really jealous of what Myungsoo just did to Young Jae?
“Come on friends! We should be happy, not angry!” (Y) Yuri jumped forward in front of Daehyun’s gaze, her smile seeming to be a bit infectious as Daehyun found himself slowly trying to stop himself from smiling. “Don’t fight it! Just let it out!” (Y)
Daehyun couldn’t help but let his smile out as he looked down a bit. “Okay. So... uh, where to now?” (DH)
“Himchan’s house!” (YJ) That had probably been the least hesitant answer that Daehyun has ever heard from Young Jae. Young Jae had began making his way over to his things when almost everyone else had, but Daehyun had quickly put an arm around him and pulled him off to the side. Young Jae turned yet another shade of red as he made sure to keep himself from falling over. Once they were away from the others, he leaned down a little to where he was closer to Young Jae.
“Hey.. uh... what’s your relationship to Myungsoo?” (DH) Young Jae looked up at Daehyun, a bit curious as to why he was asking. Daehyun himself wasn’t entirely sure, but he just felt like he needed to know. “W-Well?” (DH)
“H-He.. He’s just my friend. Why?” (YJ) Daehyun let out a small sigh of relief as he let go of Young Jae and smiled as they both stood up straight.
“Oh, no reason. I was just wondering. Let’s get going.” (DH) Before Young Jae could really say anything, Daehyun had already turned and left to go get his things. Young Jae scratched the side of his head as he tried to piece together what had just happened. His greatest hope though, was that Daehyun was actually interested in him. Of course.. it seemed like it was a rather long shot. Had Myungsoo planned for this to happen, though?
“So, are we all heading to Himchan’s house?” (DH) Daehyun looked around and from what he could tell, they all seemed like they were all in agreement. He smiled a bit before he turned to Young Jae and Myungsoo, though he still couldn’t help but feel just a little bitter towards Myungsoo. “Okay. Lead the way.” (DH)
Young Jae nodded happily as he turned and began walking. Myungsoo turned and quickly gave a swift slap on Young Jae’s bottom, causing Young Jae to jump and stare at Myungsoo with red quickly seeping onto his face. Myungsoo chuckled, walking past Young Jae and taking the lead. Daehyun couldn’t help but feel a bit.. annoyed at seeing Myungsoo doing such things to Young Jae. Daehyun made his way over to Young Jae, placing his arm around his shoulders and pulling him along.
“W-W-What are you doing?” (YJ)
“What? Can’t I just rest my arm here? You’re really comfortable.” (DH) Daehyun gave a small smile as he looked into Young Jae’s widened eyes. Young Jae quickly looked away though, looking forward as he slowly nodded.
“O-Okay.. I-I guess it’s alright..” (YJ)
At least two of the girls were completely confused as to what was happening. Sooyoung, however, could see perfectly what was happening. She hoped that she knew what Myungsoo was trying to do, mostly because she had come up with the same kind of plan. Of course.. it wouldn’t have worked if she was the one doing it, since she’s female and it really did seem like Young Jae like males. Still, she was glad that Myungsoo was trying to get Daehyun jealous. Either that, or this was going to turn into one of those drama’s where two guys are after the same person.
“How far is Himchan’s house? I wanna go eat after-wards!” (SY)
“It’s not far.” (L) Myungsoo didn’t turn around, but he did raise his voice so that everyone else behind him could hear him. Yoona smiled a bit as she turned to look at Sooyoung and Yoona.
“Hey, should we bring Himchan-sshi along also?” (YA)
“Yes! Everything is much more fun with multiple people!” (Y)
“But didn’t Myungsoo-sshi say that he was sick?” (YA)
“Well, we’ll just have to wait and see!” (SY) Daehyun only sighed as he continued listening to the three girls behind him talking. His attention soon turned back to Young Jae as a small smile came onto his face. He still didn’t understand, but he did like holding Young Jae this way.
[[ My Own Thoughts:
A bit.. dragging ish? I think anyway..
I also didn't really like this chapter..
Buuut.. There it is. x3
I hope you are all enjoying this fanfic so far >.<.. ]]
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My computer died ;;... Updates are going to be slower now >.


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Chapter 66: Awwe! ITS OVER?! I cant believe it! At first i thought that 66 chapters is so long but now i want more! This is an amazing story!! Im crying.. anyway i cant believe its done! Thank you for writing this authornim! <3
Chapter 47: Jongup is so innocent... poor child bless your poor soul
Chapter 43: Why is Jongup like this? 'Pika-pi.' Really? My heart hurts. I can imagine him saying it in a cute voice.. TT
He's so adorable.
Thanks a lot Woohyun. :/
Chapter 24: Daehyun is me. Me is Daehyun.
Never turn down free food.
Chapter 23: Ahhh! I hope their plans wont succeed
Chapter 22: How dare you violate Youngjae, Woohyun?! Im shook
Chapter 13: I love Sungyeol XD he's so adorable
Chapter 27: I'm pretty sure I saw this comming...I just cant handdle, my tears are rolling over and I'm really sad for everything!! :(
Chapter 24: I still don't want to be happy because if I do, when the really bad things happens I'm going to be crying all along the entire chapters ahead :(