
I Love You, Just Like This
(YJ) - Young Jae speaking
(WH) - Woohyun speaking
(SY) - Sooyoung speaking
(DH) - Daehyun speaking
(BY) - Yongguk speaking
(J) - Jessica speaking
(YA) - Yoona speakig
Daehyun laid in his bed, staring blankly at the empty spot that Young Jae had once occupied whenever they were in bed together. He didn’t want to go to school today and Jessica seemed to understand. What happened yesterday? Why did Young Jae doubt him? Was.. it his fault? Was he really the one at fault? But.. he did nothing wrong. At least, he didn’t think he did anything wrong. Everything he did was to protect Young Jae and yet... it just seemed to backfire. His world felt like it was falling apart and yet, everything out there was still moving as if nothing wrong was happening.
He hated feeling like this. Without Young Jae, nothing else mattered. At least if his leg wasn’t broken, he would have tried to take his mind off of things. He could have tried to work harder and maybe, hopefully.. find some sort of solution to this mess. Daehyun did think better when he was dancing, but now.. he just laid in his bed, wishing that fight had never happened.
Looking up a bit, he spotted th charms that had been given to him by Young Jae. He stared, long and hard before he pushed himself up into a sitting position. Daehyun was angry, but he was still depressed. He didn’t know what to do anymore. He was.. lost. Getting to his feet, he pulled his crutches to himself as he made his way over to the charms that still hung on his jewelry display. He didn’t really have much jewelry to begin with, so these charms really did stick out.
He took a hold of two of them. The one that helped with love and the one that helped with happiness. He looked from one charm to the other, but he felt no energy from them. He didn’t really feel any different holding them and yet... he could still feel Young Jae through them. He bit back tears that tried to force their way through, but he quickly lost that battle as he soon fell to on knee, holding the charms tightly and bringing them close to his chest. He really wished that these charms would work, these charms that his love had given him. He really wished that... Young Jae would trust him.
Young Jae was faring no better than Daehyun. He, too, had not wanted to go to school today. After coming home last night, he had fallen asleep rather quickly. He didn’t bother unpacking his bags nor did he want to. He laid there, crying silently as he held his blanket close to him. His grip tightened every now and then as he continued to think of Daehyun. Laying in bed like this felt empty without Daehyun’s arm around him, without Daehyun’s gentle breathing, without Daehyun’s gentle heartbeat. Last night.. he had never seen Daehyun so angry at him before. He had never heard such scary sounds from Daehyun or seen him act in such a way.
Was it his fault? Was he at fault for not believing in Daehyun, for not trusting him like Daehyun said to do? He didn’t know, he really didn’t know anymore. He wanted to trust him, he wanted to believe Daehyun’s words, but.. just seeing Daehyun happy with someone else really hurt him. He felt betrayed and yet, he felt like he was the one who was wrong. How was he supposed to figure this out? How was he supposed to sort through this? Young Jae pulled a pillow over his head, closing his eyes tightly as he shook his head. He didn’t want to feel this way anymore. He didn’t want to have to deal with all of this. This was too much, just too much!
“There they are!” (YA) Yoona and Sooyoung both looked over the edge of the building, seeing that Tiffany and Woohyun were currently on their way to their usual hideout. Sooyoung knew Tiffany’s methods since they had once been friends back in elementary and middle school. This was probably the only reason why she knew where their hideout was. The chuckled quietly as the ducked down a bit, trying to remain as hidden as possible.
Sooyoung knew quite well that Tiffany was the type to skip class every now and then. Although it meant they themselves had to skip school, it was worth it. After all, it was finally time they paid the group back for what they did to Daehyun and what they tried to do to them at the mall. “Just a little more now.” (SY)
They grinned as Tiffany opened the door to their headquarters and.. BAM! A water balloon filled with who knows what, was shot straight into Tiffany’s face and also managed to get a bit of Woohyun as well. The duo quickly ducked as they burst into laughter the second they heard Tiffany’s screaming. They quickly high-fived before they began slowly walking while crouched down. Okay, they didn’t really have to remain crouched since they were on the roof of a building, but they were being ‘secret agents’ after all.
Daehyun pulled himself together, slowly wiping away at his tears once he was calm. He placed the two charms into his pajama pocket as he made his way out into the living room. His mood dropped a bit as he finally noticed the broken furniture that he had broken out of rage yesterday. Everything was a blur to him and yet, he felt like he remembered everything. Jessica had taken a day off work to clean everything and she had done a good job with the majority of the apartment.
Daehyun let out a small sigh. He always causes trouble, especially for his Noona. He hated being like this. He hated himself for always hurting the ones he loved. Maybe... it would be best if he wasn’t around. Daehyun looked over at the glass doors that led to the balcony, standing there for a few seconds before he made his way over to the doors. Slowly sliding them open, he stepped out onto the balcony and closed the doors behind him.
He walked over to the edge and leaned against the railing. Daehyun looked down at the ground, being about six or seven stories up. A drop from here would end it all.. right..? If he jumped, he didn’t have to worry about all of this anymore. Everyone would probably be better off if he wasn’t around. They wouldn’t be getting hurt because of him and yet... he.. he just couldn’t do it. Suicide was something he just couldn’t do. It didn’t solve anything whatsoever. It was just a way to run away from all of the responsibilities that he had to be responsible of. No.. he can’t run, not now but.. he just didn’t know what to do.
Daehyun sunk himself into a nearby chair, leaning his crutches against the table. He stared blankly at the ground until he saw the glass doors open, revealing Jessica with a plate of warm food and a cup of what he assumed was hot chocolate. She was even holding a blanket, which he would gladly accept if it was offered to him. She smiled as she stepped out onto the balcony, placing both the plate and the cup next to Daehyun before closing the door behind her. Jessica then pulled the other chair as close as possible to Daehyun before sitting down in it and placing the blanket over the both of them.
“Hey. How are you doing?” (J) Daehyun remained quiet as he thought for a moment. How was he doing? Well, he was sure that he was doing a lot better than last night. At least today, he wasn’t going around destroying everything. But.. he still felt just as bad as he did last night, if not worse. No.. he definitely felt worse than last night.
“I.. I don’t know.. I thought about jumping, if that answers your question.” (DH)
“Yah, Daehyun. Don’t joke like that! Anyway, eat and have something warm inside of you. It’s snowing and you’re out here in your pajama’s. Plus.. the food will help you think better.” (J)
“Not if it’s your cooking..” (DH)
“Yah.” (J) Daehyun cracked a small smile, but it quickly dwindled away. Jessica’s own smile had disappeared. She hated seeing her younger brother like this, but it’s not like she could magically repair her little brother’s broken heart. All she could really do was support him as best as she possibly could. “Yah, Daehyun. Tell me what happened while you eat.” (J)
Daehyun slowly nodded as he sat up, wrapping the blanket around him a bit better as he picked up his chopsticks and began eating. He ate slowly, but the warmth of the food just seemed to bring him to the verge of tears once more. Not because it was bad or anything, but because it was warm. Did he deserve to feel warm? Did he deserve to feel this tenderness from his older sister? After all he’s done.. does he deserve to be happy with Young Jae once again? He placed the chopsticks down as he swallowed whatever piece of food he had placed in his mouth before he wiped at the tears that were threatening to fall.
“Noona... I.. I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t know if it’s my fault.. I.. yesterday, I went on a date.. not with Young Jae, but with a guy named Sunggyu. But.. I only did it to protect Young Jae, I really did. Sunggyu he.. he said that if I went on a date with him, he would call his group off from attacking everyone else, from.. hurting Young Jae. I.. I had to do what Sunggyu told me to do or he would call off the deal so.. I.. I had to.. well.. make out with him. I didn’t like it, I really didn’t noona! But.. when I got home.. Young Jae he.. he seemed to know that I had to do something like that.. and he.. he...” (DH)
Daehyun took a moment to keep himself from crying. It was already hard enough not to break down while he was speaking. He couldn’t break down, not know. He’s already cried so much. He didn’t want his older sister to continue worrying, but.. he really needed answer. “He.. Young Jae.. he... he said that he didn’t trust me anymore... He said that I looked happy during the date.. Noona I.. I lost it. I screamed.. and even kicked Young Jae out of the apartment! Noona.. what am I supposed to do..? Was I.. was the one who was wrong?” (DH)
Daehyun placed his elbows on the table as he hid his face in the palms of his hands. He couldn’t keep a strong front after all. He couldn’t keep himself from crying as the tears slid down his cheeks. Jessica sat up as she placed a hang on Daehyun’s back, slowly rubbing it. They sat silently as Jessica ran over what Daehyun said over and over in her head. From what she heard, it sounded like they were both at fault. Though... Daehyun had only gone on that date and had to kiss Sunggyu to protect Young Jae. As for Young Jae, he should have trusted Daehyun no matter what, but... the more she thought about it, the more she felt a bit uneasy. “I don’t know what you’re supposed to do but for now.. come back inside. You’re going to get sick..” (J)
Daehyun slowly nodded as he wiped away the tears once more. The duo got up from their seat and Jessica quickly picked up the food and hot cocoa while Daehyun went inside. He sat at the dining table as Jessica brought the food and hot cocoa back into the kitchen to heat it up. Daehyun stared once more, trying to think but.. he found it too hard to figure it out. Should he apologize? Should he be the one to tell Young Jae that he was sorry? But.. that didn’t mean that Young Jae was going to forgive him again.
How was he supposed to earn Young Jae’s trust back?
Young Jae shot up out of his bed before getting to his feet. He shut his mouth as tightly as possible, even holding it with his hands, as he ran. He pushed through doors before kneeling in front of the now opened toilet before throwing up. The stress was starting to get him. It didn’t take long for him to finish before he finally flushed whatever breakfast he had forced himself to eat. He sat there, panting as he stared into the toilet. Tears were forcing their way back out and he didn’t fight it. He didn’t force them back down. He only let them fall. He didn’t care if he made too much noise. The world around him was crashing down and he couldn’t do anything to stop it.
He wanted Daehyun to hold him again, to tell him that it was alright. He wanted Daehyun to kiss him, to caress his cheek, to tell him that he loved him. He wanted Daehyun to smile at him softly, whispering comforting words into his ear. But... it wasn’t happening. Daehyun wasn’t there with him. Daehyun wasn’t going to be able to hold him anymore, to tell him that it was alright, to kiss him, to touch him in the ways that just made him melt. Daehyun.. was going to be mad at him for not trusting him. Daehyun was going to hate him now. There.. was no way that Daehyun would ever love him again.
Young Jae knew that he messed up. He knew that, in the pit of his stomach, Woohyun had set up a trap and.. he fell right for it.
Young Jae wearily got to his feet, pulling himself up to the sink. Turning the handle, he cupped his hands under the running water as he slowly brought it up to his mouth. Little by little, he used the water to rinse his mouth of the foul taste that lingered before he finally washed his face. Turning the faucet off, he lifted his head and looked at himself in the mirror.
His cheeks were red and his eyes were puffy, making it quite evident that he had been crying. He also looked a lot paler than usual. The color in his face seemed completely drained, but otherwise.. there wasn’t any obvious changes to him. It had only been a single night, but.. it still felt like it’s been days, even months since he’s last been with Daehyun.
The warm hearted Daehyun that he still loved.
Young Jae’s eyes widened as he lowered his gaze. He held his palm against his forehead, grabbing at whatever strands of hair were within range of his grip. Daehyun was right. Relationships needed trust and the fact that he questioned Daehyun at all was so stupid of him! But, now.. he’s ruined it. There was no way that Daehyun was going to forgive him. Daehyun was so angry last night. Young Jae never wanted to see that side of Daehyun ever again. He only ever wanted to see a happy, loving Daehyun, but.. what could he do? How could he possibly ever apologize after that night? Daehyun... never wanted to see his face again. Daehyun didn’t ever want to hear his voice.
Tears once again began forming as he slowly slid down to his knees. He pressed the top of his head against the rim of the sink as he allowed himself to fall into his own despair. He needed Daehyun..
Jessica sighed as she looked down at the plate of food that had been barely touched. Even the hot cocoa had only been slightly sipped. Looking over at the couch, she could see that Daehyun had fallen asleep with the blanket snugly wrapped around him. What was she going to do? This was the first time she’s ever seen Daehyun not finish his food, which must mean that it was definitely eating away at him. Though.. she already knew that there wasn’t anything that she CAN do. All that was left, was to wait.
She looked back up at Daehyun as she heard him talking in his sleep. It was both cute and sad, considering that he was dreaming of Young Jae but at he same time.. he was apologizing to him. There had to be something done, right? She just had to get them together again somehow. Pulling out her cell phone, she picked up the chopsticks and began to eat the rest of Daehyun’s food as she began her text.
She wasn’t going to stand around and watch. That just wasn’t her style.
“So you’re all here.” (J) Jessica smiled happily as she looked at the three people that had gathered. Yongguk, Sooyoung, and Myungsoo were definitely the best people to gather around. She had texted Sungyeol as well, but Sungyeol said something about never wanting to see that certain -insert loads of bad language- ruffian. She would get back at him later, but for now, her plan had to come into fruition. “You know why I gathered you all here?” (J)
“No, you just said that it was an emergency and to come here.” (BY)
“Well.. what’s the emergency?” (L)
“Daehyun and Young Jae broke up! That’s the emergency!” (J) As she expected, all three of them had looks of surprises on their faces. Sooyoung’s eyes were definitely the widest though, which was always funny to see. But right now, this wasn’t the time to laugh! “We have to put them back together! I don’t know about Young Jae, but I know that Daehyun is beating himself up for it!” (J)
“Wait wait wait, hold up. What happened?” (BY) Jessica sighed. Taking in a deep breath, Jessica explained as much as she had gathered from Daehyun to which, everyone was completely surprised of course. They seemed to not have known about Daehyun having to go on a date with Sunggyu. Either way, they seemed to not be sure which side to side with meaning, they were probably willing to help them get back together.
“Okay, so.. Myungsoo, you go get Young Jae. Get him all nice and dressed up and bring him to the school building at night. Yongguk, you make sure to drag Daehyun’s out of that apartment and get him all nice looking too. He’s.. a real mess that boy. As for you Sooyoung, you’re going to help me set up the school. Got it?” (J) They all nodded. Sure, they weren’t exactly sure whether this plan was going to work or not, but it seemed like a good idea. Once they were all set, they all separated and went to their intended destinations.
What they didn’t expect, however, was that someone was listening from close by. That certain someone smirked as their own plan soon began to come together.
“Young Jae, get up!” (L) Young Jae looked up at Myungsoo with wide eyes, surprised to see his best friend standing before him. Was school already over? How long had he been sitting here, crying in the bathroom? Myungsoo took a hold of Young Jae’s arm, pulling him up to his feet. Young Jae quickly wiped his eyes before looking down at the ground.
“W-Why are you here..?” (YJ) Young Jae would have asked how Myungsoo got in, but he already knew how. Since they were children, they have always hid a spare key in the potted plant that was out on the front porch. Myungsoo already knew about this key since he was a family friend, so it wasn’t weird whenever they saw Myungsoo inside of their house.
“Tch. Why am I here? This, coming from mister ‘never missed a day even when sick’? What the heck is wrong with you? Look at you! You’re a mess! I guess it’s time to clean you up.” (L) Young Jae’s eyes widened as Myungsoo began pushing him backwards, towards the bathtub. Young Jae instantly turned red as he felt Myungsoo pulling at his clothes, basically attempting to pull them off.
“M-Myungsoo! D-Don’t, P-Please!” (YJ) Young Jae pulled at his clothes, trying to keep them on. Myungsoo stopped, but he kept his hold on Young Jae’s clothes tightly. He looked at Young Jae, the seriousness clear on his face.
“Are you going to be able to clean yourself well if I leave you by yourself?” (L) Young Jae looked at the bathtub as he thought for a moment. He really didn’t feel like showering. In fact, he didn’t feel like doing anything. But if he didn’t do it himself, he was quite well aware that Myungsoo was going to do it for him, and.. he didn’t want anyone else to see him , especially not after that embarrassing moment when Sungyeol walked in on him and..
With a heavy sigh, Young Jae nodded. Myungsoo slowly moved his fingers away before eyeing Young Jae once more. He moved towards the door before giving one last look to Young Jae. “You have half an hour.” (L)
With that, Myungsoo left the bathroom and had closed the door behind him. Young Jae bit his bottom lip as he looked back at the bathtub. Half an hour? That was twenty more minutes than he needed. With a small sigh, he stripped and began his shower.
“Leave me alone..” (DH) Daehyun turned in his spot, his back facing Yongguk. Yongguk rubbed the side of his head, trying to think. How was he going to get Daehyun to get cleaned up? He looked like an absolute mess and he was pretty sure that Jessica wanted him to bathe. Or at least, that’s what he assumed. With no other choice, Yongguk picked up Daehyun bridal style and began walking towards his bedroom. Daehyun, however, was not happy with this and began hitting Yongguk. “YAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” (DH)
“AISH! If I knew you were going to be the most emotional brat ever, I would have never let you enter a relationship! NOW you have to bathe!” (BY) Yongguk placed Daehyun into the bathtub a bit too roughly as he kept Daehyun pinned down. He turned the handle and pulled up on the lever that was on top of the faucet, causing the shower head to explode to life and basically drench Daehyun, whom was still trying to get Yongguk to let go.
“YAH! LET GO!” (DH) Daehyun had to squint his eyes just to keep the water out of his eyes. Finally, he got Yongguk’s hand off of him as he finally pulled himself onto his feet. He glared at Yongguk, whom was standing there with his arms crossed. “What?!” (DH)
“You better clean yourself up.” (BY)
“Why the heck should I?!” (DH)
“Aish.. your temper. I haven’t seen it this bad in years. Because I said so! You wanna go see Young Jae again, right?!” (BY) Daehyun’s face softened as he looked downwards. He crossed his arms, turning his head a bit.
“He doesn’t deserve someone like me.. He should have someone better..” (DH)
“Aish.. You’re really something. Just shower already!” (BY) Daehyun turned to look at Yongguk, his eyebrows furrowing as he hopped forward a bit. Yongguk just didn’t seem to understand him whatsoever! Then again, Yongguk is all happy and such with Himchan. He wouldn’t really ever understand unless he went through the same thing.
“I’m NOT going to shower in front of you!” (DH)
“You want me to clean you myself!?” (BY)
“Aish!” (DH) Daehyun closer the shower curtains. He stared at the outline of Yongguk, whom was still staring back with his arms crossed. “I’M NOT GOING TO SHOWER WITH YOU STARING AT ME!” (DH)
“ARASSEO! I’M STANDING RIGHT OUTSIDE AND YOU BETTER BE DONE IN TEN MINUTES!” (BY) Yongguk then turned, slamming the door shut behind him. Ten minutes?! Daehyun needed at least twenty, maybe even thirty minutes to shower! With an irritated groan, Daehyun pulled off his now soaked clothes before he began to clean himself.
It was now nighttime. Both Young Jae and Myungsoo showed up at the school building. Young Jae cowered behind Myungsoo a bit as he held onto the back of Myungsoo’s shirt. As much as he liked school, he didn’t necessarily like coming here during night. “M-M-Myungsoo.. w-why are we here.. a-at night.. w-where it’s all dark..” (YJ)
“I told you. Sooyoung is having a contest to see who will get scared easily. I told her you would come, so you have to come, alright?” (L) Myungsoo turned to look at Young Jae and gave a small smile. Young Jae smiled nervously before that smile soon faded from his face as he looked back up at the school. Little by little, the pair made their way into the school building.
Once those two were inside, Yongguk and Daehyun finally showed up. Daehyun sighed, silently following Yongguk. All Daehyun had been told was that Young Jae was somewhere in this building. He also said that Young Jae might be in trouble, but then again.. what was Daehyun going to do? It’s not like he could do much with his leg this way anyway. He was basically useless.. only able to cause pain to everyone around him. That’s all he was ever really good at.
Inside the school, Daehyun shivered as he looked around. It was completely dark, save for a few lights from the moonlight that was shining in. There were areas that were clearly blocked off, marking where they basically had to go. Now that he was paying closer attention, he noticed that Yongguk had already started making his way forward. “Y-Yah.. wait for me.” (DH)
“You’re so slow. Hurry up.” (BY)
“Well EXCUSE ME for having a broken leg!” (DH) Yongguk scoffed a bit, but he was smiling. He was not only excited to see Young Jae and Daehyun get back together, but he was looking forward to seeing his friend all tense and scared up. It was funny after all. Soon, the duo came to a cross section. Yongguk made Daehyun continue forward while he went off to the right. He had been a bit suspicious, but Daehyun continued on his route. He felt himself starting to heat up as his heart began racing rapidly. He had to be brave. If he was going to rescue Young Jae, he had to keep going. He had to make it up to him.
He had.. to earn his trust back.
Young Jae and Myungsoo had split ways, leaving Young Jae all alone. He had a single flashlight with him, which Myungsoo seemed to have conveniently brought along with him. Looking here and there, the various creaks and sounds that sounded through the school sent chills down his spine. Bringing a hand up to his charm, he held it tightly as the hand that was currently holding his flashlight shook a bit.
Not only was he a little cold, be he was also mentally unprepared. His mentality was already low because of what happened with Daehyun, and now that he was thrown into a situation like this, he didn’t really know if he would be able to handle a scare if it jumped out at him. He turned around, flashing the flashlight down the hallway he had just gone. Nothing. He turned again, flashing the light down the hallway ahead of him. Still, nothing.
Why was he freaking out like this? He knew that there wasn’t going to be anything jumping out at him. Well, he hoped that nothing would jump out at him. He wasn’t like this at all, but what could he do? Myungsoo had brought him along and now he was stuck in a place like this. He hadn’t even noticed that he had stopped moving until he began telling himself to take it one step at a time. Slowly, he began moving once more. He could have just as easily turned back around and went home, but.. for some reason, it felt like something was telling him to continue moving forward.
He jumped the second he heard a door sliding open. Young Jae flashed his flashlight all over the place, examining each and every door from his frozen spot. Still, nothing. All of the doors were closed! Young Jae didn’t like this one bit. He was freaking him out and yet, he couldn’t do anything about it but keep going. Step by step, inch by inch, he continued to go. He had to keep going, he just had to.
Even when it was starting to get to him, he continued to go. Young Jae’s heart was pounding to the point that he could hear his own heartbeat through his ears. He was shaking horribly, but that may be due to the cold. Young Jae bit his bottom lip, hoping that one way or another, this would all come to an end soon. “Hey y bottom.” (WH)
He froze. That voice. Oh, no no no. Please.. don’t be who he thought it was. He slowly turned around, his eyes widening with fear as he saw Woohyun not that far from him. Woohyun was smiling, but Young Jae didn’t trust that smile. He couldn’t fall for Woohyun’s tricks again. “S-Stay away!” (YJ)
“Why? I just wanted to talk.. maybe get to.. you know, get to know each other a little more on the.. intimate side.” (WH) Woohyun took a step forward, Young Jae taking a step back. They continued this process about three or four times before Woohyun finally stopped and sighed. “You’re making this a lot harder than it has to be.” (WH)
“N-No! S-Stay away from me!” (YJ) Young Jae turned and began running, Woohyun quickly giving chase. Down the halls he went, but he saw no escape. He saw no way of getting away from Woohyun. There had to be a way out, there just had to be! Young Jae quickly grabbed onto the stairs’ railing and tried to head upstairs, since he was on the ground floor. Up the stairs he went, but the second he reached the landing, he felt his leg being pulled and he fell.
He landed roughly, but luckily he had managed to keep himself from sustaining any damage to his face. Though, just as he was about to try and run, he felt himself being flipped onto his back and a body pressing tightly against his. Young Jae turned his head as he held his arms out, trying to keep Woohyun’s head away. Even though he could feel Woohyun’s cold hand digging underneath his clothes and gliding across his smooth skin, he had to try. He had to try and get away.
Tears formed in his eyes as he tried to hit Woohyun with his feet, but he couldn’t do it as well as he hoped. Woohyun had placed a single knee inbetween Young Jae's legs and with that advantage, he placed his other knee there as well, spreading Young Jae's legs and only making it hard for Young Jae to defend himself. He cried out, trying to yell for help and trying to get Woohyun to stop, but Woohyun only advanced, soon pressing his lips against Young Jae’s neck.
Young Jae hoped, prayed.. that Daehyun would save him as his tears began rolling down his face.
[[ My Own Thoughts:
I apologize if you're angry at me for such a thing.. xD ]]
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My computer died ;;... Updates are going to be slower now >.


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Chapter 66: Awwe! ITS OVER?! I cant believe it! At first i thought that 66 chapters is so long but now i want more! This is an amazing story!! Im crying.. anyway i cant believe its done! Thank you for writing this authornim! <3
Chapter 47: Jongup is so innocent... poor child bless your poor soul
Chapter 43: Why is Jongup like this? 'Pika-pi.' Really? My heart hurts. I can imagine him saying it in a cute voice.. TT
He's so adorable.
Thanks a lot Woohyun. :/
Chapter 24: Daehyun is me. Me is Daehyun.
Never turn down free food.
Chapter 23: Ahhh! I hope their plans wont succeed
Chapter 22: How dare you violate Youngjae, Woohyun?! Im shook
Chapter 13: I love Sungyeol XD he's so adorable
Chapter 27: I'm pretty sure I saw this comming...I just cant handdle, my tears are rolling over and I'm really sad for everything!! :(
Chapter 24: I still don't want to be happy because if I do, when the really bad things happens I'm going to be crying all along the entire chapters ahead :(