
I Love You, Just Like This


(YJ) - Young Jae speaking
(DH) - Daehyun speaking
(SY) - Sooyoung speaking
(BY) - Yongguk speaking
(L) - Myungsoo speaking
(YA) - Yoona speaking


He tried to remain as still as possible. During this test, if even a small amount of disturbance came out, he could possibly end up getting into trouble. Heck, he had even left his phone at home just to make sure that it didn’t accidentally go off.

Even so, staying still wasn’t going to help him with this test. There were so many questions, so many categories, that it was overwhelming him. Daehyun didn’t know what to do and despite all of that studying he had done previously, it just seemed as if he was having trouble recalling any of it. This wasn’t exactly looking good for him.

He nearly jumped when he felt a hand press warmly on his back. Daehyun would have turned to see who it was, but he knew that the teacher would have caught him. It wasn’t necessary though. He at least knew that Young Jae was sitting behind him and knowing that Young Jae was supporting him, even now, was helping him calm down.

Closing his eyes, he took in a deep breath before he opened his eyes once more and looked down at his test. Daehyun had to believe that he could pass this test or else he really won’t pass. Plus, he had to make sure to pass just for Young Jae.


The test had really affected Daehyun. Once the test was over, Daehyun was completely worn out. The second he got home, he had practically collapsed onto their bed without bothering to change. He felt brain dead, almost as if all the information he had stored had completely left him now. All he wanted to do was sleep.

“Daehyun..? Are you alright?” (YJ) Daehyun mumbled as he laid there, not even bothering to get up or even say an actual understandable sentence. Young Jae smiled a bit as he closed the door, making his way over to the bed as he eased himself in. He snuggled up to Daehyun, whom had turned to hold him tightly in return. Young Jae smiled happily as he closed his eyes, rubbing his head against Daehyun’s chest before sighing in contempt. “I missed you holding me..” (YJ)

“I held you every night, Young Jae.” (DH) Young Jae opened his eyes as he lifted his head, looking at Daehyun’s face. Daehyun peeked one eye open as he looked up at Young Jae before smiling wearily. “It’s true. I held you whenever you went to sleep.” (DH)

“T-Then.. how did you wake up before me?” (YJ)

“I’ve had practice. Now, come on. Let’s go to sleep. I’m too tired..” (DH) Daehyun closed his eye once more as he breathed calmly. Young Jae nodded, though he couldn’t necessarily be seen at this point. He laid down, repeating his previous position as he matched Daehyun’s breathing. Even if Daehyun did hold him every night, Young Jae preferred it much more whenever Daehyun actually held him while he was awake.


Young Jae slowly opened his eyes once he woke up. He had panicked for a brief moment when he thought his vision was blocked, but once he felt what was in front of him, he let out a sigh of relief as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. Looking around, Young Jae’s eyes landed on the clock and noticed that they had only been sleeping for about a four to five hours.

Looking down at the pillow that had somehow taken Daehyun’s place, he blinked a few times as he finally noticed Daehyun’s clothes on the ground. He turned red as he felt himself already getting . It had been a while since they’ve done.. it and he really wanted to do it with Daehyun already.

Getting himself out of bed, he was about to undress when he finally realized that his clothes were different. When had he changed out of his school uniform? Another question was, why was he dressed in a tuxedo? Well, either way, it was probably best just to leave his clothes on for the time being and look for Daehyun. Maybe Daehyun had planned this.

Just as he turned towards the bedroom door, he noticed the rose petals on the ground. Young Jae blinked a few times before walking up to the door and opening it up. His eyes widened in awe as he saw the path of flower petals with lit candles on either side of the path. His eyes trailed up the pathway as his eyes widened once again as he saw Daehyun standing there, fully dressed up in a tuxedo. That smile, that warm smile on Daehyun’s face was enough to make Young Jae melt. “Hey beautiful. Would you like to.. dance?” (DH)

Young Jae watched as Daehyun pulled out a remote control from his pocket. Daehyun pointed the remote control towards the television screen before turning it on. Instantly, a song that Daehyun had assumed was romantic came on. Placing the remote control back into his pocket, he stretched his right hand out to Young Jae as he smiled. “Well?” (DH)

Young Jae bit his bottom lip as he smiled, turning his gaze down towards the ground. He still wasn’t sure about his dancing abilities and he didn’t want Daehyun to look down on him, but... he loved dancing with Daehyun regardless of his ability or not. Young Jae always felt like all of his worries were no longer around whenever he had this rare opportunity and this would definitely help them after having a rather difficult test.

Looking back up at Daehyun, Young Jae nodded as he made his way along the flowery pathway. Coming to a stop a small distance away from Daehyun, Young Jae looked down as he placed his left hand in Daehyun’s right hand. Daehyun slowly took hold of Young Jae’s right hand with his left as he interlocked his fingers with Young Jae’s. The two made eye contact and once Young Jae nodded, the two began.

Just as every other time that he danced with Daehyun, he felt like he was floating. He may have been confused at first, but he was able to keep up once he understood what to do. Young Jae smiled happily as he held Daehyun’s hands tightly, his eyes never leaving Daehyun’s as he listened to the music playing. “Thank you for doing this... It’s really nice..” (YJ)

“I’m glad. After all.. I haven’t spent much time with you while I was studying. You must have been lonely..” (DH) Young Jae lowered his head as he fought the urge to nod. Yes, it was true that he had been lonely during that time, but he didn’t want to make Daehyun feel bad. Raising his head, Young Jae shook his head as he smiled.

“I-I wasn’t lonely. I was... I was happy because you were trying so hard. But.. you should have taken a break every now and then..” (YJ)

“Is taking a break really that important?” (DH)

“Yes! It is... You could end up um... You won’t be able to remember everything. You might also cause yourself to burn out and.. um.. become depressed or frustrated.” (YJ) Daehyun smiled and nodded, mentally kicking himself. He really should have listened to Young Jae if that was the case. Maybe then he would have been able to do better during the test.

“Would you like to eat after we finish dancing? I cooked some food for us.” (DH)

“R-Really?” (YJ) Young Jae looked over at the dining table and his eyes widened before they turned. There really was food set up for them and in a way, it had been set up romantically. Young Jae hadn’t really experienced something like this before. Sure, he had seen it in various movies, but.. he had always wanted to experience it in real life. Now, it was really happening. “O-Okay.. I look forward to your yummy food!” (YJ)

As the song slowly reached its end, Daehyun spun the two of them around before coming to an abrupt stop, pulling Young Jae close to his body. He leaned in close, his nose just barely touching Young Jae’s as he smiled. “I love you now.. and forever.” (DH)

“Really..? Mm.. I don’t know if I feel the same..” (YJ) Daehyun took a step back as he looked at Young Jae with a surprised look. Young Jae, however, chuckled a bit as he wrapped his arms around Daehyun’s neck, leaning in close as he nuzzled his nose against Daehyun’s. “I love you now and forever too!” (YJ)

“Ah... this kid.” (DH) Daehyun smirked as he wrapped his arms around Young Jae’s waist and held him tightly, softly pressing his lips against Young Jae’s lips in the process. Two kisses later, with a third one being stolen quickly, Daehyun let go of Young Jae before leading him over to the dining table.

He positioned himself behind the chair before pulling it out, motioning for Young Jae to sit. Young Jae sheepishly smiled as he slowly slid into his seat. Once he was comfortable, Daehyun pushed the chair in before making his way around and taking his seat opposite of Young Jae. “Eat well, alright? I tried to make it as tasty and fancy looking as possible.” (DH)

Young Jae nodded happily before looking down at his choices. There were a lot of really yummy looking food and just as Daehyun said, it definitely looked fancy. Maybe some were a little too fancy, considering some of them had small portions with the fancy leaves on the side. “Um..” (YJ)

“What’s wrong?” (DH) Young Jae looked up at Daehyun as he fumbled with the table cloth. Wait. When had the table cloth gotten here? Daehyun must have really worked hard setting everything up and in a way, it was making Young Jae feel bad.

“Um... I-I think that.. you should eat first..” (YJ)

“Me? But-” (DH)

“D-Daehyun.. It’s better if you start eating first! I-I mean.. you worked so hard and... you must be tired and.. I feel bad if I eat first when I haven’t done anything to help you and..” (YJ)

“Woah woah woah! Hold on. I made all of this for you. You’ve supported me for so long and you really did help me. You deserve it, so.. Young Jae.. go ahead and eat first. Go on. Do it for me, alright?” (DH) Young Jae bit his bottom lip as he hesitantly nodded. Lowering his gaze once more, he slowly picked up the serving spoon of the nearest appetizing dish before he began getting his food.

Daehyun watched with a calm look on his face, though the anticipation was building high within him. Once Young Jae finished gathering the food that he wanted, he looked at his choices once more before picking up his chopsticks and eating the first thing that caught his attention. Instantly, Young Jae had a slight look of disgust as he tried hard not to make it obvious. Daehyun waited patiently, biting his lip as he leaned forward. “So? How does it taste?” (DH)

Young Jae looked up at Daehyun before pulling the chopsticks slowly out of his mouth. He chewed, hoping that the taste would get better, but apparently.. it wasn’t happening. “I-It’s... It’s um.. good.” (YJ)

“Really? I worked hard on it so.. I’m glad that you like it.” (DH) Guilt rose in Young Jae as he only smiled and nodded. Young Jae wondered why Daehyun’s cooking had decreased in quality all of a sudden, though now that he was looking at the food once more.. the food that he had tasted was something he hadn’t seen before. So most likely, this was probably one of the more challenging foods that Daehyun had attempted.

Young Jae looked up at Daehyun to see getting some portions of each dish. He bit his bottom lip as he watched Daehyun pick up his chopsticks and pick up a small piece of the same thing that Young Jae had tried just seconds ago. The second Daehyun began chewing, Young Jae could tell that Daehyun didn’t like it either. “I thought you said that this was good!” (DH)

“I-I... I lied.. It’s really bad..” (YJ)

“I know that now! Ah... Young Jae... I’m sorry. I thought it would taste good.. I didn’t taste it while I was cooking.” (DH) Young Jae smiled as he continued eating the piece of food that didn’t taste all that well. Daehyun frowned a bit as he sat up, leaning forward as he rested his arms on the edge of the table. “You don’t have to keep eating it, Young Jae.” (DH)

“I want to! You.. You cooked all of this food just for me and... I don’t want it to go to waste. I-I love it Daehyun, I really do. Cook for me lots... um... o-okay..?” (YJ) Daehyun smiled a bit as he nodded.

“Okay.. I’ll try to cook better tasting food for you.” (DH) Young Jae grinned happily as he continued eating. Even if it tasted bad, he could counter the taste with something that tasted yummy. That’s what he usually did with most bad tasting food.. not that he’s had to deal with too much of it.


Young Jae found it difficult to breath through their kisses as Daehyun pushed him up against the wall. Daehyun’s left hand held Young Jae’s hand as their fingers interlaced. His right hand was pulling at Young Jae’s shirt, trying to free Young Jae from the confines of his clothing. Tuxedo or not, it was in the way of their love making.

Young Jae whimpered as he felt his shirt become exposed to the cool air. He bit his bottom lip as he felt Daehyun trailing kisses along Young Jae’s neck as he continued stripping Young Jae of his clothes. Young Jae turned red as he realized their location, placing his hands on Daehyun’s shoulders as he gave them a light squeeze. “C-Can we go to the bedroom..? I-I think Noona will be home soon.” (YJ)

“Mm.” (DH) Daehyun moved Young Jae along the wall as he attempted to bring him towards the room. Young Jae had a bit of difficulty moving like this, but he somehow managed. Looking down, his eyes widened when panic began racing through his mind. They were about to knock over one of the candles and he definitely didn’t want to cause a fire of some sort.

Before he could say anything though, Daehyun had already knocked it over and Young Jae instantly shut his eyes tightly as he wrapped his arms around Daehyun. However, when nothing seemed to be happening, Young Jae finally opened his eyes to see a very confused Daehyun staring at him. “What’s wrong?” (DH)

“Y-You.. you knocked over a candle.” (YJ) Daehyun smiled, trying hard not to laugh as he pointed down. Young Jae blinked a few times before looking downwards, his eyes landing on the candle that was now on its side. Looking closely at the candle nearby, he finally noticed that they weren’t actually candles. “O-Oh..” (YJ)

“I was careful, don’t worry.” (DH) Young Jae nodded as Daehyun went back to kissing Young Jae’s neck. They moved closer and closer, so close to enter the hallway that led to their room, when they heard the front door unlocking. Daehyun silently cursed as he broke away from Young Jae, the two of them racing towards the bedroom before closing and locking it up.

Once the door was locked, Daehyun had his arms around Young Jae again, his lips pressing against Young Jae’s as he guided Young Jae towards the bed. They were both stripping one another, Daehyun having a bit more success stripping Young Jae than the other way around. After all, he’s had quite a lot of practice by now.

Once they were completely stripped, Daehyun laughed as Young Jae let out a yelp the second the fell over onto the bed. Laying on top of Young Jae, Daehyun leaned his head close as he smiled, touching the tip of his nose with Young Jae’s. “I love you.” (DH)

“I love you too.” (YJ) Young Jae smiled as he wrapped his arms around Daehyun’s neck. They stared into one another’s eyes, their smiles never fading as Daehyun caressed Young Jae’s cheek.

From there, only those two knew what happened.


“Ah.. I can't look." (DH) It was December again, the month where they got their results from their test. The teacher had handed out their results and now Daehyun just simply refused to see what he got. He currently had the paper facedown with his hands clasped on top of it. When Yongguk attempted to reach for it, Daehyun instantly punched Yongguk's arm before moving the piece of paper away. “No! I don't ever want to let the world see my failure!" (DH)

“Too late for that. Now come on, show us! We already showed you ours!" (BY) Daehyun shook his head as he moved his results even farther away. However, his eyes widened as he felt the paper slip out from underneath his grasp. He quickly turned, attempting to snatch the piece of paper, but Sooyoung had turned away before handing it over to Young Jae.

Daehyun turned to Young Jae, whom was now looking at the results. Daehyun attempted to take the slip of paper back from Young Jae, but Young Jae had turned away. He normally wasn’t this mean towards Daehyun, but Young Jae really was curious about his results. “Young Jae... if you really loved me, you’d give it back.” (DH)

“That’s not fair... I showed you mine, so let me see yours..” (YJ) Daehyun sighed as he placed his hands on Young Jae’s table. It was true that he had seen Young Jae’s results, but since when has Young Jae ever gotten below a near perfect score?! Heck, Daehyun was even certain that Young Jae didn’t get a perfect score only because he had been helping him study.

Daehyun stiffened the second he heard Young Jae gasp. This wasn’t good, this wasn’t good at all! He knew it. His results were just as bad as he predicted, probably even worse than he thought! Daehyun didn’t want to hear it. He turned around, clasping his hands over his ears as he pressed his forehead against his desk. “I don’t want to hear it!” (DH)

“Oh! Let me see, let me see!” (SY) Sooyoung and Yongguk both walked up to Young Jae as they leaned in close, looking around at the scores that Daehyun had gotten. Once they had gotten a good look at everything, even they gasped as they saw the scores that Daehyun had received. “Omo..” (SY)

“Daehyun...” (BY)

“Nope! No way! Nuh-uh! I don’t wanna know!” (DH)

“Daehyun... Y-You need to see your scores..” (YJ) Daehyun slowly lifted his head before placing it back down, shaking his head once more. He didn’t want to see his failure printed right in front of him. “Daehyun. Please?” (YJ)

He thought for a moment before sighing. Pushing himself up, Daehyun turned to look at Young Jae. Instead of seeing Young Jae’s face though, he found himself face-to-face with his results. Daehyun’s eyes scanned the piece of paper before his eyes widened. “Are.. are you sure this is mine..?” (DH)

“Mhm.. Your name is at the top.” (YJ) Daehyun slowly reached up before taking a hold of the piece of paper. Slowly, he turned forward as he slouched in his seat, his eyes still staring at his scores. This really was his grade.. wasn’t it. “H-How are you..?” (YJ)

“I.. I don’t know. How did I get a grade like this?” (DH) Young Jae leaned forward as he wrapped his arms around Daehyun’s shoulders. Sure, he was a bit uncomfortable like this, but he wanted to hug Daehyun.

“Because you worked so hard! I-I’m very proud, Daehyun.” (YJ) Daehyun was still a little too surprised to start celebrating. He had gotten an A- on the test, which was better than what both Sooyoung and Yongguk got. Sooyoung got a B+ while Yongguk got a B-, but the fact that he actually did better than his friends this time definitely raised his spirits.

“Good job, Daehyun! You worked hard for sure.” (SY)

“Yea. Good job.” (BY)

“Thanks..” (DH) It still didn’t feel like this was real, but.. it was right there in his hands. His results were telling him that he did well. He smiled, but he bit his bottom lip in an attempt to hide it. “Hey! Let’s go out and celebrate today!” (DH)

Daehyun got to his feet as he turned to look at the other three. They stared for a brief moment, but Sooyoung quickly smiled happily as she threw her hand into the air. “Yea! It’s party time! Woooo~!” (SY)

“Should we um... invite everyone else too?” (YJ)

“Of course! Huge party for sure!” (DH) The excitement was finally getting into Daehyun when the teacher came in. He instantly sat back down, everyone doing the same thing, as the teacher walked up to the desk to start the lesson once again.


“Party? Sure, why not.” (L) Young Jae bit his bottom lip as he lowered his gaze towards the ground. Myungsoo already knew just based on that look that Young Jae was guilty about something. He sighed as he leaned on one leg, placing his left hand on his hip as he rubbed the back of his head. “You invited Woohyun and Sungyeol, didn’t you.” (L)

“M-Mhm..” (YJ) Myungsoo sighed once more as he looked towards the window. He wasn’t entirely sure if he wanted to go now, but might as well. It was a celebration party after all for completing the test.

“Well.. I’ll still go I guess. You should probably go tell Himchan too.” (L) Young Jae smiled happily as he nodded. Once Young Jae began walking, Myungsoo follow behind. Myungsoo would need someone to help him get those two off of his back and in a way, he did have an idea as to who to ask.

“Hey Young Jae! Have you seen Sooyoung?” (YA) Bingo. Myungsoo looked up as he saw Young Jae and Yoona conversing with one another. Once Yoona bowed, she was about to walk past Myungsoo when Myungsoo suddenly got in her path. “Oh..! Um.. Did you need something, Myungsoo?” (YA)

“Yes. I do, actually. Do you think you could.. pretend to be my girlfriend?” (L)

“W-What?!” (YA) Young Jae, whom had been standing there the entire time, stared with wide eyes as he looked from one person to another. Yoona scratched the back of her head as she thought for a moment. “Why do you want me to do that?” (YA)

“I need to get Woohyun and Sungyeol off of my back and you’re the only one capable of doing so.” (L) Did Myungsoo really not like either one of them? Young Jae had assumed that Woohyun at least liked one of them, but apparently that wasn’t the case anymore. “So.. will you do it?” (L)

“Mm... What would I get in exchange?” (YA) Myungsoo stared with a bit of disbelief before rubbing the back of his neck. He hadn’t expected Yoona to ask such a question, but then again.. he didn’t really know her all that well to begin with. He should have definitely thought of it as a possibility though.

“Well.. what do you want?” (L) Yoona hummed as she put on her thinking face. She looked off to the side for a brief moment before her thoughts went to the guitar that was currently straddled on her back. She smiled as she looked back at Myungsoo.

“A guitar!” (YA) Myungsoo thought for a moment before nodding. Yoona jumped up in glee as she fist pumped the air. “Woo! Thanks Myungsoo! I’ll be the best pretend girlfriend you’ve ever had. Anyway, I gotta go find Sooyoung! See ya!” (YA)

Yoona hopped up to Myungsoo before wrapping her arms around Myungsoo in a big, warm hug. Once she was done, she pulled away and waved before running off to where she needed to go. Myungsoo watched until Yoona had turned the corner, rubbing the back of his head as he smiled a bit. “Myungsoo... W-What was that about?” (YJ)

“Huh..?” (L) Myungsoo turned around as he looked at Young Jae. The two stared at one another before Myungsoo turned a bit red, turning his gaze away as he folded his arms. “It was nothing.. A-Anyway, let’s get going.” (L)

Without really giving much of a response, Myungsoo walked past Young Jae. Young Jae fumbled with the hem of his shirt as he chased after him. He didn’t really know what was going on, but he did have a slight feeling. Whether that was true or not, that was a different story.


[[ My Own Thoughts: 

Yay >3<..
They finally had their romanticalness moment!
Plus, Daehyun did a lot better than expected.
I was considering making him fail...
Buuuut I felt too bad about it.
So I decided against it. xD

Ooh and yes..
Myungsoo is trying to get Woohyun and Sungyeol off his back.
-/nod nod-
Whether he is doing it in the correct way, that is a different story.
He did flip them onto their backs and hurt them...
Buut they still chase him. x3
Who knows?
They may still win him over yet.

Comments are loved!
I love talking with everyone. x3
I also like knowing whether I am doing these chapters nicely. x3 ]]

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My computer died ;;... Updates are going to be slower now >.


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Chapter 66: Awwe! ITS OVER?! I cant believe it! At first i thought that 66 chapters is so long but now i want more! This is an amazing story!! Im crying.. anyway i cant believe its done! Thank you for writing this authornim! <3
Chapter 47: Jongup is so innocent... poor child bless your poor soul
Chapter 43: Why is Jongup like this? 'Pika-pi.' Really? My heart hurts. I can imagine him saying it in a cute voice.. TT
He's so adorable.
Thanks a lot Woohyun. :/
Chapter 24: Daehyun is me. Me is Daehyun.
Never turn down free food.
Chapter 23: Ahhh! I hope their plans wont succeed
Chapter 22: How dare you violate Youngjae, Woohyun?! Im shook
Chapter 13: I love Sungyeol XD he's so adorable
Chapter 27: I'm pretty sure I saw this comming...I just cant handdle, my tears are rolling over and I'm really sad for everything!! :(
Chapter 24: I still don't want to be happy because if I do, when the really bad things happens I'm going to be crying all along the entire chapters ahead :(