Chemistry 101

The Safe House

This one is a bit longer, I hope you don't mind. Happy reading :)


“Enjoy your meal,” Haejin said to Jaejoong. He smiled while nodding.

She then leaned her head forwad, trying to meet the eyes of the man sitting next to Jaejoong. She intended to say the same thing to him too, but she changed her mind when she looked at him. Yoochun’s face looked bad, she figured he didn’t get to sleep at all last night. She took an empty cup on the center of the table and poured in hot tea from the pitcher. She stood up, which followed by Jaejoong’s confused eyes. Walking toward Yoochun, she put the cup in front of him.

“Have some hot tea. It helps every time I’m lacking of sleep,” she smiled sincerely. Yoochun was startled, but immediately thanked her. She only nodded with smile never leaving her face and patted his shoulder before walking back to her seat. She didn’t notice that she just impressed not only Yoochun, but also the guy sitting next to him.

“I have to get to work. If you’ll excuse me, everyone,” Chief stood up. Jaejoong, Junsu, and Yoochun were also going to stand up, but Chief gestured them to stay seated. He then left after saying ‘love you, girls’ as usual.

“He always leaves first, don’t bother,” Siyoung said to the guys.

Soon after, they also finished the breakfast and were ready to work. Well, the girls were, since JYJ were staying there to take a break from work in the first place.

“We’re leaving for work. Are you going to stay here?” Siyoung asked the members.

“Leaving?” Jaejoong raised his eyebrows.

“Well, leaving this house, I mean. We’re going to check on the mansions, meet some clients who want to book a mansion… Something like that,” Siyoung elaborated. “For me, I’m going to go for a morning round, checking the staffs,” she continued.

“Can I come with you?” Yoochun asked, initiating a conversation for the first time since he arrived. Siyoung gladly agreed, and she took him to the back office first.

Left in the dining room were Jaeyeon, Haejin, Junsu, and Jaejoong. Junsu was going to ask Jaeyeon the same question, but the latter blurted before he could open his mouth.

“Haejin-ah! Would you help me reviewing the contracts? I need to finalize them by this afternoon before handing it to the Chief,” she said unnecessarily fast to hide her trembling voice. Haejin almost gawked at her teammate’s excuse. Seriously, Song Jaeyeon, one of Korea’s top lawyers, asked for help to review a simple contract? You gotta do better than that if you want to fool a human, Haejin mentally snapped.

Actually, Haejin was aware that Jaeyeon was avoiding being alone with Junsu, knowing that Jaeyeon wasn’t the type who could hide feelings. But since Jaejoong had told her about Junsu, she couldn’t help but wanting both of them to have a chance to get closer. Jaeyeon was looking at her pleadingly, asking for rescue, and that look never failed to weaken her.

“She’s going with me,” Jaejoong cut her before Haejin could reply. The latter looked at him bewilderedly as he continued, “Junsu could accompany you. He understands a thing or two about clauses of contract, since the three of us always reviewed them ourselves.”

He took Haejin’s hand and waved, leaving the two awkward people. He winked at Junsu who was blushing. Jaejoong let out his signature laugh once they were out of the house. He even had to clasp his mouth for laughing too loud. Haejin eventually laughed along, since those two blushing love birds did look really cute. They were already away from the main house, walking on the stoned path with her hand was still in his. Jaejoong felt too comfortable holding her hand that he didn’t even bother to let go. But the girl didn’t seem so, since her right arm had been stiff.

“Uh, Jaejoong-ssi…” she called him. Jaejoong turned his head absentmindedly, only to meet  her awkward smile.

“What is it?” he asked, being completely oblivious. She pointed their linked hands with her left index finger, followed by his eyes. “Uhm, I guess you can let go now…” she said.

“Ah, yes. I’m sorry,” he freed her hand, but in a very calm gesture, as if he had expected the scene. Haejin only smiled while lightly shaking her head.

Silence filled the air for a good two minutes, but strangely it wasn’t awkward. They walked the path side by side, every step was unintentionally synchronized with each other. His husky voice made the first sound breaking the silence, formed in a question.

“Haejin-ssi, why did you choose this job?” he voiced one of his curiosities about the girl next to him.

She smiled a knowingly smile, as that question always came up whenever she got to chat with the guests. “Because I love it,” she answered shortly, earning a pair of raised eyebrows from him.

She had expected that reaction, too. “It’s fun, exciting, it certainly pays well…” she smiled playfully before going on, “I found my new family here, and I get to make a lot of new friends. What’s not to like?”

Jaejoong nodded, but he wasn’t finished asking. “What did you do before, then?”

“I was a neurosurgeon at Seoul National University Hospital,” she answered as a gardener passed them by and greeted the two.

She didn’t notice that Jaejoong suddenly stopped as she was replying the old gardener’s greeting. She only realized when she turned her head and found his jaw dropped. “What’s wrong, Jaejoong-ssi?” she asked.

“You’re a neurosurgeon at Seoul National University Hospital at the age of 23??” he repeated, still in disbelief.

“Oh,” she said, just registered his reaction. “Well, I was actually 21 when I got my license, but yes, I worked there. I still get to handle few crucial surgeries with other surgeons, though.”

Jaejoong, who managed to continue walking along, kept looking at the stoned path as he was processing the information. “So… That means you are still a neurosurgeon there, right?” he said after being able to overcome his astonishment.

“I guess,” she lightly nodded.

“Why a neurosurgeon?” his curiosity aroused back. He found himself attracted, if not drawn, by her charm.

“I wanted to cure my mother’s head disease, which was a constant painful headache. The cause and the cure have yet to be found, so I decided to be a neurosurgeon to find the cure,” she told him. They were already entering the area of his mansion as they talked.

“Have you found it?” he asked, in which she chuckled. “No, but she is cured.”

Jaejoong frowned. Haejin explained while holding her laughter. “Since she met my current father, her headache had been gradually decreasing. And after they got married, it disappeared completely. It had been only the two of us since my biological father left us when I was 3. Now that she has found someone to lean on, her heart is also at ease. I think that’s how she is cured,” she said with smile plastered on her face as she remembered her parents.

“What about you? Have you found your love?” Jaejoong looked at her eyes as they reached the front garden of his mansion.

Haejin was totally caught off guard. She stopped as her dark brown orbs met his gaze. Jaejoong took one more step and turned his body facing hers. With hands in his pockets, he stood looking at her gently. When he still didn’t move his eyes from hers and stayed silent, she knew he wasn’t going to take back the sudden question.

She smiled. “I think that question is a bit personal,” she replied.

Jaejoong, somehow had expected her reply, and that was why he wasn’t surprised. As much as he was genuinely attracted to her, the guy still had his own pride. Being one of the nation’s most wanted HOT guys, he had never failed sweeping girls off their feet, including those who played hard-to-get. The Casanova moved forward, bringing himself to stand closer to her and letting his masculine yet mild scent surrounded her.

“Well, can’t I ask personal questions? I thought that’s what friends do,” he said with his breathtaking smile.

“It’s what close friends do, Jaejoong-ssi,” she corrected. Jaejoong chuckled and nodded, as if agreeing the idea.

“Haejin-ssi, I’m thinking about what you said on breakfast earlier,” he said. She raised her eyebrows.

“You said you’re allowed to date the guests only if they’re the ones initiating it. What does it exactly mean?”

She tilted her head and briefly hummed. “It means we can only have personal relationship with guests if they want it too. We may confess all we want, but we should never ask them their feelings, and we’re certainly not permitted to ask them to be with us,” she elaborated.

“So… If the guest asks you to be with him, you’re allowed to accept, correct?” Jaejoong leaned forward, leaving only few inches between their faces.

But what happened next was completely different from how he expected it would. She didn’t flinch, nor did she pull her body backward. She didn’t even blink. Within the close distance, he should’ve heard rapid heartbeats, or uneven breathing. He should’ve seen widened eyes, blushing cheeks, or trembling lips. Just like how he'd always seen every female would react to him. But this time he didn’t, he neither heard nor saw none of those.

He was even more surprised when her voice wasn’t shaking as she replied, “Well, from what I’ve explained to you, yes, it is correct. I’m allowed to accept.” She still managed to smile.

Jaejoong pulled back, left in complete amusement. He then changed the topic, feeling he needed to know the girl more. “Well, nice conversation. What are your work schedules for today, by the way? I’d love to help, since I’ve dragged you here,” he went back to his casual gesture, wanting to make her comfortable.

“Actually, I am scheduled to check on you and the members, Jaejoong-ssi. Also, we didn’t get to explain the mansion and the whole residence last night, so I’m assigned to do that today,” she explained.

“Then, shall we?” he couldn’t help but beaming.


Thank you Chihana and kyayong10 for subscribing! Also for those who commented :D

And of course for you who are reading :)

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Nariko7star #1
Chapter 35: I totally understand how frustrating writer's block can be. ^^ this was a good wrap up and I look forward to the epilogue. No rush. ^_^
DeeDee_24 #2
Chapter 34: Yay you're back. So glad yoochun finally came to his senses. Jaejoong is so reasonable haha.
Chapter 34: AWWW THAT WAS SO SWEET. My feels are already all over the place, I just about fell out of my chair reading this XDD Good job, and welcome back! I'm glad you didn't give up on this story. It's so good! :D
Nariko7star #4
Chapter 34: Aw! How sweet! Yay Jae for setting Chunnie straight and yay Chunnie for finally doing what makes you both happy! ^^ thank you for such a great update. <3
chunnea #5
Chapter 33: Awww~~~yoochunah...:'( thanks authornim for about sweet yoochunie for next chapter...hihi.and some junsu too..
DeeDee_24 #6
Chapter 33: read it all in one sitting. love this story. glad that jaejoong and haejin are together!! now yoochun! he needs his happy ending. =D
Chapter 33: Poor Yoochun~ *cries* so glad you got the time to update this! I was wondering what was happening to Siyoung and Yoochun, and now I know! I hope their relationship works out for the better! :D
Nariko7star #8
Chapter 33: I like it! It's nice having a bit of Yoochun. Thank you!
Chapter 33: please update more chapters soon <3
sCeNeBLUETattoo #10
Chapter 32: As always, you've left me chuckling over some parts, grinning over others and the end of this chapter wrung an "Oh no!" followed by a face-palm from me. Nicely written. I'm looking forward to the next update.