Cherry Boy Who??

The Safe House

In his fanmeeting concert in Yokohama, one of the footages showed him in the backstage saying that he's a cherry boy. Cherry boy is a Japanese slank, means a . The idea of this chapter popped up after I saw it. I hope you enjoy :)

Haejin walked to the JYJ’s mansion bringing a small medical box. She had one additional agenda now, and that was to tend the wound on Jaejoong’s arm. It was only three days ago, but his wound was healing fast already. Still, being a good doctor she was, Haejin had ordered him not to remove the bandage.

“Doctor Park Haejin!” Yoochun smiled widely after opening the door. She chuckled at his remark while entering the mansion.

“Wait a minute, I’ll go get hyung,” he patted her arm before going upstairs. Haejin sat in the living room, preparing her medical box. She then went to the kitchen to wash her hands.

When she got back to the living room, the brothers were also there already. “Hey, doc,” Jaejoong greeted. He looked effortlessly dazzling in his plain white long-sleeved top rolled up to his elbows.

“Let me see your arm,” she said as soon as she was seated. He obediently stretched his arm to her. Yoochun, meanwhile, was observing the two from the back of the couch.

She carefully removed the bandage, and smiled when she saw his wound was all much better. “No signs of infection, you may gently wash it now, but be very gentle. You can get the stitches removed in two days,” she said.

“Thanks,” he said, to which Haejin replied with a smile. “Where’s Junsu?” she asked, looking at both them.

“Where’s Jaeyeon?” Yoochun smirked.

“Ah, I see,” Haejin chuckled. She suddenly remembered, "Jaejoong-ssi, I almost forgot. Here,” she handed him a tube of ointment.

“You can apply it on the scar after the stitches were removed. It removes scar faster,” she pointed.

“Okay, thanks. I’ll put it in my room first,” Jaejoong quickly went upstairs.

She turned to Yoochun, who was so engrossed in his game devise. “Well, since I’m here, I guess I’ll check on the mansion. Is that okay?” she deliberately said it louder. It worked, as Yoochun briefly nodded and already back to the game just a second after. Haejin chuckled as she went to the kitchen. She started with checking the cabinets. Just when she was about to open the third cabinet, a high-pitched voice she knew very well called.

“Haejin-ah!” She turned her head and saw Jaeyeon was standing on the kitchen doorway, trying to catch her breath after laughing so hard. “Do you know cherry boy?”

Haejin was dumbfounded. She creased her eyebrows at the too random question. “Cherry boy as in… Japanese?”

“Yeah, you know?” Jaeyeon still grinned, her eyes suddenly widened.

Haejin nodded, though still in complete confusion. “What about it?”

“Junsu told me something. Apparently we got one in the house,” Jaeyeon squealed, earning even more twitch on the eyebrows from the youngest.

Just at that moment, someone came and noticed Jaeyeon. “Oh, Jaeyeon-ssi, you just got back?”

But that voice suddenly faded as he saw something suspicious on Jaeyeon's face. His forehead twitched as he tried to grasp the situation. Jaejoong approached her to the kitchen and noticed Haejin inside there was also looking confusedly at her team mate. Jaeyeon turned to her, and pointed Jaejoong with her sly eyes and smirk.

Noticing Jaeyeon’s signal, Haejin shifted her gaze to him, trying to figure things out. Suddenly, her eyebrows were raised. Her eyes dilated as it was downed on her what Jaeyeon actually meant. She looked at Jaeyeon, then at him, and then back at Jaeyeon again. The jet-black haired Jaeyeon was still smirking, even though it still looked cute on her.

“Wait, wait… Who do you mean by that cherry boy?” Haejin asked, though she felt like she knew the answer. Jaejoong smirked at the moment when he heard her question, finally following the conversation. Jaeyeon didn’t answer her teammate, but threw a glance instead at Jaejoong who was now grinning.

Haejin could feel her lips curling up. “Kim Jaejoong? Cherry boy?? Ha!” she cracked up, suddenly clapping her hands.

Jaeyeon also burst out and kept saying ‘what’ and ‘why not’ between her laughter, while Jaejoong was too amused to react as he saw Haejin laughing. He could hardly care about the slight sarcasm in it.

Haejin wiped a tear at the corner of her eye because she laughed too hard. “Yah, Song Jaeyeon, if Kim Jaejoong was a cherry boy, then we must be two drooling three-month-old infants!” she said in between her laughter.

And that just brought him back. “What? You don’t believe I’m a cherry boy?” he made a cute pout which effectively made Jaeyeon stopped laughing and her fingers started to wrinkle.

But it didn’t work on Haejin, of course. She only shook her head at him with both arms were already folded in front of her. She leaned her hip on the kitchen counter for support as she managed to cross her ankle. Not giving up, Jaejoong stepped forth, attacking her with his ultimate full force combo: a pair of doe eyes plus a pout.

“You really don’t believe it?” his voice was still husky, if not y, which was a total mismatch to the pout. Jaeyeon probably fainted already. Oh, no, scratch that. She already ran away, disappearing from the kitchen before her body got all shriveled.

“No.” Haejin didn’t budge, still wearing a smirk on her face. Feeling defeated, Jaejoong stared at her in disbelief. Girls drooled over his doe eyes, craved for his pout. How could she…

“You really are something,” he muttered. “But… why is it so hard for you to believe it?” He knew the conversation was practically meaningless and completely unnecessary, but he demanded nonetheless.

Haejin tilted her head. “Shall I show you why?” her smirk was replaced by a plain smile. Jaejoong signaled her to go on.

Totally out of his expectations, she suddenly moved toward him in large strides and pushed him. He groaned when his back hit the cold wall. She pressed her hands against his chest as their bodies collided. He already forgot his shock when he felt her breath on his face. His right hand instinctively grabbed her waist and pulled her closer while his other hand caught her the back of her neck. Her hand traced his muscular arm as her breath became heavier, brushing his face. She ran her fingers through his hair and that just drove him wild. He grasped the hem of her blouse, pulling it up slightly. Their faces were merely an inch away. He crushed his lips against hers.


...Or not. She put her palm on her lips just in time before his could make the contact. He stopped. She stopped. He stared blankly at her for good 5 seconds. She pulled her head back a bit and uncovered , revealing a grin. Jaejoong was dumbfounded. Noticing his confusion, Haejin looked down, motioning him to do the same.

They saw his one hand was tightly around her waist, the hem of her blouse bunched in his palm, which made a little portion of her skin was exposed. His other hand was firmly holding her neck, with his fingertips were in her hair. Haejin looked back up and he followed, suspecting where it led to.

Haejin stared into his eyes, her grin was replaced with a smirk. “So… Cherry boy, huh?”

Jaejoong didn’t respond. She raised her hand and lightly patted his cheek, “Of course, Jae. Of course.”

She pulled her body away from him as his hands fell, letting her go easily. She patted his arm before leaving. He stayed frozen as he was still figuring out what just happened. His breath was uneven, and his body was still heated. He managed to move and sit on the kitchen counter after he heard her leaving the mansion.

He stared at her walking figure through the window. “Park Haejin… Do you realize what you’ve just done?”

He inhaled deeply, trying to suppress the sudden urge and rushing emotions.



Thank you for those who commented! ^^ And for all readers, too :D

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Nariko7star #1
Chapter 35: I totally understand how frustrating writer's block can be. ^^ this was a good wrap up and I look forward to the epilogue. No rush. ^_^
DeeDee_24 #2
Chapter 34: Yay you're back. So glad yoochun finally came to his senses. Jaejoong is so reasonable haha.
Chapter 34: AWWW THAT WAS SO SWEET. My feels are already all over the place, I just about fell out of my chair reading this XDD Good job, and welcome back! I'm glad you didn't give up on this story. It's so good! :D
Nariko7star #4
Chapter 34: Aw! How sweet! Yay Jae for setting Chunnie straight and yay Chunnie for finally doing what makes you both happy! ^^ thank you for such a great update. <3
chunnea #5
Chapter 33: Awww~~~yoochunah...:'( thanks authornim for about sweet yoochunie for next chapter...hihi.and some junsu too..
DeeDee_24 #6
Chapter 33: read it all in one sitting. love this story. glad that jaejoong and haejin are together!! now yoochun! he needs his happy ending. =D
Chapter 33: Poor Yoochun~ *cries* so glad you got the time to update this! I was wondering what was happening to Siyoung and Yoochun, and now I know! I hope their relationship works out for the better! :D
Nariko7star #8
Chapter 33: I like it! It's nice having a bit of Yoochun. Thank you!
Chapter 33: please update more chapters soon <3
sCeNeBLUETattoo #10
Chapter 32: As always, you've left me chuckling over some parts, grinning over others and the end of this chapter wrung an "Oh no!" followed by a face-palm from me. Nicely written. I'm looking forward to the next update.