Chapter 7 - You're supposed to be my best friend...

A little game of truth or dare can't hurt anyone... right?

Next Day at lunch [Eri's POV]

Just as we finished our lunches and walked out the cafeteria along the hallways, I felt someone grab my wrist. "What the- Key!" Is that really Key holding my wrist or am I dreaming? "Hey!", he smiled at me. "You got a minute?", he asked and I just nodded rapidly without hesitation. "Good, come with me for a sec.", he grinned at me as he dragged me along. "Yah, Eri I thought tha-" "You go first, I'll catch up with you later!", I replied quickly as I got dragged away into another, empty hallway.

He came to a stop as he let go of my wrist, looking down at the floor before he took a deep breath. "I've- No.", he started but stopped just as fast. "I'm not really sure how I'm going to say this but....", he scratched the back of his head nervously. Say what? Oh my god. Is he going to ask me out on a date?! If he does, then- "Will you go out with me?" "Yes!", I quickly covered my mouth. I didn't mean to say that out loud. And definitely not that fast?! Now he probably thinks I'm a weird stalker or something... Way to go Eri.

He just chukled at me. Maybe he wasn't serious? . If he were just joking then-... God please kill me now.

"I actually thought you were going to say no but... That went better than expected?", Key snickered lightly. "Eeehhehe..", I just scratched my arm awkwardly. "So... When are you free?", he suddenly asks. "Huh?" "I mean... When... can we go out?", he asked again. "Oh... I'm free pretty much everyday?", I shrugged. "Great! So... Let's say Saturday?", he smiled at me. "Sure!" Did I sound too happy? I probably did. "Can I pick you up at seven?", he asked again, I just nodded. "Good, see you then!", he smiled brightly at me as he walked past but quickly walked back again. "Maybe an adress and number would be good.", he asked slightly embarrassed. "Got anything to-", I started as he cut me off, handing me his phone as I quickly typed in my number.

"Huh... Your last name's Song?", he said, probably mostly to himself, as he looked at his phone. "Yeah...", I replied awkwardly. "I'd love to stay and talk, but I should probably go find my friends again.", I excused myself as I bowed quickly and ran down the hallways.

At the schoolyard

"Took you long enough!", Tsurashi complained. "Sorry~", I apologized with a smile on my face. "What did he want?!", Fern asked excited. "Please hit me first!", I said as I held out my arm. "What? Why?", Fern asked confused as she looked at my arm. "Hit me, and hit as hard as possible.", I said again. "Uuh.. Sure.", she shrugged as she hit me with everything she had. "AAAAHH!! SHIIIT!! YOU SON OF A- Okay I'm not dreaming.", I breathed out. "Huh?", all of them said confused. "Okay so... The most amazing thing ever just happened?!", I squealed excited. "What?! Telll me!! Tell me noooow!!!", Fern said eagerly. I took a deep breath before I continued. "Keyjustaskedmeoutonadate." "Wha-", the Kwons said in unison before Fern cut them off. "Aaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!! Omomomomo I'm so happy for yooooouuu!!!!!!!!", Fern squealed as she have me a big hug, shaking me back and forth. "Tell me more!! What did he say?!", Fern asked excited. "Okay so he...", and I started telling them every single detail of what just happened as Fern seemed to be the only one actually interested.

Just as I finished the bell rang.

"Aaww, not already~!!", Fern whined as she stood up. "I hate historyyyyy~", she whined as she pretended to cry. "Don't you think I hate it?!", Momo said annoyed. "I don't want to know what happened when Michelangelo found America.", she added. "Uumm.... Michelangelo was an artist.", Fern pointed out.
"Christopher Columbus found America you idiot.", Tsurashi added. "Yeahyeah, whatever.", Momo waved off as she walked towards her classroom. "Yah! Wait for me!!", Fern yelled as she ran after.

"What class do we have now?", I asked Tsurashi as we just walked down the hallway. "Social studies I think? I dunno.", she shrugged. "By the way, are you really going to go out with him?", she suddenly asked. "Key? Yeah, why wouldn't I?", I replied confused. "Seems a bit weird to me.", she said. "Weird? Why?", I asked again. "I mean, you barely know him, he barely knows you, why would he suddenly just ask you out? Shouldn't he at least get to know you first?" "Maybe he wants to get to know me now, that's why he's asking me out?", I answered. "I don't know... Still seems a bit weird to me. If I were you I wouldn't have done it.", she said. I just scoffed. "You're just jealous, aren't you?" "Excuse me?", she said confused. "Just because he asked me out and not you.", I added. "You mean that I'm jealous because he didn't ask me out?", she asked. "You are, aren't you?" " please, I don't even like him! All I'm saying is that I think it's weird!?", she replied. "Shouldn't you at least be happy for me then?! You know I like him so this is big for me, okay?! Do you always have to things up whenever something good happens to me?!", I snapped. " things up? When did I ever things up?!", she snapped back at me. "You're suppose to be my best friend, why do you have to say that every decision I make is bad?! Everything I do seems to be wrong to you?! Can't you just let me be happy for once without you talking about everything I like and do?!", I yelled back at her. She stopped right outside the classroom, just staring at me. "Fine.", she muttered. "But don't you come to me when he's starting to up your life.", she said 
right before she entered the classroom.

I heard the last bell ring as I took a step into the classroom but decided to turn and run down the hallways instead.

[A/N] Aaaaaand another update. Again.

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Riejoy #1
Chapter 20: please continue writing T^T
Riejoy #2
Judging from your foreword, I can see that you have a good story and your English skills and grammars are awesome :) So yeah, I'm gonna start reading your fanfic :)
elinida #3
Chapter 1: You write amazingly author-nim! ^_^ Anticipating the next chapter ! :3