The Stare

Let's Be Alone Together

This chapter doesn't get a picture because I couldn't think of one that suited it *runs away and hides*


Daesung sat in the cafeteria mindlessly chewing on a green apple. It had a few brown spots but he was used to it; that's what happens when you're always last to lunch. He was contemplating whether he should go visit the restroom now or closer to the end of lunch. Everyday for the last two weeks Daesung made sure to check the bathroom during lunch in case Seunghyun needed him again. Other than that, not much had changed in the last two weeks since the incident. The two still didn't speak to each other. They couldn't even look one another in the eyes. 

"Hey Daesung, how's it going?" Oh yea, one thing has changed.

"It's going the same as always Jiyong, you ask me everyday." 

"Just letting you now I care about you." He flashed a smile. In the last two weeks since Jiyong popped out of nowhere, he's been a daily staple in Daesung's lunchtime affairs. He enjoyed the company to be honest, but he couldn't let Jiyong know that. Whenever he liked something, it had a habit of disappearing. 

"That's nice to know." It really was, but the sarcastic way he said it made Daesung seem indifferent.

"So when are you coming to one of our anti-bullyng meetings?" That was another question Jiyong asked Daesung every time they saw one another. 

"Never." And Daesung always had the same answer. People would just make fun of him more. All of the girls already laughed in his face whenever he waved at them. It would only get worse if they knew how much it hurt him.

"Please, it'll show you that there are some people out there who really do care about you." 

"No one cares about me. Don't lie to me."

"I care about you."

"You don't know me."

"I know you're alone." He looked Daesung hard in the eyes. "Besides, Seungri cares about you too, and he's known you a long time." 

Daesung folded his arms and turned away from Jiyong's stare. "All Seungri cares about is trying to show people his 'y'" Daesung laughed to himself. 

"I still care about you, and others do too."

Daesung knew Jiyong wouldn't give up, so he tried to get angry. "Well I don't care about anyone else!" There was one person he cared about, that was certain.

"I still care."

Daesung knew he needed a new tactic, so he turned to one he was sure would work. "Jiyong?"


"Is it just me, or does your makeup look a" Daesung tilted his head a made a very curious look, like he was studying Jiyong. 

The spoon of food that Jiyong was lifting to his mouth froze in mid-air and Jiyong leaned his entire face and body into his "what?"

Daesung tilted his head to the other side. "I don't know, it's just that. Hmm..."

"What do you mean 'hmm'?!" Daesung had him.

"Well, your mascara seems a bit runny and clumpy like..." he paused to pull Jiyong in even tighter.


" the cheap stuff."

Jiyong's jaw dropped, no, his entire face dropped. "OMO! I ran out last night! It was an emergency! Oh my god! I can't be seen like this!" Jiyong covered his face with his hands and ran out of the cafeteria leaving a very bewildered Daesung behind. I was only lying about it looking cheap. It looks just as good as always. Oh well, just made my job that much easier.  Daesung laughed to himself and then went throw away his tray. He passed by his sister and her friends on his way to the restroom. They were practicing some dance where they threw their hands in the air and kicked their legs at the same time screaming "BAMRATATATA! BEAT!" Daesung just shook his head and went to the restroom.

When he got there he immediately went straight to the last stall, as he did everyday. As he got closer he could hear groans of pain, he panicked. Daesung ran to the stall and tried to open the door. It was locked this time. No one's ever in here. He banged on the door calling out to see who was inside but all he got back were groans of pain. In blind desperation Daesung charged the door and knocked it open. What he saw made him freeze on the spot.

Sitting there on the porcelain throne was none other than Tablo. He had his pants around his ankles and his head down. You could see sweat on his brow though.

Daesung really had no idea what to say. "Hey, um, sorry man, I just thought you were someone else." Tablo's head shot up at Daesung's words. He was crying.

"It hurts! It hurts so bad!" 

Even though there was obvious pain in his voice, Daesung couldn't help but laugh. He didn't just laugh, he became hysterical. Tablo got pissed off. Since he couldn't punch Daesung from where he was sitting (and it was in everyone's best interest if he stayed there for a few more minutes) he threw the toilet paper roll at Daesung. "Get out!"

Daesung watched the toilet paper roll past his foot and then smirked as he looked up at Tablo. "Okay, fine, but who's gonna get you more toilet paper?" Daesung then backed out of the stall, closing the door as he heard Tablo try to beg his apologies. Even if Daesung was going to help Tablo, which he wasn't, the bell rang to send him back to class.


Seunghyun had already been sitting in class when the bell went off; he didn't eat lunch anymore. He didn't eat anything really anymore. I'm always dizzy but it's okay. He watched the students walk into class when he noticed Daesung smiling like he had been up to something. Even his mischievous smile is beautiful. Seunghyun tried to shake the thoughts from his head but Daesung caught him staring. Both of them blushed and immediately turned away. Seunghyun didn't look back up until he heard Seungri and CL enter together, they were bickering about something.

"SEUNGRI! IF YOU TALK ABOUT YOUR 'Y' ONE MORE TIME I'LL CUT IT OFF!" Seunghyun chuckled to himself as he watched Seungri cover his crotch and run to his desk. Then Dara walked in with surprisingly good looking blonde hair. Who knew she could pull that look off? After her a few more students came in that Seunghyun honestly had no idea who they were before Mr. Yang got up to shut the door. Right before it closed and the bell went off, Tablo burst through, he was sweating. He apologized for causing a disturbance and took his seat. 

The rest of class went on as usual: boring. Seunghyun got so bored he lost focus and started staring out the window. Eventually his eyes drifted from the scenery outside to the figure seated next to the window: Daesung. The sunlight shining behind him just made him look like an angel. Without realizing it, Seunghyun put his elbow on his desk then rested his cheek on his hand as he stared. Suddenly Daesung looked at him, then blushed and looked away. Seunghyun did the same. 

After a few minutes he slowly looked back to Daesung just as Daesung slowly looked back to Seunghyun. They locked eyes at the same moment and just smiled. Then they realized what had happened, got embarrassed, and quickly looked away. After lesser minutes this time, the same thing happened again. Then again. Then again. Then yet again until it got to the point that they just plain out stared at one another, oblivious to the rest of the world. 

Seunghyun exhaled a sigh of content as he looked at the angel in front of the window. Suddenly Daesung his lips, not in ual way, just in an innocent way that showed his lips were dry. But it was enough for Seunghyun. Suddenly he felt his pants get tight, very tight, around his crotch. What the hell? Did Daesung...did Daesung give me a ? Seunghyun looked away in horror and shame as his pants only got tighter. He tried to force himself to think ugly thoughts to get it down until Mr. Yang's voice caught his attention.

"Seunghyun, it's your turn to come to the front of the class and give your presentation."

"Mr. Yang, can I go last?"

"No, you don't get special treatment. If I let you go last, everyone's going to want to go last." Seunghyun gulped, he knew it was the truth and Mr. Yang had no idea of what was going on in Seunghyun's pants."

"Okay." Seunghyun awkwardly got out of his desk and slipped his binder in front of his growing 'problem' as he walked to the front of the class. Tablo noticed. As Seunghyun got to the front of the class he started speaking, well stuttering more like it. His nerves were messing with him. Tablo noticed again.

"What's wrong Seunghyunnie? Got a bit of a problem?"

"What are you talking abo--" Before he could answer Tablo had reached forward and ripped the binder out of Seunghyun's hands, exposing him. Seunghyun froze in embarrassment. He made no move to cover his 'problem' as the rest of the class broke out into laughter. Suddenly Mr. Yang was standing in front of him.

"All of you be quiet!" Seunghyun snapped out of his thoughts and then at least had the common sense to turn around, his back to the class. "This is not a laughing matter! Do not lie to yourselves! You know that this has happened to you before guys!" He was talking to a class full of teenagers after all. "Don't pretend you don't know how terrible it feels! Apologize!" Seunghyun turned around slowly, ready to thank Mr. Yang for defending him. As he turned around, his 'problem' tried to personally thank the teacher by rubbing across his . 

Mr. Yang shrieked, worse than Tablo with the mouse.

The class died of laughter. 

This time Mr. Yang and Seunghyun both froze in embarrassment. 

Out of nowhere there was an obviously fake "OH GOLLY ME!" followed by a loud crash. Shook out of their shame, Mr. Yang ran to Daesung to see why he had fallen as Seunghyun ran to his seat. 

Mr. Yang helped Daesung back into his seat as he asked what happened to him.

"Sorry, Mr. Yang, it just happens to sometimes." The teacher gave an 'I know that's bull' look but went along with it nonetheless. 

"Okay, just try to control it next time. Well class," he stood up and straightened his tie "that's enough excitement for today. I expect no more disturbances." He walked back to his desk, desperately trying to cling on to the remains of his dignity. 


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Chapter 27: Thank you! I thoroughly enjoyed this story, it had sad parts and absolutely hilarious parts. Pity the author does not update any more.
Chapter 18: Oh mai gadd ! 'The Talk' ?! >////<
whovian #3
Chapter 27: This was my first ToDae story and it was absolutely adorable!
Thanks for sharing!
TSSVAegyo4U #4
Chapter 27: Mother of God
ozwalkr #5
Chapter 27: AHH! The surprise frontal direct bonus chapter...Though the death scene was good, I knew it wasn't the end...angst is not in the description. Ji and the funeral shoot was almost as priceless as the banana and bagel, or Dae being a shower Excellent job! Now, on to masquerade!
ozwalkr #6
Chapter 17: OH MY GOD!!! I will NEVER be able to eat a banana or bagel with a straight face ever again! Oh the sides hurt.
ozwalkr #7
Chapter 4: OH MY HEAVENS! SEUNGHYUN!! That was so NASTY!! LOLOL!
ozwalkr #8
Chapter 1: I LIKE IT!! Thanks for writing!
Chapter 27: I read all the chapters that I've missed and seriously, this fic was soooo amazing! I loved every freaking chapter of it <3~ it ended so fast though but you did an amazing job :D you're amazing Julian <3 -hugs-