Chapter 2

Three Pieces

Park Sunmi POV

It's my second day of school. Yesterday wasn't as bad as I thought, I did try to avoid Taemin and Kai as much as I could, but that's really hard to do if you find out they are in three of your classes. But hopefully today will be better.

I looked at the time. Crap! I'm going to be late! I rushed out of the door with my backpack in hand

Taemin POV

Kai and I entered the classroom only to be welcomed by silence once again. We took our seats but as I was about to sit down I noticed an envelope resting on my chair. I picked it up carefully to see my name written in cursive with a heart drawn onto it. I gave Kai a look knowingly, he nodded in return.

I sighed and opened the envelope, just as I thought, a love letter. At the bottom was written that they wanted to meet me at the side of the school during lunch.

Kai snatched the note from me giving it a smirk while reading. I snatched it back, giving him a glare. Looking around the room, I noticed a group of girls in the corner looking this way. and there was a girl in the center of all of them looking flustered and was blushing furiously.

 I gave the group a wink, they giggled. Inside, I wanted to vomit.

I gave another glance around the classroom only to realize I don't see one face among the others, Park Sunmi. Kai noticed me look in the direction of her seat and smirked.

"Wow, late on her second day, huh?" Kai commented.

"Yeah, I guess." I didn't feel worried, instead I just laid my head down on the desk, dreading the time when the bell signals lunch.


I looked at Taemin as he lay his head down on his desk, probably to take a nap, and class hasn't even started. I looked in the direction of Park Sunmi's seat again. Where is she? I scowled, it's not like I care. I rolled my eyes into another direction, focusing on something else, to which I found my textbook suddenly interesting.

Taemin POV

Kai probably thought I was asleep, but in reality, I couldn't.... Why? I didn't know. Then a sudden image of Sunmi showed up in my mind. I saw her smiling, blushing, and then an image of her just focusing on her work. I mentally scolded myself for thinking that way. Who is she, to be making me think about her that way? I tried again to fall asleep, but instead more images showed. But not of Sunmi anymore, her. I saw her cry, giggle, scream, dance, and I saw her say good bye. Those images of her flooded my mind.

I abrubtly shot my head up, only to find that class has already started. Park Sunmi had just run in, apologizing that she was late. She bowed ot the class and sped walked to her seat. I watched her movements until she sat down, and little did I know Kai was watching my actions as well.


The rest of the day went on as it should, except for the fact I tried to avoid her as much I could. Hard to do since she's in three of our classes.

Park Sunmi POV

I survived my classes until now. I watched the clock tick away the time until the wonderful bell sang, signaling lunch.

Taemin & Kai POV

We watched the clock, the hand swiftly moves, the seconds closing in on the time until lunch. Waiting for the dreadful bell, signaling lunch. All of a sudden the sudden ring was heard throughout everyone's ears. The teacher gave us all last minute instructions and students start to pack up their things. We were the first to pack up, leaving before anybody else, reaching our destination before she did.

Park Sunmi POV

I packed up my things, not in any rush but happy I was out of class. I took out my home made lunch box from my back and inspected it, I had always been pretty good with this kind of stuff.

 I reached the lunch room, then I realized something. I had nowhere to sit, I hadn't made any friends yet either. I pouted before walking off to sit by myself. On my way to an empty table in the back, I lost my footing beneath me and I landed face first to the ground. To the side of me, a group of girls were giggling up a storm. I saw one girl at the end retreat her foot back under the table. She gave me a proud smirk.

I didn't even want to deal with it. I picked up my lunchbox and made my way out, though I knew all of the eyes in the cafeteria were on me. Not knowing where else to go, I dashed to the side of the school.

I wiped away any tears I may have let slip. I came around the corner only to wittness a scene I never thought I would have. Because I saw everything.


Nobody POV


He stood there, waiting for the girl that had called them out there in the first place. He was about to leave before he heard her footsteps and saw her come into view. When she reached him she stood there, her hands on her knees, crouched low, and panting heavily.

She regained her composure but still seemed nervous.

"I'm sorry, did you wait long?"

"I wasted time that could have been spent doing something better than, something so moronic." he said, with no emotion at all.

She suddenly lost that little bit of confidence she came with, she gave him an apologetic look and bowed.

He gave her a bored expression." You are forgiven, anyways, what is your name again?"

"K-Kim Eunmi."

He smirked when she started to stuter.

"Taemin, I have something to say. I-"

He placed his finger on her lips. "And so do I. I'm not Taemin."

She was completely shocked, and her face burned a bright red. "K-Kai?"

All he did was nod. He moved his fingers from her lips to her chin bringing their faces closer.

"I have to be honest, I can't lie to you. Taemin said he wasn't interested, so he didn't want to come. I came instead. And now, I've realized how cute you are. Would you take me instead?"

She stopped to think about it. Another blush crept in her cheeks. "I-I guess if its you, I'd be okay."

His smile left his face. But he laughed. His hand fell from her face and he stood back.

"Did you hear that Kai, she said she would have you instead." He called over his shoulder. Kai appeared from behind a bush and had an evil smile on his face.

She was even more shocked than she was before, all of the color had drained from her face. "Y-You really are T-Taemin?"

Taemin looked her dead in the eyes. there was a growing coldness in them. "For as sweet a face as you have, you sure have an awful personality huh?" All of her strength left her as she fell to her knees." Saying that either one of us is fine, really means that you don't want wither one of us, doesnt it?.... Who do you think you are?"

Taemin pulled the letter she gave me from my pocket and tore it into pieces letting it fall to the floor, right in front of her.

In an instant Eunmi was no longer there. you could faintly see her running off, the only thing left was the sounds of her footsteps and her sobbing.


I grew bored of this same old routine. He walked up to Taemin and put his hand on his shoulder.

"We should leave." We turned around, only to find what we never expected to in a million years. Standing before us, is a blazing mad, Park Sunmi. The look she had in her eyes were to kill. But what shocked me the most was what she did, or what she didn't do for that matter. I expected her so yell at us, scold us, or even dare to hit us with the look she was giving us. But she didn't anything of the sort. All she did was give us the coldest glare I have ever gotten, that sent shivers up my spine, and ran off in the direction ofthe crying girl.

Taemin & Kai POV

We watched her run off, and we sat there for awhile, thoughts running through both of our heads, but one thing was clear, with the look that girl gave us, the emotion she now made us feel, was guilt.

Hello Hello!! I am so sorry haven't updated for awhile. God I'm lazy. Just ask any of my friends XP. Oh Well. I give you this chappie in return for your forgiveness!! PWEASE DONT B MAD!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!



*crawls into deep dark corner* I AM A FAILURE!!!

This is what one of my old friends used to do when they didn't get enough attention:

On one normal Thursday. I was doing my work for Social Studies... then all of a sudden...

"Nani!" _____ yelled. "Nani!"

I ignored him and continued to do my work.

"Nani! I know you can hear me! Nani!" he stood next to were I was sitting.

Still ignored him.

He grabbed my paper from my desk flipped it over so it was on its back side and said "There, I hindered your work."

I just sighed and flipped it back over, and continued to ignore him.

"NANI!" his voice started to become whiny." PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!"

I ignored him with what little patience I had. What he did next was something I really didn't expect.

He crawled on top of my desk, sprawled himself over all of my work and threw his arms around yelling "NANI PAY ATTENTION TO ME!! YOU CANT IGNORE ME!! I NEED ATTENTION TO GROW!! WHY DO YOU THINK I'M SO SHORT!! PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!


That idiot almost got me in trouble.... believe me this is a true story. Just ask my friend NinnieLoves... He's done that to her too.....That diva..... XP








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Jlugo24 #1
Chapter 2: You MUST be a OHHC fan as well, no?
kpopspotlight10 #2
..... wow.... thank you.... thank you! I dont know how but that makes me feel so much better! Im sorry for what happened to you... I dont think anybody should have to go through something like thatthat wether they did something horrible or not... lol im also 14! But I dont turn fifteen until July of next year :(!!
Ninjachick #3
ITS Ouran High School Host club isnt it?!?!?! I love that show and Hikaru and Kaoru are too adorable my fvorite characters are Hikaru, Kyoya, Honey-sempai and Mori
Shineeslittle #4
Chapter 2: Did you watch Ouran High School Host Club? This story is very similar to that of the Hitachiin brothers
id3ntical341 #5
Chapter 12: Ohoho so it's Kyungsoo, eh? Muahahaha Kyungsoo is such a bias list wrecker.