Chapter 6

Three Pieces

Taemin POV

I the sticky syrup from my fingers, and did the same for my fork. I didn't realise the time until Kai walked in the kitchen with his uniform on and his bed head gone, but he still had that same pissed off expression on his face.

I only glanced at him once before returning back to my food. "If you keep making that face your going to get wrinkles and you'll look like a bulldog." I said sticking another piece of banana pancake in my mouth.

"Do you know what time it is?" He snarled. Crossing his arms over his chest, he gave me that don't-test-my-patience look.

I just shrugged my shoulders. He looked more than displeased.

"LEE TAMIN GET YOUR SCRAWNY UPSTAIRS!!! PRONTO!!!" Although I was a little taken back by his tone, I just sighed and carried my still tired body upstairs.


He walked slowly up the stairs like he was dead. Dragging his feet along, as if there was a ball and chain connected.


"Fine!!!" I heard him yell. Listening to his pace climb to a slow jog, to which I was content.

Sunmi POV

I panted from running straight from my house, and I don't think I was much closer. I checked the time on my phone. Crap! I'm gonna be late! But my lungs felt like they were going to explode from anymore running. I knew I shoudn't have stopped at that coffee shop along the way. I attempted to run again but after a few steps I felt my legs almost fall out from under me.

I heard an abrupt honk behind me and I turned around to see a very shiny silver car drive up right next to me. The tinted window on the passenger side rolled down and I could see a chiseled face but it was cover with dark sunglasses and a wide cocky smile. He pulled the dark shades just on the tip off his nose to show me his deep brown eyes.

"Hop in, Princess." He said in that proud tone.

I raised and eyebrow at his gesture.

"It's not ike I'm going to kidnap you." He said. " I know Eunmi would never let me just leave you here."

I hesitated for a moment, but gave in, knowing I didn't want to be late for my third day of school.

I slipped in the car, not letting his truimphant smile go unnoticed.

"So where's Eunmi?" I asked looking about the car. He put the car into drive.

"Eunmi? She preffers to take rides from those s she calls friends." I gaped at the use of language he used to represent Eunmi's friends.

"I'm Eunmi's friend, am I too?"

He smiled. "No. Your different."

I sent him a playful smile. "Is different good?"

He made a face as if he were pondering the thought.

I slapped him in his arm, he didn't show any sign of pain, instead he laughed.

"What was that for, Princess?"

I again crossed my arms across my chest, and gave him my own cocky smile. "I don't think I like that nickname."

"What? Princess?" he laughed "What's wrong with it? I like it."

"Well, I don't."

He looked at me for a brief second in the eyes,showing me that sea of chocolate surrounding his pupils. then he looked back to the road. I mentally scolded him for not keeping an eye on the road.

"Then it stays."

"Excuse me?"

"Princess. It stays."

I groaned, and he chuckled.

Taemin POV

The both of us stepped out of our limousine. Glancing around the students again stopped all traces of conversation and stared in our direction. We had grown to know the silence that surrounds us for some reason I am still in awe by it. I felt Kai nudge me with his elbow, and that snapped me out of my trance. I stepped onto the grounds of the now silent school.

All of a sudden the silence was broken. I turned to the sound. In the spot where our limousine had pulled up a silver car parked there. A cheerful laughing came from the car and out of the car stepped the dino face guy that showed up yesterday. Then from the passenger side came the silhouette of a girl, her back facing us, as she still laughed at what ever the dino faced guy had said.

Her hair, her laugh it all seemed familiar. When she turned around my jaw almost dropped. Sunmi walked along the side walk with the tall dino faced guy right next to her laughing and giggling at his very animated story. Right as they stepped through the gates, realization struck them and they looked around. They noticed the blank faces of the other students and the silence. Her face held confusion for a moment and then her gaze came our way. Right as her eyes settled on us they turned from happy and cheerful to dark and angered.

She ignored the looks the others were giving her and she stomped off, Dino-face's stare lingered for a moment longer at us before running after her.


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Jlugo24 #1
Chapter 2: You MUST be a OHHC fan as well, no?
kpopspotlight10 #2
..... wow.... thank you.... thank you! I dont know how but that makes me feel so much better! Im sorry for what happened to you... I dont think anybody should have to go through something like thatthat wether they did something horrible or not... lol im also 14! But I dont turn fifteen until July of next year :(!!
Ninjachick #3
ITS Ouran High School Host club isnt it?!?!?! I love that show and Hikaru and Kaoru are too adorable my fvorite characters are Hikaru, Kyoya, Honey-sempai and Mori
Shineeslittle #4
Chapter 2: Did you watch Ouran High School Host Club? This story is very similar to that of the Hitachiin brothers
id3ntical341 #5
Chapter 12: Ohoho so it's Kyungsoo, eh? Muahahaha Kyungsoo is such a bias list wrecker.