Chapter 14

Three Pieces

Eunmi POV

"Sunny." A word-no- a namE, echoed, etched in my mind as a scar. Like a broken record, it played the same line over and over in my mind. That name rung in my ears until I felt hot tears on my cheeks, which everntually lulled me as I suddenly felt exhausted. As my eyelids became heavier, thoughts slipped from my mind. Small words escaped her lips as she fell dark.

"I'm sorry."

Taemin POV

I remained silent ever since I woke up with bloodshot eyes. Now sitting at the table, I was still voiceless, the puffiness was already gone but my eyes were still a bright pink. I looked as worse as I felt, my hair was a mess, still in my pajamas, and my face still remain void of color. I only poked at the sausage and eggs set before me with the cool metal fork, pushing them aside and smahing the yolk until it popped. Kai sat across from me, also mute. But I noticed when when he glanced my direction worringly.

"Taemin?" He finally called. I didn't glance up.

"Hmmm?" To which, I found my eggs suddenly appetizing, and stuffed a whole forkful in my mouth before answering Kai.

"I know this might be an obvious but... your eyes are red, and you havent said a word. What's the matter?" I still didnt look at him, although I could feel his burnig gaze on me. I scoffed. Of course he wouldn't know. Although it was partially his fault, he didnt know that he was the reason. Kai, you are changing... why? I can't even explain how he is, but he is. There is something that I don't recognize in him, something I don't like. It's still just the two of us, right?

I shrugged. And he ran his hand through his hair frustratingly. At this time, I was looking him dead in his eyes, as if I were to see right then and there what was different. He made no comment about my sudden staring, he just looked me intensly in the eyes as I was to him. Nothing. Kai is still Kai. That still didn't lessen my worry, but I knew, maybe I would still be able to destroy this sudden change.

"Kai, I thought we were completely honest with each other."

He looked at me in disbelief. "We are! What makes you think otherwise?!"

I looked away from him, a little pissed he was lying to me and that he was raising his voice at me so suddenly.

"I have nothing to hide from you. Everything I know, you know."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Bull crap, Liar!"

"I have nothing to hide from you, Taemin! Nobody else! Ever! Wasn't that what I promised? It's just the two of us remember?! I made a promise after she left and-"

I stood up abruptly from my chair making a loud creaking noise, and the chair fell backwards with a large bang. "And you promised to never talk about her again! That she was a thing of the past! That she would never catch up to our locked up lives again! That she was gone for good, and that you would never do anything for that to happen again! Right?!"

Although with my last question he was slightly hesitant, Kai stood abruptly too. "Of course! Nobody else, Taemin! Nobody! Why won't you listen to me?! What the Hell is this about?!" 

By then my eyes were glossy, but I wouldn't let him see me cry. I am not weak, though I was hesitant to tell him. But I was already this far, I might as well tell him. "Then what's the deal with Sunmi, huh?!"

He looked taken back and his angered expression faultered. "W-What do you mean?!"

"Don't you 'What do you mean?' me, Kai!" I clenched my fists. "Nobody else, huh?! That seemed to fly out the window when she showed up! All of a sudden you care! All of a sudden you want to let people in! What the Hell is up with that?!"

"That's-That's because-" he seemed to try to come up with a valid excuse but couldn't, so I continued.

"That whole heist with Jonghyun was not my idea! Going to the park today with them was not my idea! Kai! What is the matter with you?!"

He sighed, he had a tight grip on the wooden table. The viens almost bulging out of his clenched fists, as well as his clenched jaw. "Taemin? Don't you want to experience the care of others again?! What it's like to not be afraid of?! I'm tired, Taemin! I'm tired of living like nothing else in the world matters but ourselves!"

"I can't! I won't! I can't take another disappointment! I can't put my heart back together one last time! Not for you! Not for anyone! What if they're just like her?! They're just going to hurt us again, Kai! Can't you see?!"

"There you go bringing her up again! Damn it, Taemin-"

"No! Damn you, Kai! I heard you! I heard you, Damn it! Do you remember last night?! I bet you do!" I didn't care anymore if Kai saw me crying. I tried hard not to but I passed my limit. Tears streaked down my face and my vision became blurry. "Did you forget we share the same room and bed, !"

Kai's face flushed, but he tried not to show it. "What are you-"

"I told you not to give me that crap! I told you I heard you! Damn you, Kai! I heard you say her name on the God Damn phone! Where did you get her number, huh?! Did you just randomly find her online or something?! Or even better? Have you been staying in contact with her this whole time?!"

"Taemin! I'm serious! Who-"

"Sunny! Sunny!" Pure rage and anger was spit from my mouth when her name escaped my lips. We agreed to not mention her anymore, so we had never said her name in years. Well, I haven't at least... "Sunny! You know damn well who!"

Kai looked like he was struck with realization and his face relieved itself of anger, instead it was full of concern and sadness. I didn't want his pity. He made a step closer to me. He reached out his hand to me but I harshly slapped it away. He looked hurt but not much, and backed off. "What did you hear?" He cleared his throat.

I looked away. "All I heard was you say 'Goodnight, Sunny.' and then hang up." I stood tall right in front of him. "But I sure as hell not stupid enough to believe it was coincidently some other girl that happens to have the same name, Kai."

He looked at me with pity, which only angered me further. I calmed myself down before I could snap again. All of the maids in the house were probabaly listening already anyways. Not that any of them would know who she is. After the incident with her, we fired every maid in the house and replaced them with new ones. I looked down to the ground, refusing ot meet his eyes. "Forget it."

"Excuse me?" He seemed to say it in disbelief.

I picked up my plate and made my way to the kitchen sink. "You heard me." I said coldly, never looking at him once.

"Taemin, don't you dare-"

"Don't I dare what?!" I snapped, but not as harshly as I was earlier.

I could feel Kai's gaze burning into my back. He said nothing.

"I'm going to get ready for school." I stomped upstars, I looked back at Kai once, expecting him to have a guilty or pitiful expression. But instead what surprised me was that it was neither, it was a sadening, apologetic one. I shook the image from my mind and kept walking.

I know! I know! Don't hate me! This was all planned from the begining. Remember the question in the foreword? "But can the attention of a girl change that? Or will she be their greatest danger?"

Yup :(... the feels.

I actually had time today since my Dad was busy with work, he's trying to save up enough money for the holidays. Haha I can't wait!! XD

Happy Early Christmas!!


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Jlugo24 #1
Chapter 2: You MUST be a OHHC fan as well, no?
kpopspotlight10 #2
..... wow.... thank you.... thank you! I dont know how but that makes me feel so much better! Im sorry for what happened to you... I dont think anybody should have to go through something like thatthat wether they did something horrible or not... lol im also 14! But I dont turn fifteen until July of next year :(!!
Ninjachick #3
ITS Ouran High School Host club isnt it?!?!?! I love that show and Hikaru and Kaoru are too adorable my fvorite characters are Hikaru, Kyoya, Honey-sempai and Mori
Shineeslittle #4
Chapter 2: Did you watch Ouran High School Host Club? This story is very similar to that of the Hitachiin brothers
id3ntical341 #5
Chapter 12: Ohoho so it's Kyungsoo, eh? Muahahaha Kyungsoo is such a bias list wrecker.