Chapter 13

Three Pieces

Jonghyun said he would send each of us a text telling us when and where we were going to hang out. Thank God it's friday, I wouldn't be able to handle anymore craziness at school. Although I'm not so sure how he would get ahold of Kai and Taemin's numbers...

My body was sprawled about my bed, my face leveled on my fluffy bean-filled pillow, flat on my stomach. I looked at the small animated 'Hello Kitty' clock, it read 9:30 pm. Moments after my eyelids started to feel heavy, the device in the front pocket of my faded jeans vibrated. I slowly reached under my waist and slid it out.

The bright screen made me squint. The dark black figures were easily made out in the darkness of my room with the bright white screen. I opened the notification that reminded me that I had a brand new message. The message read:


To: Princess ^^

Okay, we are meeting at the Jay Park {lol Jay Park XP}, at 3:00. Eunmi is going to be packing a picnic basket so bring your appetite. Alright?

I thought about it for a second, what am I really getting myself into? I guess I'll find out.

I sighed, but text back:

From: Princess ^^

To: Jonghyun

Yeah, that's alright. Don't worry, I'll be there. I won't go back on a promise.

I sent it with a sudden sadness. "Never again." I whispered.

In seconds I got another text.


To: Princess

Give them a chance. I don't think they're as bad as you think and you know what... Maybe theyre just like that becasue there is somethinig else troubling them?

I became puzzled.

From: Princess^^

To: Jonghyun

What makes you think that?

Another text seconds after I sent it.

From: Jonghyun

To: Princess^^

I tried texting them and getting to know them a little more so its not as awkward tomorrow. Kai seemed to noticed and he said he was thankful for the effort but he said he doesnt need anymore people in his life... I asked him why and he only replied one word, or a name more like it... Sunny.

I lay immobilized, and unmoving. Sunny? Sunny, he said Sunny! He remembers! Happiness and relief passed over me, then guilt and sadness washed it over. He remembers, he remembers me and most likely what I did. Is he angry? Upset? Sad? Does Taemin know? I couldnt process it all at once. Another vibration came from my phone but I ignored it for a few seconds before deciding to answer.

To; Princess^^

From: Jonghyun

Who is Sunny?And what did she do? One person can't possibly be the cause of their solitude can they?

I choked back a whimper. My fingers shaking while trying to type back a response.

To: Jonghyun

From: Princess^^

I don't know. Possibly..............Can I get Kai's number? i just want to talk to him.

I waited for what seemed like hours but was really 5 minutes, for a reply. Finally, my phone buzzed once again.

To: Princess^^

From: Jonghyun

O..ok....... Here... (XXX)XXX-XXXX

I half-smile crossed my lips for a brief second, and I mentally thanked Jonghyun. I looked to my 'Hello Kitty' clock once more to find it was 10:00 p.m.!! Biting my lip I wondered if it was safe enough to call him now. Would he be asleep by now? No, right? I shoook all of these questions from my mind before I started to become paranoid again. Deciding to risk it, I clicked a button to save the number under my contacts. About to click call, I recieved another message from Jonghyun.

Jonghyun POV

To: Princess^^

From: Jonghyun

I know this might not be the right time... Sunmi, I think I like you... Please know what you're doing with Kai and Taemin. Goodnight, Princess ^.^

I struggled hard to make the words appear on my phone but when I saw they were there I winced. Although it was the truth, I wasn't sure if my heart was just decieving myself. Would I risk it? No. Not now. I deleted every word except the last two sentences. I chuckled to myself sadly, throwing my head back so that it hit the bedrest behind me. Kai, Taemin, Sunmi. Every time I see them together wether they're not talking or just arguing, it's like they're automatically into their own world. A large canvas of an oblivious world, it's large canvas set onto a puzzle form. And three important pieces are missing.

I sighed, trying to let sleep come to me. And then a returning thought came to mind. Who is Sunny?

Sunmi POV

I read over the message, Jonghyun's thoughtfulness brought me enough courage to at least talk to Kai. I replied a quick 'Goodnight' back and went back to call Kai. It rang a few times, immediately making me start to regret every ring. Finally, someone picked up.

A groggy voice half whicpered into the phone. "H-Hello? Who is this?"

Crap! He was sleeping! "O-Oh! You were sleeping. I-I'm sorry." I sighed. "N-Nevermind. Just forget about it. I'Il just-"

He stopped me. "No!"

I was shocked at his immediate outburst, so I didnt say anything.

He breathed. "I-I mean no. It's alright. I mean I was sleeping but I''m up now so... This is Sunmi right? Do you need anything?"

I in my own silent breath and continued. "I w-was just talking to Jonghyun. He said you were upset about something, I just- I guess I just wanted to know if you alright... I guess." Ugh! You sound like your loosing it, Sunmi.

Kai seemed to process this becasue he said nothing more. Finally he said,"Yeah. Somehting was bothering me."

"So..." I tried to get him to continue.

I heard him sigh. "T-The park. I guess Jonghyun forgot to mention what park we were going to, to me."

I released a breath I didnt know I was holding. I composed myself quickly."Jay Park." I responded as cooly as I could.

"Y-Yeah. Thanks."

"Was that it?" I asked.

He in a large deep breath. "Yes. I knew you'd help me out. Goodnight..."


"... Sunny." And then he line was dead on his end.

I felt the phone slip from my hand and onto the floor. Feeling my heartbeat pound through my ears and my chest heavy like lead. I quickly regained my senses and frantically tried to call him back, but I got his voicemail every time.

So... Yeah. I'm still alive, I guess. My body still moves, but my insides feel like lead that is dragging me back. So... I don't normally tell random people I don't even know my problems but I just want to get it out if you dont mind...

First of all, I have to say I'm trying to work out a permanent schedule to update everything but now its almost impossible! What happened was that my parents found out I have a website on here, so they got pissed. I'm not aloud to have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. they think its like a giant, flashy sign that I wave around saying, "Hey, I'm a very public person that likes to talk to random strangers, even es! So feel free to ask me for any personal information about me, if it isnt already displayed on my profile!".....yeah..... so they wanted me to deactivate it... after hours and arguing, they agreed to let me keep it.

Second,... well... actually I don't want to go into detail about this.... let's just say I had A REALLY CRAPPY DAY at home and school, so I went to my room... my aunt found me... and now I'm going to what my mother calls 'special' counseling.... you know... counseling for suicidals....  ummm... so yeah. I now have counseling every Sunday, for IDK how long... I heard my mom talking about months... *sigh*

Third, I haven't been doing so hot on many of my new classes.I PROMISE I'VE BEEN TRYING!! I just dont get it!! And eventually, my parents were notified, now I have tutoring every Friday...

Lastly, although my parents arent OFFICIALLY divorced, they are in their minds. So my dad was kicked out, and somehow they came to agreement (though I think my dad had almost no say in it) that he cannot see us except on Satudays, which has alwasy been on chore days, so that kinda cuts out more time of the day he can see us.... Whatever...


So yeah. My weekends are completely booked... I will try to update in spared hours or even on weekdays if I have the time...

Life ....but its not like I can get some refund... So I will it up and deal with it, with a completely strained, fake smile and a half-assed attitude...


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Jlugo24 #1
Chapter 2: You MUST be a OHHC fan as well, no?
kpopspotlight10 #2
..... wow.... thank you.... thank you! I dont know how but that makes me feel so much better! Im sorry for what happened to you... I dont think anybody should have to go through something like thatthat wether they did something horrible or not... lol im also 14! But I dont turn fifteen until July of next year :(!!
Ninjachick #3
ITS Ouran High School Host club isnt it?!?!?! I love that show and Hikaru and Kaoru are too adorable my fvorite characters are Hikaru, Kyoya, Honey-sempai and Mori
Shineeslittle #4
Chapter 2: Did you watch Ouran High School Host Club? This story is very similar to that of the Hitachiin brothers
id3ntical341 #5
Chapter 12: Ohoho so it's Kyungsoo, eh? Muahahaha Kyungsoo is such a bias list wrecker.