Chapter 10

Three Pieces

Sunmi POV

I watched the clock as it slowly ticked by, it's hands moving and moving but wasn't moving fast enough. Time passed by. But my thoughts didn't. The mysterious boy lingered in my mind, as well as the note, containing a clue to where Jonghyun was. Strangely enough I didn't tell Eunmi about it. I figured I could find him myself so as not to worry her. Too lost in thought I didn't notice when the bell actually rang, I shook my head from my worried thoughts when I saw all of the other students collecting their stuff. Too rushed I grabbed my bag and ran out of the door, hoping and praying I wasn't too late.

Nobody POV

Jonghyun followed the strange boys willingly, but doubt still lingered in his mind. His hand slid into his pocket to make sure he had his phone in case anything else was going to happen besides talking. He felt around, finally touching the cold metalic case, his mind a little more at ease.

Little did he know one of the brown haired boys peered back and saw his action. Kai chuckled. "I told you we just wanted to talk, nothing more." Jonghyun looked at him in surprise but nodded in return.

Jonghyun was still a little relieved but became suspicious as to where they were leading him. They had just walked off campus, not even telling his sister or Sunmi where he was."Where are we going?" He asked.

Kai and Taemin shrugged simultaneously. Jonghyun gave them a questioning look. "Then, can we stop here?"

Kai looked back at Jonghyun and back at Taemin. Jonghyun said this because he wanted to be as close to a populated area as much as he could. He looked around, it wasn't a heavily populated area but if he were to scream, somebody would hear.

Taemin nodded, and stopped to turn back at Jonghyun. "Sunmi." Was the only word that came out of Taemin's mouth.

Jonghyun was more confused than he already was. "Excuse me?"

"Sunmi." This time her name came out of Kai's lips. Jonghyun looked at the other twin, geusturing for more of an explanation. But when they didn't, he spoke.

"Okay, what about her?"

The twins looked at each other, almost surprised Jonghyun asked.

Kai shrugged "Anything."

Jonghyun's face was just one of complete astonishment. "So... you dragged me out of school grounds just because you wanted to get to know Sunmi?" His voice started to sound accusing."And what makes you think I would give away any kind of information about her to you? Weren't you guys just clashing not to long ago? And if you had the courage to drag me out of school just for that, why don't you just ask her yourselves?!"

Taemin shrugged, leaning against a cement wall. His gaze fixed on the ground. Jonghyun was almost positive he was blushing. For what, he didn't know.

The boys stood in silence for awhile, none saying a word, until Kai finally spoke up.

"Why did you both get out of the same vehicle this morning?"

"What is this? Are we playing twenty questions?!"

"Just answer the question." Kai said calmly but still stern. Although he could be yelling since Jonghyun was abviously loosing his temper.

Jonghyun crossed his arms over his chest before looking Kai straight in the eyes. "Because I drove her to school. I saw her walking and she was obviously going to be late, so I offered to drive her." Jonghyun scolded himslef for answering, he didn't have ot explain himself to them. They're acting like he did some kind of crime.

"What is your relation to Sunmi?" Kai asked, his voice still holding a forced calmness.

Jonghyun started to laugh. Kai and Taemin seemed to take this very seriously, but Jonghyun continued to laugh. He almost fell to the floor from how much he was laughing. He finally stopped when Taemin cleared his throat. Jonghyun composed himself, well, mostly and found his words to speak.

"Are you serious?" He asked with the straightest face me could muster.

Kai raised an eyebrow. "What's so funny?"

"You guys sound like protective boyfriends, you know that?"

Taemin's blush reddened, and a small tint of pink started to color Kai's cheeks.

"Look I don't mean to pry, which is what you guys are doing anyways, but why do you want to know?" He scoffed."You guys aren't her brothers, you guys aren't her fathers, and neither one of you is definitely not her boyfriend let alone her friends. So why? From the looks of what happened earlier, I thought you guys hated each other.

Neither of the twins said anything.

"But to answer your guys questions, Sunmi and I are not dating if that's what you are thinking. She's just a friend......but... you know what never mind. Now I will take my leave." Jonghyun waved at them, walking backwards away from the scene. Oblivious to anything behind him, but he continued to wave good-bye to the twins, as he had that smug smile on his face.

"W-Wait!" Taemin called. The scene played before him in slow motion. Jonghyun stepped onto the cement road, and the dark red truck came barreling down his direction. Taemin say his hand reaching out for Jonghyun. Jonghyun's collar inches form his finger tips. And the large red truck speeding down, oblivous to the boys......

MWHAHAHA!! CLIFFHANGER!!!! Don't worry I do not hate you my readers, I'm just having a little fun. Can you wait long enough for the next chapter? ;P




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Jlugo24 #1
Chapter 2: You MUST be a OHHC fan as well, no?
kpopspotlight10 #2
..... wow.... thank you.... thank you! I dont know how but that makes me feel so much better! Im sorry for what happened to you... I dont think anybody should have to go through something like thatthat wether they did something horrible or not... lol im also 14! But I dont turn fifteen until July of next year :(!!
Ninjachick #3
ITS Ouran High School Host club isnt it?!?!?! I love that show and Hikaru and Kaoru are too adorable my fvorite characters are Hikaru, Kyoya, Honey-sempai and Mori
Shineeslittle #4
Chapter 2: Did you watch Ouran High School Host Club? This story is very similar to that of the Hitachiin brothers
id3ntical341 #5
Chapter 12: Ohoho so it's Kyungsoo, eh? Muahahaha Kyungsoo is such a bias list wrecker.