Chapter 11

Three Pieces

Sunmi POV

I had been searching ever since school got out, and I don't even know where I am anymore. All of the buildings areound me all look the same, so I could possible be going around in circles. I was still jogging, asking any passerbys if they had seen Jonghyun or even the twins by a description. Nobody saw them.

I panted heavily, my hands on my knees and my body hunched over. I took deep breaths. Almost ready to give up.

"Jonghyun! Where are you?!" As if on cue, I heard the yell of a familiar voice. Without any doubt, I took off running to the source of the sound.

Taemin POV

The scene played out in slow motion. My own fingers were centimeters from Jonghyun's collar. Only centimeters. But the barreling red car wasn't slowing down, and wouldn't even slow down in time if it could. I didn't think I could reach him in time. That's when I noticed the other hand next to mine suddenly lunge for Jonghyun. The hand didn't belong to me, Kai had bravely lunged for Jonghyun, not even thinking. The minute his fingers touched Jonghun's shirt he yanked it forward. The truck scarcely missed his head, His hair flew to the side because of the speeding truck, but it thankfully didn't touch it at all.

The rest of time started to move as it should, but for us three, it seemed to be completely frozen. We stayed in our positions, too paralyzed of the scene that just happened. Kai's hand still had a firm grip of his shirt, and his head was dangling right above the dark pavement of the road. I had landed on top of Jonghyun and instead of also grabbing ahold of his shirt it looked like I had pinned his shoulders to the ground.

Then I heard her voice scream out. "Oh my Gosh! Jonghyun!"

I didn't even have time to look in the direction of the voice before both Kai and I were ripped from the paralyzed boy and pushed to the side. I only saw the back of the crouched form near Jonghyun, her dark hair covered the view of him but I knew who it was. None other than Park Sunmi. She started to frantically poke and prod at his face looking for any damage. Once she was reasured that the Dino face was  alright she directed her full attention on us. Her face no longer had worry, only pure anger. Her look almost made me immediately take off running.

"What is the matter with you guys?!" She got up and stood over us menacingly, pointing an acusing finger in our direction.

I looked to Kai. He seemed surprisingly calm, but I could see the fear behind his eyes. "Look. We-"

"No! I saw what you guys were doing! He was going to get hit by a car, you guys were going to let him get hit by a car!" You could practically see the steam coming from her ears. Kai's calm face melted away and he seemed in as much shock as I was.

"Sunmi, you didn't see -we didn't- we wouldn't do something like that." Kai said, his words seemed to lack any power behind it.

"That's what I thought, but I guess I thought wrong. What is the matter with you guys?" She questioned again. "What-What happened?! I left so.. so that I could prevent-But... Ugh!" Her hands covered her face in frustration. I didn't understand what she was trying to say. What did she mean by she left? She only made me question her more. Her eyes seemed to water a little.

"What's more is that ever since I came back here, the only thing I have seen either of you do is hurt other people! No wonder everybody in school is afraid of you! THis isn't you guys, you aren't Taemin and Kai. What happened? What happened to my... my little..." She wouldn't even look at us anymore. "..My little guardian angels." She said that at such a hushed tone I was barely able to hear.


Taemin and I were shocked at a loss of words. But the gears in my mind were turning. Her little guardian angels? That was familiar to me, somebody along time ago called us that. We promised that we would protect her, we would be her guardians. So hence forth, she called us her guardian angels.

"Sunny?" I whispered, but from the looks of everybody, nobody heard the name slip my mouth.

She looked as though she was about to break down crying again, but she quickly composed herself, mostly.

She looked like she was about to blow up at us again but a large hand held her shoulder before she could say anything more. She looked surprised as she saw Jonghyun.

He gave her shake of the head. "They're telling the truth you know." He chuckled. "They actually saved my life."

He only look slightly surprised, when she looked at us there was something else in her eyes,  relief.

She seemed to loose all the tensity in her posture and looked at us seriously.

"I apologize then." I swallowed hard, and felt a little relief of my own wash over me."Forgive me." Her eyes were full of something, longing for something more in her apology. We only shook our heads, dismissing the look she gave us.

"Just forget it. No need for apologies., no need for forgivness. Just, Forget it." I said simply. Her eyes seemed to sadden. Then she looked down at the ground shamefully, but nodded.

I sighed. None of us said another word, and Kai and I took it as our cue to leave.

Sunmi POV

I watched them until they were out of sight. They never said goodbye, they never looked back. And that's how they've always been. As if it were an instinct I reached for the necklace that was under th fabric of my shirt. I could feel the cool metal under the thin fabric, a tear escaping my eye. The grip on my shoulder tightened and I looked up to see a worried Jonghyun. I sent a reassuring smile and lead him in the direction I came.

But I didn't let the feeling of being watched go unnoticed. I turned around half expecting somebody to be there but there was none. I became puzzled. Jonghyun called me, to which I ignored the absurd feeling.

??? POV

I watched her fleeting form leave, so I left the hiding place.

"What'd we do that for?" My brother asked. I looked at Taemin with solemn eyes, but shook my head.

"Nothing at all." I said. Is Sunmi really her?

"Sunny?" I whispered, a tear falling from my eye.

DON'T HATE ME!!! PLEASE!! I thought the link for this story was broken, it wouldn't let me update for awhile. So was actually about to delete it and start over with a new one, but just for kicks, I tried updating again, and it worked! I guess it's not broken. YAY!


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Jlugo24 #1
Chapter 2: You MUST be a OHHC fan as well, no?
kpopspotlight10 #2
..... wow.... thank you.... thank you! I dont know how but that makes me feel so much better! Im sorry for what happened to you... I dont think anybody should have to go through something like thatthat wether they did something horrible or not... lol im also 14! But I dont turn fifteen until July of next year :(!!
Ninjachick #3
ITS Ouran High School Host club isnt it?!?!?! I love that show and Hikaru and Kaoru are too adorable my fvorite characters are Hikaru, Kyoya, Honey-sempai and Mori
Shineeslittle #4
Chapter 2: Did you watch Ouran High School Host Club? This story is very similar to that of the Hitachiin brothers
id3ntical341 #5
Chapter 12: Ohoho so it's Kyungsoo, eh? Muahahaha Kyungsoo is such a bias list wrecker.