Chapter 15

Three Pieces


Taemin hasn't come out of the room for an hour already. We haven't spoken since that incident that happened just an hour ago. I saw the maids give us nosy, glances every once in a while. It's not like it was any of their buisness. My phone vibrated on the glass coffee table, I expected it to be Sunmi again for some reason. After ending the call with her yesterday, I immediately shut off my phone. When I turned it back on this morning, I noticed 12 missed calls, then another new call showed up from her but I declined it..... for now, I was too confused to

I looked at the caller ID that shone brightly on the screen, and it was none other than Jonghyun. Though hesitant, I clicked Answer.

Sunmi POV

For today I just put on shorts and a dress shirt that was a light blue along with cream colored flowers. I know, girly, right? Well it wasn't my choice, Sunmi begged me to. And never once have I been able to restist her pleas. Especially when she uses "the eyes" on me.

My phone's screen lit up and it said "New Message". I opened the notification and the text was from Jonghyun. It read "I'll going to pick you up. Send me your address?? ^.^"

I replied to his message with my address. Seconds after I got another repsonse, "Okay, I'll be there in five minutes. You'd better be ready Princess X]"

I smiled, getting my stuff together I sprinted out of my room. I unlocked the door and was ready to sprint out when I was called back from the door.

"Sunmi!" His royal highness called. I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen, where my brother waited. His back was faced towards me when I entered and I could plainly see he was wearing his black "Kiss the Diva" apron on. He heard me enter and turned to face me, the raven haired man had orange substances smeared on his forehead and cheek, not even close to as much as a mess as his apron was clearly ruined. He had a large mixing bowl tucked to his chest in one arm and a wooden spoon in the other hand.

"Did you need something, Key oppa?" I said.

Key looked me up and down, "What are you wearing?" He gave a skpetical look.

I looked down at my outfit and clearly it wasnt my usual style, but I didnt see anything wrong with it. "Its called a dress shirt... Whats wrong with it?"

"That." He waved his wooden spoon in a motion signalling all of my outfit. "Clearly you are going out..... and there are going to be boys?"

I opened my mouth to argue but in one quick motion he convered my lips and silenced them with the orange tipped spoon. "One word... No, Sunmi"

I slapped the spoon away and opened my mouth to protest the unfairness but he silenced me again, with the spoon. "Ahbub bub. No." He gave me a manacing look. In return I gave him pleading eyes. His gaze seemed to weaken slightly, I knew I was easily cracking him.

I pulled the spoon from my mouth and the contents from around my mouth. I gave my most cheerful and sincere smile, "It's delicious, Ky oppa! You really outdid yourself this time!" I praised.

His eyes pulled back to a proud look, "Of course, when have my meals ever been any less?"

"Yes they have, Oppa." He returned to his place by the counter top with all of the ingredients and continued his masterpiece. I let a minute pass by before I remembered about Jonghyun's text.

"Ne Key Oppa? I was wondering-"

"No" He stopped me mid sentence.

"What? Why?"

"Becasue I said so." He didnt even look back at me.

"Key, you know I love you, but right now your being so unfair. You dont even know where I'm going or who I'm going to hang out with." I fired back.


"Key, look, I made a promise to someone and I plan on keeping it. I-"


"Key, you-"

"Sunny! Stop!"

His sudden outsburst of that name made me mute immediately. Key snapped around, "Oh my, I'm sorry, Sunmi. I know. I know I'm not supposed to use that name. I'm sorry. It just slipped, I swear."

I didnt reply, nor look him in the eyes. Key approached me, "Key oppa's sorry, Sunmi. It just slipped. I-"

The sound of someone clearing their throat stopped the raven haired man. I looked up from behind Key and standing in the kitchen doorway was Jonghyun.

"I'm sorry to interupt. The door was open and when I called noone answered, and I heard noise. So I just let myself in." He said so gentleman-like, so like Jonghyun. Key seemed to inspect the dino faced friend of mine, becasue he didnt say anything. Through this silence, Jonghyunsent me a worried look seeming to say, "Are you alright?", I snapped myslef from wht happened before he walked in. I mouthed to him, "I'm alright."

Key was the one who finally spoke, giving the dino faced man a not so happy look. "Who are you?"

Jonghyun seemed dumbfounded for not introducing himself earlier. He stuck his hand out to Key, "I'm sorry. My name is Kim Jonghyun." Key's face seemed to already relax. " I'm Sunmi's friend, I'm picking her up. Speaking of which, are you ready to go, Sunmi?" They both looked to me, while I looked to Key.

Key sighed and ran a hand through his black raven hair. He looked to me hesitantly, for some readon I saw a bit of sadness but I htought about it and thought of no reason he could be. "Go." was all Key said. He ushered us to the door, I gave a small smile, and got one in return. I kissed his cheek, and approached Jonghyun.

As I did, Jonghyun chuckled. "What?" I asked. I had a sudden thought, "If it's my outfit, I-"

Jonghyun shook his head. "No." He chuckled. "It's just that-" He guestured to my nose, and I gave a puzzled look. He then swiped his finger across the bridge of my nose and stuck the orange substance in his mouth. "It's great." He laughed. He turned back to face Key, "Don't worry. She'll be back before dinner." Jonghyun called. Key faintly smiled, but that same look of sadness washed over the smile for a bit. I sent Key a worried look but he was already going inside.

We climbed into Jonghyun's fancy silver car,to which I searched inside. "Where's Eunmi?" I asked Jonghyun.

He ran a hand thourgh his hair. "She s

aid she had to put soem finsishing touches on the lunch basket stuff. I don't know. She said when she was ready she would get  Minho to driver her to the park."

"Minho?" I asked.

"Oh, you don't know him. He is one of my team mates on the Soccer team." He replied, starting up the car. Oh yeah, I remember Jonghyun metioning he was on the soccer team.

Jonghyun strating dirving down a winding road, all while telling a very animated story when him and Minho first met, it started with a soccer ball to Jonghyun's face, rivalries, and even ended with an understanding. I felt bad, but I didn't pay much attention to what he was saying. I picked up on some events but others I blanked out on. I found it wierd because I alwasy loved Jonghyun's stories, they're what made me laugh most of the time, but now, my train of thought was somehwere else.

Kai... Taemin... Kai... Taemin......... Kai? Taemin? Kai knows, and I'm sure Taemin does too, no doubt. They tell each other anything, no, everything. So I'm sure they both know. Do they still hate me?.....Of course they would stupid. You ruined their lives, sure they brought their family back up, but they still have scars and permanent wounds from the damage, I'm sure. I mean, look at them now, they don't trust ANYBODY. And it's your fault. It's your fault their hurt. It's all your fault, Sunny.

I eyes were turning red and blurry.

"Sunmi? DId you hear me? Sunmi?!" I heard the calling, I could get myslef ot react to them though. Thoughts and memories crashed over my mind like a swirling whilrwind destroying and damaging everything in its path.

As I felt a tear trickle down my cheek, my body was jerked forward harshly and I was pulled from the hellhole flashback I was reliving. When I reached conciousness I realized it wasn't my body itself that was jerked forward. Jonghyun was looking at me with an completely horror filled worry. The car was put to a complete hault in the middle of the road, luckily there was abolutely no other cars around.

"Jonghyun?! What are you doing?" I questioned.

Jonghyun didn't answer but gave me a long stare, still filled with immense worry, no, more like fear.

"Jonghyun?" In that moment Jonghyun oulled me into a hug, almost pulling me completely into his seat, but my seatbelt held me back enough for me to be seating on the console in the middle of our seats.

"Jonghyun what's the matter?" I asked, with that, he held me tighter to his arms.

"I was going to ask you the same thing, Princess." He said in a hushed tone.

"What are you-" Jonghyun pulled away and looked me straight in the eyes again, care and worry filled his eyes. Then his warm fingrs came ot her cheek and wiped away the salty liquid. Jonghyun looked to my eyes, and then his eyes wandered somwhere slightly lower. My cheeks started to turn crimson as I realized he was staring at my lips adn then brought his gaze back up to my eyes. He started to lean in slowly, his lips slightly parted. I didn't know what to do, I didn't even know if my feelings for him were even the same. On impulse I closed my eyes and.....

A sudden ringing startled the both of us. Jonghyun pulled away, but only slightly. He put his head down in a breath laugh. Through his fringe I saw his cheeks were as red as mine. Both of us realizing what position we were in we immediately adjusted it. I removed myself from the console. I pulled myself together physically and mentally. We didnt speak as he started up the car again, adn slowly drove downt eh road again. I peered back at him, only to find him looking back at me, and we both turned away immediately, cheeks turning a light crimson again.

I haven't updated in a long time...........






In times of trouble and insanity

I carry masks to diguise

the pain I carry

secure behind my eyes


I can never let out again

the misery I hide

to hell with my dignity

to hell with my pride


from this day forward

and forever more

I will mount this mask

that will be my lore


No reaching out when I am weak

No solace will I seek


When you look for answers

when you say your prayers

all you will see is masks

and no pain that I will bear

~Joe Dirt

I realise that last time I updated a chapter it was unfair, cheap, and pathetic of me to post what was going on with my life, I understand that it was none of your guys' concern to bear, so I promise all of you I will NEVER do that again. I don't ask for pity, I don't ask for apologies, so I don't need any. So thank you for reading. I will make sure my emotions wont reach this story again.

Unitl next time Saranghae

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Jlugo24 #1
Chapter 2: You MUST be a OHHC fan as well, no?
kpopspotlight10 #2
..... wow.... thank you.... thank you! I dont know how but that makes me feel so much better! Im sorry for what happened to you... I dont think anybody should have to go through something like thatthat wether they did something horrible or not... lol im also 14! But I dont turn fifteen until July of next year :(!!
Ninjachick #3
ITS Ouran High School Host club isnt it?!?!?! I love that show and Hikaru and Kaoru are too adorable my fvorite characters are Hikaru, Kyoya, Honey-sempai and Mori
Shineeslittle #4
Chapter 2: Did you watch Ouran High School Host Club? This story is very similar to that of the Hitachiin brothers
id3ntical341 #5
Chapter 12: Ohoho so it's Kyungsoo, eh? Muahahaha Kyungsoo is such a bias list wrecker.