Chapter 7: Annie's tryout

A Year in Korea

Annie's Perspective

So I decided to tryout for some sports to rekindle my love for althletic activities backin my high school years. As I was browsing through the school's website, I notice they do nothave sports for girls. So I decided to tryout for the guys' basketball team.

As I arrive at the court all the guys were staring at me. Then this tall semi-muscular guy walked up to me and asked "What are you doing here?? This is the GUYS basketball team tryout. Are you lost?" I replied " No I came to tryout." All the guys started to laugh at what I just said. Then the coach came in. He asked me" Are you going to be our new manager?" I said " No, I am here to tryout for the team. I was the star of my high school's basketball team." He also laughed and said " Well sweetiepie this is the boys basketball team I don't think you can tryout."

"Well according to the school manual, as long as I belong to the student body, I have the right to tryout out for any sports or activity this school offers." I argued. Speechless, the coach gave in to my demands and I was able to tryout, but the guys do not seem to jolly about it having a girl in the team especially the first guy who laughed at me. Turns out he was the team captain.

During my tryout I can tell the guys were really impressed with my three-pointer shots and my ability to control the ball. The coach congratulated me into the team, but the team captain does not seem too happy about it. He shook my hand hesitantly and gave me a glare.

Then Annie returned home and told everyone about the good news. Doojoon laughed and said " I can't believe a small girl like you actually made it into the team. Your school's team must really be desperate." "Well if you think I then how about a oneon one right now at the park across the street whoever loses will treat all of us to chicken!"Annie argued. "Oh its on sista" said Doojoon.
They all went across the street to the park. Coincidentally, the saw SHINee's Onew playing on the swing by himself. "Jinki! What are you doing here??" asked Annie. "Oh I was just in the neighborhood and saw a swing and deicded to get on it and now I see you guys." said Onew. "Well me and Doojoon are having a one on one basketball game whoever loses has to buy chicken." Onew drools and says" Well I'll be routing for you Annie. Doojoon-ah prepare to buy us all chicken." "We'll see about that. "implied Doojoon.

Of course Doojoon loses the game and was forced to buy everyone chicken. Onew and Annie happily ate their chicken while Doojoon is still inshock at his lost. On the bright side, Doojoon now has a very competitive friend who can compete with him in sports.

~In this chapter Onew kinda just popped up out of no where and freeloaded chicken.~

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madesunrene4 #1
THis is amazing!
I-L-O-V-E-I-T!! Gonna read the sequel now hehe. Dongwoon<3
joanmayg #3
Hey author-min..i cant read properly the text its too bright TT_TT
i thought they will be together and be happy but i guess i was wrong...and the final chap is a bit sad thought....
NillaBerryMymy #5
lol once i saw 'Annie' i was like, "That's my name! Gotta read!" TeeHee silly me!
YuKiHaNaXnoXmAi #7
-sigh- i wish i were just like the main character(s) in this fic so i can live w/ b2st and develop a close friendship w/ them...>.< in my dream maybe....anyways plz update soon!
Yeahh I know the Onew part was kinda random but I figured if I mention chicken it should always include him.
Chapter 6 : Omy Nathan sound so sweet hahahha <br />
Chapter7: Hahahhaha ! Onew playing swing what the hell Hahahah<br />
Chapter 8 : LOL ,OMG michelle . <br />
Chapter 9 : Doojoon have a crush ?? 0.o is it Annie ? Hahhahaha<br />
Iloveit <3 Update :))
BooYaa #10
Sounds really good!!!<br />
i look forward to reading some more!<br />
great start btw!!!<br />
i've just written my new fanfic today too, hehe! :D