Chapter 11: Can you say Karma?

A Year in Korea

With her Beast oppas and two best friends cheering her on, Michelle wiped away her tears,smiled confidently and marched straight into Fair. She heard her name called so she confidently walked up on stage as Annie helped her setup.

Michelle: "Today for my demonstration, I will need some volunteers. But don't worry, I already have some special guests with me today to demonstrate this experiment. Everyone please welcome Beast, who kindly took time off  their busy schedules to help me with this project." Then there were fans girls roaring and cheering for Beast as they approach the stage.
Doojoon: "Thank you all for participating in the Science Fair today and we would like to give special attention to our roommate who worked really hard on this. Please show her some support."

On the other hand, when SeMin and the girls found out Beast were guests, they were intotal shock and dilemma.
SeMin: "Dongseng, let's call this prank off. I can't hurt my Beast oppas. Let's think of another prank for some other day. I want to leave a good impression for them."
HeeKyung: "NOONA but you promised!!!I don't care I will get my revenge." he whined. Then there was some wrestling back stage while Michelle was concentrating on her presentation. The clumsy Shin siblings spilled some suspicious liquid which gave off a a smelly odor. Soon the gas started to spread across the room and everyone started to run outside covering their mouths. Through all this commotion Annie was pushed off stage and twisted her ankle. She was unable to move, but luckily Doojoon sees her and carries her out of the building.

Annie's Perspective

OUCH! My ankle hurts I think I twisted it. Now how am i going  to get out. In a mist of chaos, I see a familiar figure running towards me. "Are you okay he asked?" It was Doojoon!! "Yeah I'm fine, but I think I twisted my ankle and I can't move. Just leave me and get out of this building now! I'll be fine the gas isn't poisonous just stinky." I said.

"No I can't I'll carry you out." he said. I was speechless, not only did he decided to come look for me, but HIM carrying me?? Isn't he still mad at me for beating him in basketball? Why would he treat me so nice?? He picked me up and started to walk as fast as hecan. I was just looking at him. I did not notice how manly he looked with that serious face on. My heart was beating really fast, but then it struck me. WAIT! What am I thinking about? When we reached outside, Doojoon put me down and I started to look around for Michelle. I asked the boys "Where's Michelle?"

"Where's Michelle?" Annie yelled worriedly. "Is she still inside? Did anyone see her come out?"yelled Nathan.
"Oh No!!!"screamed Dongwoon. Then both Dongwoon and Nathan ran into the building covering their mouths shouting Michelle's name.

Meanwhile Michelle spots the Shin siblings from backstage looking very suspicous. She sees the test tube containing fluids. Immediately she knew what was going on. The siblings threw the test tube away and started to escape, but Michelle clings onto them to prevent them from leaving. While struggling and coughing at the same time, SeMin knocks off Michelles glasses which makes her unable to see much, and steps on them. The Shin siblings successfully escapes.

On the other hand Dongwoon and Nathan are both looking for Michelle and yelling her name like crazy. Michelle now unable to speak very well hears them and continues to cough really loud hoping the would hear her.  Fortunately Nathan hears her and was able to find her. "G-g-l-a-asse-ss" Michelle said with a weak voice and coughs in between. "Forget about your glasses,their broken now we can get new ones." he said. Then Nathan carries Michelle out and bumps into Dongwoon. "Don't worry I got her let's leave now." Nathan exclaimed.

Dongwoon's thoughts during the search

Where can she be? How can one small girl make so many people that cares about her worried?? Where is she?? Then I saw Nathan hyung "Don't worry I got her let's leave now."he said. Then my heart was relieved, but sank because I wish the person who rescued Michelle was me.

Michelle becomes concious again and accused the Shin sibling of this accident. Knowing the Shin siblings, they denied everything and demanded there be proof instead of a blind accusation. Suddenly Nathan stepped up to say something.
Nathan: "I have proof! Michelle was not lying. They really were behind everything. Now that the gas has cleared up and it is safe to enter the building again, I will show you the secret cams I installed backstage and the security camera tapes I asked the security guard to save."
Everyone re-enters the building and Nathan brings his evidence and shows it to the Principal. The Shin siblings were flabbergasted at the situation and secretly called their Daddy for help. The Principal was furious about the evidence and shouted: "Both of you will be suspended for your immature actions!!! Not only that you will have to clean up the mess you made and serve community service hours for the school for two months! To make up for the Science Fair and their contestants, you will publicize a letter of strong apologies to each and every single person ESPECIALLY Michelle since you runts ruined this poor girl's hardwork."
SeMin: "Daddy did you hear that??The principal is punishing us when OUR family donates so much to this school. Okay I'll put you on speaker."
Dad: "Principal!!! Thank you so much for punishing these two pain in the rear end children for me. You did the right thing teaching my kids to be good People. As ar eward I will donate more for the sake of education. Once again thank you sooo much!!!"
SeMin: B-b-but DADDY!!! You said..."
Dad: "No buts princess you made a mistake, you face the consequences you and your brother will receive punishments when you get home! You hear me??" Then SeMin and HeeKyung gives Michelle and Annie another glare and stomps away angrily while the other students cheered in happiness!

~ Yeahh this chapter is kinda long since I don't have much updates today.  I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I kinda decided to throw in some romance.~

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madesunrene4 #1
THis is amazing!
I-L-O-V-E-I-T!! Gonna read the sequel now hehe. Dongwoon<3
joanmayg #3
Hey author-min..i cant read properly the text its too bright TT_TT
i thought they will be together and be happy but i guess i was wrong...and the final chap is a bit sad thought....
NillaBerryMymy #5
lol once i saw 'Annie' i was like, "That's my name! Gotta read!" TeeHee silly me!
YuKiHaNaXnoXmAi #7
-sigh- i wish i were just like the main character(s) in this fic so i can live w/ b2st and develop a close friendship w/ them...>.< in my dream maybe....anyways plz update soon!
Yeahh I know the Onew part was kinda random but I figured if I mention chicken it should always include him.
Chapter 6 : Omy Nathan sound so sweet hahahha <br />
Chapter7: Hahahhaha ! Onew playing swing what the hell Hahahah<br />
Chapter 8 : LOL ,OMG michelle . <br />
Chapter 9 : Doojoon have a crush ?? 0.o is it Annie ? Hahhahaha<br />
Iloveit <3 Update :))
BooYaa #10
Sounds really good!!!<br />
i look forward to reading some more!<br />
great start btw!!!<br />
i've just written my new fanfic today too, hehe! :D