Chapter 5: The First Day at University

A Year in Korea

Today is Beast Dongwoon, Annie and Michelle's first day at school. Even though Dongwoon and Michelle share the same birthday he learned that she was 2 grades a head of him (same grade as Annie.)

While Annie was trying to find her classroom, she gets lost and start to wander around campus. While walking and looking around for a friendly face, a mob of girls probably about 5 girls surround her. Then steps out a girl with an attitude all dressed up in expensive brand names. " So I heard you and some other geeky nerd are dorming with our future husbands?"

Annie's Perspective
Who does she think she is talking to me with that attitude. I'm just going to ignore her and find my classroom. So I said "Yeahh so what and will you please let me get to my classroom before I am late. Have a nice day." Then I pushed right through the mob of rude girls.

When Annie left the mob, the queen bee and her mob of swarming girls saw Michelle carrying her  science textbooks. The 'Queen bee' ordered her girls to knock over Michelle's books and her glasses and push her around.

Michelle's Perspective
Today is such a great first day. I made so many friends who have the same interests as me. I can't wait to plan for our Science Fair.
Who are these girls? They all look glamorous I wish I could look like that why are they surrounding me?
The girls then decided to throw my books away and knock off my glasses. Why are they doing this to me? What did I do? Today is my first day maybe they mistaken me as someone else. Oh well. So I jus ignored them and picked up my books and left, but this girl stopped me and asked " So I heard you and some cocky girl are dorming with our future husbands amI correct?" I replied" Yeah they are really nice guys and they are really funny too."
"Well of course we know that they are our boyfriends we know what kind of people they are. So I want you to back off our boys or you are going to have one MISERABLE school year ya hear me??" she said.
I just walked away from her. As I was walking away, she shouted " REMEMBER STAY AWAY FROM THEM OR YOU ARE GOING TO SUFFER. I, SHIN SE MIN RULE THIS SCHOOL AND YOU WILL WISH YOU WERE DEAD AFTER I' M DONE WITH YOU." So that's how my good day turned bad within that five minutes.

Later after school, Michelle and Annie met up to take the subway home. "Annie, today something weird happened to me at school." Michelle said.
Annie: "Same here. There was some girl and her mob of princess-y girls surrounded me and gave me an attitude. I don't even know them."
Michelle: " And she asked if you were Beast oppas' new roommates right??"
Annie: " Yeahh so I guess we both encountered the same girl and her possy. Its funny how she refers to beast as their 'future husbands'  I swear she has got to find something to do with her life."
Michelle then chuckles " Before she left she said her name was something like Shin Se Min and how she rules the school."
Annie: " How cute....... so other than that incident how was your day??"

So throughout the trek home, both Michelle and Annie talked about their first day and gradually become closer friends.

~Hope you enjoyed this chapter. So what do you think about the antagonist?~


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madesunrene4 #1
THis is amazing!
I-L-O-V-E-I-T!! Gonna read the sequel now hehe. Dongwoon<3
joanmayg #3
Hey author-min..i cant read properly the text its too bright TT_TT
i thought they will be together and be happy but i guess i was wrong...and the final chap is a bit sad thought....
NillaBerryMymy #5
lol once i saw 'Annie' i was like, "That's my name! Gotta read!" TeeHee silly me!
YuKiHaNaXnoXmAi #7
-sigh- i wish i were just like the main character(s) in this fic so i can live w/ b2st and develop a close friendship w/ them...>.< in my dream maybe....anyways plz update soon!
Yeahh I know the Onew part was kinda random but I figured if I mention chicken it should always include him.
Chapter 6 : Omy Nathan sound so sweet hahahha <br />
Chapter7: Hahahhaha ! Onew playing swing what the hell Hahahah<br />
Chapter 8 : LOL ,OMG michelle . <br />
Chapter 9 : Doojoon have a crush ?? 0.o is it Annie ? Hahhahaha<br />
Iloveit <3 Update :))
BooYaa #10
Sounds really good!!!<br />
i look forward to reading some more!<br />
great start btw!!!<br />
i've just written my new fanfic today too, hehe! :D