Chapter 14: The Confession

A Year in Korea

Doojoon's Perspective

I was totally lost. Why are they smirking as if they knew I was going to be here? So the three of us went to the garden and talked.

"Soooooo ummm......... how's the party?" I asked. It was totally awkward.
"Well, me and Nathan are having a good time." Annie smiled and clung her arms around Nathan's neck. "He is an awesome dancer."
"Oh...I see. Well, I think I'm going to go now." As I walked away, I felt an arm grabbing me and stopping me from leaving.
"Do you have anything to say to me Doojoon oppa?"

Oppa?? Did she just call me Oppa?? OMG what is wrong with me? I think I'm going crazy! "Uhh...ummmm yeahh.........the pizza man isn't coming?" I said. What in the world s wrong with me?Why did I just say that?? Stupid Junhyung why did you say something about the pizza man. Now I'm really am going crazy.........

"Ok....... Doojoon, are you okay? Do you have a fever or something?" Nathan said and he felt my forehead.

I swiped his hand away. "NO! I DON'T HAVE A FEVER. I JUST THINK I NEED COUNSELING OR SOMETHING BECAUSE I AM GOING CRAZY I THINK I HAVE A BIG CRUSH ON YOU ANNIE!!! WHY OF ALL GIRLS  DO I...."  Just then Annie cut me off with a peck on the lips. Although it was only for what 3 seconds? But it felt forever and I can feel my face burning and blushing. My heart was pounding really fast as I froze from shock. "W-what was that for?" I asked.

"To shut you up." Annie blushed. "But I thought you liked..." As I was about to finish my sentence Annie and Nathan burst into laughter.

"Should you tell him or should I tell him?" Nathan said. "I think I will do you mind giving us sometime?" Annie asked. Nathan nodded "I'll go find Michelle." and he walked away. As for me I am still confused. "Sooo... are you going to tell me??" I asked impatiently.
"Ok oppa" she said with a cute smile. "it goes like this....."


A few days ago before the party (one day after the fair and the accident), Annie and Onew decided to hangout and catch up on things. They decided to go to a fast food restaurant that is famous for its fried chicken. They sat down and had a nice conversation about their latest updates on their life.
Onew: "So how is it going my best friend?? Have you gotten into any trouble lately? I heard your school had some kind of accident. Were you hurt?"
Annie: "No I'm fine physically I guess. But..."
Onew: "But what? You have to tell me I always solve your problems." ^-^
Annie: "Well you know how I had an accidnet at my school right? Well, I fell off the stage trying to escape the building, and twisted my ankle. I thought I would probably end up crawling my way out, but then that's when he appeared. He went back to look for me and carried me out of the building. He looked so manly, and his eyes I never noticed were so mesmerizing. My heart totally melted!!! When he put me down, I swear we were staring into each other's eyes for a while. I heard his friends are always teasing at how they think he has a crush on me, but I don't know!!!!. Onew help me!!" TT^TT
Onew: "WAIT WAIT WAIT....... I was listening the whole time, but who is HE?? You didn't even mention his name how can I help you."
Annie: -sigh- "He is so cute, but how could I have not noticed." -blush-
Onew: "Helllllloooooo!!! Earth to Annie!! You didn't answer my question yett!!!!"
Just then Nathan walked into the same shop. He sees Annie staring out the window with her googly eyes and sighing while Onew looks as hif he is trying to bring her lost sould back into her body.
Nathan: " Oh hey guys! What are you doing?"
Annie: -sigh-.........
Onew: "Yeahh she seems to have a crush on some guy that carried her out of the her school building yesterday when an accident happened."
Nathan: "Oh really?!?! Annie! Annie!!" He shakes her ferociously.
Annie: "HUh?!!?! Oh hello Nathan when did you get here?"
Nathan: "When you were staring at the window sighing while Onew just explained to me that you have a crush on Doojoon!!"
Onew: "What?!?! That guy is Doojoon?????"
Annie: -blushes-" Don't laugh guys. I think I really like him, but I don't know how he feels. Can you both help me?? We have an apology party from Mr. Shin in a few days, and Beast is invited too, but I want him to ask me or at least let me know how he feels."
Onew: "Now that I know the whole story. I have a plan. Nathan do you mind being the bad guy for just an hour or two for the party? Annie I can't make him ask you but I do have a way for you to know about his feelings." - gives evil smirk-


"So that's how everything went. And it worked! i so have to thank Onew by treating him to some meat instead chicken!!1" Annie smiled. I see I see so it was Onew who made me go all psycho, but at least i know how she feels.
I took Annie's hands and place them on my chest. "Annie will you be my girlfriend? I know this is sudden and probably sounds weird, but I really like you and I don't want to let this opportunity slide. So can you say yes?" I asked.
She nodded. SHE NODDED!!!!! I lifted her up and spun her around. The both of us went back inside to dance when a slow dance came up I held her closely, not letting her go.


~ SORRY about not updating yesterday!! I felt lazy =_____=" but i end up updating 2 chapters! hope you guys enjoyed it!! comments are appreciated! :D~

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madesunrene4 #1
THis is amazing!
I-L-O-V-E-I-T!! Gonna read the sequel now hehe. Dongwoon<3
joanmayg #3
Hey author-min..i cant read properly the text its too bright TT_TT
i thought they will be together and be happy but i guess i was wrong...and the final chap is a bit sad thought....
NillaBerryMymy #5
lol once i saw 'Annie' i was like, "That's my name! Gotta read!" TeeHee silly me!
YuKiHaNaXnoXmAi #7
-sigh- i wish i were just like the main character(s) in this fic so i can live w/ b2st and develop a close friendship w/ them...>.< in my dream maybe....anyways plz update soon!
Yeahh I know the Onew part was kinda random but I figured if I mention chicken it should always include him.
Chapter 6 : Omy Nathan sound so sweet hahahha <br />
Chapter7: Hahahhaha ! Onew playing swing what the hell Hahahah<br />
Chapter 8 : LOL ,OMG michelle . <br />
Chapter 9 : Doojoon have a crush ?? 0.o is it Annie ? Hahhahaha<br />
Iloveit <3 Update :))
BooYaa #10
Sounds really good!!!<br />
i look forward to reading some more!<br />
great start btw!!!<br />
i've just written my new fanfic today too, hehe! :D