Mr. Class President's Secret 9

Mr. Class President's Secret


I couldn't really put a finger on it...It was as if, the longer I kept staring at her, the more confused I was getting. I've never experienced any kind of love like lovers, and what I feel towards her couldn't possibly be what lovers would feel, right?...Right?

"...You're a deep sleeper...aren't you...?"

Hearing Minah ask him that, Key looked away not knowing what to say. It had caught him off guard because it wasn't what he had been thinking about before. Slowly, he asked, "What?"

Minah calmly answered him, "When I moved you off the bike, you were still asleep...You didn't feel anything?"

"Hmm...I don't think I did..."

Letting her hair slip out of his hand, he backed away from her. Then he sighed to himself.

No, she can't be a friend...I'm just supposed to keep a close eye on her...because she is deceiving...isn't she?

He stood up and told her, "You can go home now. My house is just over there..."

Minah watched as he grabbed his stuff and walked away.

She's deceiving...and I won't be deceived by someone like her.

The next day, he avoided bumping into her while walking to school by getting out the house earlier than usual. Arriving to the school gates, he turned and didn't see her.

Hmpf, that's what I thought. Don't try and follow me!

In the hallway, he looked and saw Minho coming from the other way with his friends. They casually walked by each other without any kind of acknowledgement. Once Key was in the classroom, he saw that Minah hadn't arrive yet. As he sat in his desk, he suddenly heard a commotion going on out in the hall. Key popped his head out the hallway window and saw the students crowding the hallway looking at something. Finally, they began parting way to reveal Minah soaking wet. Her legs and face was scabbed. It looked as though she had gotten into fight with someone.

Quickly, Key ran out of the classroom and met her halfway. He grabbed her wrist and asked, "Yah! What the hell happened to you?!" Minah kept her head down as water dripped from bangs. Before she could answer him, he shouted, "Don't even bother telling me that you slipped and fell or something stupid!" Everyone watched curiously at the two. Standing behind a few people in the hallway, Minho watched in silence.

Key didn't wait for an answer, so he dragged her off to the infirmary. In there, he asked more calmly, "Did someone do this to you?"

Minah shook her head.

"You mean to tell me you did this to yourself?"

She shook her head again.

Getting frustrated, he asked, "You're not going to tell me what happened, are you?" He couldn't see her face since she had not looked up at him the whole time he was interrogating her, so he didn't know exactly how she was feeling.

"Well...first, you need to change your clothes...The nurse isn't in since it's still early in the I'll go get you your gym clothes for you", he told her.

Before he could even walk away, she quickly grabbed onto the sleeve of his arm stopping him. He looked back at her wondering what she was doing. Her grip on his sleeve trembled as it tightened up not wanting to let him go. Then suddenly, she began crying softly. Shocked to see this, Key didn't know what to do. He didn't expect her to cry.

"A-a-are you okay?"

Almost falling, Key quickly caught her. He could feel that her whole body was trembling.

She's not the kind of person to cry in front of someone. She's not the kind of person to be a bullied by others...She's supposed to be deceiving, isn't she?? But watching her cry, I felt as though I was the worst person in the world. Why do I feel as if I'm the one who caused this? Shouldn't the person who did this feel like this? Who could've done this to her...?...Who could've caused her to cry...?

He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly in his chest. Key had never been good at comforting people, so all he knew was that he didn't want Minah to cry anymore. Feeling her calm down, Key slowly let her go. He watched her as she wiped her eyes. Then she softly said, "I'm....sorry."

Rolling his eyes, he sighed saying, "Yah, how many times do I have to tel-"

He stopped to feel her hand touching his chest. Confused, he asked, "What are you do-"

"Your uniform's soaked...I'm sorry."

Key suddenly began feeling cold.

Ahh, crap! Why did I do this?!! I totally forgot she was still in her wet uniform! That means I have to change now too!

After they got changed into their gym clothes, Minah sat herself on the bed and waited for Key. When Key walked in, he saw her sleeping on the bed.

Is she pretending to sleep? Tch...this brat.

He walked over to her with the ointment and bandages in both his hands. Gently kicking the bed, he said, "Yah! Stop pretending to sleep to avoid getting your scabs cleaned! How old are you??"  She didn't budge.

She always listens to me when I tell her to do something...maybe she really is asleep...Whatever, I'll just patch her up and I'm outta here.

Sitting down next to the bed beside her, he took a q-tip with alcohol at the end and reached for her face. He stopped to see that her hair was in the way of him cleaning the small scab on her cheek. As he gently brushed her hair off her face, he couldn't help it but stare at her. His eyes wondered around on her face. With the sunlight coming in behind him from the window, it made her face softly glow making it tempting for him to touch it.

Her eyes slowly opened. As she looked at him, he noticed how her eyes glistened in the sun's light.

I need to stop looking at her. STOP.LOOKING.AT.HER.

Since his hand was still holding the q-tip beside her face, she couldn't move. Instead, she just laid there looking back at him. Then she said in her soft voice, "Thank you, Kibum...." His eyes watched as the corners her lips slowly curved upwards.

It's that smile again...Why do I get such a light feeling from seeing it? No, not from just seeing it...but knowing that it was for me. It is for me, isn't it? I feel like...touching that lovely smile...because...since it was for was mine, right...?

Suddenly, the door opened.


Key looked up and saw an unfamiliar guy walk in staring at Minah with a worried expression on his face. Minah sat up and turned to see the guy walking towards her. Key watched as her face expression grew weary. The guy grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up close to him. He wrapped his arms around her and said, "I'm sorry, Minah! I told her to stop, but she wouldn't listen!"

Key felt a sudden anger inside. He really wanted to stand up and pull them apart, but his legs wouldn't move. Minah managed to pull herself from the guy. She looked away from him and backed away closer to Key.

"What's wrong, Minah?..."

Looking up at the guy, she said in a shaking voice, "...Y-you shouldn't be here....Jinki."


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lockeycharm26 #1
Update please TT
Chapter 25: I reread the entire story again~
skippy5 #3
Chapter 25: AHHHHHHH! I found your story today and LOVE it! it's sooo hard to find a good Key story, respect to you and your clever mind and i hope you can keep writing well forever~ <3
Chapter 25: Gah!!! <333 I love the parts where he is jealous! So cute!!
MeisChanyoung #5
Chapter 25: Its reaally een awhile since the last time I've read this fic, so for a few days I've re-read this and...... OHMYFREAKINGGOD I FELL IN LOVE AGAIN WITH THIS STORY ONNIEEEEE!!!!!


Well, from the way author-nim describes Minah, she's basically a modest cute angel x3
Chapter 25: typo =='
Chapter 25: OMG! I've patir]ently waited for an update xD
He likes her!!!
Chapter 25: This is like their first kiss right?
I cant remember because it have been so long.
Chapter 25: Aww, an update at last! XD
Loved this chapter lots, thank you for updating and merry christmas! ^^