Mr. Class President's Secret 21

Mr. Class President's Secret


"There's something fishy about him..."

Minho looked next to him and saw Key standing there pouting with his arms crossed in front of his chest tapping his feet. They were outside for gym class watching the other kids jog. He was a bit surprised that Key was the one approaching him. Key normally didn't do that. Minho asked, "Who are you talking about?" Still pouting, Key replied, "That new boy, of course! He looks all cute and innocent, but that boy's up to something. I just know it."

"You mean that Lee Taemin?"

Wait, why does he know--

He gasped and backed away from Minho, "Yah! I knew he was in this with you! You're all out to get me! Why?? Don't you guys have anything better to do?!" Minho's eyebrows furrowed wondering what he was yapping about. He lifted his hands gesturing for Key to calm down and said, "Dude, I only knew his name because I heard he was good at basketball. That's all."

"Liar", Key glared at him.

Rolling his eyes, Minho said, "Whatever, man, but what's your problem with him? He seems pretty cool." Key wasn't surprised to hear that, so he replied, "He's pretty cool to you, because he's your partner in crime! Forget it!" Minho grabbed Key's arm, stopping him from leaving. Everyone around them stared at them in a strange way. Feeling uncomfortable, Key quietly said through his teeth, "Are you crazy?" Then suddenly, Key took a hold of Minho's hand and flipped him over. Surprisingly enough, he was able to lift Minho into the air, throwing him onto the grass. Minho grunted in pain as he laid there.

Key nervously looked around at everyone and said, "We were practicing self-defense! Hehehe...Please, go back to doing whatever you were doing!" Minho sat up and rubbed his back glaring at Key. "Are YOU crazy?!", Minho yelled. Shrugging his shoulders, Key answered, "Well, you made the situation awkward. What else could I have done? And I believe you deserved that anyway for all the bullying you've done to me."

"I've only bullied you once, which was that one time when Minah-ssi walked in!" Minho shot at him.

"I don't believe you."

"...Okay. I don't know why we're talking about this. Look, Lee Taemin is just some new kid. Just because he's been hanging around Minah-ssi doesn't mean you can get jealous of him and-"


Once again, everyone turned around and looked at them. Minho sighed and looked away. Key flashed a smile at the people and told them, "We're rehearsing a part from the play! Don't mind us!" When everyone returned to what they were doing, Key looked back at Minho. He didn't want to create another scene, so he said under his breath, "I'm not jealous of that little boy! There's just something about him that I don't like!" Minho scoffed and said, "Which is him being with Minah-ssi."

"You're getting very annoying."

"Alright! What makes you think that boy is fishy??"

Key calmed down and answered, "The day before he showed up, he specifically asked for her to show him around. She doesn't even know him. Then just yesterday, I...told her to go home early, but he wouldn't let her! He gave me this...deathly glare and all." Minho burst into laughter, "Ahaha! Deathly glare?! Hahahaha!" When he had noticed Key's annoyed face, he calmed his laughter down and said, "Ahem, yah, that does sound a bit fishy though. If she doesn't know him but he knows her...I think he is up to something...or maybe he's her secret admirer."

"Who would like her?" Key scoffed.

Minho raised an eyebrow and looked away saying, "Well, I wish I could help, but I don't know where to start. I don't know who he is." Key sighed and began thinking about it. His eyes lit up once he had thought about it. Minho watched and asked, "What?" Smiling, Key replied slyly, "I know who can help..."

"What? A teacup party?"

Key and Minho stared at Onew, who was studying in the library. "Dude, we never even said anything about a teacup party", Minho told Onew. Key added, "Were you even listening to us??" Then he turned to Minho and asked, "And what are you doing here??" Minho shrugged his shoulders and replied, "I don't know. I'm a curious one." Setting down his pencil, Onew told them, "Yeah, I know Lee Taemin. Subin used to tutor him...until she transferred to another school." Key looked at him and asked, "Wait, what?? Subin, isn't she your ex-girlfriend who went crazy for you and so you broke up with her because you were in love with Minah, which resulted in breaking up Minah's and your ex-girlfriend's friendship too?" Onew's mouth stayed wide opened as he took in the hits. Minho nudged Key's arm telling him to shut it.

Then Onew replied, "Yes...why? Is Taemin-ah causing problems?"

"He just transferred here, haven't you heard?", Key answered.

"He specifically asked to have Minah-ssi as his tour guide", Minho added in.

Onew's face grew worried hearing that. He stood up and packed up his books. Minho grabbed Onew's arm and asked, "Where are you doing?" Onew looked up at the two and they could see the fear in his eyes. Then he said, "Before Taemin-ah was tutored by Subin, he was a rebellious kid who was involved in school fights and such...He's always had a crush on Subin...He's probably here to cause some kind of trouble. I need to find her."

Minho pulled Onew back saying, "You don't even know where they are. Where do you think you're gonna find them?"  Key began walking off towards the exit. They looked and Minho asked, "Yah, Kibum-"

"I'm gonna go find her."

With that, Key walked out.

I knew there was something up with that boy...I should've known from the start.

In their gym uniforms, Minah walked around the gymnasium  with Taemin trailing behind her. School hours were over, but they could still hear in the distance whistles blowing, students running and talking because they were involved in sports activity. Taemin looked around and saw that they were alone and no one was nearby.  He watched Minah as she ran her fingers across the wall.

Key made his way through the empty halls. He looked around searching for her. Walking by the hall with the big windows, he looked down at the garden but didn't see her.

If that boy does anything to her, I swear, I'll make his life unbearable.

On the rooftop, he didn't see her there neither. He wasn't expecting to find her there, so he ran back down.

"Yah! Kibum!"

Key stopped and turned around to see Onew and Minho running over to him. Catching his breath, Minho said, "We just checked the whole third floor. We'll check the second floor next, so you check the first, okay?" Key nodded and ran down the stairs.

"Noona..." Taemin's voice echoed through the gymnasium.

Minah stopped and looked back at him waiting for him to say what he wanted to say.

"...You might not know who I am...but I've heard a lot about you", his innocent smile slowly changed, "To be honest...I've never liked you...Minah. You ruined Subin-noona's life..."

Her eyes cautiously watched him. Walking closer to her, he said, "So I just wanna let you know that your life is not going to be easy anymore...I will make it hard for the point where you'll also transfer to another school and cry everytime you think about what I've done to you."

Suddenly, her hand reached up towards him causing him to slightly twitch. She gently grabbed something from his hair and showed it to him saying, "You had a flurry on your hair..." He glanced up at her and saw the light softly hitting her hair, making it seem light brown. The soft expression on her face made him forget what he was saying. His cheeks reddened and he quickly hit her hand away. Angry, he shouted at her, "Y-yah!! Are you even listening to me?!" Taking a step towards her, he suddenly tripped and fell towards her.

He landed on both knees and hands. Inhaling a scent of lavendar, he opened his eyes and saw that his face was on the side of hers. He gulped as he slowly backed away to look at her. Her cheeks were bright pink as she looked up at him.


They looked over and saw Key quickly walking over with his hands clenched in fists.

No one is allowed to be that close to her!! No one!


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lockeycharm26 #1
Update please TT
Chapter 25: I reread the entire story again~
skippy5 #3
Chapter 25: AHHHHHHH! I found your story today and LOVE it! it's sooo hard to find a good Key story, respect to you and your clever mind and i hope you can keep writing well forever~ <3
Chapter 25: Gah!!! <333 I love the parts where he is jealous! So cute!!
MeisChanyoung #5
Chapter 25: Its reaally een awhile since the last time I've read this fic, so for a few days I've re-read this and...... OHMYFREAKINGGOD I FELL IN LOVE AGAIN WITH THIS STORY ONNIEEEEE!!!!!


Well, from the way author-nim describes Minah, she's basically a modest cute angel x3
Chapter 25: typo =='
Chapter 25: OMG! I've patir]ently waited for an update xD
He likes her!!!
Chapter 25: This is like their first kiss right?
I cant remember because it have been so long.
Chapter 25: Aww, an update at last! XD
Loved this chapter lots, thank you for updating and merry christmas! ^^