Mr. Class President's Secret 20

Mr. Class President's Secret


The classroom was in silence as they all worked on something the teacher had assigned them to. Key slowly looked over at the window and saw Minah busy writing. He looked back at his work and continued writing.

That stupid Minho...ever since he said that, I feel weird everytime I look at her. I mean, shouldn't it be normal to want to look at your friend at times? It's not like I look at her all the time!

His eyes wondered on over to see her looking at him. A little surprised, he felt his heart jump. She smiled at him as if acknowledging his stare. The sunlight hit her perfectly. Her smile was so lovely, he didn't do anything but stare. Quickly, he looked away and felt his face get hot.

Why is she smiling at me like that?? What's her problem?

After the day had ended, he made his way out to the gate like usual and saw Minah talking to the lady teacher who had them set up cones from last time near the side of the building. Walking over to them, he heard the teacher saying, "If you can, it would be wonderful!" The teacher saw Key and smiled at him.

"Ah, Mr. Class President. Glad you're here!"

Key smiled nervously and stood next to Minah, "Yes, how may I help you, seon-saeng-nim?" The teacher smiled and said, "Oh, nothing. Just wanted to tell you about a new student that will be in my homeroom. I'm going to have Minah help show him around." Confused, Key asked, "Why don't you just have one of your students do it? Don't you teach first years?" She chuckled crossing her arms. Then she told him, "Well, this new student knows Minah and specifically asked for her. He's a very smart student who had just moved in from Ansan." Once key had heard that the new student was a "he", he glared at Minah while telling the teacher, "I see...I'm sure she'll have fun showing that boy around." The teacher smiled and nodded. Then she told them, "Okay. Go home and do your homework, you two! And I'll see you tomorrow morning, Minah!" Minah bowed as the teacher walked away.

They made their way to her bike without saying anything. Sensing his bad mood, Minah grabbed her bike and looked at him nervously. He sighed and asked, "How do you know this boy?" Minah looked away and dragged the bike on over to him, "I...don't." His eyebrows furrowed as he stared at her asking, "What do you mean you don't know? He specifically asked for you but you don't know him?" Minah didn't say anything. Rolling his eyes, he climbed on the rear rack and sarcastically said, "Aren't you just popular with boys?"

The next day, Minah had arrived to school earlier than everyone else. She made her way up to the office and met up with the teacher from yesterday. "Good morning, Minah!" Minah smiled and greeted the teacher back. They both waited for the new student to arrive in the office. Minah looked at the teacher's desk and saw a picture of students. She looked closely at it and noticed that Key was in the photo. It seemed like the photo was taken about five years ago. Key was standing in the second row third to the last. There was no smile on his face. The teacher noticed Minah looking and said, "Ah, that was taken when the class had a good-bye party for Dongyul. Dongyul was class president at the time and all of his classmates loved him..." Minah looked at the teacher realizing who she was talking about. It had  been Dongyul, Key's old friend that had caused Key such a confusion. She had no idea that Dongyul was ever class president. The teacher continued, "Yeah, him and Kibum became really good friends. He was so sad when Dongyul left. Kibum wasn't really the same after Dongyul left. Even though he always smiled and treated everyone kindly, there was something about him that wasn't...the same.'s not easy being young, is it? Haha..."

A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door.  The two of them turned and saw the door open. A young, slim boy with long side-swept bangs stepped in cautiously. In the light, there was a hint of redness in his hair color, but since the room's lights were a bit dim, it wasn't too noticable. The boy waltzed in holding onto one strap of his backpack over his shoulder. The teacher walked over to him smiling, "Hi! You must be Lee Taemin! We've been waiting!" The boy nodded with a nervous side smile. Her arm stretched out towards Minah as she told the boy, "This is Oh Minah, the one you've wanted to meet." Without lifting his head up, his eyes looked up at Minah cautiously. His eyes quickly looked away when he saw her standing there staring at him quietly. The teacher led him over to her desk where Minah stood and sat him down across from them. The boy looked back up at Minah. This time, he saw that she was looking outside the window smiling.

Arriving at the front gates, he had his hands buried inside his pants pockets. Even though he didn't notice, but he was pouting making the girls who walked by giggle and whisper about how adorable he looked.

Ugh, walking to school is such a pain. That girl...She didn't pick me up because she's meeting her little boyfriend. Tch...why do so many guys like her anyways? She's so weird and awkward and....just weird! I don't know why Minho would even think I like her or something. That sounds ridiculous!

He felt someone's eyes on him, so he looked up and saw Minah smiling at him from the window. Her face lit up to see that he had noticed her which made her smile wider. Key scoffed and looked away and continued his way into the building.

Is she that happy to see me? Dumb girl...

Laughing to himself, he looked up to see Dongyul standing in front of him. He didn't feel like dealing with Dongyul at the moment, so he walked around him.

"Kibum!..." Dongyul shouted after him.

Key stopped and waited to hear what Dongyul had to say. After a short pause, Dongyul finally said, "Aren't we still friends, Kibum?" Looking back at Dongyul, Key answered, "You're not the same anymore, Dongyul. I can't say that you're my friend...when I have no idea who you've become." Turning away, Key continued his way to class.

It's not that I hate him...I guess I'm just disappointed to had really seen for myself what kind of person Dongyul became. I really still do consider him as a friend,'s not the same anymore.

Minah led Taemin out of the office. He watched her as she slowly walked in front of him. Sometimes, she'd look back to make sure he was still there, causing Taemin to quickly look elsewhere.  When they reached the stairs, she seemed to have stopped. Taemin looked at her and saw her looking at something. He followed her stare and it led him to a sharp-eyed looking boy. They were both about the same height and the boy stared at Minah as if he was asking her what she wanted. Taemin stared at the boy combing his hair back.

"Yah, this is the boy that was looking for you?" The boy stared at Taemin up and down.

Taemin looked away hearing Minah softly say to the boy, "Did you make it okay walking to school today, Kibum-ssi?" Steering his attention back at the boy named Kibum, Taemin watched his face expression soften. With light pink cheeks, the boy told her, "Of course I did...I'll see you in class." Taemin figured Minah had given the boy a smile because the boy stared at her face in awe for awhile and then smiled back. Minah turned back to Taemin and shyly said, "I'm sorry for the wait, Taemin-ssi..."

Aish, does that mean she won't be able to go to the roof during lunch time??

Key sat in his desk thinking and pouting about it. The girls who walked by the window chuckled and squealed at the sight, but he had not noticed them at all. When it came to lunch break, he saw Minah walking out and meeting Taemin in the hallway.

Yeah...I knew it...

Suddenly, she ran back into the classroom and over to Key. He looked up at her wondering what she was doing. Dongyul and Gayoon watched from afar. Minah placed a folded note on his desk and ran back out to Taemin. Waiting for everyone to stop staring at him, he took the paper and finally opened to see what it said.

"I'll be on the rooftop in five minutes!"

 Folding it back up, he scoffed to himself.

Why couldn't she just tell me this instead of being cheesy and writing it in a note? Tch...she's so old-fashioned.

Though he had not shown it, he was a little happy inside to know that she wanted to meet him on the rooftop. When he got there, he saw that she wasn't there yet. Walking over to the spot they usually sat at, he stared out into the small buildings far away.

What's this...? What has gotten into me? Since when did I hoped on seeing someone everyday? Since when have I anticipated on spending my days with anyone?...I don't think it's only Dongyul who's change...I think I've changed also.

Suddenly, he felt someone tug at his blazer's sleeve. He turned and saw Minah standing beside him looking at him.  "'re already here?" She sat down and took out their lunch. Key followed after and asked, "So did you have fun with that new boy?" Minah smiled and handed him his box. Then she said, "He's nice...but he's very shy." He scoffed, "What? Are you smiling about him?" She stopped smiling and shook her head.

Once the school day was done with, Key made his way out of the classroom. He stopped halfway out of the school to see Minah and that new boy. Walking over to them, Key said to Minah, "Yah, are you not going home yet??" She turned around and said, "Ah, wait for me by the bik-"

"But noona, shouldn't you show me where to go after changing into my gym clothes?" Taemin jumped in.

A little irritated, Key looked over at the young boy and said, "Your teacher can help you with that. C'mon, let's go." He reached out for her hand and grabbed it. Before he could pull her away, Taemin quickly grabbed onto her hand. From the look on Taemin's face, Key could see that the boy had other intentions.

"Noona, I need only you to help me." The boy's expression changed back to pretending to be shy and innocent.

Minah felt bad and let go of Key's hand. She told him, "I'm sorry...You'll have to go ahead without me." Key was too much in shock with what had just happened. He didn't expect that to happen. The look on the young boy's face seemed so serious. He stood there watching the two of them walk away from him.

This devil boy...what does he want with her?


Taemin, the 2nd errrrr~ Lol.

Anyhow, yay! 20th chapter! Thank you all for your wonderful comments! Even though I don't reply to them, I do read them all and some of them makes me laugh and some of them makes me happy. I rly do appreciate them. <3 I also thank you all for subscribing to this story! Please do continue supporting this story!

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lockeycharm26 #1
Update please TT
Chapter 25: I reread the entire story again~
skippy5 #3
Chapter 25: AHHHHHHH! I found your story today and LOVE it! it's sooo hard to find a good Key story, respect to you and your clever mind and i hope you can keep writing well forever~ <3
Chapter 25: Gah!!! <333 I love the parts where he is jealous! So cute!!
MeisChanyoung #5
Chapter 25: Its reaally een awhile since the last time I've read this fic, so for a few days I've re-read this and...... OHMYFREAKINGGOD I FELL IN LOVE AGAIN WITH THIS STORY ONNIEEEEE!!!!!


Well, from the way author-nim describes Minah, she's basically a modest cute angel x3
Chapter 25: typo =='
Chapter 25: OMG! I've patir]ently waited for an update xD
He likes her!!!
Chapter 25: This is like their first kiss right?
I cant remember because it have been so long.
Chapter 25: Aww, an update at last! XD
Loved this chapter lots, thank you for updating and merry christmas! ^^