Chapter 8

Once by Your Side


" But thank you doesnt enough ", Jiyoung looked at him while her hand is taking out something . " You need to pay with this ", she showed Myungsoo his photo with Suzy .

“ What do you means by that ?? “, Myungsoo looked at Jiyoung cluelessly . He really don’t know what is on her mind .

“ If you want this photo , you have to agree with me on something “. Jiyoung said seriously .

Agree with her on something ??  “ What is that ?? “, he said .

“ I think you already know about who being partnered with Suzy on WGM , right ?? “, she asked . By the look , Jiyoung can tell that Myungsoo acknowledged about that . His burning eyes show everything when she bring up the topic about Suzy just now . “ And for your information , the one that being partnered with Suzy was my boyfriend , Lee Kikwang “.

Myungsoo widened his eyes . What ?? Kikwang is her boyfriend ??

“ So , I can say that both of us are in the same boat right now . But the thing just not going right as Kikwang want to break off with me because of this show “. Jiyoung told him . “ And im planning something for both of us “.

Tskk . What the heck on her mind right now ?? Honestly said , he really getting annoyed with Jiyoung right now .  “ What are you talking about ?? “, Myungsoo glaring at her .

“ I just want you to agree to be on WGM with me “, Jiyoung said to him with shining eyes . She really hopes that Myungsoo will agree with her on this then , everything will be easier .

“ What ??????? “. Myungsoo rises his voice . He really cant believe on what he just heard . Was the girl in front of him out of mind ?

Jiyoung was taken aback as she heard  Myungsoo loud voice . “ Yah !! Cant you lower your voice ?? People are looking at us right now . How if they find out about us ?? It will be disaster !! “, she looked at her surrounding .

“ Are you crazy ?? “, Myungsoo staring at her . “ No , I will not doing this !! Of course I love her so much but I will not do this stupid idiot thing !! Do you think my love is something that I can trade with ?? No ! I will not do this !! “. He said with disbelief look .

She bit her lower lip and let out a small hissing . “ I don’t asked you trade your love . I even don’t need your love . What I needed is you to be on WGM with me . That’s all “, she looked at Myungsoo face , begging for a little understanding . “ I know you love Suzy . I also love Kikwang . That’s why im planning this . I want both of us make them jealous with us . Then , they will come back to us . You get Suzy and I get Kikwang . As simple as that “.

Huhh ! Myungsoo chuckled synically . “ Whatever it is , I will not agree on this !! NO WAY !!! “.

The flashback end


He laid down his body on the sofa in the living room , resting his heavy head thinking of the plan that Jiyoung try to work on with him . That was absurd plan . I cant agree with her on that .

As he was in his thought , his ear catched on the familiar song that was playing on the television . Ohh , they were in Music Bank today ?? He get up from the sofa and focus to the Kara performance on the repeat show of Music Bank  . His eyes were eyeing on Jiyoung . Looking at her with the nonsense plan keep playing on his mind . How come she can come with such that idea ??

“ Daebak “, the word that comes out from Myungsoo as he saw Jiyoung lose her focus on stage . She even singing the wrong lyric and dance to wrong step . Luckily , Gyuri help Jiyoung out by singing her part .

What happened to this girl ??


The dorm was silent as everyone were sleeping except for Jiyoung . She was in the living room alone , drinking cans of beer .

How come he do that to me ?? Tears falling off from her eyes . Why you do this to me ?? Why oppa , why ?!! She opened another can of beer and gulped it .

“ You don’t even feel sorry to me ?? You such a bad guy !!! I hate you , Lee Kikwang !! “. She said in drunk .

The scene that happened in the waiting room this noon really upsetting her . Seeing her loved one with someone else makes her feel so bad . Why it happened to her and Kikwang ?? Why must them ?? Why not others ??

“ Why must that jerk didn’t agree with my plan ?? he cant go easy with this plan ?!! “. She muttering in drowsy alone .

Beside Kikwang , the one thing that disturbing her is Myungsoo . She really don’t know why Myungsoo cant accept her plan . She planning this for their benefits .

Then , she reached for her phone and searching for Myungsoo name .

Yeoboseyo “, Jiyoung started the conversation .

Ne . Yeoboseyo “.

Im Jiyoung . Yah ! You know what happened to me today ?? “, she took the beer and drink it before continue her talk with Myungsoo . “ Today , Suzy and Kikwang come to see me . They give me their wedding card . Do you know how shocked  I was when seeing both of them ?? You must be don’t know right ? “, she chuckled .

Why you always calling me when you are dru- “.

Just stay silent and listen to my words “, Jiyoung cut off his words . “ I was so shocked until I couldn’t breath . And you know what is the most embarrassing thing I done today on Music Bank ? I forgot my lyrics and dance to wrong stop . I lost my focus because of those two !! “.

Myungsoo just stay silent . Listen to her story . He couldn’t help himself by feeling the same way as Jiyoung .

Yah , cant you just agree on my plan ?? My heart is torturing me whenever I saw both of them . It hurts me so much “. Tears flow heavily on her puffy cheeks . “ Please im- begging you “. Jiyoung started to cry . She really cant hold her pain anymore . It keep throbbing  and burdened her so much .


Was she already sleeping ?? He ended the call as he cant hear any sobbing sound from Jiyoung . He really don’t know why he waiting for her until she finished crying . Maybe because of he can feel her broken heart .

“ Ahhh “, Myungsoo let out heavy sigh . I really don’t know what to do right now !!















author note : thankyu for your supportive comments . i will try my best ! love you guyss :))


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anisxx #1
I hope u update this sory....plss
anisxx #2
Still waiting for ur update
anisxx #3
Chapter 25: I miss this story :( but still there no update
Nadyangela #4
Chapter 25: OMG this is so cute :3
Please update soon author-nim!
and please more moment when myungsoo is jealous because Jing and kikwang, it's so cute! :3
awesome13 #5
Chapter 25: waiting for the update!
awesome13 #6
Chapter 24: I LIKE IT!!!!!
Chapter 25: So cute... I love Myungjing update soon please!
anisxx #8
Chapter 25: I loveeee this chapter too! Cant wait to see their shooting together again :) as usually hoping u update it asap hehe
shuhadaramli #9
Aaaah why'd you stop there?? I want more MyungJing kisses!
Chapter 25: So cute..
MyungJing is totally a great couple..
I can imagine them fooling around each other..
So lovely..