Chapter 22

Once by Your Side

It was early in the morning when both Jiyoung and Myungsoo reached at the their house for another recording of WGM . Both of them looks so tired and sleepy , and right after they stepped in the house , the staff gives them script sheets to be looked at first before they started the recording . 

Filming together with another couple ? Myungsoo widened his eyes . " Did you see the script yet ? ", Myungsoo asked Jiyoung who seems uneasy after look at the script . " Why did they asked us to filming with another couple ?? ", she said .

" I really have no idea about this . I thought we are going to have our own honeymoon ", he faces palm . Yes , today they going to have a honeymoon vacation at Jeju and this news just make both of them worried . " Do you know anything about who is another couple ?? ".

" I dont know . They wont tell us anyway ", Jiyoung shook her head before she calling for one of the scriptwriter .

" Why ? Is there anything problem with the script ? ", she looked at both of them .

" There is nothing wrong with the script . It just we dont get it why we have another couple to join with us . Isnt it for both of us only ?? ", Jiyoung asked , cluelessly .

" Ohh , okay . Yes , our theme today is "double honeymoon"  , so two couples were set to go honeymoon together at the same place . For now , we have to film part one first and then we'll headed to airport and from there , you will know who is the another couple ", she explained to them and they nodded as they understand what they will going through for these few days . After finished her explaination , she leave both of them so that they can get ready with their script .

" So it will be a suprise for both couple since both parties clueless about their another couple ", Myungsoo said . He really want to know who is the another couple and to be honest he is worried if they are Kikwang and Suzy . He dont know why but he really dont want to see them .

" If the couple are Kikwang and Suzy , we are going to do it no matter what , right ? ", Jiyoung said in half willing tone . " Just pray that we can survive for these few days ", she sighed out . Why did they have to make this nonsense theme ? 



For Kikwang and Suzy , the first part of recording took part at the cafe where the couple going to have their breakfast together . " Oppa , you know what is our mission , right ?? ", Suzy asked Kikwang and he nodded . " So who you want to be our partner for this honeymoon vacation ? ".

" I dont want anyone . I just want two of us only ", he said . His words make Suzy blushing and Kikwang also couldnt help himself from smiling . " Okay , im just kidding even what im saying is true . I think GO hyung and Yewon nuna will make our vacation more interesting . How about you ? ".

" Jiyoung and Myungsoo couple . Since Jiyoung is my friend so it will be fun to hang out with them ", she said . " Despite of thinking of whoever they are , i think the couple themselves should enjoying the honeymoon ". 

" You are right but now lets have our breakfast first . You want this some ? ", Kikwang offered his pancake to her . They show off their lovey dovey moment together in order to make this show looks real .

After they finish their first part , they headed to the airport to filming another part . In their journey to airport , both of them seem nervous and they rarely talk as both are deep in their own thought . Will me able to see Myungsoo there ?? Did he knows that how much i wanted to see him ??  Deep inside Suzy heart , she praying hard that she will meet Myungsoo there .



At the airport , the situation get nerve-wrecking for Myungsoo and Jiyoung . How much they tried to not thinking of it , at the end that was the only one they think of which who gonna be their honeymoon partner . " Ahh , why am i so nervous right now ?? I should hope for Kikwang to come so that our plan will be success but why i feel uneasy ?? ", Jiyoung said to herself , not noticing Myungsoo is looking at her from far . He also feel the same way as her , he keep thinking what he should do if their guess is true , what should he react or will they survive with their plan . Their attention were distracted as one of the staff said that the another couple is coming , so they need to be ready for the recording and that makes their nervousness arousing . 

" Are you okay ? ", Myungsoo asked Jiyoung .

" Im nervous , dont you ? ".

" Me too . If they really them , just act like what we used to do before , okay ? ", he said while looking at her warmly . Somehow his words make Jiyoung feels calm and after everyone is ready , the filming began . 

" Where is our partner ? They are not here yet ?? ", Jiyoung said while looking around .

" Seems like we are the first one to be here ". He put the luggages beside the bench and sitting there with Jiyoung . Not a while after that , the PD give instruction to another couple to appear .

Jiyoung eyes widened as she saw Suzy and Kikwang make their way to them before she changed her look at Myungsoo as she feel he hold her hand tight .  She looked at him and he just smile warmly to her and his eyes was like convincing her that everything will be okay .

" Jiyoung ah !! ", Suzy walked to her friend with wide smile on her face . " Im so happy that its you !!! ". While Suzy and Jiyoung are chatting with each other , the camera focus on the husbands . 

" Hyung ah , good to see you here ", Myungsoo shook his hand with Kikwang .

" It has been a long time since the last we meet Myungsoo ah ", Kikwang hugged him .

" Looks like they already forgot about us ", Myungsoo pointed at the wives . " No , it just that we didnt meet each other for a while so we got excited " , told Jiyoung .

" Okay , lets go now or else we will be late for our flight ", Kikwang said . Then , all of them headed to the entrance and right after they get their seat on plane , they were given a self camera for each partner to do recording . 

" Annyeong , this is me , L and this is my wife , Jiyoung ". They waved to the camera . " So , where will we be headed to ?? ", Myungsoo asked . 

" Are you curious ?? Gives me 500won first !! ", she using the famous phrase from the Gagman , Heo Kyunghwan and that make both them laughing . " Im sorry , im just kidding . Today we are going to Jeju Island for our honeymoon . Ahh , im so excited ".

" Me too .  Since it going to take a while to reach , so we will take our nap first . Annyeong ", Myungsoo turned off the camera right after they finished their self camera . He glaring around and looks like Suzy and Kikwang were not there and other staffs also at their own seats . 

" They are not here , so we can act as usual ", he told Jiyoung but the girl gave him worried look . " What's with that look ? Yah , where is the confident Kang Jiyoung went to ?? ".

" It is not that-- im just-- never mind . But are'nt you worried ? You seems not ", she feel weird as Myungsoo looks so comfortable with this situation . " Dont tell me that you already lose your feeling towards-- ".

" Just think what you want ", he said while covered his face with hoodie as he not having any intention to talk about this with her . He knows what Jiyoung trying to say but he cant deny it nor admit about it at the same time . 

After few hours , they reached at Jeju . The PD give explaination about how the recording works before the ones that in charge in this location take them to the place that they going to stay . They were given rest time and will continue their recording tonight . 



" Its a beautiful night ", the guy said , praising the beautiful night view of Jeju Island . As he walked along the path , he stopped for a while at a group of band , listening to the song that they are playing . Then he make his way to the place where he supposed to have dinner with Jiyoung . " Woahh . It's going to be a romantic dinner ", he smiled and sit on the chair . He tidy up his suit and his hair to make sure he looks good in front of her wife while waiting for her .

His eyes shining and his lips curved a smile as he saw Jiyoung comes to her . She really looks beautiful with white plain knees-leveled dress with her long wavy hair . " Naekko-nim .  Sorry im late ", she said . 

" No-- i just arrived here ", Myungsoo lead her to the table and pull out the chair for her . " You are so pretty tonight ", he said in shy tone . 

" Thank you . You also look handsome and your hairstyle , i like it ", she smiled blushingly . She dont know why but she really cant look straight at Myungsoo . With his hair been styled up , he looks even more handsome than his cute image when he had his fringe on . " Did you prepared all this ? ", Jiyoung asked as the waiter come to place their food .

" It will seems a lie if i said i prepared all this ", he chuckled . " But i have something for you . I will tell you about it later after we had our dinner ". 

" Okay , then ". The camera focusing on the couple enjoying their dinner while chatting together with the instrumental music played on . " Ohh , i knew this song . Its your song , right ? ", Jiyoung asked him as she heard the band playing Infinite song , With .

" Why did they play this song ? This is a sad song , they should play bright or romantic song ", he bit his lower lips before his hand reached for drink . He give a look at the band and make hand gesture to change the song but too bad he was ignored by them . 

After a while , they finished the dinner . " So , what did you've prepared for me ? ", Jiyoung asked excitedly .

" Wait for a while . I will be back ", he get up from his seat , headed to the band to borrow one of the guitars before walked back to her . He sit on his place and started to play his song , Love U Like U . 


" I love you , i love you
The words that i wasn't able to say
The words that my trembling heart , my heart
always hide.
You who shine me brightly in the morning
You are always like the sunshine to me , you are "


Myungsoo unique voice and the meaningful lyrics makes Jiyoung heart beat faster . She cant help herself from feeling that he sang the song specially for her as her face getting hot and red because of it . Why did we were trapped in this harsh reality ? She looked at him and suddenly she feel sad when thinking of the reality they will going through . " That is so cool !! ", Jiyoung clap for him as he finished his song and give him thumb ups . 

" Thank you ", he smiled . " How about you ? Dont you have something for me ?? ", Myungsoo asked .

" Me ?? Hmmm , since you've done great job then i will sing my solo song from our album ". She took the guitar from him and started to sing Wanna Do .

" All i wanna do Wanna do
Is to erase you
Is to not cry because of you anymore
All i wanna do wanna do
Is to hate you
I'm left alone and i try hard
But the person who is hurting is me "

" It was this kind of song ", she told but seem like Myungsoo expression is not good . " Why ?? Dont you like it ? ", she looked at him .

" No , i like it but the lyrics-- Do you hate me ?? ".

His words make Jiyoung laughed . Yes , she has to admit that the lyrics are quite harsh for this romantic mood . " Its not like that but as i said , it was a song from my album and  that was the song that i only have ".

" Okay , i get it . Next time lets make our very own song and sing it together ", he said . " So , do you want to walk around here ?? " .

" Why not ? ". Then the couple get up from their seat and make their way near to the sea shore . " Seems like its windy night . Im cold ", Jiyoung shivering as the wind blow . Myungsoo take off his jacket and put on her . " Are you okay now ?? ", he asked and Jiyoung nodded .

They walked along the sea shore and enjoying the night view together . That night the recording going so well as they give full cooperation in making it looks real and they also received a lot of good comments from the PD and staffs. 












author's note : sorry for the late update !! i hope you enjoy this chapter and im sorry if i disappointed you guys with this chapter . im not so good in english , so pls bear with my grammar errors >< and a lot of thankyu and love for subscribing my story . love you guyss :D <3 




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anisxx #1
I hope u update this sory....plss
anisxx #2
Still waiting for ur update
anisxx #3
Chapter 25: I miss this story :( but still there no update
Nadyangela #4
Chapter 25: OMG this is so cute :3
Please update soon author-nim!
and please more moment when myungsoo is jealous because Jing and kikwang, it's so cute! :3
awesome13 #5
Chapter 25: waiting for the update!
awesome13 #6
Chapter 24: I LIKE IT!!!!!
Chapter 25: So cute... I love Myungjing update soon please!
anisxx #8
Chapter 25: I loveeee this chapter too! Cant wait to see their shooting together again :) as usually hoping u update it asap hehe
shuhadaramli #9
Aaaah why'd you stop there?? I want more MyungJing kisses!
Chapter 25: So cute..
MyungJing is totally a great couple..
I can imagine them fooling around each other..
So lovely..