Chapter 14

Once by Your Side

" Oppa where you want to go ?? ", Suzy asked him .

Myungsoo looked at her with guilty on his face . What should i do ? He is asking himself as he was trapped in between his love and his promise . As he saw Suzy is forcing herself to get up , he comes to her . " Just lie down . You are still not well and you need a lot of rest ", Myungsoo said while make her lie down back . 

" Oppa , cant you stay here with me longer ?? ", Suzy grabbed his hand , begging him with teary eyes . Seeing Myungsoo this closer like now , make her feel happy and at the same time sad . Sad for the fact that they are getting apart , away from each other . " I miss you . I miss you so much ". She hugged Myungsoo and let the tears that she try to endure falling down . 

Myungsoo starled as he heard the words . The words that Suzy said just now make he feel bad . If he has to be honest , yes he will admit that he is missing Suzy too but because of his ego , he cant . " Suzy ah , i will ask you this for the last . Will you leave the show for me ?? ", he asked .

" You know that i cant , right ?? ", Suzy chin up , looking at the guy in front of her . 

Myungsoo smirk .  " Look . You even cant do this for me while someone else willing to do whatever as long as she will stay beside her lover ". He feel disappointed with the answer Suzy give to him just now . 

" What--what do you means by that ?? ", Suzy asked while let off Myungsoo from her hug .

" Nothing . I think i should go now . Everyone is waiting for me ", he said while make his way going out from Suzy room . When he is about reached the room door , he stop for a while . " And please dont do this again . You will make me worried ". Then he continue his way out . 

After leaving Suzy place , Myungsoo give a call to his manager . " Hyung , dont say anything and i know this is my fault but i really need your help right now ".



It already two hours passed and everyone seems getting tired waiting for Myungsoo to come to the recording . What should i do right now ?? He didnt answered my call and even didnt reply my message . As she was looking around , waiting for him nervously , a call come in . 

" Ommo !! ". Myungsoo name appeared on her phone screen and she quickly answered the call . " Yahhhhhhhhhh !!! ". 

" Yahh !! Why you shouting at me ??!! ", Myungsoo said . 

" Where are you right now ?? Everyone is waiting for you !! ". Jiyoung slowered her voice , didnt want anyone to know she is talking with Myungsoo .

" Get out for a while . Im outside ".

" Outside ?? ". She get up from her seat and going outside . " Im outside right now . So where are you ?? ", her eyes searching for him . 

" Look at your left ", told Myungsoo .

Jiyoung looked at her left and saw Myungsoo is standing in front of his van with his manager beside him . But there is something that makes her eyes widen . " What happened to you ?? ", Jiyoung asked him right after she reached him .

" It just- ", as Myungsoo want to speak more , his manager cut him off . " He just sprained his hand . But he still can do recording . Dont worry , i have already told the PD that today's recording still will be going ", his manager tell her and leaves both of them after dropped Myungsoo .

" Really ?? Its okay then . But are you sure that you are okay ?? ", she looked at Myungsoo worriedly . 

Jeez . Since when this girl care about me ?? " Im okay , so dont worry . By the way , help me with this since my hand is hurt ", he pointed at something . 

" What is all these ?? ". Jiyoung looked at bag plastics beside him . 

" Bread and milk ", Myungsoo replied short to her .

" What all these for ?? ", she asked .

" All these are for the staffs . I bought these as my apology to them because im late . Yah , you want both of us to be expelled from this show ?? ", Myungsoo glaring at her .

" No . I dont want !! I must get my boyfriend back . Dont worry , i will help you with this ". Jiyoung took the bag plastics and walked inside the building . 

When it comes to her boyfriend , she is willing to do anything . But why Suzy cant do this for me ?? He let out a heavy sigh and followed her to get in the building . 



After Myungsoo's manager told them what happened to him , the PD decided to change the location for the recording . The scene is supposed to be Myungsoo is waiting for Jiyoung in the restaurant , treating her food before making their way to their newly wed house but because the time is short , so they have to cancel that part and just move to the next scene which is entering their wed house . 

As the PD saw Myungsoo and Jiyoung were finished having their make up , he walked to them . Seems like he got something to tell them . " Myungsoo ssi , Jiyoung ssi , since something unexpected happened today , we cant use the script that we set for today . If we redo it again , it probably take a long time , so for this time , i really need your cooperation in react with your own script ", the PD told them .

" React with our own script ?? ", Myungsoo widen his eyes .

" Yes , its seem to be like that . But we will provide your the script line and all you need is to react with that . Why ?? You got problem with that ?? ", the PD asked him .

" No . We dont have any problem with that . We will do it ", Jiyoung said smilingly while looking at Myungsoo . From his reaction , Jiyoung knows that he looks like a little bit shock but who care about it . For her , it is more comfortable to react with her own words rather than acting with script . 

" Okay , happy to hear that . So, get ready . We will start our recording about few minutes more . Good luck ". The PD smile to them before walked away , going to his seat . 

After everyone is ready and getting instruction from the PD , the recording started . 

" Woahhh . Daebak ". That was the first impression comes out from their mouth after stepped inside their house . The house is spacious and the things are neatly arranged . The view seems so beautiful with the yard which is sea as the background of it can be seen inside their house . 

" Ohh !! Look at that !! ", Jiyoung pointed at something and Myungsoo comes to her . It was a pair of guitars that were hang on the wall . 

" Is this for us ?? ", he takes the note that was paste on the guitar and read it .

" Congratulation for your wedding and this are our gift for you .

Myungsoo and Jiyoung couple guitars .."

Infinite & Kara 

" Couple guitar ?? Where is on the earth that have couple guitar ?? It always couple rings , couple tee and something like that ", Jiyoung chuckled .

" But i like this . If no one have this , let us be the first ", Myungsoo looked at Jiyoung smilingly . 

" Should we go upstair and take a look how is it ?? ", Jiyoung suggested . 

" Okay , lets go ", Myungsoo nodded . 

After having look all over the house , they moved to the kitchen to prepare dinner . This time Jiyoung is asked to prepare dinner for Myungsoo . Thank god , she have learned few menus before and today she got the confident to make dinner . 

" Since your hand is hurt , so let me make the dinner ", Jiyoung said while wearing the apron . 

" I want to help you ", Myungsoo said and get himself an apron .

" Ehh ? You want to help me ?? ", Jiyoung change her look to him . " Look at yourself . You even cant wear it properly ". The camera focusing on Myungsoo who is having difficulty in wearing the apron . 

Myungsoo laughing , agree on his wife that he cant wear it properly due to his hand condition . " No , i just think that i should help my wife instead of waiting the dish to be done . I dont want my wife having hard time alone just for my dinner ", he said while looking at his wife who is blushing . 

" Okay , i get it . Let me help you wear this ". Jiyoung take the apron from his hand and put it on him . " So what should we cook for dinner today ?? ", she asked .

" Anything will be okay ", Myungsoo replied to her . 

" Then , lets make kimchi stew and rolled egg  ", Jiyoung said . She get the things that she need and placed it on the cutting desk . " Firstly , we have to chop all these ".

" I will do this ". Myungsoo took the ingredients and try to chop it with his left hand . Since he is not left handed person , of course the cut look not so good but at least he is trying his best . 

" Be careful . Dont hurt your hand ", she said . 

" Why ?? If i hurt myself , you also will feel the pain ?? ", he nearer his face to Jiyoung , staring at her eyes . 

Jiyoung feel like she just lost her soul . Myungsoo stare is so strong and she dont know how to react . Jiyoung ah !! Get your sense right now !!  " Of--of course i will feel the pain ".

I just staring you and you already fluttered . Kang Jiyoung , "dont fall in love with me" . Myungsoo chuckled . " Okay , i will be careful ". 

The camera keep recording their moment together in the kitchen . They are helping each other while having fun on teasing each other . When everything is done , they placed the dishes on the table and ready to enjoy it . 

" How it taste ? Is it good ?? ", Jiyoung asked Myungsoo who is trying the stew . 

" It taste good !! ", Myungsoo widen his eyes , convince her that her stew is good . 

" Really ?? Thank you . Then , lets finish all these . But is okay for you to eat with your left hand ?? Do you want me to feed you ?? ", Jiyoung looked at him . 

Myungsoo shoke his head . " No , its okay for me ".

As Jiyoung looked Myungsoo is having hard time eating the food , she get up from her seat . " I dont think you are okay with that  ", she said while sitting beside Myungsoo . She took the spoon from his hand before put some rice and a slice of rolled egg on it . " Open your mouth ".

" You dont have to do that ", Myungsoo refused .

" Just open your mouth . You help me earlier eventhough your hand is hurt . And now i have to pay it back ", she said while giving him a "meaningful" glare . I do this for the sake of our plan !! 

As he understand what the glare means , he quickly react on the plan . He opened his mouth and let Jiyoung feed him . 



" Take rest and sleep well because tomorrow we still have another scene to shoot . Thank you for your hard work and see you tomorrow ", the PD thanked all of them after the recording finished . " Myungsoo ssi , Jiyoung ssi , you are doing great . Im so suprised to see how you react according to the situation without script . Good job ", he patted Myungsoo back and give Jiyoung a satisfied smile . 

" Thank you for your compliment , PD-nim . We will work harder ", Myungsoo said . Then both of them leaving the PD-nim and moved to their room to take shower and sleep . 

Ahh , finally i got time to rest . I cant sleep well since yesterday . Myungsoo bumped his face on the pillow before get up reaching for his phone as it sounded . 

" What happened to your hand ?? Does it hurt ?? ". Myungsoo read the message that was sent by Jiyoung . " Its doesnt hurt ", he answered short . 

" Okay then . And thank you for coming to our recording today . I thought you are not coming for today recording . Im sorry for the bad thought ", Jiyoung replied .

Why she always say sorry ?? Its my fault anyway .  " No , its not your fault . By the way , thank you ".

" Thank you for what ?? ".

Does she pretending or she really dont know what is the "thank you" for ?? " For the dinner . I will anticipate for tomorrow breakfast ", he type the message smilingly .

At the end , he knows how to thank me . Jiyoung chuckled . " Kekeke . Yes , you can anticipate with tomorrow breakfast . See you tomorrow . Good night ", Jiyoung reply to him with smiley at the end of her message .  

Kang Jiyoung , you are doing well !! 

Kim Myungsoo , you are doing well , too , right ??
















author's note : ahhhh , finally this chapter is complete !! i really having hard time to make this chapter . its not bcoz of the ideas but i really cant concentrate with this chapter  . the rumors about L just strike me out and i completely lost my words !! V.V i dont care the truth of the rumor bcoz i believe him . but one thing that i know , i like him *blushing* XD . when the rumor about L is cooling down , i thought to myself "okay , lets write something" . and the next day , here comes another thing . its about Kara . and for the second time , i lost my words again !!!!!! i dont know how much tears i shed for these two things . i know that im not kamilia but i really like Kara TT_TT . but as what Kamilia say , i believe in Kara . IN KARA WE TRUST !!


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anisxx #1
I hope u update this sory....plss
anisxx #2
Still waiting for ur update
anisxx #3
Chapter 25: I miss this story :( but still there no update
Nadyangela #4
Chapter 25: OMG this is so cute :3
Please update soon author-nim!
and please more moment when myungsoo is jealous because Jing and kikwang, it's so cute! :3
awesome13 #5
Chapter 25: waiting for the update!
awesome13 #6
Chapter 24: I LIKE IT!!!!!
Chapter 25: So cute... I love Myungjing update soon please!
anisxx #8
Chapter 25: I loveeee this chapter too! Cant wait to see their shooting together again :) as usually hoping u update it asap hehe
shuhadaramli #9
Aaaah why'd you stop there?? I want more MyungJing kisses!
Chapter 25: So cute..
MyungJing is totally a great couple..
I can imagine them fooling around each other..
So lovely..