Chapter 5

Once by Your Side

The situation at the Incheon Airport was crowded with Kara fans as they know that their five gorgeous angel will be there after finished their schedule in Japan . The fans were so enthusiastic screamed out the members' name . And some of them were holding placards and not to mention , gifts and letters for Kara . The first that comes out from the arrival were Gyuri and Hara . Then followed by Seungyeon and Nicole .The situation turned to chaos when the fans try to approach them .

By looking at the situation , Jiyoung who was the last came out from the arrival , get herself ready to go through the fans . She hold her belonging or maybe "her jacket" tightly , make sure that it will not taken away from her hand . She know that if she lose the jacket , someone will be in the big problem . Or maybe she can say two persons will be in the big problem . After going through the chaotic situation and get into the van , then Kara headed to their dorm .

" Dongie ya , your sisters are home !! ", Seungyeon said as she stepped in her dorm . Then she quickly run towards a XXL-human-sized bear that was placed at middle of their living room . " Dongie ya , nuna miss you ", she bumped her body on the bear and hugged it .

" Move aside . I want to hug Dongie also ", Gyuri try to push Seungyeon away . " No !! I got him first ", Seungyeon tighten her hug while Gyuri keep pushing her away . 

" Aish , these unnie ". Nicole shook her head left to right same goes to Hara who was sitting on the sofa , regretting that these two oldest sisters can be so childish . Then , Nicole switched on television . She got herself remote control and tuned on MBC Channel .

" Ohh , its Suzy ", Hara blurted out the name as she saw Suzy was on the television . " Wait !! This is We Got Married , right ?? How can she be casting in this show ?? I even dont know about this ?!! ", she said .

" I also dont know about this ", Nicole looked at Hara . 

Gyuri and Seungyeon who were bickering about the bear stopped doing that and put their attention on the screen . " Ahh , i really want to know who is her partner . Her partner must be so happy as he got Suzy as his wife ", Gyuri spoke out . 

Suzy ????? We Got Married ??? Jiyoung  tilted her head a little to watch the show from kitchen sight . Ohh , it really Suzy !! She widened her eyes . 

" Annyeonghaseyo ". Kikwang appeared on the screen . All of them were taken aback as they saw Kikwang on the screen . 

" Omooo !! Yah , change the channel quickly before Jiyoung watch it ", Seungyeon instructed Nicole to change the channel . Nicole who was holding the remote panically tuned on to KBS channel . They were afraid that if Jiyoung watched this , it will burdened her more . As her members , they didnt want Jiyoung to get hurt again . By remembering the day when Jiyoung come back to dorm cryingly , still throbbing their heart . So , they really dont want to see her crying again .

But all that was too late . Jiyoung witnessed all that . She feels like someone just crashing her heart and that was so painful . The tears that she try to hold such a failed as the tears just comes out nonstop . As she cant handle anymore , she quickly wipe off her tears and comes out from the kitchen ." Unnie , i want go out for a while. Dont wait for me . Maybe i will be late ", said Jiyoung while walking towards the door .

" Where you want to go ?? ", Gyuri asked her .

Jiyoung stopped for a while and replied to her . "Just going out with my friends ". She smiled to them before get out from her dorm .


It was about on time , why that person didnt appeared yet ?? He takes out the phone from his pocket and going through his inbox . Then his finger stopped on the message that he received fews day ago . 

" Meet me at Sarang Cafe on 8pm . I will give your jacket back "

He read out the message . Yes , this is Sarang Cafe and now its already 8pm . Where the world the person is right now ??!! Was the person guy or girl ?? He or she should tell me whether he is guy or she is girl . So it wouldnt confuse me . Hmmm . Myungsoo let out a small sigh before taking a sip of his americano ice . 

As the time passes , its already 9pm but the one that he is waiting for still not appeared . What the heck is this ? Was this person try to make fun of me ??!!! He bit his lower lips as he feel annoyed . Then , he decided to give a call to the person . 

" Yoeboseyo- ", Myungsoo started the conversation first .

" Ne . Yeoboseyo- "

Just by hearing the voice , he can tell that the person is a girl . " Where are you right now ?? I want my jacket back ! ".

" Jacket-?? Whose jacket-?? Ahh !! I know , i know- "

Myungsoo took off his phone from his ear and looked at his phone . Was this girl drunk ?? He put back his phone on ear . " You told me that you want to give my jacket back and you asked me to meet you at Sarang Cafe on 8pm . So , im here . Where are you ??? "

" Me ?? Im at my friend's house . Im sorry , i think im little bit drunk . So i couldnt make it . Im sorry ".

What the heck this girl !! " Yahh , are you kidding me ? How could you getting yourself drunk if you know that you have promise today ?? ", Myungsoo rises his voice as he getting angry . " Yah , are you lying to me ?? My jacket was not with you right ?? "

" Ahh , you really- !! ", the girl getting annoyed . " Kim Myungsoo ssi , your jacket was with me !! Your photo also even with me !! And i already said my apology , can you go easy on that ?!! ". 

t !! She ended my call !! Myungsoo trying to call the girl back , but she didnt pick up . Darn it !! So , my jacket was really with her . 


" Ahh , you really- !! Kim Myungsoo ssi , your jacket was with me !! Your photo also even with me !! And i already say my apology , can you go easy on that ?!! ", Jiyoung getting annoyed and ended the call .

" Haishh . Why this guy cant understand my situation right now ?? Im drunk , how come i wanna drive with my condition right now ?? ", she said in drunk . "What if i got into- ", before she couldnt finished her words , a call comes in . Jiyoung looked at her phone . " This jerk again ?? ". She throws her phone aside before put her heavy head on the sofa and fall in sleep .








author note : another update . thankyu for subscribing my story . comments are welcomed :))



extra : myungjing-annoyed gif :) 



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anisxx #1
I hope u update this sory....plss
anisxx #2
Still waiting for ur update
anisxx #3
Chapter 25: I miss this story :( but still there no update
Nadyangela #4
Chapter 25: OMG this is so cute :3
Please update soon author-nim!
and please more moment when myungsoo is jealous because Jing and kikwang, it's so cute! :3
awesome13 #5
Chapter 25: waiting for the update!
awesome13 #6
Chapter 24: I LIKE IT!!!!!
Chapter 25: So cute... I love Myungjing update soon please!
anisxx #8
Chapter 25: I loveeee this chapter too! Cant wait to see their shooting together again :) as usually hoping u update it asap hehe
shuhadaramli #9
Aaaah why'd you stop there?? I want more MyungJing kisses!
Chapter 25: So cute..
MyungJing is totally a great couple..
I can imagine them fooling around each other..
So lovely..