Chapter 6

Once by Your Side

After parked her car at the corner of the cafe , she get out from her car and going inside to the Sarang Cafe .

"Ohh . Jiyoung ah , you are here ". Eunjoo welcoming Jiyoung to her cafe . " Why you didnt come yesterday ?? I was waiting for you ".

" Ahh , really ? Im sorry unnie . Something just happened yesterday , so i cant came here ". Jiyoung pouted as she feel guilty to Eunjoo . 

" Its okay ", Eunjoo smiled to her . " So , you need something to eat ? Just tell me . I will asked our chef to prepare it for you ", she said .

Jiyoung looked at her watch . Its still 7pm and she got an hour before the meeting . " Hmm . It is good idea . I would like to have carbonara spaghetti and orange juice . And- "

" Chocolate caramelized cheese cake !! ", both cousin said it in unison . The unison just bring laughter for both . Eunjoo already know about that . If Jiyoung comes to her cafe , she never missed to order this cake . Even when she is having sweet tooth , she always dropped by here just to eat that . 

" Okay , i will get it for you . Wait for awhile ". 

As Eunjoo go to prepare her order , Jiyoung take a sit at the back with near to window . The reason why she chose that side was simple , she can look outside to see Myungsoo . And for the "she-will-be-noticed" , no need to worry about that . She is so good in this . After minutes waiting ,Eunjoo came to her and bring out her food . 

" Your food is here . Have a nice meal ". Eunjoo placed her food on the table . Then she had to going back to the counter , to settle her work and leave Jiyoung enjoy her meal alone . 


" Hyung , where you want to go ??  ", Sungjong asked as he saw Myungsoo wear his "disguise cloth". He really know that if Myungsoo wearing his "disguise cloth" , that means he want to meet someone secretly . " Dont tell me that you want to meet Su- "

" I will going out for while . Dont wait for me ", Myungsoo cut off Sungjong words and get out from the dorm .

Seriously , he really dont want to hear Suzy name for this meantime . Just listen to her name makes him feel bad and HURT ! Yes , hurt !! Its hurt him so much until he hard to breath . Even that , he still doing his best searching for his jacket . Okay , just put away the jacket thing , the most important is the photo . The photo of him and Suzy . If someone find that picture and spread it among fans , that means disaster . He dont care if he is the one that affected but he really mind if Suzy also got affected by this . Why ? Because he still loves Suzy . That is the one thing that he know .


She playing with her juice , stirred it over and over while her mind drove her away from the reality .

" Jiyoung ah..lets break off "

" You are so mean for ignoring my feel . How could you be with other guy "

Those words keep playing on her mind and make she feel burdened . She was in trapped between her love and the guilty feeling . Jiyoung ah , lets do this . For the sake of your love to Kikwang . Jiyoung shook her head lightly , agreeing for the plan that she will work on . But wait.. Jiyoung looked at her watch . What the heck is this ?? Where is he ?? Its already 8.30pm !! She bit her lower lip . Was he trying to put revenge on me for what happened yesterday ?? Her eyes were looking outside searching for Myungsoo while her hand took out phone from her pocket . 

" Where are you ? ", she send out message to Myungsoo . 


" Thank you Moonsoo yah ". After thanking his brother for drove him here , he make his way to Sarang Cafe . 

Which one is she ?? His eyes glaring inside the cafe , make simple scanning . When he was about to step in the cafe , his phone sounded . Where are you ? He read out the message . This girl really..!! He rolled his eyes and make a phone call to her . 

" Im here . Which one is you ?? ", Myungsoo asked while his foot step into the cafe . " Ohh , okay . I saw you ", he responded as he saw someone sitting at the back , near the window . He ended the call and move towards her . 

" Annyeong " , he greeted the girl in front of him . Her face cant be seen clearly as she wearing cap .  " Ehmm . Since im quit busy , so lets make the thing faster . Where is my jacket ?? ".

What ?? Make it faster ?? Aish , this guy !! He even didnt say apology for coming late . What the heck . Jiyoung get pissed off . " Okay , since im a busy person too , so lets make it faster ". She tried to loosen all her anger as she feel sorry for the fact that she make Myungsoo waiting for her yesterday .
" But before that , i am Kara's Kang Jiyoung ". She took off her cap and make a little bow with her head before put it on her hair back . From his look , Jiyoung really can tell that Myungsoo was so suprised to see her . 

" So my jacket was with you all this time ?? ". Myungsoo looked startled . He really suprised to know that his jacket was with Jiyoung .

" Yes . Your jacket was with me and i am the one who brought you to hospital ", Jiyoung told him . Then she reached on Myungsoo jacket and give it to him . " I accidentally take your jacket with me when i was about to leave you ". 

" Thank you....That is all what can i say ", Myungsoo thanked her . His hand was holding the jacket tightly . Inside his heart , he really hopes that Jiyoung didnt see his photo with Suzy . 

" But thank you doesnt enough ", Jiyoung looked at him while her hand is taking out something . " You need to pay it with this ", she showed Myungsoo the photo of him and Suzy .

Myungsoo ssi , im sorry but i have to do this . 














author note : another update ! im sorry if this chapter failed >_<



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anisxx #1
I hope u update this sory....plss
anisxx #2
Still waiting for ur update
anisxx #3
Chapter 25: I miss this story :( but still there no update
Nadyangela #4
Chapter 25: OMG this is so cute :3
Please update soon author-nim!
and please more moment when myungsoo is jealous because Jing and kikwang, it's so cute! :3
awesome13 #5
Chapter 25: waiting for the update!
awesome13 #6
Chapter 24: I LIKE IT!!!!!
Chapter 25: So cute... I love Myungjing update soon please!
anisxx #8
Chapter 25: I loveeee this chapter too! Cant wait to see their shooting together again :) as usually hoping u update it asap hehe
shuhadaramli #9
Aaaah why'd you stop there?? I want more MyungJing kisses!
Chapter 25: So cute..
MyungJing is totally a great couple..
I can imagine them fooling around each other..
So lovely..