Chapter 18

Once by Your Side

" Annyeonghaseyo ". Myungsoo greeted everyone in the waiting room as he stepped in . Seems like everyone is busy with their make up so that they just nodded their head as a sign of welcoming him . He quickly make his way as he knows he is late for today recording . 

" Myungsoo ah , how are you ?? ", Mblaq's GO asked as Myungsoo sit beside him , get ready to have some make up done .

" Im good . How about you , hyung ?? Is everything going well ?? ", he asked him back before changing his look to Kikwang who sat on GO left side . Kikwang just smiling to him and he also doing the same thing .

 " Everything is going so well and i feel much brighter since i had my wife . I got someone to talk with , someone that i can share my hapiness with and it continues even we are not on screen ", he said before thanking his coordi nuna for the make up . " So , how about you and Jiyoung ?? You guys look good together ". Kikwang eyes widened as he heard sudden question from GO to Myungsoo .

But for Myungsoo , it is a good question for him in this kind of situation . This is the time he should show his action skill . " Hyung , we just got married and it still early to have that kind of feeling but i do have intention to get close with her behind the screen ", he answered . And his answer make Kikwang ask for an excuse to go to toilet for a while from his coordi . I made it . He smirked .

" Just get close with her . She is pretty and have a good manner ", GO patted his back , before he received a call and then leaving him .

As they were talking about Jiyoung just now , make him thinking of Jiyoung . Would she be okay there ?? He get his phone and sending message to her . 



" Annyeonghaseyo , welcome to We Got Married New Year Special Episode " , said the MCs as the introduction for today recording . " Today we have some activites for the couples for this episode . And before we start our first segment , let introduce our couples first ".

" Our first couple is Mblaq's Go and Jewelry's Yewon , Beast's Kikwang and MissA's Suzy ". As the MCs are introducing the couples , Jiyoung is getting nervous , waiting for their turn at the back set . Im seriously nervous right now . What should i do ?? She put her palm on her chest and feels her heart is beating faster and that make she feel uncomfortable , thinking of whether she can do this well or not .

" Give me your hand ", Myungsoo looked at her . Jiyoung just giving him her clueless face as what she knows is they have to linking their arms , not holding hand . " We have to do this for our plan . Just believe in me ", he said while grabbing Jiyoung hand and clasped them together . When their name is being called , they walking together with smile on their face before take their place beside Vixx's N and TwoX's Eunyoung couple . " Dont worry . We will make this going well ", he whispered to Jiyoung . The words a little much makes Jiyoung feel less burdened . 

After introducing the couples , the show continue with the first segment , " Our meet , is it destiny ?? ". This segment showing the couple about their similarities , or any coincidence that happened before and after their meeting . The crews are doing their best in digging and finding the points for this segment . 

" Okay , lets see our first couple video for this segment ", said the special MC for today episode , Shinyoung . The moment when the video started to play , they already know whose couple is that as Destiny comes out . Everyone is put their attention on the video while the camera focus on the Myungsoo and Jiyoung couple who are in blushing state right now . " Look at that !!! Their first moment was stolen by Sungjong and Nicole !! ", Shinyoung pointed at the video which is showing Kara and Infinite collaboration singing Couple at Kpop All Star Live in Niigata . Next is the moment where Kara and Infinite as performers for various shows . " Even their outfits also got the same style and color !! ", Misun commented . After that , it was a part where Jiyoung with her puppy which named Myungsoo going out to the park before they show the last part which is the hidden scene in their first episode that showing they have the same ringtone . Both Myungsoo and Jiyoung looked at each other after watch the hidden scene , getting shock for the fact that they got the same ringtone . 

" Myungsoo ssi , Jiyoung ssi , did you guys know about all these ?? ", Misun asked them . 

" I know the rest but the ringtone-- both of us didnt know about that-- and her puppy named Myungsoo , i also dont know about that ", told Myungsoo . Jiyoung also nodding her head , agreeing on what Myungsoo said . " About my puppy named Myungsoo , i didnt tell him yet ", she smiles shyly . 

" So , do you think , your meeting is destiny ?? ", another question comes out . 

" Of course it is !! ". Both of them said . " Everything happened because it was said to be happen , so i believe that this is our destiny ", Myungsoo explained while his eyes glaring at Kikwang and Suzy who seem uneasy with the answer . " If not , we will not get married ", Jiyoung added , make another crack on Kikwang heart . 

" When we are in waiting room earlier , the ladies are having fun in the room and Jiyoung suddenly received a message . She is smiling widely when she read it , so i kinda curious what kind of message she got . So i snapped out her phone and it turned out to be a message from Myungsoo . I really can see why she is smilling widely ", Shinyoung told them .

" What is the content ?? ", Misun asked Shinyoung but Jiyoung begging her not to . " He said Are you okay there ? Dont worry im okay here . You also should be okay , right ? ", she said , revealing the message . Everyone is woowing at the couple as they heard that . Myungsoo and Jiyoung could not help themselves by blushing hard . " Myungsoo ssi , did you get the reply ?? Its slightly different , right ?? ", she asked him and he nodded shyly . " It was me who replying the message ".

The words make others laughing crazily with Shinyoung frankness . " What did you said to him ?? ", Misun asked again . " I replied it with a little bit aegyo Im okay , Naekko-nimI even put a lot of hearts ", Shinyoung answered and another burst of laughter was heard in the studio . 

" I thought it was you ", Myungsoo said slowly in between his laughter . " It wasnt me . I didnt have a chance to reply your message ", she shooked her head and laughing together while facing palm . From far , there is a couple who are wearing a forced laugh and smile on their faces . Jiyoung ah , have you to be this far ?? You are forcing yourself . Kikwang look at Jiyoung secretly with his painful heart and beside him , Suzy is holding her tears .



After the first segment finished , the couples are giving about 15 minutes to change their clothes for games . When the time is about to end , the couples go back to the filming set , to record for the next segment .

" The first game in this segment is quizzes ", Misun told them and gains a lot of whinning from the couples . " Looks like you guys didnt like quizzes , me also didnt like it , but you guys have to do this . So , in order to answer the questions , the husbands need to carry their wives on their backs and passes this way ", she pointed at the standee in front all of them . " Then , when you reach here , the wives have to feed their husbands with selected food and after the food finished , you guys are allowed to answer the question ", explained Misun . " And once you get the right answer , you can choose the gift that we set for you guys ". After explaining all , the games start .

" The first question is how many hearts does an octopus have ? ", Shinyoung read out the question .

" I know this !! Get on my back !!! ", Myungsoo said to Jiyoung . Without hesitation , Jiyoung ride on his back and Myungsoo make his way to the food section . " Did you know the answer ?? ", she asked . " Yes , i know this ", he replied . As the reached the food section , Jiyoung quickly choose the food and it turns out to be a bitter herbal tea . " Omoo , im sorry ", she feels bad as Myungsoo have to drink that . " The answer is three !! ", he said after finishing his drink . Shinyoung ring the bell which is means that they got the right answer . Jiyoung get off from Myungsoo back and make high five with him . " My naekko-nim jjang !! " . After choosing the prize , they quickly going back to the starting line . 

As the time passes , they are nearing to the last question . " Are you out of strength ? Have this first ", Jiyoung giving her husband a bottle of water . " Im sorry for my bad luck in choosing the food ", she said referring to the sufferness that Myungsoo had as he has to drink herbal tea , fish sauce , and she also make her husband eat hot pepper .

" Can you please choose something delicious for me to eat ?? I feel like vomit eating all that stuffs ", Myungsoo told her .

" Okay , this is the last question and it is an absurd question . The question is , among the numbers , what is the easiest number ? ". Another question was asked .

Easiest number ?? " I know the answer . Oppa , quickly ", Jiyoung told him and get into Myungsoo back . " Please choose well ", Myungsoo said as he near to the food section . " Okay , i will ". She takes a little time to choose as other couples are still in confusing . " Okay , lets have this ", she opened the lid and see a bowl of hot spicy noodles . " Oh my god ", Myungsoo release a heavy sigh and that makes Jiyoung feel terrible . " Can we share this , MC ??? My husband ate a lot of ridiculous things before . Please ", she begging . The PD nodded and Jiyoung quickly eat the noodle before leaving a little for Myungsoo . " Oppa , eat this quickly ", she told as she saw Kikwang and Suzy are about to catch them .

After finishing the noodles , Jiyoung answers the question . " 190,000 ( shipguman ) !! ".

Dingdongding . " You got it right !!! " , the MCs applause to them . " So , it is the end of this segment and we will come back again with another fun activity after this ", Misun ends her line before all of them take another break .

What the heck is she doing just now ?? Myungsoo quickly let Jiyoung off from his back and run for a bottle of water , thinking of Jiyoung must be in pain because of the hotness . " Jiyoung ah , it must be so spicy , right ?? ", Shinyoung say as she looks Jiyoung sweats .

" Its no joke , seriously ", she looks at her with teared eyes . " Are you okay ?? Drink this ", Kikwang suddenly come to her , giving her a glass of milk to reduce the hotness . Myungsoo who is about to give Jiyoung her drink , startled as he saw Kikwang acting like that . Who you think you are , huh ?? 

" Tha--thank you ", Jiyoung take the glass with awkward feeling and as she is about to take a sip , Myungsoo comes to them . " Thank you , hyung but since she is my wife , so i will take care of her ", he said while took away the glass from Jiyoung hand . " Take this ", he give a bottle of mineral water to her . " I will drink this for Jiyoung behalf . I ate that too , right ?? ", he glaring at Kikwang before changing his look to Jiyoung . 

Without them notice , Suzy at their back is holding her pain at the same time looking at three of them confusingly . Why both of them seem like worry about Jiyoung ?? 



After spending five hours , finally the recording comes to the end . Everyone is thanking each other for their cooperation and hardwork before going to waiting room , changing their clothes . " I go out first . See you again ", Jiyoung bowed before stepped out from the room . As she walked through the corridor , she meet with Myungsoo coincidently . He seem like ignoring her and just passed by without saying anything . " Kim Myungsoo ! We need to talk ".

" I have no time for it ", he said without any intention to stop his steps and that makes Jiyoung have to follow him to his van .

" Yahhh ! What is wrong with you ?? ", she asked .

" What is wrong with me ?? ", Myungsoo looked at her with annoying look . " Im the one who supposed to ask you that ", he get inside his van and closed the door , before the van leaving her alone with confusion on her face . Myungsoo ah , what happened to you ?? Its your job to make Kikwang jealous , not him making you jealous . He release a heavy sigh , before taking a glance at Jiyoung who seem getting smaller as the van move forward , make its way out . 














author note : another update . hope you like it . thank you for subscribing and upvoted my story and for the comments , i appreciate it a lots . love you guysss . myungjing <3 



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anisxx #1
I hope u update this sory....plss
anisxx #2
Still waiting for ur update
anisxx #3
Chapter 25: I miss this story :( but still there no update
Nadyangela #4
Chapter 25: OMG this is so cute :3
Please update soon author-nim!
and please more moment when myungsoo is jealous because Jing and kikwang, it's so cute! :3
awesome13 #5
Chapter 25: waiting for the update!
awesome13 #6
Chapter 24: I LIKE IT!!!!!
Chapter 25: So cute... I love Myungjing update soon please!
anisxx #8
Chapter 25: I loveeee this chapter too! Cant wait to see their shooting together again :) as usually hoping u update it asap hehe
shuhadaramli #9
Aaaah why'd you stop there?? I want more MyungJing kisses!
Chapter 25: So cute..
MyungJing is totally a great couple..
I can imagine them fooling around each other..
So lovely..