Chapter 16

Once by Your Side

Myungsoo looked at his hand while thinking back of what just happened few days ago . Even he already told the truth to Jiyoung but he still feel bad to her . What should i do right now  ?? Why i keep feeling this way ?? How can i focus on today recording if i feel like this ?! He released a deep sigh before taking his step to Kara waiting room . Its happened that both of them had same schedule for KBS programme . 

He give a knock on the door before entering the waiting room . " Annyeonghaseyo ", he bows to his sunbaenim . 

" Ohh , Myungsoo ah !! Why are you here ?? Is the recording already started ?? ", Gyuri asked him .

" No . Its still not start yet but can i see Jiyoung for a while ?? ", he looked at them .

" Jiyoung ?? She is going out to toilet just now ", Seungyeon told him .

" Ahh , really ? Then , i will wait for her outside . Im sorry for disturbing you all ", he said . Then he get out from the room and waiting for Jiyoung outside . After minutes waiting , Jiyoung comes . " We need to talk with you ", he looked at JIyoung .

" But i dont have anything to talk ", she ignores him and make her way to her room .

" But i have ", he said while dragging her to the stairways . " Cant you just forget about what happened ?? Its not like something that i planned . I got my own reason why i lied to you ".

With annoying look , Jiyoung replied him . " Then tell me what is the reason ", she glaring at him and he just stay silent . " Look ! You even cant tell me why you do that ".

" I got my own reason why i cant ! Is that hard for you to understand ?? ", he said coldly .

" Then , is that hard for you to say sorry ?!! ", she raise her voice and that makes Myungsoo fluttered .

What ??? Sorry ???  " Yah , in our agreement , there is no such thing that i must say sorry for lying you or coming late to our recording !! ", he widened his eyes . 

Tskk !! You really not gonna change , Kim Myungsoo !!  " Okay , i will try to understand you . Since we do this for our good , so no need to say sorry . Just concentrate on our agreement and for today recording . Annyeong ! ", she smiled synically and end it with annoying look while walked to her waiting room back . 



Should i go ?? Or not ?? Kikwang wondering by himself whether to go to see Jiyoung in her waiting room or not . Okay , just let have a walk at there and if i saw her , then it enough . " Hyung , i will be outside for a while ", he said to Doojun . 

Please Jiyoung , please let me see you . I miss you so much . He walked nearer to the waiting room which Kara was there . You will come out , right ?? He gather his strength and passes the room . Ahh ! Why you didnt come out ?? He feel upset . When he was about to pass again the room , he heard something . 

Then , is it hard for you to say sorry ??!!

" Wait !! Isnt Jiyoung voice ?? ", he said to himself . 

Yah , in our agreement , there is no such thing that i must say sorry for lying you or coming late to our recording !! 

His eyes widened as he listened to Myungsoo voice . Is Jiyoung with Myungsoo right now ??

Okay , i will try to understand you . SInce we do this for our good , so no need to say sorry . Just concentrate on our agreement and for today recording . Annyeong !

As he heard "annyeong" from Jiyoung mouth , he quickly hiding himself beside the vendor machine there . He tilted his head and saw Jiyoung get out from that place before going inside her room . 

Agreement ??? Why did they talk about agreement ?? 



" Yah Kang Jiyoung ! Did you see Myungsoo outside ?? ", Nicole asked as she Jiyoung comes in and the girl just nodded . " What is wrong with you guys ?? Did you guys have problem ?? ", she grabbed Jiyoung hand and make her sit beside her . 

Jiyoung pouted . " I dont know ".

Nicole jeezing . " How come you said "dont know" but your look clearly shown that you "know" ? ".

" He lied to me ", Jiyoung said and her words make other members of Kara come to her .

" What ?? He lying to you ??? ", Seungyeon shocked .

Jiyoung just nodded . " He came late for our last week recording  and its such a big fuss at that time . Everyone was calling him but he didnt answered and when the production was about to the cancel the recording , he appeared with his bandaged hand ".

Hara eyes widened . " Does something happened to him ?? ". 

" Yes , he said his hand hurt and thats why he came late . But it was what he told me and others on that day . Then when our last day for recording , he said his hand doesnt hurt , he just lie to me and it was just an excuse . He also said that he got his own reason why he did that ! Does it make sense ??? ", she told them before having a gulp of water . " And when i asked what the reason is , he didnt want to tell me . Seriously , i feel betrayed ".

" Yaaaaa . How come he do that ! ", Seungyeon hits her chest . Just by hearing that makes Seungyeon feel sore for no reason . 

Gyuri patted her maknae back . " Dont worry , Jiyoung . There must be a reason why he did that . And you dont need to feel angry or touchy about that , just think of Kikwang , okay ?  " , she looked at her .

" Okay ", she smiled . Just by listened to Kikwang name , makes Jiyoung feel alive again . 



" Ahhhhh !! ". He kicked the driver seat from the back as he feeling annoying . " Urghhh !! ". Another kick , this time harder than before . 

" YAHHH KIM MYUNGSOO !!! What are you trying to do right now ?? ", his manager who is driving right now getting angry .

" Hyung , cant we just cancel today recording ?? Please hyung ", he begged .

" Why ?? Are you dont feeling well ?? Myungsoo ah , dont you remember what you have done last recording ?? You want to do it again ?? ", he took a glance at Myungsoo who is sitting at the back . 

Last recording again . Im sick of it !! " Hyung , please stop mention about that !! Im sick of it and feel like wanna throw out everytime i heard about that !! ", he raises his voice .

" Then , dont say useless thing and just go recording ! We already arrived here . So get your thing out and do well !! I will come back after this ", his manager dropped him  and moved to take other members going to another schedule .

. Aishhh !! Why must we recording for our wedding dress selection today ?? He whinning before entering the wedding dress shop . " Annyeonghaseyo ", he bows to everyone .

" Myungsoo ssi , come here ! ", the PD-nim called him . He walked to PD-nim and saw Jiyoung is already there . " How is your hand ?? Already healed ?? ", he asked .

Myungsoo looked at Jiyoung , before changes his look to PD-nim ." Yes--yes , seems like that ", he smile awkwardly .

" Its good to hear that . Then , i will proceed to what will have for today recording . For today , we just doing wedding dress selection and tomorrow we will shoot for the ceremony . Since its about wedding , so we need two person from both of you behalf to attend your wedding ceremony as well as welcoming party in your house . It can be your friends or your members from your group . Its all up to you ", he explained . 

" Two persons ? We need time for that ", Myungsoo said . 

" Okay , i will leave it to you guys by now and i will come back after 15 minutes ". Then PD-nim make his own way to discuss with other staff . 

As soon as the PD-nim leaves them , Myungsoo and Jiyoung quickly discuss about it . " So , who you gonna invite ?? ", Jiyoung asked .

" I dont know . Maybe my group members ?? How about you ?? ", he faces Jiyoung .

" Me too . My members doesnt have schedule tomorrow , so i think i will invite them ", she told him .

" Then , we have to choose two from all of them . I dont think i can choose ", Myungsoo crossed his hand . Seems like both of them are thinking what should they do . " How about this . We write all their name on the paper and choose randomly ", he suggested .

" That is good idea !! Let me ask them if they got it or not ", Jiyoung get up from her seat and walked to the staff . After a while , she comes back to Myungsoo . " Take this ", she gives him a pen and paper . 

Both of them write their members name and folded it . Then Myungsoo put it on the table and messed up the papers . " So let choose two from all these ". Since its about the time , they quickly grabbed two of it . By the look , they seem satisfied with their chose .
















author's note : another update . hope you guys enjoy reading my fic . thankyu to all my subscribers for your supporting comments and for the new subscriber , thankyu so much for subscribing . i love you all :') 



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anisxx #1
I hope u update this sory....plss
anisxx #2
Still waiting for ur update
anisxx #3
Chapter 25: I miss this story :( but still there no update
Nadyangela #4
Chapter 25: OMG this is so cute :3
Please update soon author-nim!
and please more moment when myungsoo is jealous because Jing and kikwang, it's so cute! :3
awesome13 #5
Chapter 25: waiting for the update!
awesome13 #6
Chapter 24: I LIKE IT!!!!!
Chapter 25: So cute... I love Myungjing update soon please!
anisxx #8
Chapter 25: I loveeee this chapter too! Cant wait to see their shooting together again :) as usually hoping u update it asap hehe
shuhadaramli #9
Aaaah why'd you stop there?? I want more MyungJing kisses!
Chapter 25: So cute..
MyungJing is totally a great couple..
I can imagine them fooling around each other..
So lovely..