Chapter 24

Once by Your Side

The next morning , all of the staffs and artistes gathering at the airport to fly back to Incheon . The airport situation seems a bit relaxing and eventhough there are some group of fans but still the situation is under controlled . While waiting for  their flight , all of them are busy with their own business . Some of the staffs are taking this spare time to discuss about the next recording plan while some of them are keeping their eyes on the production items and not to mention , the artistes also busy with their fanservice to fans . 

This is not me ! I will get a lot of harsh comment from netizens with this kind of airport fashion . Jiyoung looked at the mirror in front of her , looking at her airport fashion which is a black hoodie with white tshirt inside and jeans . " Blame that guy for kissing me last night and now i have to act like this way ", she said while get a top of hoodie to cover her head . Then , she walked out from the toilet and went to the waiting hall . 

He is not here , right ? She looked around her before decided to have a sit near the discussion team . She take out her favorite book from bag and started to read it . " Oh my god , im getting hot with this hoodie on me ", she fanning herself with her hand . Her eyes rounded as she looked at her watch . She was so into reading and not noticing that 30 minutes has passed . 

" Jiyoung ah ! Why are you here ? ", one of discussion team members , Hyejin unnie asked her . 

" Ermm-- it just happened that i sit here ", she said .

" Have you been sit here for a long time ? ", the unnie asked her again but no reply . The girl seems not giving attention on her question as her eyes wandering around . " Are you searching for Myungsoo ?? ".

As she heard Myungsoo name , she just giving the unnie an awkward smile . How did she know ? She thought . " It just a bit weird that i dont see him here ".

" Myungsoo already left this early morning . He took the first flight as he have to go for another schedule in Japan ", Hyejin told her .

" What ? He already left ?? ", her jaws dropped . The unnie just nodded her head . Why he didnt tell me about this ? If he told me earlier then i dont have to wear this kind of fashion and even enduring this heat about 30 minutes ?! She whines slowly while getting the hoodie off and leaving only white tshirt on her body . 

" He didnt tell you about this ? ", Hyejin looked at her .

" No . He didnt ", she pouted . 

" And one more thing , for next recording you will have to film alone . Myungsoo couldnt make it because of his concert , so see you there . We will have on studio recording together with the Mcs ".

Jiyoung just listen to her words without any objection . She knows that she cant do nothing if there is any schedule clash during this recording since Myungsoo came from popular boy group and he must have a load of schedules . " Okay , i will tell my manager about this ".



He looked at his watch before release a heavy sigh . It has been two hours since their flight been delayed and he's getting annoyed waiting here without doing anything . He looked at the boy beside him who was taking nap while his manager is nowhere to be seen . " Im boring to death right now ! What the heck that they are doing ?? Why it takes too much time ?? ", Sunggyu whines . 

His whine seems to wake Myungsoo up from his nap . " Did our flight done yet ?? ", he said while rubbing his eyes .

" Not yet . You-- just sleep . I will wake you when its done  ", the leader looked at with concern . He looks so exhausted and his eyebag is no joke and dark circles just make him looks like panda , not the visual of Infinite . " Are you really our team's visual ? ", Sunggyu joking around .

Myungsoo chuckled . " Why ? Are you going to take over the title from me ?? ". 

" That was my intention since our debut days ", he raised his eyebrow , trying to tease Myungsoo with his words but the dongsaeng just looked at him up and down . " Hyung , just be a leader ". Myungsoo blunt comment makes him feel defeated . " Yah , are you looking down on me right now ?? This guy really--!! I acknowledge about it since before so dont worry , i wont take your title !! " . 

" Its a good thing that you acknowledged about it ", he patted Sunggyu back softly while trying to hold his laughter . He know that Sunggyu wont take it seriously about this thing because they have been arguing about this many times since it just for fun . " Thank you for making me laugh , hyung ".

Sunggyu just smiled . " You must be having hard time and in a lot of pressure , so  i just want to comfort you . So , how is the recording ? Did everything going well as planned ? ".

 " Seems like everything is going well ".  I even kissed her ! By remembering the kiss that he had with Jiyoung last night put him on blush .

" Thats good . But Myungsoo ah-- ". As Sunggyu wants to say more , an announcement was made . Their flight to Japan is on ready and all the passengers were asked to go to departure hall . 

" Sunggyu , Myungsoo , lets go ", his manager went to them after gathering another Woollim staffs . Then , they make their way to the departure hall . On their way , Sunggyu noticed something . " Myungsoo yah , look at that ", he pointed at the group of people .

Myungsoo changed his look to the the way his hyung pointed at and he eyes rounded as he saw WGM staffs who are just arrived from Jeju . Seems like Suzy and Kikwang still in the middle of recording . His looks then stopped at the girl who seems alone at the back . " You should at least smile ". He said . 

Why did he has to leave early ? Jiyoung thought . " Appeuji anhi manhi keokjeong dwae " , her phone suddenly ringing . She get her phone from bag and looked at it to see who is calling her . What a good timing ! I just think about you and here you are . " Hello ", she answered the call .

" Where are you ?? ", Myungsoo asked .

" At the airport . I just arrived from Jeju . How about you ?? Already in Japan ?? ", she asked back .

" Ermm--yes ", he told a lie where the fact is he's still here , watching at her from afar with heavy heart . " Are you okay without me ?? ".

" Im okay , just dont worry about me . I still can do it well even without you ".

He chuckled as he heard that from Jiyoung . He knows that she's not okay . " I know you can do it well . I need to go right now . See you on next Monday ", he ended the call while seeing her passed by him . 

Sunggyu who was looking at him seems like to understand his feeling . Maybe Myungsoo already has feeling for Jiyoung but he just dont want to admit it for right now . " Myungsoo ah , lets go . We need to go right now ". 



Ahhh !! It feels great that i had enough sleep today since i always been busy these day . Seungyeon wake up from her sleep with smile on her face . Thinking that there is no schedule for her today really makes her feel energize . She dont have to worry about what she has to wear , what kind of hairstyle she wants to do to look good and other silly things that annoying her . What time is it right now ? Did i slept too much ?? She reached for her phone to see what time is it but her phone was out of battery . Then , she get up and walked out from her room . " Omoo , what a shock ", she was taken aback as she saw someone at the living room . " Yah Kang Jiyoung ! ". 

" Ohh unnie . Did you sleep well ?? ", she asked while sipping a cup of coffee that she just made . 

" Yes , i did but-- what are you doing here ?? Did you finished your recording ?? Wait , what time is it right now ?? ", Seungyeon looked at the wall clock and its already 12pm . Heol ! Did i sleep that long ??  She then changed her look to the girl in front of her who looks not in a good mood , not as cheerful as she used to be when she got back from her recording . " Why are you like this ? Was something happened ?? ".

Jiyoung put her mug beside her before her hand linking with her unnie's . " I dont know . I really dont know . I am so sleepy but i cant sleep . There is something that haunting me ", she landed her head on Seungyeon shoulder . " Unnie , what should i do right now ?? ".

" Just tell me what is it . What was the thing that annoys you ? ".

" Unnie-- i had my first kiss with Myungsoo last night ", she told her . " I am crazy , right ?? I just should push him away so that he cant do that to me but i dont know why i stay still and letting him kissed me ", Jiyoung face palm . 

" Ji--jiyoung ah , youu ", Seungyeon jaws dropped . 

" I know . I know that i am crazy but-- i dont know how to explain . Whenever i closed my eyes , that thing appeared and even when im awake , that was the only thing that im thinking about ", she pouted . 

" Jiyoung yah , listen to me ", she grabbed her maknae on shoulder and let the young faced her . " You are not crazy . You are just fall in love with him !! ". 

Seungyeon words put her on speechless mode . Did i fall in love with him ?? " No , its not like that . How come i fall in love with him ?? No , its impossible "., Jiyoung shook her head before get up from her seat and run to her bedroom . " Jiyoung ah , you cant deny your feeling to him . Just accept the fact that you has feeling for him ", the unnie shouted to her but she just ignore her words and get into her room . 

The nervousness that he made me , the jealousy that get into me when he was with Suzy and the warm feeling that i had when he was kissing me , were that a real thing ? Did i really fall in love with him ?? 

As she was in deep thought , she received a call from Suzy . " Ohh Suzy ah ", she answered the call . " Tonight ? Okay , i will see you there ".


" Okay , i get it . I will tell him then ", Sunggyu ended his phone call after having some conversation with his manager . Finally after few hours on flight , they already arrived in Japan and right now they are having some rest at the hotel . " Yah , manager asked me to tell you that tomorrow WGM staffs will come here to film you ", he said after seeing Myungsoo who just finished showering came out from bathroom .

" Okay ", he nodded while drying out his wet hair . Since Myungsoo and Sunggyu were the last members to arrive , so they were put in the same room . The other members were here since yesterday so they got to choose their own partner . 

" Myungsoo ah , can i ask you something ? ", Sunggyu asked .

" What ?? ".

" Did you has feeling for Jiyoung ?? ", he looked at him . " You seems so caring towards her . The way you smile when you're talking about her , the warm look on your eyes when you looking at her . Dont you think that you already develop some feeling to her ?? ".

Myungsoo sit down on his bed while thinking of his hyung question . " Was it noticeable ?? ".

" Its all over on your face , of course its noticeable ", Sunggyu said . " Aren't you confess to her about your feeling ? ".

" I dont know , hyung . I was in a lot of distressed whether to be honest about my feeling or not . Seems like she cant let off Kikwang yet , thats why we keep doing this thing ", he sighed out .

" Then , how about you and Suzy ??? Did you completely forget about her ?? ". 

" Seems so . It was like all the memories that i had with Suzy were washed away by the time that i spent with Jiyoung ", he smiled genuinely . " But hyung , there was something crazy that i did last night !! ".

" Wh--what ?? Tell me !!! ", the older getting curious . He went to Myungsoo and sit beside him .

Myungsoo cheeks redened and his mouth let out a shy smile . " I--kissed Jiyoung !! ". Right after he said the words , he bumped his blushing face onto the pillow beside him . 

" KIM MYUNGSOO AH !!!! HOW COULD YOU ?!! ". Sunggyu patted his back for few times . " Myungsoo ah , you really fall in love right now !! What should i do with you ", he grinned . 

" But when i was about to kiss her , she didnt pushed me away . She just stay still ", Myungsoo told him

Sunggyu faces palm . " That means she also like you , Myungsoo yah !! ", he hit Myungsoo with pillow before went back to his bed . " You had dating with Suzy before for two years but you still dont know about girl feeling ?? Are you that loser ?? Tskk ", he jeezing .

Really ?? She likes me too ?? 



She looking around the alley to find her friend . Suzy promised to meet up here but she dont see her yet . Where is she ?? Jiyoung take out her phone and give a call to her . " Where are you ?? ".

" I can see you from my place . Just walked along here and you will see me ", told Suzy .

" Okay , just wait there ". She ended her call and walked for few more steps before she saw her friend sitting on the bench , waiting for her . " So here you are . I thought you were not here yet ".

" I have been here since an hour ago but dont misunderstand . I really want you to come on 8pm . I just-- need time to think ", Suzy smiled to her .

Seeing Suzy like this makes Jiyoung feel uneasy . From her look , she knows that there is something wrong with her friend . " Why ? Do you have problem so that you asked me out ?? Tell me what is it . Maybe i can help you out ", Jiyoung said .

" Jiyoung ah , can i know what is the reason you joining this show ?? ", Suzy looked at her with uncomfortable feeling .

" Eh--?? ", Jiyoung startled . She never expect that Suzy will ask her that question . " Why suddenly you ask me about this ?? ".

" I-- just want to know about it ".

" It just same reason with you . My company asked me to do this , so i did but-- ". As Jiyoung want to say more , Suzy cut off her words . " Myungsoo was actually my boyfriend ".

I already know about this , Suzy ah . " Really ?? ", she pretend to be shock . 

" Yes . We break up because of this matter but im still loves him ", Suzy said before she held Jiyoung hands . " Jiyoung ah , cant you just give up for this show ?? I cant stand to see you with Myungsoo . My heart break into pieces everytime i see him with you ".

If you cant see him with me then why you decided to join this show at first ?? Dont you know that i feel like dying when Kikwang leave me because of you ??  " Suzy ah , please dont be like this ".

" Please Jiyoung ah . Im begging you ", her eyes getting teary . " You wont understand how my feeling looks like . If you were on my shoes , how will you feel seeing your boyfriend with other girl ? Please Jiyoung ah ", she begged .

I was feeling this since before , since the first day you and Kikwang being together .  " Im sorry , i cant , Suzy . I really cant . You know that my company is having problem right now so i have to stay in this show . Im sorry ", she let off her hand from Suzy's . " You will be fine as time passes , dont worry . I--i think in need to go first . I have schedule tomorrow . I'll go first , Suzy ah and im sorry , i cant help you ", she said before leaving Suzy alone .

Im sorry , Suzy ah . Thats too much to ask for . I cant . 













































author note : im sorry for taking too much time updating this story and thousand of sorry because of the boring update >< 




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anisxx #1
I hope u update this sory....plss
anisxx #2
Still waiting for ur update
anisxx #3
Chapter 25: I miss this story :( but still there no update
Nadyangela #4
Chapter 25: OMG this is so cute :3
Please update soon author-nim!
and please more moment when myungsoo is jealous because Jing and kikwang, it's so cute! :3
awesome13 #5
Chapter 25: waiting for the update!
awesome13 #6
Chapter 24: I LIKE IT!!!!!
Chapter 25: So cute... I love Myungjing update soon please!
anisxx #8
Chapter 25: I loveeee this chapter too! Cant wait to see their shooting together again :) as usually hoping u update it asap hehe
shuhadaramli #9
Aaaah why'd you stop there?? I want more MyungJing kisses!
Chapter 25: So cute..
MyungJing is totally a great couple..
I can imagine them fooling around each other..
So lovely..