Thirtysecond Chill

Hero of Ice

                        "Father. First of all, Minni has given me a name. Sangwoo, she said. Lanky's official name is Sangwoo. I would like you to research into this as you have promised me." Jaejoong started out strongly. 

           His father nodded willingly. 

           "Secondly, don't you dare do anything to Minni." Jaejoong then warned. 

           "That's a bold move, Jaejoong." The elder man said. "Revealing your weaknesses." 

           "I have already soughted out that you may be aware of my feelings for her so I'm going to come out clean." Jaejoong stated straightforwardedly. "But be also aware that whatever you do to Minni, I will direct the same to myself." 

           Mr. Kim's face fell and Jaejoong smirked. "I know that I am of tremendous use to you." Jaejoong sneered. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Remember well, father."

           Mr. Kim's expression was one of outrage. "Are you crazy?" His father stammered. 

           "No I am not." Jaejoong retaliated. "I am just protecting the girl that I love."

           The elder man scoffed at his son's childish behaviour. "What reason do I have to do this to Minni anyway?" 

           "The same reason you killed two innocent people." Jaejoong did not falter in his speech but his heart crumbled when he remembered the incident three years ago. He hoped to never let his father see his weak side again. "Me." 

           And he walked out of the office before Mr. Kim could say another word. 


                        I knocked on the door once, listened for an answer and then entered the room. Jaejoong wasn't home today so I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to finally meet up with my uncle. 

           "Minni, how can I help you?" Mr. Kim was sitting at his desk, hastily putting away a manila folder.

           I looked to my feet feeling uneasy. I knew I needed the money but I was struggling to ask for it. "I- I would like to go outside to buy some stuff." 

           Mr. Kim gave me a stern look. "What kind of stuff, Minni?"

           I fidgeted a little. "It's just some female toiletries." I lied. 

           "Do you have the money Minni?" It was as if Mr. Kim had read my mind. 

           I slowly shook her head. "Actually, I would like to shamefully ask to borrow some as well."

           Jaejoong's father pursed his lips for a moment. "That's fine, Minni." Mr. Kim slowly gave me a subtle smile. "Money isn't the issue. I am more concerned about your safety. I'll get someone that I trust to you." 

           "It's okay!" I blurted a little too suddenly. "I'll just grab a taxi and quickly come back."

           Jaejoong's father looked at me strangely. After some time he opened his wallet and put a generous sum on the table. "As you wish, Minni." He complied. He opened a drawer and placed a set of keys on the desk as well. And lastly, he took his phone from his pocket and put it on the desk on top of the money notes. "But please do take these and come back as soon as possible. Jaejoong would be anxious to see that you're not home."

           I felt a chill run down my spine. I didn't know how long I was going to take but I bowed low respectfully. "Yes." I dashed down the stairs, whisked myself outside, hailed a taxi and directed my way towards the only place I thought my uncle could be. Song hospital.

           A thought was tugging at my conscience as well. Mr. Kim had given me keys. That meant that he had an idea that I might be coming home late. I might not be visiting my uncle alone as I had intended to.


                      "It's been a while since I've stepped here, don't you think?" Jaejoong smiled at his aquaintance and then at the surrounding environment. There were only light and bright colours around him. It was quite peaceful but also hyped at the same time. It was Song hospital and to the two young men, it was still the same hospital they ventured around when they were kids, only modernised.

           Yunho did the same as Jaejoong. "Three years, I suppose for you?"

           Jaejoong nodded.

           "I come here now and then." Yunho admitted. "It's good experience if you want to be a doctor. Maybe you should join me, now that you're permenently in Seoul studying medicince?"

           "Maybe." Jaejoong breathed in the cleanliness of the hospital air.

           The two boys found a cafe within Song hosptial and each ordered a drink.

           "Do you think Song Minji is still alive?" Jaejoong asked randomly, eyeing his hot chocolate.

           Yunho laughed lightly. "I'm not too sure." He said uneasily. "Only time will tell."

           Jaejoong pursed his lips together to form a weird smirk. "I kind of miss her."

           "Me too." Yunho took a sip of his expresso.

           "Oh, really?" Jaejoong exclaimed and started to half joke with his friend. "I thought you had your eyes on Lee Minni."

           "I-I do." Yunho had almost choked but managed to stutter a response. "But she doesn't love me. She loves you."

           Jaejoong couldn't look at his friend anymore. "She is staying at my place at the moment." He confessed. "Feel free to pop in anytime."

           Yunho was shocked at the news but decided to accept the truth as it is. "Jaejoong, let me ask you one question." Yunho demanded.

           Jaejoong awkwardly met his friend's eyes.

           Yunho tried to read him. "Do you love Minni? Exclude the fact that I love her and that I am your friend and answer me honestly." He insisted earnestly.

           Jaejoong couldn'lt lie to him, not when Yunho was so stubborn to hear the truth. "Yes, I love Lee Minni." Jaejoong declared.

           But he didn't expect Yunho to wear such a genuine smile. "That is a relief." Yunho said.

           Jaejoong was very shocked to see him acting this way. Shouldn't he be mad at him?

           Yunho watched his friend's face and lifted an eyebrow "Jaejoong." Yunho eyed him with annoyance. "You should know that I am not that selfish to break apart two people who love each other."

           Relief washed over Jaejoong as well. "I must have the greatest friend in the world."

           Yunho lifted his cup, as if to make a toast. "You certainly do."

           Jaejoong played along and lifted his tea cup as well.

           But his facial expression immediately changed when he recognised someone in the far background. "Minni." Jaejoong gasped. He picked up a menu and tried to hide himself. "What is she doing here?" He watched Minni from afar. She was being led by an elder man to a secluded office. He recognised the man standing next to her and was even more bewildered.

           The man was dressed as a doctor but Jaejoong knew for a fact that he wasn't one at all. "What is he doing with him?" Jaejoong looked at Yunho.

           Yunho only shrugged in response. "I have no idea."

           When the office door closed, Jaejoong stood up. Only one thought ran through his head and it irritated him. He began to storm off.

           "Jaejoong, where are you going?" Yunho asked, a little puzzled.

           "Home." He said abruptly. If he stayed any longer, he wouldn't be able to stop himself from knocking down that office door to where Minni was. He didn't want to cause a scene. He would wait and interrogate her when she was back at his home.

           Jaejoong's heart stirred painfully. If she ever was going back, that was. 


           "We'll pretend that you're a patient and I am a doctor." My uncle suggested, leading me into an empty examination office. I nodded in agreement. We both took a seat and I told my uncle what had happened to me for the past few months to every explicit detail. He sat and listened intently and tried to paint a picture of my story. At the end of it all, the sun was sinking under the horizon.

           My uncle placed a hand on my shoulder. "So there is a man called Sangwoo involved?" He said to himself. "I will investigate into this."

           Then he eyed me disapprovingly and reprimanded me. "Minni, I told you not to tell anyone who you were."

           "I didn't, I just gave him some information. I didn't reveal who I was, uncle." I explained.

           Uncle paused for a second then agreed. "I guess you didn't. But Minni, you don't need to tell Seungheon everything. I actually insist that you don't." He said. "Kim Seungheon and your father weren't on good terms. If he discovers who you really are, he might even discard solving your case."

           I was appalled to hear that another person out there despised my parents. "Why does everyone hate my parents?" I couldn't help but ask. "They were nice people."

           My uncle sighed. "Of course they were, both of them were. But you can't please everyone, Minni. I'm not saying that Seungheon was a bad person, I'm just saying that he had a few problems with your father."

           I nodded grimly. "I won't tell him anything anymore. I will pack up and move out before they discover who I am." I was devastated with this sudden news.

           "But Jaejoong doesn't hate you, Minni. You can stay with him if you want."

           I shook my head. "I won't be despicable and shelter with someone who dislikes Song Minji."

           "He dislikes your father, not you." My uncle corrected me.

           "I know." I gripped my knees tightly. "But it's just sad knowing that someone I grew to care for felt that way towards my parents."

           "Well, you're free to come to my place and live with me anytime." Uncle insisted all of a sudden. 

           "What?" I couldn't help but tug a smile on my lips.

           "You're almost graduating. So it's time to reveal to the world that Song Minji still lives." My uncle continued from where he left off.

           "It's safe now?" I asked.

           My uncle smiled. "We haven't caught them yet. Sangwoo is a good lead I think. But you're of age now, Minni. You would be able to look after yourself and help me out at the hospital. In fact, the day you were supposed to come over this holiday, I intended to tell you that I have organised an event next week to introduce you to the press and other prestigious companies. Do you think you can make it?" He asked.

           I thought about it.

           "I don't mind if you want to tell Jaejoong who you really are." Uncle said. "You shouldn't hide this from someone you love. It will only hurt the both of you in the long run."

           "Really?" I felt like a boulder was lifted off of my shoulder.

           Uncle nodded.

           "Yes!" I got up and wrapped my arms around my uncle ecstatically. I didn't have to lie to Jaejoong anymore. I could tell him everything now. "I'll attend the event." I cried with joy. 


                        Minni at last checked the phone she was given when she reached the front of Jaejoong's house. There were several missed calls but she had received none of them because the phone was on dead silent mode. She hastily grabbed the spare key from her pocket and cautiously let herself into the gigantic house.

           She tip-toed upstairs and opened the door to her room, creaking it a little. But once the door was opened, she stopped in her tracks. A shadow sat on her bed awaiting her return. 

           "Jaejoong." She gasped.

           Jaejoong turned her way. His eyes shined at her as it reflected the moonlight from outside. He rose up and Minni started to think of a way to reveal her true identity to him. He began to walk towards her.

           Her body and words shook with slight fright. "Jaejoong, I- I can explain." 

           Minni saw the worried expression in his face when he stopped about a foot in front of her. Her heart tensed at his grimness. His hand felt her arm, sliding down it and then grabbing her hand. She felt a slight electric shock as Jaejoong stared at the hand he held. "Minni, you're back." He sounded extremely tired. How long had he been waiting? 

           Minni was hurt by Jaejoong's exhaustion. "I'm sorry." She managed to say. 

           Jaejoong pulled her into a tight embrace, hiding his face in the crook of her neck. He was glad that she was back safe, but the suspicion within him didn't subside. Why was she with that man? Feeling quite agitated, he closed the door and leaned her against it. 

           Jaejoong stared at Minni. He wanted to know what was she really up to. But his body didn't comply with him. The heated thought of her betraying him or leaving him really frustrated him. He really wanted her to be his and only his and so, he leaned in and started pressing his lips against hers. His hands held her face tightly in place so that the kiss would not break. Every bit of him was satisfied but simultaneously craving for more. As his tongue explored , his heart hammered dangerously. 

           Minni was going along with everything. She couldn't deny him, not when she had worried him so much, not when he was initiating everything. Her hands found her way around his waist and pulled him closer to her.

           Jaejoong took this as a cue to venture even further. His hands left her cheeks and explored her waist. His lips started to nip at her neck. Minni fought the urge to moan by biting her lip by grabbing Jaejoong's hair hard. But Jaejoong did not stop there. The fabric between his hands and her skin were unfavourable for him. He slid his hands underneath her loose shirt and sweater and relished the warm soft skin at her waistline. Minni in her breath when his cold hands touched her. It took some time adjusting to it but her thrill only heightened. She crumbled a little at Jaejoong's works and released her hands from him, placing them high against the door. Jaejoong took the opportunity to remove her shirt and sweater altogether. He paused and admired her upper body. As if mesmerised he crept in, his eyes failed to move away from her bra.

           It gave Minni a moment to watch his facial expression but what she saw was a sullen Jaejoong desperating looking for bliss. He wasn't completely happy and that troubled her. She lost her drive to continue where they left off. "Jaejoong, let's stop." She insisted. Jaejoong ignored her. His lips planted itself on her collar bone.

           A moan escaped her as Jaejoong on the skin beneath his lips. Minni tried to stay focused. They shouldn't be doing this at this moment. "Stop." She sighed. Instead, she felt Jaejoong's lips open a little, then he let his tongue taste her skin. 

           "Jaejoong!" Minni groaned uncontrollably, arching her back a little. Jaejoong began to make his way to her bra and tried to unclasped it. His teeth bit lightly at her bone beneath the skin. Minni's heavy breathing could be heard between the two of them but she had to get back on topic. She slowly caressed his cheek and led him slowly to look at her face.

           "Jaejoong. We should stop it here. I can see that something is bothering you." Jaejoong's hands slowly left her bra and left it intact. Minni smiled at him a little to encourage him to let it out. "What's wrong Jaejoong?" 

           He felt uneasy asking her this but there was a part of him that was nagging to him that something was incomplete. "Do you still love me?" Jaejoong asked.

           Minni was shocked by his uncertainty. "Of course I love you. My heart is fixed on you, Jaejoong." Minni took his hand and placed it on her heart.

           Jaejoong's tensed when he felt the part of her overlying her heart. He looked to the two hands intertwined. Just a little above it was the snowflake pendant shimmering enchantingly at him. This pendant was one that he found quite familiar. He knew that he had seen it somewhere. In the few months that he had saw it, it would pop into his mind, as if there was a hidden message behind it. But where had he encountered it.

           Jaejoong again tried to recount the past events in Minni's life. He knew the man that Minni had visited today. He knew that the person who was targetting her was named Haeyoung. But that couldn't be right. It wouldn't make sense. Jaejoong also knew about Yunho's past. Yunho at this moment, loved Minni. But why would Yunho change his heart so suddenly? He seemed to be so in love with his first love. Not unless... 

           "Song Minji." The words escaped his lips. The truth suddenly dawned on him. If she was Song Minji then everything would fit like a perfect puzzle piece. He scoffed, noticing how long it had taken him to realise Minni's true identity.

           His demeanour suddenly turned cold. "It's good that you still love me." His voice became cold as ice. 

           Minni was extremely astonished by Jaejoong's transformation. She was also flabbergasted that he knew who she was. "Jaejoong?" 

           "I'm sorry." Jaejoong apologised but his tone of voice lacked any empathy at all. He took a step back and eyed her as if she was now trash to him. "I'm afraid I have not been completely honest with you, Song Minji." 

           "What?" Minni was totally confused. "Jaejoong, what's going on? Is this some kind of joke?" But it wasn't. Jaejoong knew who she really was. "How?" She couldn't help but let out this one word. This one word had the one question she wanted to ask him. How did he know who she was? 

           "Minji, do you remember the boy from ten years ago?" Jaejoong questioned monotonously. "The boy who wanted you dead." 

           Minni thought for a second. She gasped when it hit her. "Han Haeyoung!" 

           "That's right. I am Han Haeyoung." Jaejoong stated plainly. His eyes lost any gleam in it. They were hollow and dead. It was as if Jaejoong no longer loved her anymore and that frightened her. "And I'll enlighten you on one fact." Jaejoong continued. He put on a discomforting side smirk and Minni expected the worse to come. "I killed your parents, Song Minji."





Short and sweet chapter! 

Jokes, not really but now you know who Jaejoong really is. 

I would like to again thank all the readers out there who have been patiently reading this story. I love the comments, the subscriptions and the upvotes. 

I really do hope that you are all enjoying the story.


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20141026 Hi everyone! I have changed the name of the story. I felt like this title is more original and suits more to the story. Hope it's not too confusing ^^


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Chapter 45: " Happy now ?? "
" very "
"good "

damn why didn't i see this story till now ?
Chapter 40: I loved this story.Great writing skills I may add.I haven't seen a proper story of dbsk with conflicts and and very descriptive.Most just skip many details and it's very short.You take it step by step and the story tensed up slowly going to the end.I like that.I thorough;y enjoyed reading it.I hope you make more stories with dbsk in it.Love this. infinity out of 10.Haha
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 44: OMG! I finally finished this story! At first, i was kinfa 'eh' in reading the story cause i felt like its too slow but i gave it a chance and read it! Thank god I did cause the story is beautiful.
Chapter 41: your writing is good and i havent seen a dbsk story with good writing for a long time-i just dont like the plot. sorry
2029 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hello author-nim ^_^ this excluded chapter is really sweet and cute. Enjoyed reading it
chunnea #6
Chapter 43: This excluded part is cuutee~~heheh.
jejemine_90 #7
Hello author-nim, how are you? Just found this story and will start reading now. :)
2029 streak #8
Chapter 41: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading your story and I gotta say that it was really interesting. As I read, I predicted Yunho and Jaejoong as Jungwoo and Haeyoung but at times, I was thinking vice versa. Even though I started reading this story knowing Jaejoong is the main character, I still couldn't help myself from feeling 'Why does Yunho is always involved in a love triangle and in the end, loses the girl to the other?'... do you happen to have an answer author-nim?
Haha :D anyway, nice story ^_^
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana too ∩__∩
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana to ∩__∩