Thirtyfirst Chill

Hero of Ice

                        I really wanted to remain forever as Lee Minni, an ordinary girl who had a family consisting of a younger brother and sister and a strict mother, friends who were always looking out for you, and a boy who loved you with every bit of him. But I am not Lee Minni. I am Song Minji. I still remembered my past. I still think of my parents who are no longer on this earth. I still have to go back to being Song Minji. 


            I broke from my thoughts and looked to Jaejoong. He was scanning over some paperwork at his fathers desk. I was sitting across from him, accompanying him. 

            "Why are you being so pensive?" He asked, not looking up from his desk. "Don't tell me that you're thinking about me? I am right here in front of you."

            "Of course not." I told him. "I was thinking of my situation and how I could fix it." I knew that I had to get to my uncle somehow. But how? I couldn't let anyone in this household know.

            Jaejoong looked up at me, solemnly. "Minni, I really don't want to make you anxious." His hand reached out for mine and clasped it tightly. "But do you remember them saying anything to you?"

            I knew that he was referring to the people who had captured me. I tried to recall the two different events. During the camping trip, the man had said that he knew Han Haeyoung. And just a few days ago, I discovered that this man was called Sangwoo. "His name is Sangwoo." I told Jaejoong. I wasn't revealing myself yet. "And he mentioned Han Haeyoung."

            Jaejoong tensed up a little. He heaved in a sigh and spoke again. "Minni, I'm going to be completely honest with you now. During camp the day after you almost fell, I confronted that man. The man that you just told me was called Sangwoo. He told me that he was following Han Haeyoung's orders." Jaejoong stated. "And he told me that you were not Minni. What did he mean by that?"

            I felt myself heating up. I can't reveal who I am even if I trusted Jaejoong with my life. I looked down a bit and then met Jaejoong's eyes. "I don't know, Jaejoong." I answered in soft voice. "I don't know what he's talking about."

            Jaejoong squeezed my hand in a comforting way. "It's okay Minni. I believe you."

            I felt pathetic at this stage. I couldn't tell him the truth. I lied to him and here he was trusting me.



                        "So where are we heading?" Hana asked Changmin. 

            "I don't know." He replied.

            Hana fired up. "Then why did you tell me to get dressed and come out with you?"

            Changmin shrugged. "I just felt like it." 

            "I'm going home."

            "Wait." Changmin grabbed her by the hand. "Where do you want to go?"

            "Are you stupid? You're the one who invited me out and now you're asking me where I want to go?"

            "I just wanted to go out with you. I've never been out with a girl before. How would I know what couples do on a date." Changmin mumbled.

            Hana froze. "A- a date?" She stuttered. "Are you crazy, we're not even dating!?"

            Changmin pulled her close and put a finger to his lips. "Shhh. Do you know where we are?"

            Hana suddenly smelt a pungent odour. She looked around her and spied a variety of dead fish for sale. All the elder stall owners were looking at her.

            A man with a huge snapper in his hand started shaking it at her. "Why are you talking like that?" He threatened. "You should really date Changmin, young miss. He's a good boy, you know? He comes here almost every week to buy fish for his family to eat. I hear sometimes he has to do the cooking at home. And there are also times when he has helped us bring the fish delivery in as well. He is a strong and obedient young man, you know?"

            Hana turned to Changmin who beamed proudly and then she gave the seller an uncertain smile. Her arm clinged onto Changmin for security. 

            "So don't go talking like he is no good. Changmin is a very good boy." The man's fish splattered some of its water on Hana and she flinched.

            Changmin chuckled lightly. "It's okay sir, she just has a bad mouth sometimes. But most of the time, she's very cute." Changmin told him. "She's a good girl too."

            The man smiled enchantedly at the boy. "If you say so. I have to admit that she is very pretty." He then turned to Hana and gave her an intimidating look which made Hana wrap her arms around Changmin a little tighter.

            "Can we go somewhere else?" She whispered.

            Changmin smiled. "Where?"

            "I don't know, just out of here." 

            "I'll just buy some fish while you're thinking of a place."

            Hana slumped helplessly. Where did she want to go? She had an epiphany. "I know!"

            "You thought of a place?" Changmin asked. "Let's head there right after I take this home." He held up a back in his hand. Hana could see the fish lying at the bottom of the bag. She eyed it cautiously but even if it did, the fish jumped dangerously and she clung to Changmin once again, this time hiding herself behind his back. Changmin laughed out hysterically.

            Hana slapped him. "Stop it." She quickly silenced herself when the old man gave her another angered look.

            Changmin bit his tongue to stop. "Let's go. Have a nice day, sir." He bowed low. Hana followed his every action. 

            In about half an hour, Hana found herself sitting on Changmin's couch. Changmin was in the kitchen putting the fish away. He kept it in a deep tub so that it wouldn't jump too much. 

            "Why did you take me to the fish market?" Hana complained. "I have never been so insulted in my life." She smelt her hair. "And I smell like fish."

            Changmin ignored her and sat on the same couch. "So where did you want to go?"

            "I want to watch a movie."

            Changmin scrutinised her. "Are you trying to take advantage of me?"

            "No!" Hana blurted, a little too suspiciously for Changmin. 

            Changmin eyed her. "I accept." He said afterwards.


            Changmin spread his arms widely. "Come at me, Hana."

            Hana smacked him on the head. "Are you crazy?" She yelled. "Do I have no pride to you?"

            "No." Changmin said bluntly. "From what I can see, you have a lot of pride."

            Satisfied, Hana grinned and slumped back into the couch. 

            "Now would you like anything to drink?" Changmin asked. Hana was lost. Weren't they going to the cinemas? Changmin left the couch and got a disc folder from his TV unit. "You pick the film, I'll get you your drinks. What would you like?"

            Hana sighed. "You are so dense."


            Hana shook her head. "It's nothing." Her face turned to the pile of discs to choose from. 

            "No, tell me." Changmin protested. "I want to know."

            "No it's okay."

            Changmin eyed her. "Tell me, Hana. What am I doing wrong?"

            Hana tried to phrase her words. "You said that this was a date right?" Changmin nodded so Hana continued. "Well, it doesn't feel like one."

            "What do you mean?"

            "The atmosphere lacks romance."

            Changmin shyly looked away from Hana. 

            "You lack a sense of love." Hana remembered all the times when he was oblivious towards her love for him. He was there when she cried. He caught her when she fell. He unknowingly comforted her when she was down. He was the man that she had fallen for. Not this Changmin sitting in front of her.

            "What do you want me to do then?" Changmin croaked. It was at this instant that Hana realised that Changmin was feeling extremely nervous.

            Of course the guys would feel it too. The butterflies in the stomach. The tingly sensation all around the body. She grabbed his shoulders softly. "Just ease yourself. Relax and go with the flow."

            Changmin twitched a little at the slight touch. He shook his head sadly. "I can't let my guard down. Not when I feel so insecure at the moment." Changmin eyed her and Hana saw the fear inside him. "Is it really alright that I changed my heart so quickly? Would you be alright knowing that this person here that you love, who used to love someone else, began to fall for you so easily?"

            Hana's heart pounded in her chest. 

            "My mother always had a change of heart." Changmin narrated. "She thought that she loved Kimmi's father but fell for mine. Not long after I was born, mum didn't love my father anymore. When I was 5 years of age, my parents divorced. Kimmi and I were separated. We didn't keep in touch until recently." Changmin's gaze showed only sadness. "And now, my mother still goes around looking for the right man for her. What if I become like her?"

            "You won't." Hana told him confidently. "If you fear that you are going to become like your mother, then you won't. This fear is a reminder of who you must not become."

            "But can you trust me, Hana?" Changmin asked hesitantly.

            "No, I can't." Hana admitted. "But maybe in future I will. Only time will tell." Hana suddenly lifted her hand and carressed his cheek. "But Changmin, Bob Marley once said: The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones who are worth suffering for. I am willing to suffer for you. So you should really be asking yourself, Changmin, would you be willing to suffer for me?"

            Changmin's hand laid itself on top of hers. "Yes. Yes I am." The smile he wore was overly teethy. "So Kim Hana, will you be my girlfriend?"

            The truth was, the place that Hana actually wanted to come to was Changmin's place. Too many times, he and her had cooped up inside Hana's bedroom to work on their assignment. Hana wanted to see his place for a change. And once again, Changmin had unknowingly led her here. She trusted his instincts. It was as if it was natural for him to please her. And so she nodded as a response. "There's no way I'm declining that offer."



                        "Minni, is your arm feeling much better now?" Narin asked as I entered the kitchen. It had been a few days and I was no longer wearing my arm sling. 

            "Yes I am, Ms. Narin." 

            "You can drop the formality, Minni."

            "It's okay. Can I help you with anything?"

            Narin smiled gently at me. "As long as you're always with Jaejoong, I will be forever grateful."       

            "I plan to forever be with Jaejoong." I told her directly. "Now how can I help you here?"

            Narin seemed pleased with my response. "I'm making some choc chip cookies. I've already made the batter. Would you like to roll them up into balls and place them on that tray?"

            "I'd love to."

            The cookies were done in no time and Narin suggested that I bring the cookies to him. I picked one up and put it on a plate. 

            "Only one, Minni?"

            "I'll come and get more later. This is just an entrée." I assured her. I eyed the plate mischieviously and walked upstairs to the study.     

            "Come in." I heard Jaejoong from the other side of the door after I had knocked. I let myself in and saw a warm smile grow on his face as I walked in. 

            I laid the plate on his table. "I brought you one cookie."

            "Only one?" He looked puzzled.

            "Of course." I said a bit too enthusiastically. "Just like last time."

            Jaejoong looked at it hopelessly. The cookie was much smaller than last time. He then chuckled. "So this is retaliation."


            "I'm not going to eat it." Jaejoong stated.

            I was stunned. Things were not going to my plan at all. "Why not?"

            "Not unless you feed me."

            I sighed feeling extremely disappointed with his response. But after some time, I reluctantly gave in. I held the cookie in front of his mouth but Jaejoong shook his head, dissatisfied. 

            "No." I protested, aware of precisely what he wanted me to do. 

            Jaejoong threw a pout at me. "Please."

            I sighed again, feeling dreadfully unfortunate. I was always giving into him. I put the cookie in my mouth and lowered down to his level. Our faces were a cookie-length apart. "Are you happy now?" I asked sullenly, still clenching the cookie with my teeth.

            Jaejoong smiled with his mouth and his eyes. He opened his mouth and took a big bite. Whilst enveloping the delicacy, I felt his lips touch mine. The cookie was quite small after all. I pulled back and felt my cheeks redden as I slowly chewed on my piece.

            I heard Jaejoong swallow. "Very." He had said straight after his mouth was empty.

            There was no way that I was letting him take advantage of me. I quickly pecked his soft plump lips, tasting the small crumbs that still lingered on them. "Good."

            I intended to pull back but Jaejoong wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tightly against him.

            "Jaejoong, let go and get on with your work." I struggled a little to escape him. However the truth was, I was loving our close encounter. 

            "Sit." Jaejoong suggested.

            "Sit where?" I was trapped between his legs and I couldn't get out of the embrace. How was I suppose to sit down?

            Jaejoong's arms guided me down and planted my behind on his left thigh. Once he felt that I was bearing more weight on him than the ground, he swivelled the chair to face his desk. His arms no longer wrapped tightly around me but they still enclosed me as Jaejoong fenced me in between him, his arms and the desk.

            "Jaejoong let me go." I said. "What if your father sees us?"

            "Why are you always trying to get away from me..." Jaejoong asked and jerked his leg suddenly. By reflex from a fear of falling, I wrapped my arms securely around his neck. Jaejoong laughed. "... when you want me so badly?"

            I tried to look angry as I let go of my hold. Then I turned away from him. I was not going to look at him. He always had his way when I did.

            "Aww, are you angry?" Jaejoong crooned as if he was talking to a baby. "Is my Minni angry at me?"

            "I'm not your Minni." I interjected, still not looking at him. 

            A sudden warm pressure was applied on both of my cheeks. "I've never seen you this mad before." I could hear the smile in his tone of voice. "It's quite cute."

            I stood up and tried not to show him my flushed face. "Stop teasing me." I muttered as I tried to escape from his prying hands. He put up a big fight. Ultimately, I ended up out of his grasps but tripped in the process. And as usual, Jaejoong was there cushioning my fall. 

            Out of concern, I immediately looked at him. His wide smile showed no pain. Before I could react, he twisted us around and loomed over me, pinning my arms above my head. I shouldn't have looked at him. Every time I did, the annoyance I felt would disappear into thin air. Every time I did, I couldn't help myself but feel all giddy inside. I was working hard to keep my smile hidden but it was screaming to let itself out. 

            "I want my five kisses now." He stated.

            "What?! No!" I panicked. "The deal was off, remember?"

            "Oh right, it was." Jaejoong suddenly remembered. "Looks like I'll just have to take it by force."

            He leaned in and I scrunched my eyes helplessly. The first was on the forehead. I opened my eyes and he gave me a seductive stare. I was at a lost of words. I wanted him to continue but I didn't want to give in to him. I didn't think that I would act this way ever in my entire life. 

            But Jaejoong took my silence as a cue to continue. He planted the next kiss on the tip of my nose. I stared at him without breaking a glance. The silence was deafening. I decided that it was time to stop. "Jaejoong, we should-"

            Jaejoong suddenly kissed me, just below the jawline. I in a breath and felt an adrenaline rush. Jaejoong felt my chest expand and press against his and he smiled. "Am I making you nervous?"

            "No." I squeaked. I gulped, hoping that my racing heart would subside a little. 

            He leaned in and this time, I was pretty sure that my lips were next but his lips touched the side of my lips. So close. He pulled back and gleamed at me. "I guess if your heart isn't shaking, I should stop."

            I bit my bottom lip, feeling a little disappointed. He was playing with me and I couldn't do anything about it. Now all I just wanted to do was taste his mouth but my body was pinned to the floor. Jaejoong hovered above me, not breaking his stance. 

            "Jaejoong." I heard myself whine a little. I was mentally kicking myself for sounding so desperate.

            "Yes?" He said playfully. I knew it. He wasn't going to do anything unless I ask him directly to.

            "Jaejoong." I repeated, sounding more urgent.

            "Minni, I'm listening."

            I closed my eyes, not believing what I was going to say next. I tried to swallow my pride and summon my courage. "Kiss me." After saying that, I opened my eyes again. Jaejoong was already leaning in. I watched his lips sensually, as if he was water I had been deprived of for ages. My happiness was already shining out of me when I felt his hot breath on my lips.    


            Jaejoong and I turned to see Mr. Kim in the room. Instinctively, we scrambled into a standing position and fixed our clothes and hair.

            We both bowed low. "I'm sorry." We both said in unison. I was genuinely sorry but Jaejoong's tone of voice was lifeless. I nudged him a little and he gave me a look. Even when we were simply looking at each other, I was finding it hard to break our glances.

            It was only until I heard Mr. Kim's light chuckle that we turned nervously to the front again. Jaejoong wrapped an arm securely around my shoulder. His father hadn't been home ever since Jaejoong had confessed to me so he was never really here to witness anything. And now he was here and I wasn't too certain that Jaejoong should be holding me in his arms.

            "I love Minni, father." Jaejoong said boldly. 

            His father nodded his head, as if he was contemplating. "I see."

            "And I need to report something to you as well." Jaejoong further stated. He turned to me and ushered me. "I need to talk to my father privately."

            I understood and gave him a warm smile. I freed myself from his arms and headed towards the door. Mr. Kim opened it for me. As he closed the door, I saw the spark of happiness on his face. I wonder when would he be able to show this kind of face to Jaejoong. It was clear to me that his father loved him just as much as I did.         


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20141026 Hi everyone! I have changed the name of the story. I felt like this title is more original and suits more to the story. Hope it's not too confusing ^^


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Chapter 45: " Happy now ?? "
" very "
"good "

damn why didn't i see this story till now ?
Chapter 40: I loved this story.Great writing skills I may add.I haven't seen a proper story of dbsk with conflicts and and very descriptive.Most just skip many details and it's very short.You take it step by step and the story tensed up slowly going to the end.I like that.I thorough;y enjoyed reading it.I hope you make more stories with dbsk in it.Love this. infinity out of 10.Haha
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 44: OMG! I finally finished this story! At first, i was kinfa 'eh' in reading the story cause i felt like its too slow but i gave it a chance and read it! Thank god I did cause the story is beautiful.
Chapter 41: your writing is good and i havent seen a dbsk story with good writing for a long time-i just dont like the plot. sorry
2025 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hello author-nim ^_^ this excluded chapter is really sweet and cute. Enjoyed reading it
chunnea #6
Chapter 43: This excluded part is cuutee~~heheh.
jejemine_90 #7
Hello author-nim, how are you? Just found this story and will start reading now. :)
2025 streak #8
Chapter 41: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading your story and I gotta say that it was really interesting. As I read, I predicted Yunho and Jaejoong as Jungwoo and Haeyoung but at times, I was thinking vice versa. Even though I started reading this story knowing Jaejoong is the main character, I still couldn't help myself from feeling 'Why does Yunho is always involved in a love triangle and in the end, loses the girl to the other?'... do you happen to have an answer author-nim?
Haha :D anyway, nice story ^_^
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana too ∩__∩
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana to ∩__∩