Thirtieth Chill

Hero of Ice

                        Jaejoong was in his father's office sorting through some paperwork while his father was absent. A sudden slam of the front door caught his attention. His house was always eerily silent so the noise startled him. He opened the office drawer and took out a small gun and fastened it in his belt loop. Slowly, he crept towards the office door and listened for activity outside the door. His eyes also searched outside the windows in case an intruder would enter that way.

            "What happened to her?" He heard Narin's voice from downstairs. She was appalled. 

            "She got shot." His father was home. "Open up a vacant room, Narin. And get what is necessary to remove the bullet."

            Jaejoong remembered that the box of equipment was in this office in a cupboard near the window. He quickly retrieved it and rushed outside to greet his father. By the time he was out of the office door, his father was already upstairs. Jaejoong didn't give his father the usual polite greeting. Instead, he dropped the box in his hand. It cracked opened and all the tools rattled when they hit the floor. "Minni." He gasped and rushed to her. "What did you do to her?" Jaejoong yanked the girl out of his father's grasps and followed Narin into a bedroom. 

            Jaejoong eyed the girl's body carefully. She was bleeding badly on her back right shoulder. So he laid her on the bed with her back up. His father shortly entered the room with the tools he had dropped. Jaejoong's gloved hands shook as he tore her clothing open to examine the wound. He used a part of the cloth to wrap it around her shoulder sealing the wound to only her right arm. With an alcohol swab, Jaejoong wiped the wound carefully hoping that she wouldn't wince too much at the pain. She appeared to be unconscious and that only concerned him even more.

            "Jaejoong, I will tend to her." His father offered.

            "No!" Jaejoong piped up. He grabbed a sterile needle, placed it on a clean syringe and inserted a local anaesthetic.

            "You're shaking. It's not safe for her." His father said.

            Jaejoong gave his father a glare that silenced him. "I can do this." He told his father coldly. "You were supposed to protect her and you couldn't even do that."

            Mr. Kim saw that his son was on the brink of tears and so he heaved a sigh. "I believe that you can do it too, Jaejoong. Just take a deep breath. If you really don't have feelings for her then you should be able to do it." He knew that that would do the trick. Mr. Kim watched as his son transformed at his father's last words. Jaejoong breathed in and out slowly once. He focused on the wound and injected the anaesthetic into her skin calmly.  His son was desperately trying to hide his feelings for her, he knew.

            Jaejoong squeezed the edges of the wound to allow the bullet to resurface a little. Then he grabbed a large tweezer and grabbed the bullet's rim and pulled it out. A large puddle of blood escaped. It was as if the bullet had plugged the blood down. It wouldn't stop bleeding. Jaejoong grabbed a thick amount of gauze and blanketed her wound. When the bleeding had eased, he stitched up the delicate skin and put on a strong, thick durable bandage.

            Narin tended to her whilst Jaejoong cleaned himself up and changed into a new set of clothes. He waited impatiently at the front of the bedroom door for Narin to finish. When she unlocked the door, Jaejoong dashed into the room, grabbed a chair leaning against the wall and sat beside Minni. The girl was lying comfortably on the bed, almost like a sleeping beauty. Her hair was sprawled in all directions but did not cover her face. Her hands were placed above the blanket, intricately on her chest. 

            Jaejoong realised that his father was nowhere in sight and broke down before the patient. "Come on, Minni." He muttered anxiously. "You have to live." His two hands shakily reached to clasp hers as his eyes closed. Despite his shut eyes, tears managed to escape. His breathing got heavier and heavier and soon enough, it was unstoppable and no longer in his control. "Please Minni. Please don't leave me." His wailing voice sounded deeper than usual due to his nasal congestion. He didn't want to see her in this condition. He brought her frail hand to his cheek.

            "Wake up Minni!" He croaked. "Wake up and come back to me." His shoulders shook as he placed her hand back on her chest. He leaned in and pressed his lips onto her forehead. A teardrop of his fell onto her left cheek. He retreated a little, only to be able to look closely at her sleeping face. "How do I live without you?" He whispered so that only the two of them could hear. 

            Realising that Minni wasn't going to gain consciousness soon, Jaejoong slumped on the chair and waited. Narin had informed him that his father had already left the house and she wasn't sure of his return. That only made Jaejoong carefree. Dinner came but he refused to go downstairs and eat. He didn't sleep a wink that night. His eyes were focused on the maiden on the bed. The sunbeams seeped through the curtains to announce the new dawn to him but the light he was desperately waiting for hadn't arrived yet. 

            And then during midday, Minni stirred. A glimmer of hope began to arise from within Jaejoong. He was ready to stand up but just couldn't do it. Not when he had been in the same position for almost a day. And when the young lady opened her eyes groggily, Jaejoong couldn't help but smile. His eyes blurred again but this time it was from the pure joy of one thought. She's awake. It was as if he was looking directly at the blinding sun. No, this was more than the sun. It was much brighter. 

            "Jaejoong." He heard her hoarse voice after a while. Even though it was dry, it was music to his ears. "Why are you crying?" Jaejoong couldn't even speak. Jaejoong heard the bed creak a little and then...

            "Ow!" Minni exclaimed. 

            "Are you alright, Minni?" Jaejoong shot up from his seat and went up to the bed but his legs felt like jelly. It was as if he had forgotten how to walk. He lost balance and fell onto the bed. He was relieved that he had not hit Minni as he fell. Slowly, he used his arm to wipe away the tears accumulating in his eyes. When his vision cleared, he searched for the look on Minni's face. 

            Minni had meant to reach out to him and wipe away his tears but a sudden excruciating pain erupted form her right shoulder when she had lifted herself up. Instead, she had instinctly yelped and hit the bed hard. She watched as Jaejoong had stumbled towards her within her reach. Watching Jaejoong eye her and knowing that her left arm was alright, she his soft black hair. "I'm okay, Jaejoong." She grinned at him. I have never been better.



                        "Father, I'm home." Yunho unlocked the door with a spare key card and let himself in. His father owned a stylish apartment complex in the heart of Seoul. Despite the extravagent interior arrangement, he was greeted with silence. His father was not home. And Yunho had told him that he would be home today. He frowned grimly. 

            There was a beep at the door and a man entered. He stopped abruptly when he saw Yunho in front of him. He smiled happily at him. "I didn't think you'd be here so early in the morning."

            Yunho smiled as well. "I'm home, father."

            "Come in." He said. "I bought some pastries from the local bakery for you. Have you eaten?"

            The two removed their shoes. Yunho grabbed the groceries and brought it to the kitchen counter. After he helped his father put everything away, he opened the paper bag and took a bite of the pastry. "This is delicious."

            "I know. I haven't eaten it in a while." Yunho's father said. "So what brings you to Seoul? Generally you would go wherever-"

            "Minni's in Seoul." Yunho broke off. "I'm going to find her."

            His father chuckled lightly. "Well, while you're here, why don't you venture around the city as well?"

            "Sounds like a great idea." Yunho stated. "Are you really busy at the moment, father?"

            He gave a nod. "I might be able to make an available day just for you."

            "Cool, just confirm with me with the date." Yunho said.

            He ruffled his son's hair. "I sure will." He beamed at his boy. "Now why don't you go unpack? I'll make us something to eat."

            "Okay." Yunho said cheerfully. He was about to rush into his room until he heard his father's phone buzz. 

            "Hello?" His father said sternly. He was in business mode. "What happened?"

            Yunho looked at his father, searching for a sign of help. His father saw him watching and waved him off. Yunho decided to follow his father's orders and continued on into his room. 



                        Hana was still curious about the things concerning Minji. She knocked onto her mother's office door and entered. Her mother was at the desk but she didn't appear to be doing anything. 

            "Mum. Can I ask you something about Minji?"

            Her mother eyed her lovingly. "What is it?"

            "I want to know about her past, in detail. Can you tell me the whole story?"

            Her mum sighed. "Take a seat down Hana. I'll tell you what I know."

            Hana sat down and listened intently.

            "All I know was that, on Minji's birthday she returned home to see her parents brutally murdered. A couple of men were waiting for her as well, to finish her off but her uncle stepped in to save her. Her house along with her parents burnt down that night. The firefighters came on time to rescue the corpses from the building but the house was uninhabitable. Her uncle brought her here because we were the only family that she had left that the media did not know about. I had cut ties with her mother a long time ago. He then filed Song Minji as a missing child to keep her safe. He intended to find the perpertrators before he came back to get her."

            "They still haven't found the criminals responsible for this?" Hana asked, astonished.

            Her mother shook her head. "But I suspect that her uncle has some idea now. He's been regularly calling me to check up on her now and then. I think it's almost time for her to go home."

            "So in the end, Minji is going to leave us." Hana couldn't help but feel sad. 

            "Yes." The mother said. "I'm pretty sure that she is the only sole inheritor of Song hospital." 

            Hana frowned. "I think that I'm going to miss her."

            Her mother rose from her seat and embraced her daughter. "I think I'll miss her too."

            At that moment, Hana's phone rang. Her mum released her as hhe picked up and put the phone to her ear. "Hello?"

            "Get dressed and come out." Changmin said hastily through the phone.


             "Just hurry up." Changmin voice quivered.

            Hana felt it was strange. "Where are you? Are you outside?"

            "Well." He said. "I'm kind of at your front door."

            Shocked, Hana shot up and ran downstairs and opened the front door.

            He was right there staring at her. And she was there in her pajamas and no make up. Anxious, she backed away a little. "Let yourself in, I'm going to get dressed." She started to sprint upstairs.

            "Wait." Changmin grabbed her by the wrist. "Don't go too heavy on the makeup. I think it'll suit you better."

            Hana suddenly blushed. "Let go." She squeaked releasing herself from him. She then sprinted upstairs.



                        I was able to get out of bed the next day. The only sign that showed that I was still wounded was an arm sling supporting my right arm. Narin helped me into the most fitting clothing. During the evening when Mr. Kim had returned home, Narin accompanied me as I walked downstairs for dinner. Jaejoong was already at the dining table. He looked up at me and was appalled. I was after all, in a baggy set of overalls and a comfortable tee. I felt Jaejoong's stare and sheepishly approached the table. 

            "Good evening, Minni." Mr. Kim was seated at the head chair of the dining table. "How are you feeling today?"

            I gave him a polite nod. "I am well. Thank you, Mr. Kim, for helping me."

            "Oh, I don't know if you should be thanking me." Mr. Kim interjected. "I wasn't the one who tended to your wounds, Minni."

            I looked at Jaejoong. He failed to meet my eyes. "So it's true then." I said and couldn't contain my smile. "You have an extraordinary son, sir."

            Jaejoong's father gave me a proud look. "I see that you have read the article."

            "Yes. I have." I admitted. "But I can't help but feel that Jaejoong is capable of so much more."

            "He is." Mr. Kim stated simple.

            Jaejoong eyed me with a look of terror. He must feel like he was all exposed right now. He cleared his throat. "Father, I think we should start on dinner before it gets cold."

            His father gave me a mischievous smirk and I ree back. He grabbed the spoon and started to eat. I looked at Jaejoong and caught that he was already watching me. He twitched a little and then turned to his bowl and began to eat as well. I decided that I should join them. 

            "Minni, you do know that we're not taking your case lightly?" Mr. Kim stated. "We have known for the past few months that someone is after your life. And because of your injury yesterday, the perpertrators managed to escape again. I really hope that you would cooperate with the police force and provide us with as much information as possible."

            I nodded. But I won't reveal anything yet, not until I have met my uncle first. "I will tell you when I feel that I am ready."

            "We won't force anything out of you but it would be wise to consider who may be the prime suspects." Mr. Kim suggested. "For starters, who knew exactly where you were when you were captured and put into the van?"

            There was only one person I could think of and it was someone I had grown to trust: my auntie. No, it can't be. We were beginning to understand each other. But it fit perfectly. She had hated my mother and mistreated me. I didn't say anything though. I needed to be a bit more sure.             

            "Whenever you're ready, Minni." Mr. Kim said.

            I saw how Jaejoong kept giving his father an angry gaze and felt agitated. But then again, Mr. Kim didn't seem to mind how his son treated him. 

            Breakfast ended in no time and the elder man left the room for his study. 

            "Minni." Jaejoong began. 

            "Jaejoong, I would like to talk to your father for a moment."

            Jaejoong didn't seem too happy with the idea but he didn't protest either. I knocked on the door, entered the study and shut the door behind me.

            Mr. Kim was slightly astounded to find me in his office. "Minni, you should be getting some rest."

            "Mr. Kim, I would like to ask you something." I began. "Is there something wrong between you and Jaejoong?"

            "There is nothing wrong. I am quite happy at the moment, Minni.?" I did see that his eyes were bright. "Why do you ask?"

            I radiated his happiness I couldn't help myself but ask. "Is there a reason why you're so happy?"

            "Isn't it obvious, Minni?" He stated blankly. "Why, it's because you're here. With you here Jaejoong is more, how do I put it..." He thought for a second. "Alive."

            "So you're happy because Jaejoong is happy?"

            "Precisely!" Mr. Kim exclaimed. "I rarely get to see a gleam in his eyes, Minni."

            I found myself giggling. "Like father, like son." I said.

            "What do you mean?"

            I guess it would be hard for others to pin point the similarities between the two but there was a characteristic that both Mr. Kim and Jaejoong had. Just as Jaejoong had acted as a bad guy to me, his father acted as a bad father towards him as well. "What about your own happiness, Mr. Kim?" I asked.

            "I just told you that I was happy."

            "No. From what I've heard, you were happy because Jaejoong was happy." I explained. "You act like you're such a bad parent when actually, you love your son so much. I don't think that you're truly happy, not unless Jaejoong acknowledges that you love him. You won't be truly happy unless Jaejoong is no longer angry at you."

            Mr. Kim turned away and looked out the window at the cloudy sky. "He has a right to be angry at me, Minni."

            "And everyone has a right to be happy, Mr. Kim." I said. 

            "Can you do me a favour then?" He asked. "Please, instead of telling this old man the words he wants to hear, can you go to Jaejoong?"

            My eyes widened and my heart leapt for a second. I quickly hid my shock and tried to act normal. "If that is what you want, then I will go." I respectfully replied. "But please, keep reaching out to him." I bowed low and left the room. 

            I didn't know where to look for Jaejoong and so I just went back to my room. At the door of my room, Jaejoong stood there, impatiently waiting. I smiled at the thought of him waiting for me. 

            Jaejoong looked up at me and smirked. "I think I've told you this before, but you look ridiculous in those overalls."

            My smile disappeared. "Well unfortunately, I lost my baggage." I stated. My phone with the snowflake phone charm was missing as well. I grew sad when I became aware of that. 

            "The only thing you own now is your necklace."

            I put my left hand to my throat. It was my snowflake necklace. I stuffed it into my t-shirt.

            "I don't know why you're hiding it now. I've noticed it ever since we stayed overnight on the boat." He tried to give me a erted look but I knew him too well. 

            I ignored everything and cleared my throat. "Yeah, I really like it."

            "Come with me." Jaejoong blurted out of the blue. 

            I looked at him, lost. "Where?"

            "You'll see." Jaejoong said.

            I shrugged and complied. Thinking that we were going outside, I turned towards the stairs and took a step. I felt a sudden tug behind me and looked there. Jaejoong was holding me back by my overall strap. His grip felt quite tight and strangely familiar. I gave him a perplexed look.

            "Minni, you're in a t-shirt." Jaejoong told me. He took off his brown woolly cardigan and placed it on my shoulders. "Now come this way."

            He held me by the wrist this time. Was he taking me to his room or something? We weren't heading towards the stairs at all. I then saw a door at one end with frosted glass windows. Jaejoong opened it and led me into it. 

            I awed once I saw where we were. It was a grand balcony with every pillar and every rail wrapped with roses. The thorns were unmissable but the blood red and pure white flowers were beautiful. I admired them so much that I didn't even notice that Jaejoong had led me to a wooden bench. 

            I sat down but didn't take my eyes off the breathtaking sight. "This must have required a lot of time and patience." I commented. "I can tell that the gardener must have put a lot of love into these roses."

            "The gardener abandoned these roses for three whole years." Jaejoong couldn't help but feel proud. "And yet, when he came back, they still bloomed for him."

            I looked at him, lost for words. "Is there anything you can't do, Jaejoong?"

            "Of course." Jaejoong said. "I am only human, Minni."

            Of course he was. He could still feel pain and he wasn't perfect. He could still make mistakes. He had regrets. And from I have known so far, Jaejoong like me, had a dark past.

            "What are you thinking about?" Jaejoong asked me. We had returned home and were resting at a secluded balcony in his house. The sun was setting warmly in the sky.

            "Jaejoong." I asked. "Why did you run away from home three years ago? Why are you angry at your father?"

            Jaejoong stared out into the horizon. "Have you ever tried to impress someone who hated you, Minni?" I didn't respond and so he continued. "I have. For fifteen years, I waited for my father to love me back. I respected his every decision and tried to see everything from his point of view. But in the end, he did something unforgivable."

            "What did he do?" I asked curiously.

            Jaejoong turned back to look at me. "I can't tell you that."

            "Was it that bad?"

            Jaejoong only nodded, not breaking his glance. 

            I felt enchanted by his stare. "Jaejoong. Now it's your turn." I tried to ignore my heart hammering in my chest. "Tell me. What are you thinking about?" 


            He just ruined the moment. "Well, you sound conceited." I spoke bluntly.

            "What I have been doing for the past eighteen years." He elaborated. "I feel like I have been lying to myself for so long. I feel that I am hurting my heart because I keep ignoring its wishes. It's aching so bad and I don't know what I should do."

            "Let it all out." I said. "Give yourself a break, Jaejoong. It wouldn't hurt to ease yourself a little. Listen to your heart and follow what it says." 

            Jaejoong closed his eyes for one second and took a deep breath. "I love you Minni." He blurted. "I'm not going to lie to myself any longer." He opened his eyes. "You made me fall in love with you, Minni."

            I was speechless. He said that he loved me. Was he playing with me at the moment? I looked into his eyes, searching for a sign. But in the end, I discovered nothing. My heart began to race as I sought through my mind for the words I wanted to say. But I didn't know what to say so I just looked at him, letting his words sink in.

            Jaejoong's cheek grew warmer. He looked down a little at my lips. "I really want to kiss you at the moment."

            I looked at his lips as well.   

            "Pull away if you want." He insisted and leaned in slowly.

            But I wanted it as badly as he did. Instead of pulling back, I leaned in as well and sealed our lips. His soft lips only tempted me more. I on his upper lip and then opened up a little. His warm tongue inserted itself into my mouth, searching for mine. I felt a sudden electrical signal shoot in all directions in my body. My hand found his hair and clasped it tight. His two hands cupped the sides of my chin and tilted my head up. Our bodies moved towards each other and pressed tightly against each other.

            We didn't pull away, not until we were short of breath. Our breathing rate was fast but I tried to catch my breath as soon as possible. I needed to let it all out as well. I needed to tell him what my heart was saying. I laughed and beamed at him ecstatically. "You made me fall in love with you too, Jaejoong." This time, he was rendered speechless. "I love you too."      







Eeeeeek! I kind of cringed whilst writing this chapter. 

But hey! What is romance without something like that?

At last, after 30 chapters!!! I am sooooo happy.

Will update soon!


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20141026 Hi everyone! I have changed the name of the story. I felt like this title is more original and suits more to the story. Hope it's not too confusing ^^


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Chapter 45: " Happy now ?? "
" very "
"good "

damn why didn't i see this story till now ?
Chapter 40: I loved this story.Great writing skills I may add.I haven't seen a proper story of dbsk with conflicts and and very descriptive.Most just skip many details and it's very short.You take it step by step and the story tensed up slowly going to the end.I like that.I thorough;y enjoyed reading it.I hope you make more stories with dbsk in it.Love this. infinity out of 10.Haha
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 44: OMG! I finally finished this story! At first, i was kinfa 'eh' in reading the story cause i felt like its too slow but i gave it a chance and read it! Thank god I did cause the story is beautiful.
Chapter 41: your writing is good and i havent seen a dbsk story with good writing for a long time-i just dont like the plot. sorry
2028 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hello author-nim ^_^ this excluded chapter is really sweet and cute. Enjoyed reading it
chunnea #6
Chapter 43: This excluded part is cuutee~~heheh.
jejemine_90 #7
Hello author-nim, how are you? Just found this story and will start reading now. :)
2028 streak #8
Chapter 41: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading your story and I gotta say that it was really interesting. As I read, I predicted Yunho and Jaejoong as Jungwoo and Haeyoung but at times, I was thinking vice versa. Even though I started reading this story knowing Jaejoong is the main character, I still couldn't help myself from feeling 'Why does Yunho is always involved in a love triangle and in the end, loses the girl to the other?'... do you happen to have an answer author-nim?
Haha :D anyway, nice story ^_^
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana too ∩__∩
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana to ∩__∩