Twentyninth Chill

Hero of Ice

                        Yunho sped towards Minni's house and knocked on the door. It was a cold Saturday night and he shook as he waited for the door to open. Junsu opened up cautiously. Realising that it was Yunho on the other side of the door, he let him in. 

            "Where is Minni?" Yunho asked immediately even before stepping into the warm house. When he walked in he made sure to lock the door. 

            Junsu wiped his eyes as if he had just woke up. "Minji went to Seoul with mum." He said groggily.


            Junsu jerked awake. "I mean Minni." He laughed it off. "I was watching a drama and the main girl was called Minji."

            "Ahhh." Yunho said. "Why is she going to Seoul?"

            "Mum wants to visit a relative there and didn't want to go alone. Minni was willing to go along." Junsu fibbed. "Did you want a hot drink?"

            Yunho found himself in the kitchen with Junsu. "It's quite alright." He smiled at the boy. "I better head home now."

            "But you just got here."

            "I'm sorry to come so late at night. I'll let myself out." He dashed out of the kitchen and stopped in his tracks. There was a human silhouette in the dark living room. He was about to shout in shock but Junsu saw the figure as well.

            "Hana! I thought you would be in your bedroom by now." Junsu exclaimed. "What are still you doing here?"

            "Nothing." She croaked. Yunho knew that she was not alright but he didn't want to be meddlesome. He left the house quietly as Junsu comforted his sister.

            Once Yunho reached his car, he whipped out his phone and dialled a number. He spoke when he heard the person pick up. "Father, I am on holidays now. Do you mind if I visit you in Seoul?"

            "Yunho, I won't have much time to spend with you if you come over. You do know that right?"

            "Yeah, I just wanted a change of air." Yunho said.

            His father gave in to him easily. "Okay, just send me a message when you get here."

            Yunho ended the call and sat in the car for a while. They were almost graduating. He intended to confess to Minni after they had graduated but it wouldn't hurt if he did it a few months earlier.

            His phone rang in the silence and he picked it up without looking at the screen.

            "Why didn't you take Kimmi home?" Yoochun spoke on the other line.

            "I'm sorry Yoochun. I should have but I was in a rush. I owe her a lot." Yunho admitted. 


            "Here's some advice for you." Yunho began. "Stop watching her from the sidelines and start loving her."

            "How did you know?" Yoochun asked.

            "It's hurts when your love isn't returned. But it's hurts more when you can't love them with all of your heart." Yunho told him. "That's what Kimmi taught me." And he hung up on his caller.

            Yoochun stared at his phone screen and then he stared at the end of the street. Kimmi was walking home in the dark. Yoochun took quiet steps behind her. He looked at her shoulders that were slumped forward. That meant that she was in a miserable moment. She had lost a lot of meat tending to Yunho. He didn't like it. He wanted the chubby Kimmi to come back. 

            Kimmi paused in her tracks and Yoochun did the same, trying to keep a safe distance from her. "Yoochun! Where are you, you idiot?!" She yelled at the night sky. "How dare you leave me alone! Did you want me to cry? You know I cry when there's no one around."

            Yoochun smiled, hiding behind a thick street pole. 

            "Wait until I find you, you're dead meat, you hear me?" Kimmi sneered in the darkness but then her voice softened. "Yoochun, Yunho doesn't love me. I am certain of it now." He heard her sniffing. "Yoo- chun- Yunho doesn't love me, do you hear me Yoo- chun-?" She said between sniffles. "Yoo- chun- get your pretty boy face here so I- I can kill you right now." She slumped to the ground hopelessly. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT, YOOCHUN!!!"

            Yoochun saw the lights turn on in various houses. "Who is making such a racket outside? Does she not know that people need to sleep?" He heard an elder man say.

            Quickly, Yoochun ran up to the girl, grabbed her hand and pulled her up. "Kimmi, we have to go." Yoochun said and ignoring her shocked expression, he dragged her with him. 

            He lead her to a convenience store and bought two rainbow icecreams.

            "I see your evil plot already, Yoochun." Kimmi said. "You plan of getting me fat again. I worked hard to lose this weight."

            Yoochun gave one packet to her and opened the other in his hand. "Stop complaining and just eat it." He said. Before she could utter another word, he stuffed the icecream he had just opened into . She held it with a bite and Yoochun took the ice cream in her hand and claimed it as his own. "Very adorable." He said as he opened the second packet.

            Kimmi gave him a glare. 

            "I'll let you kill me when you finish your ice cream." Yoochun said, unaffected by her deadly eyes.

            Kimmi punched him before he could take a bite. "You said that he will like me back." She punched him again. "First you said that you liked me." She threw another one at him. "Then you said that you didn't like me." She looked at her ice cream. "Why do you keep lying to me Yoochun?"

            Yoochun forced a smile, just to lift the heavy atmosphere. "You're right. I've been lying to you all this time Kimmi." He said.

            "You're a despicable human being." Kimmi commented but Yoochun knew that she was joking. 

            "I'll tell you the truth for once then." Yoochun added.

            Kimmi watched him intently.

            "I love you Kimmi, with all of my heart." Yoochun confessed. "Even if Yunho doesn't love you. Even if the world sees Minni as the brighter star than you. Just know that my heart chose you Kimmi." Yoochun rambled on. "And if I am important to you at all, then I should be able to make you feel a little better. Please tell me that I have even the smallest impact on you."

            Kimmi did feel a little better. She nodded.

            Yoochun smiled. It felt better to let it all out. "And even if you're chubbier than most people. Even if you wear a hideous bun to school every day. Even if you don't do so well at school. Even if you eat like a pig. Even if I look a gazillion times better than you..."

            "Yoochun." Kimmi said sternly, feeling extremely offended.

            "I still and will always love you, Kimmi." Yoochun finished before she could bash him.



                        "You're leaving me too!" I boomed in the patients room.

            Haeyoung scrunched his nose at me. "Of course I'm leaving." He said, packing the little luggage he had. "I have a family you know?"

            "But you've been here for almost a year now." I stammered. "Why are you leaving me like Jungwoo?" I was a bad cry baby back then. I was already crying. "You're the only friend I have left."

            Haeyoung came up to be and hit me lightly on the shoulder. "Hey! You sook." He stated. "I thought you said we were friends."

            "We are!" I wailed, crying even harder.

            Haeyoung breathed in frustratedly. "Friends let their friends go home, you know?"

            "But you're not coming back. And that makes me sad." My cries were just getting louder and louder.

            Haeyoung bit the sides of his cheeks. "You're so stupid." He muttered to himself but I had heard it.

            "Now you're calling me stupid as well!" I whined.

            Haeyoung had had enough. He knocked on my forehead. "Do you have a brain in there?" He exclaimed. "Who said I'm not coming back? Huh?"

            My voice died down a little and I stared at him, confused. "But you said you were leaving." I whimpered. 

            I think he was annoyed at my stupidity. "I'll come back to visit." He enlightened me. "I can't spend my whole life, living in a hospital so I'm going home. But I'll come back and visit because I want to wait for Jungwoo too."

            My eyes brightened at his words. "Really?"

            Haeyoung only nodded. 

            "Promise?" I held out my pinkie.

            Haeyoung looked at me. It was his turn to be confused. 

            I took his hand and extended his pinkie. Then I wrapped it around mine. "There. We made a pinky promise."

            Haeyoung then pulled his hand back, blushing a shade of red. He wouldn't look me in th eye.

            I smiled cheerfully at him. "So cute!" I grabbed both of his cheeks and pinched them.

            "Ahhh!" He cried at the sudden pain. "Let go of me, Minji."

            I did but grabbed his shoulders. He was slightly shorter than me. "I have decided." I beamed at him ecstatically. "I will make you best man at my wedding with Jungwoo."

            "That's my choice, not yours." Haeyoung rebutted. He eyed me strangely. "Can you stop smiling at me? It gives me the creeps."

            I bit my lip and tried hard to suppress my smile. "I'm so happy that you chose to be my friend." I couldn't help but say.



                        The beeping from the surrounding cars were deafening. I was not used to the noise. It had been a while since I had stepped foot in Seoul. I know for one thing that it was very loud. The traffic jam could not be helped. 

            "We'll be there shortly." My auntie told me, keeping her eye on the road. 

            I looked around at the novel environment and then clung to my bag tightly. I was fearful of my little endeavour. I knew that I would be safe once I was with my uncle. 

            "Your uncle told me to drop you off at the hospital and he would pick you up from there." My auntie explained. "He said that he had a meeting there at around this time."

            "Okay." I breathed deeply to calm myself down. 

            She pulled over at the hospital entrance and I let myself out.

            "I'll see you in a week Minji." She tried to smile but her face still looked quite stern. 

            I smiled sweetly at her efforts. "I'll see you in a week, auntie." 

            She cleared and looked forward. She then closed the open car window and drove off. 

            My uncle would be here soon. I just had to wait. I found a vacant bench in front of the hospital and sat there. I looked at the entrance of the hospital. My uncle was going to come out of the sliding doors soon. There was so much I wanted to ask him. But a part of me wanted to return home quickly so that I could get some money and search for Jaejoong in this huge city. 

            I felt cold metal near the side of my neck and turned around. "I was wondering when you would come home, Song Minji." It was the man from the cliff. I would never forget his low voice. "Did you miss me?"

            I turned to the face the hospital entrance only to see that it was blocked by a van just a few metres in front of me. Several men surrounded me and dragged me into the van before anyone could see me. "Where are you taking me?" I asked the only man I knew in the vehicle. He no longer wore his mask and I saw his gaunt features. Not only was his figure extremely thin, his cheeks were hollow making his face look ghostly. His hair was no longer long and messy but now neatly cut and bleached white blonde. It was very strange because he appeared to be my auntie's age.

            "I'm taking you to see your parents of course." He said greasily. "Aren't you delighted?"

            Before I could say anything, the car stopped suddenly. I fell forward hitting the seat in front of me.

            "What's going on?" The blondie said.

            "The car in front of us just stopped." Another said.

            "Just reverse and take a different route." Blondie ordered.

            "But there's a car behind us, Sangwoo." The man said.

            So his name was Sangwoo.

            "Okay, just act normal." Sangwoo looked at me. "And if you talk, I'll kill you here and now."

            Someone approached the van and knocked on the driver's window. Sangwoo put the knife behind me. I couldn't talk. 

            "What's the matter?" The driver asked. 

            "I think my car tyre is flat. Do you have a spare?" The man outside sounded familiar.

            "No we don't." The driver answered. 

            "That is a shame." The man said. "Do you have a phone by any chance? I forgot to bring mine and I need to make a phone call."

            The driver tried to hide his irritation as he handed his phone to the stranger outside. I heard the man walk away to make his call. He returned after a while and put his hand with the phone into the vehicle but didn't give it back yet. He put his head in and examined the people in the car.

            I saw his face and tried my best not to be too shocked.

            "She's a pretty lady. Where are you taking her?" Mr. Seungheon said. His friendly voice was now deadly as toxin. 

            Sangwoo grip on me tightened. I knew that I was going to be taken as hostage. I heard a rustle behind me and whipped around to see a man in black emerge from a sheet of plastic. Before Sangwoo turned to follow my gaze, Mr. Seungheon released a fume ball into the vehicle. The air in the van was cloudy making it impossible for anyone to see anything. But the man behind me knocked the knife away from me and tugged me out of Sangwoo's grasp. He opened the back of van and rushed me out. 

            "The chief said we have to escape through that car." The man pointed to the vehicle behind the van. 

            I nodded and decided to work with him. I took a glance at Mr. Seungheon and saw Sangwoo's face appear at the window of the van. He forced the window open and aimed the gun at him.

            "Mr. Seungheon!" Instinctively, I broke free and dashed towards the man. Mr. Seungheon had also taken out his gun and was ready to fire as well. I ran up and shielded him. And then I heard a painful, ear-shrieking bang.



                        Changmin was out shopping on a chilly night. His mother was working busily and didn't have time to make dinner so he had offered to make dinner instead. He turned a corner and stopped in his tracks. Hana was frozen in her spot looking at him. It had been two days since that night. Changmin swore that she had been stuck in his head ever since he had kissed her. He found himself thinking of her more than anyone else. And here she was and he wanted to talk to her so badly.

            But before he could greet her, she ran off in the opposite direction.

            "Hana, wait!" Changmin shouted from behind her and starting chasing after her.

            His words only encouraged her to run faster. 

            "Hana, stop!" Changmin bellowed, dropping his groceries because it was getting in the way. He accelerated in an instant and wrapped his arms tightly around her.

            "Let go of me!" Hana struggled to break free as she began crying again. Her face was a mess. She didn't want him to see her in this state. 

            "No!" Changmin yelled at the top of his lungs. "I am not letting go of you. Not unless you promise not to run away from me."

            "Changmin let go of me now!" Hana attempted to wriggle her arms out of his grasps.

            "Say that again and I'll kiss you again."

            Hana froze. She twisted her head to look at Changmin and saw the seriousness on his face. Changmin eyed the girl he thought was so strong. He thought that she was a girl who had a heart that could not be shaken. Now he knew how wrong he was. Her teary face only reflected despair and her eyes were telling him how fragile her resolve was. She didn't know what she was supposed to do. 

            "Do you really love me, Hana?" He asked straight-fowardly and loosened his grip on her.

            Hana couldn't answer him. She didn't know what she was supposed to say. She wanted to be honest with him but she didn't want him to worry about her feelings, not when she knew that he loved Minni. 

            "I-" She stuttered. A slight drizzle began to rain over the couple. Hana felt like each drop that hit her was pushing her on to give him a response but she still didn't know what to say. "I-"

            A flash of lightening struck the sky and thunder followed shortly after. "Please look at me directly." Changmin requested. The sky was littered with heavy raindrops by now. 

            Hana cried, feeling more pressurised. She was so glad that the rain was camouflaging her tears. Her eyes gave him an expressionless look. But she had decided that she was going to confess her feelings to him again. She wanted to be true to herself. She opened , ready to give him a reply but he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. He pulled away and saw the look of horror on her face. "No." She said instead. "I don't love you." She couldn't let him take advantage of her all the time. 

            "You're lying." Changmin stated plainly. 

            Hana whipped her whole body around so that she could look at him properly. "No I am not!" She exclaimed forcefully. 

            "You can't fool me this time just because I can't read you." Changmin tightened his arms around her again. "The water on your cheeks were salty. They were tears."

            Hana stared blankly at him. A deep red blush then formed on her face. "Let go of me." She said again before she could stop herself. Hastily, she shut her eyes as she saw Changmin advance on her. But he didn't do anything. 

            She slowly opened her eyes again to see Changmin watching her patiently. He broke the silence. "Hana, I'm sorry." He apologised. "I'm sorry that I am hurting you but I'm also sorry for kissing you as well. I have shown you no respect and I promise that I won't do it again unless I am sure."

            Hana looked up at him, puzzled. "Sure? Sure about what?"

            "Sure that I love you." Changmin said bluntly. He gave her a sad look. "So please don't ignore me. I don't like it."

            Hana looked away and bit her lip, trying to hide her smile. At the very least, he wanted her to be around him. She nodded as a reply. "Okay."

            Changmin was happy that Hana and him were back on speaking terms but there was something that was troubling him. He was scared of these new feelings that were beginning to emerge inside him. He somehow felt terribly selfish.



                        My right shoulder blade hurt a lot when I stirred. My eyes slowly opened. It felt warm and comforting where I was, like a dream. I didn't want to wake up but I looked around. The room was bright. The walls were white. The carpet was a creamy beige. The bed frame was made of silver rails. The curtains draping the window was a soft ivory colour. Even the sheets wrapped around me were a clean white. The chair beside the bed was made out of wood of the lightest shade. And sitting on the chair was Jaejoong clothed in pure white. But what shone the most in the room was the smile on his teary face.

            If this was a dream, then please don't let me ever wake up.





I tried to update as soon as possible. 

Just letting you know that there is a poll in the previous chapter. Please do it if you haven't done so.

Let me know if this chapter is to your liking or not.

I hope to update soon again. 


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20141026 Hi everyone! I have changed the name of the story. I felt like this title is more original and suits more to the story. Hope it's not too confusing ^^


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Chapter 45: " Happy now ?? "
" very "
"good "

damn why didn't i see this story till now ?
Chapter 40: I loved this story.Great writing skills I may add.I haven't seen a proper story of dbsk with conflicts and and very descriptive.Most just skip many details and it's very short.You take it step by step and the story tensed up slowly going to the end.I like that.I thorough;y enjoyed reading it.I hope you make more stories with dbsk in it.Love this. infinity out of 10.Haha
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 44: OMG! I finally finished this story! At first, i was kinfa 'eh' in reading the story cause i felt like its too slow but i gave it a chance and read it! Thank god I did cause the story is beautiful.
Chapter 41: your writing is good and i havent seen a dbsk story with good writing for a long time-i just dont like the plot. sorry
2028 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hello author-nim ^_^ this excluded chapter is really sweet and cute. Enjoyed reading it
chunnea #6
Chapter 43: This excluded part is cuutee~~heheh.
jejemine_90 #7
Hello author-nim, how are you? Just found this story and will start reading now. :)
2028 streak #8
Chapter 41: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading your story and I gotta say that it was really interesting. As I read, I predicted Yunho and Jaejoong as Jungwoo and Haeyoung but at times, I was thinking vice versa. Even though I started reading this story knowing Jaejoong is the main character, I still couldn't help myself from feeling 'Why does Yunho is always involved in a love triangle and in the end, loses the girl to the other?'... do you happen to have an answer author-nim?
Haha :D anyway, nice story ^_^
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana too ∩__∩
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana to ∩__∩